chapter 14 an emerging world power 1890-1917. ● imperialism – is the policy in which stronger...

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W.A.S.P. Empire ● White Man’s Burden – a poem by Rudyard Kipling that became justification for imperialists policies. 3 ● Josiah Strong – He was a protestant clergymen who wrote, Our Country: It’s possible future and present crisis…he believed that all races could be bettered but that Anglo’s were superior and the white culture should be spread 2


Chapter 14An Emerging World Power


● Imperialism – Is the policy in which stronger nations extend their economic, political, or military control over weaker nations and the US was ready to do this in the late 1800’s

W.A.S.P. Empire● White Man’s Burden –

a poem by Rudyard Kipling that became justification for imperialists policies. 3

● Josiah Strong – He was a protestant clergymen who wrote, Our Country: It’s possible future and present crisis…he believed that all races could be bettered but that Anglo’s were superior and the white culture should be spread 2

History rings true again● U.S. imperialism was

fueled by, 1) desire for military strength, 2) thirst for new markets to get rid of the growing excess and an possibility of raw materials 3) “cultural superiority”

● Alfred Mahan – A Naval officer, he wrote The Influence of Sea Power on History and urged U.S. Gov to build up naval power to compete in the world. 1

Great White Fleet● With Mahan

influence, US built the battleships Maine and Oregon which were steel plated

● Now US was the 3rd biggest Navy by 1900.

● He also said we needed to have foreign bases where ships could refuel...(i.e. take territory)

Internat’l. Darwinism● Social Darwinism – A

belief that free market competition would lead to the survival of the fittest. 4

● Existing prejudices were rationalized by the idea that colonized nations must have deserved their situations because they were “less fit” than those who were better off

Frederick Jackson Turner● He argued in "The

Significance of the Frontier in American History” that the West was like a “safety valve” for people wanting to pursue their fortunes and a fresh start.

● People who liked this said that since the US was covered, we needed to go abroad to keep the “valve” open

IMPERIAL ADDITIONS●In 1853, Matthew Perry took a fleet of US ships to Japan that soon resulted in trade. ●In 1867, we got the Midway Islands and in 1875 and 1887 we made treaties that increased trade w/ HI islands and allowed us to build Pearl Harbor●A bit North of there, in 1867, Sec of St. William Seward bought Alaska from Russia for $7.2 mil. ●This was known as Seward’s Folly b/c critics thought is was a bad move but Alaska turned out to have a lot of natural resources 6

Hawaii● Sugar growers

wanted annexation so they wouldn’t have to pay tax and the military wanted it for Pearl Harbor (although it was already there at this time). 7


●Queen Liliuokalani came to power after her brother died in 1891 8●Instituted the “Hawaii for Hawaiians” agenda in which she wanted to remove the property owning qualification for voting that had been set up b/c it was mostly white rich people who qualified.●She was overthrown and a new gov’t was set up led by Sanford Dole and they asked Harrison to sign the Annexation of Hawaii.●He did but the Senate didn’t approve it and when Cleveland b/cm pres., he did not approve it.●Then McKinley took over and he got Congress to proclaim it a U.S. territory on 8-12-98

The Spanish American War● Spain had the

Philippines, Puerto Rico and Cuba

● We had a lot of money invested in Cuba’s sugar cane plantations ($50 mil)

● Some Americans supported Spanish control of Cuba for economic reasons while others supported the rebel cause of independence.

“Cuba Libre” (Free Cuba)● Valeriano Weyler –

Sent by Spain to Cuba to help kill the resistance…he put the Cubans into barbed-wire concentration camps and deprived them of food and recruits

Jingoism:● Yellow Journalism:

Embellishing the news to attract readers...often done by Hearst and Pulitzer. 14+15

● They did it in regards to Cuba by saying Weyler was throwing children to sharks and compared the Cubans to the American Revolutionaries

● Hearst - “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war”14

CAUSES OF THE WAR●McKinley told Spain to back off Cuba, they did, and offered reforms...BUT●The rebels wanted independence●McKinley sent the Battleship Maine to Havana to protect Americans●In Feb of 1898, a letter sent by Spanish ambassador de’ Lome was stolen and published by Hearst●It called McKinley weak and stupid and Hearst said it was the biggest insult in US History●Now you get Jingoism – aggressive nationalism 5

“Remember the Maine”● On Feb 15, 1898

U.S.S. Maine was blown up in Cuba killing 266 men.16

● The ship was picking up American citizens in danger and this made U.S. people really, really, really mad!

● Hearst offered $50,000 for the capture of the “Spaniards who did it”.


●Spain agreed to give the U.S. what they wanted but the people wanted war and April 20, 1898, the U.S. declared war on Spain.●The US issued 4 resolutions that were basically war on Spain●# 4 was the Teller Amendment: said that the US had no intention of taking over Cuba after the war 17●Spain then declared war on US after McKinley called for 100k volunteers

“Fire When Ready”● U.S. and

Commodore George Dewey destroyed the Spanish in the Philippines thanks to the help of rebel Filipinos led by Emilio Aguinaldo.11

● Spain surrendered in this lopsided US win

The US fights in Cuba● In June of 1898 they went

there but the troops weren’t supplied well, trained or prepared for the weather

● Rough Riders – A volunteer unit under the command of Teddy made up of a mix of rugged and rich guys13

● 9th and 10th African American regiments teamed up w/ them and they gained fame in the Battles of Kettle and San Juan Hills.

