chapter 13 a turbulent decade. objectives: discuss some of the economic outcomes of demobilization....

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Chapter 13

A Turbulent Decade

Objectives: Discuss some of the economic

outcomes of demobilization. Analyze the main causes of the

strikes of 1919 and how most Americans reacted to the strikes.

Explain what caused the public hysteria of the Red Scare.

Recount why the Sacco and Vanzetti trial aroused public interest.

Describe how Republican policies encouraged economic growth.

Evaluate the positive and negative affects of these policies.

Discuss the issues that affected the outcome of the 1928 election.

Explain why some Americans supported the Ku Klux Klan Describe the difficulties faced by African Americans,

immigrants Mexican Americans and Native Americans.


When WWI ended the US economy shifted from a wartime economy to a peacetime.

Meant a shift from war time production levels from wartime to peacetime- demobilization.

Problems Caused by Demobilization

Caused social and economic strain. Women lost their wartime jobs. Unemployment rate rose Prices in industry/ agriculture rose

and fell.

Labor Problems Demobilization led to labor problems in

cities throughout America. In 1919 there was 3,600 strikes involving 4

mil. workers. Seattle- General Strike. Boston- Police Strike. Causes of the strikes: -High inflation -economic problems with demobilization -demands for higher wages and shorter


Reactions to Strikes

Management labeled as Bolsheviks and fired them.

Violence Loss of work

Red Scare The time period following the end of WWI

from 1919-1920 was filled with anti Communist hysteria in the U.S. called Red Scare

Strikes across America led many to believe that a worker’s revolution was taking place in the U.S.

Was a result of the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1917.

Led by Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin.

Under communism, government controlled and owned all private property including industry.

Lenin established Communist International which encouraged a world-wide communist revolution by overthrowing capitalism.

Idea Frightened Americans

Began seeing Bolsheviks/ Communists or “Reds” around every corner.

Palmer Raids Fear of radicals (those who wanted to

change the government by force) spread. Anti radical movement began Blamed foreigners for problems/ radical

ideas 1919 series of bomb blasts led to further

anti-radical feelings April 1919 bombs discovered being mailed

to prominent citizens

May- bomb sent to A. Mitchell Palmer- Attorney General

Bomb scares added to Red Scare hysteria.

Palmer launched anti-Communist raids. Known as the “Palmer Raids” Rounded up and deported any

suspected foreign-born radicals/ communists.

By 1920 Red Scare began to fade, but not the distrust of foreigners.

Sacco and Vanzetti Point is illustrated

in the trial of two foreign- born immigrants Nicola Sacco and Bartolommeo Vanzetti accused of murder.

Both had radical political views and had dodged the draft in 1917.

Turned the trial against them. Found guilty and sentenced to death. Many believed killed for political views.

Despite having aided in making the world safe for democracy, the U.S. after WWI faced trying economic and political times.

Harding’s Goals and Policies Had 2 goals: reduce debt, promote

economic growth REDUCE DEBT

1 Cut government spending 2 Initiates Fordney-McCumber Tariff:

forced prices of foreign goods to remain high which allowed US manufacturers prices, profits to remain high.

PROMOTE ECONOMIC GROWTH Tax cut for the wealthy

Positive and Negative Effects

Positive: Economic growth, industry boomed Negative: Mergers- combination of 2 or more

companies- brought higher prices Continuing struggles for workers who did

not share in prosperity. Farmers struggled, so did labor as court/

govt tried to roll back gains of Progressives

Hoover’s Victory

Smith Weaknesses Connections to Tammany Hall, his

Catholicism, anti-prohibition stance

Hoover’s Strengths Reputation for skill and efficiency and

connection to national prosperity

Economic factors Prosperity encouraged Republican votes

Rise and Fall of the KKK Rise

Racism towards African Americans in the South

Hostility towards African Americans, Jews, catholics, immigrants, radicals

Rising tension and suspicion in Red Scare

Fall Decrease in Red

Scare tension Publicity of the

Klan’s Terrorism Corruption and

scandal at the Klan’s national level

Class Activity:

Use your book to finish the graphic organizers in your notes.

Difficulties African Americans


Using your objectives, create a poster about this “Turbulent Decade”, incorporating what you have learned.

May be on 81/2 x 11 paper.

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