chapter 17 industrialism. natural resources as america grew in size, settlers began to find new...

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Chapter 17


Natural Resources

• As America grew in size, settlers began to find new minerals

• Enormous lodes (a rich deposit or supply) of gold, silver and copper were found which created boom towns and ghost towns after the minerals were used up


• The increase in industry meant that more workers were needed

• Immigrants filled this role and often worked in difficult conditions for low pay

• Most European immigrants came to America at Ellis Island in New York

• Most Chinese immigrants were welcomed until the economy slowed down

• The Exclusion Act of 1882 was then passed which limited Chinese immigration to a few hundred a year

Immigrants and Religion

• Due to the immigrants arriving from many different countries, many different belief systems began to be practiced

• This is known as religious pluralism (when a variety of religious beliefs are accepted in a society)


• The government encouraged consolidation, combining small lines, to make the railroads more efficient and economical

• Cornelius Vanderbilt used his money to put competitors out of business and create a railroad empire

Government Policy

• The government wanted a line connecting the east and west and hired companies

• The Union Pacific line moved westward and the Central Pacific line moved eastward

• After overcoming difficulties, they met in Utah

Other Rail Lines

• James J. Hill refused government money and created the Great Northern Railroad using only private funds

• This railroad helped farmers get their goods to cities and other areas


• New inventions revolutionized American life• Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone changed

communication forever• Thomas Edison and the light bulb changed the

way homes were built and people’s lifestyles• The air brake for trains invented by George

Westinghouse saved lives and eventually led to brakes in other vehicles

New Business

• In order to start a business, capital (investment money) was needed

• At first, most businesses in America were sole proprietorship (businesses owned by one person) or partnerships (owned by two or more people)

New Business

• Andrew Carnegie became a multimillionaire through the use of partnerships. He would be worth at least $75 billion today

• Creating a corporation, when a business gets a legal charter and sell stock to investors, became popular in the 1800’s

• John D. Rockefeller created the first trust which combined many separate companies into one giant corporation

Focus on Capitalism

• The economy in the U.S. is capitalist. The businesses are owned privately and people are free to choose investments

• Social Darwinism influenced businesses. This idea emphasized “survival of the the fittest” and was responsible for workers being treated poorly

Interstate Commerce Act

• The railroad company soon became a monopoly and the Interstate Commerce Act was passed to fight the unfair actions of the railroads

• The Interstate Commerce Commission was created to examine complaints and take violators to court

Anti-Trust Act

• The trusts that were created raised prices after ending competition

• The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was passed in response which made restraint of trade illegal

• The holding company was also created which gained control of companies by buying their stock

Labor Unions

• Workers began to form into large groups called unions due to poor working conditions

• The Knights of Labor became one of the most powerful unions that focused on equal pay, an 8 hour day and more safety

• The view of unions took a hit when the Haymarket Square Riot occurred and nearly 20 people were killed


• The American Federation of Labor was another union that was started by Samuel Gompers

• The AFL only let skilled workers in and had members pay dues

• They pushed for an 8 hour day and collective bargaining (the right of unions to represent workers in negotiations)

Responses to Unions

• The businesses fought unions and took them to court

• The courts regularly issued injunctions, orders to stop strikes

• The fight over unions showcased the materialism that was growing

• Individuals were placing a higher emphasis on money and possessions

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