“Big Stick” in action● Then U.S. beat up the

Spanish fleet near Santiago harbor and invaded Puerto Rico right after that.

● Treaty of Paris –Dec 1898 They agreed on a cease fire…Dec 10 they went to Paris and said Spain frees Cuba, U.S. gets Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Phillippines for $20 million. 18

● 3k Americans died, 2,620 from disease (very small number)

● “Splendid Little War” written by sec of state John Hay to Teddy saying that the war went well from start to finish 9

Not Everyone Supported Imperialism

● Some people were mad at the treaty…did we have the right to take the Philippines, violation of Declaration of Independence b/c we’re not letting them self-govern; take care of us at home before we take care of someone else

● In 1899 the Anti Imperialism League was founded to go against imperialism 22

● W. J. Bryan and M. Twain

MORE IMPERIALISM●1900 Congress passed the Foraker Act which established a civil gov’t in Puerto Rico, pres. could appoint gov’t and part of the legislature●Cuba - Platt amendment - Cuba got a constitution and the U.S. flexed and said put this in it…●1. Cuba can’t make treaties w/o US approval ●2. U.S. can intervene in Cuba to preserve order●3. U.S. can buy or lease land for Navy and refueling.19

Philippines● The Filipinos were mad at

the Treaty of Paris because they had thought they were going to get independence.

● In Feb 1899, Emilio Aguinaldo led a revolt.

● The war took 3 years, 200k Filipinos died and 5k Americans and it cost $400 million. 10

● After, U.S. set up Gov like one on PR and put Taft as Gov…they got independence 30 yrs later (Jones Act 1916)...independence 1946

China...What a Market● Like the other places

that the U.S. was going after, China was seen as an economic opportunity.

● Germany, England, France, Russia, split China up into Spheres of Influence – this was their place where they could trade…Japan also got in on it

● This would limit the US ability to trade w/China

Brilliant Policy● Sec of St John Hay issued

a warning to the other gov’t in 1899 saying the US expected equality when dealing w/China

● He then issued another note which b/c known as the Open Door Policy and he said that the US did not want colonies there and wanted only free trade. 24

● This showed…US economy depends on exports, we had a right to intervene to keep markets open.

Violent Reaction● Boxer Rebellion –

Members of a secret society, named b/c of their martial arts, tried to rid China of foreigners. In May, 1900 they killed foreign missionaries and rioted in Beijing… U.S., German, French, England, Japanese soldiers stopped it. 25

Teddy Strikes Again● Treaty of Portsmouth –

Negotiated by Teddy to end the Russo-Japanese war…he was approached by the Japanese, whom were running low on men and money, to help bring an end to the war.

● He was given the Nobel Peace Prize for this.

● Gentlemen’s agreement between US and Japan

● 1907 – Teddy sends Great White Fleet

South America● Monroe Doctrine –

Europe…Stay out of Latin affairs.

● Roosevelt Corollary – U.S. would use force in Latin America to protect it’s economic interest… “Speak softly and carry a BIG STICK and you will go far” – Big Stick Diplomacy 27+28

Panama Canal● U.S. wanted a canal to

cut through Central America for…trade 20

● 1850- U.S./Britain agreed to share this idea.

● Hay-Pauncefote treaty gave rights to U.S.

● Two possible routes – 1 through Nicaragua (longer but there was a big lake in the way) and 1 though Panama (shorter but had mountains and swamps)


●French company was trying to build canal though Panama.●They gave up and sold the route to the U.S. for $40 million●Panama was under Columbian rule but on 11-3-1903 U.S. warships were present after Panama declared independence following a rebellion.●15 days later, $10 million, an annual rent of $250,000 and a handshake and we got ourselves a canal

On Time and Under Budget

● Building took about 10 years.

● It cost 380 million and took 35k workers.

● 5,600 died from accidents or disease

● 9-14-1914 it opened.● Cut 8000 miles off

the trip

Taft’s Foreign Policy● Dollar Diplomacy

(Taft) – Refers to the idea that the U.S. should use it’s economic power to assert influence over Latin America and keep Europe out. 29

● Nicaragua being bailed out was a return to big stick but overall he wanted to do this.

Wilson’s Foreign Diplomacy

● Missionary Diplomacy/Moral Diplomacy (Wilson)-US would not use force but instead promote human rights. 30

● If you are a mean, undemocratic gov’t, we don’t like you and won’t recognize you…this was the case in Mexico

Pancho Villa Raids● Huerta overtook the

Mexican gov’t but Wilson favored another guy (Carranza) and Wilson sent troops in that caused Huerta to collapse and Carranza to take over.

● Pancho Villa, a general, rebelled and went into NewMexico and killed 18 Americans. 21

● Wilson sent John Pershing to get him but he never did.

● He pulled out b/c of WWI

SPLITTING HAIRS●Territorial integrity – Countries shouldn’t try to promote government overthrow in another country. ●Protectorate – When a bigger country protects a little country in exchange for resources or some other advantage.

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