chapter 19: what jesus did

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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Chapter 19: What Jesus Did. John the Baptist. Read page 340-341 Matthew 3:1-12 - He was a Levite (Exodus 32-priestly tribe) - hundreds came to John to confess their sins - his ministry fulfilled the prophecy that Elijah would return and “turn the hearts” of the people. John the Baptist. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Matthew 3:1-12

- He was a Levite (Exodus 32-priestly tribe)- hundreds came to John to confess their sins- his ministry fulfilled the prophecy that Elijah would return and “turn the hearts” of the people


His Mission: 1. reform moral lives of Jewish people; get them spiritually ready to accept Messiah2. point out Christ to Jews

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt 3:2) – similar to Elijah

•Clothed with camel hair, leather belt around waist, ate locusts and wild honey

BAPTISM Matt 3:11 – “I baptize you with water for

repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I…He will baptize with the Holy Spirit”

Even pagan cultures practiced a type of baptism before Christianity


Spiritual cleansing = baptisms took care of ritual repentance, not moral cleansing, it was symbolic but didn’t actually take away sins

Sacramental baptism = our sins are actually forgiven and receive God’s grace

*Immersion symbolizes death of old person and come up as resurrection

WHY JESUS WAS BAPTIZED? Jesus’ manifestation! JC baptism by John identifies us as

sinners John anointed Jesus for his ministry The Spirit came to Jesus as it had to the

kings of Israel when they were anointed New Creation

Start of public ministry Baptism is like the great flood…why?


Matthew 4:1-11 Mark 1:12-13 Luke 4:1-131. Jesus prepares for his ministry by

fasting in the wilderness2. Symbolic # 40 recalls what? 3. Jesus overcomes the temptations that

Adam and Israel could not resist


1. command stones to become loaves of bread

2. throw self down from pentacle and angels will save you

3. bow down and worship the devil, then receive all kingdoms of the worlds


• Economic/Material Power• Temptation of gluttony or anything we crave

• Focus on body and sacrifice the soul• Adam tempted through belly and failed • Christ won over Satan by self control

• Deuteronomy 8:3 (Matt. 4:4) “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone; but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God’.”

SECOND TEMPTATION • Magical Power • Temptation of vain/glory• use God’s power for self glory • Satan can’t push Jesus off temple devil can

persuade but can’t make us sin• Leaves out Psalm 91

• (Matt.4:6) “For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.”

• “You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.”

THIRD TEMPTATION• Political Power• Temptation of ambition• Satan is liar promising kingdoms that only God can give Psalm 91 is fulfilled• Also tempting because it completes Jesus’ mission, (but not

in the right way).

• Deut. 6-8 is only other place in Scripture that God is tested

SHEMA: DEUTERONOMY 6:5 Shema: Greatest commandment in Judaism

“Love God with all your heart, soul, and strength.” Heart: basic impulse to do good and avoid evil

(#1) Soul: soul is the source of life; risk life; test true

meaning of human life; martyrdom (#2) Strength: authentic power, ability to resists

desires (#3)

*So does Satan believe this is Messiah and/or God?

PROCLAMATION OF THE KINGDOM “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at

hand” (Matthew 4:17) First words of Christ’s public ministry Effects:

Points to a need for conversionConversion is a result of love of God Life of holiness

MIRACLES a surprising and welcome event that is

not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.

Comes from the Latin term mirari meaning “to wonder”

MIRACLES OF CHRIST Healing: Jesus cured people of various

illnesses including leprosy, paralysis, blindness, fever, deafness, and dropsy.

Exorcism: Jesus has power over demons and evil spirits

Nature: Jesus controls the forces of nature by stilling a storm, feeding multitudes, turning water into wine

Death: Jesus restores the life of a person

WEDDING AT CANA John 2:1-12 Christ’s first miracle Theme of marriage/wedding “wine ran short” – deep embarrassment

on family’s financial situation Mary was first to notice issue; brought

needs to Jesus (just like in prayer) “O woman…” – use term woman like in

Genesis with Eve – Mary is new eve


“My hour has not yet come…” – will be beginning of ministry and Mary’s suffering

“Do whatever he tells you…” - last written words of Mary

trust God without hesitation Reflection of marriage – bride/bridegroom

- God vs. Israel – bride/husband- Christ in Eucharist/Laid down life for


WHAT DID JESUS DO ON EARTH? Cleansed temple Casted out demons Taught parables Ate with sinners Healed sick Talked to women and Samaritans

HEALING THE SICK Jesus cured a leper but asked him to not

share it with anyone Why would Christ ask that of the man? Mk 2:1-12 – healing of the paralytic What did JC heal man of?

CENTURION’S SERVANT Matthew 8    FAITH- gentile believed Savior could

heal HUMILITY- centurion felt unworthy to

have Lord under his roof/in his home WISDOM- saw past Christ's humanity,

instead his divinity!

“Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only the words that my soul shall be healed”

we recognize our unworthiness to have Jesus come under the "roof" of our soul in holy communion

FEEDING OF 5,000 Matthew 14 Miracle of Nature Looks at miraculous feedings of both OT

and NTmanna and the Eucharist

Jesus blesses and multiples bread, then the Apostle distribute the food

Apostles intermediary role points to their priesthood In persona Christi – Christ acts through the

priest, the priest distributes communion

CLEANSING OF THE TEMPLE John 2:13-36 “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all

nations. But you have made it a den of robbers.” (Mt 11:15-17)

Temple worship became a big business Currency change from Roman to Temple tax Could buy animals for sacrificing if coming

from long distances “house of prayer for all nations” Isaiah 56:7

- where Gentiles could pay respect to God

WALKING ON WATER Walking on Water - Mt 14:22-33; Mk 6:45-52 Apostles thought He was ghost; JC responds, “Take heart, it is I; have

no fear.” Peter walks on water

WHO SINNED? Mt 9:27-30 – how did men know this was

Christ if they were blind? Jews believed if you were cursed with a

disability or disease that you were very sinful person

Read Jn 9:1-40 Each member read 10 verses.

JOHN 9:1-40Answer with your team (1 paper 1 pencil, switch every answer)

Whose sin caused the man’s blindness? Then why is he blind?What does Jesus do to cure the blindness?Who truly is blind in this story?Jesus is the Light of the world how does this story reflect that?

What is the problem of evil?

EATING WITH SINNERS Read Mt 9:10-13 Christ ate with Matthew the tax collector Tax collectors were among the most

sinful because of job Most hated among Jews Luke 19: 1-10 – Jesus and Zacchaeus

WOMEN AND SAMARITANS Will look at parable of the Good

Samaritan in later chapter Jesus’ ministry is extended beyond the


MARTHA AND MARY Lk 10:38-42 Sisters Sacrificial to offer home (all apostles too!) Martha – too busy being hostess to enjoy

Lord’s company Mary – sat at feet of Jesus; position of

disciple Women didn’t get formal teaching by

rabbi Luke’s audience was gentiles, women, and


Luke elevated women’s position as active followers of Jesus’ teaching.

MARTHA AND MARY Mary’s heart was captured by words

of JC Martha- did what was good by

preparing meal Mary did what was better to listen to

words of Christ

???? What is the significance of the well? Why does the woman go at noon? What is Jesus thirsty for? What does Jesus offer her? Is his offer litteral? Why does the woman leave her bucket? Who is the sixth man she is with? What does Jesus actually eat?

THE SAMARITAN WOMAN John 4:4-42 Draws at noon

- avoid contact; bad reputation Living water taken literally Christ gives her living water, when she

didn’t even ask for it...but he knew the desires of her heart

He speaks to her symbolizing the universality of his new covenant

THE SAMARITAN WOMAN 2 Kings 17:24 – five nations came and

lived among the Samaritans in which they became corrupt and were no longer faithful to God

Then converted and preached that Jesus was the Messiah

TRANSFIGURATION RallyRobin with your partner and find as many parallels between Christ’s Baptism

and Christ’s Transfigurtion.



Mt 17:1-8 Peter, James, John see glimpse in Jesus’ divinity Present so they remember during crucifixion

end is not death strengthens their faith Moses – represents the law Elijah – represents the prophets Whole law and all prophets are fulfilled in Christ


After 6 days on 7th dayMoses and cloud (Ex: 24:15) Occurs on Mt. SinaiGod speaks when given 10 commandmentsEx 34:29 – shining face shownFace shown in glory

After 6 days on 7th dayCloud overshadowed- God speaks through image of cloudOccurs on Mt. TaborGod speaks through the heavenly voiceJesus was brilliantly transfigured- face shown in glory

CALLING THE APOSTLES Mt 4:18-22 Mk 1:16-20 Lk 5:1-11 Lk 6:12-16 Jn 1:35-51

TWELVE APOSTLES Why did Jesus call the 12 apostles? Symbolic number- 12 tribes of Israel, 12

apostles, Messiah will restore kingdom of Israel

1. Simon Peter 7. Thomas2. Andrew 8. Matthew3. John 9. James4. James 10. Judas

(Thaddaeus)5. Philip 11. Simon “the

Zealot”6. Bartholomew 12. Judas Iscariot

PETER Fisherman Chief Apostle Given the keys to

heaven and earth Traditionally held as the

first pope Denied Christ 3 times

ANDREW Peter’s brother Crucified on an X

JAMES THE GREATER Older brother to John “Great” because of his age or his stature Son of Zebedee Potentially go to Spain to preach

JOHN James the Great little

brother Called the “beloved

disciple” Youngest of all apostles Never martyred Wrote the Gospel of

John, 3 epistles, and Revelation

PHILIP Directly called by Jesus Christ. Brought his friend Nathaniel to Christ Preached in Greece after the Ascension.

BARTHOLOMEW Believed to be Philip’s friend Nathaniel. Flayed and beheaded when martyred. Preached in East including India.

THOMAS The “Doubter” Wanted to feel Christ’s wounds eight

days after the death of Jesus.

JAMES THE LESS Brother to Judas

Thaddeus Believed to be a

cousin of Jesus. Considered the

epistle writer of James.

First bishop of Jerusalem

JUDE THADDEUS Brother to James the Lesser Author of the Epistle from Jude.

JUDAS ISCARIOT Betrayed Jesus Committed suicide afterwards Was replaced by Matthias


following of Jewish and Cannainte law.

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