chapter 11 wwi

Post on 12-Jun-2015






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World War I



What do people do when someone insults their friends?

World War I beginnings Dates: 1914 to 1918 Causes:

1. Nationalism

2. Imperialism

3. Militarism

4. Alliances

Nationalism○Devotion to the interests of one’s nation

& culture○competition between nations○ethnic groups :independence○Smaller nations sought protection from

larger nations

Imperialism○Competition among world powers for

colonies that provided raw materials for industry

Militarism○Development of armed forces & use in

diplomacy○Growth of imperialism & nationalism led

to increased military spending

Alliances○Countries who vow to defend each

other in event of attack

Immediate Cause:Starts in Balkan Peninsula “powder

keg of Europe”Assassination of archduke Franz

Ferdinand by Serbian nationalist on June 1914

Chain Reaction Austria Serbia (July 28) and Russia Germany Russia (August 1) Germany France (august 3) Germany invades Belgium Britain Germany and Austria-Hungary

The Fight

Schlieffen Plan (Germany’s plan to win)Hold action against RussiaQuickly move through Belgium to ParisAfter France fell, would move all

troops to defeat Russia Allies left Belgium & retreated to Marne


Allies halted German advance on Sept 1914

Both sides created system of trenches which they fought from

Known as trench warfare

Trench Warfare Two parallel systems of trenches face each

other “No man’s land” in between Soldiers fight back and forth for a few yards

of land Fighting is devastating and inconclusive

Crossing “No Man’s Land”

Veteran’s Day StarsVeteran’s Day Stars

Rank NameBranch of ServiceRelation to you

Brig. General (Ret.) Charles L. BishopUnited States Air Force

Grandfather of Austin Bishop


Some super guns could fire up to

75 miles.

Effects of Mustard Gas

If the gas did not cause you to cough up

your lungs it burned out your eyes.

Both sides thought war would be over in couple of months (by Christmas 1914)

Both sides would be dug in for nearly FOUR YEARS

America Joins War America :neutral at start of war (isolationism)

“European war” Did not threaten our people or property

Who did we support (Allies or Central Powers)?

Support was divided Immigrants were very outspoken about war because for many this was fought in their homeland

Most sided with Allies

We shared common ancestry & culture with England

Stories of German brutality British propaganda helped to create this image of Germany as a “bully”

Our economic ties were stronger with Allies ○We shipped millions of dollars of war supplies to Allies

○Caused a labor shortage in this country

America prepared for war for two reasonsEnsure Allied repayment of debts

Prevent Germans from threatening US shipping

We still DID NOT WANT TO JOIN WAR but our interests needed protection

Incidents leading US to join the war:British blockade of Germany Germany responded with counter blockade using U-boats

Sinking of British passenger ship (Lusitania) of 1,198 deaths, 128 were Americans Caused American public opinion to turn against Germany

Zimmerman note 19 January, 1917:

The Zimmerman Noteto the German Minister to Mexico

Berlin, January 19, 1917 On the first of February we intend to begin submarine warfare unrestricted.

In spite of this, it is our intention to endeavor to keep neutral the United States of America.

If this attempt is not successful, we propose an alliance on the following basis with Mexico: That we shall make war together and together make peace. We shall give general financial support, and it is understood that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. The details are left to you for settlement....

You are instructed to inform the President of Mexico of the above in the greatest confidence as soon as it is certain that there will be an outbreak of war with the United States and suggest that the President of Mexico, on his own initiative, should communicate with Japan suggesting adherence at once to this plan; at the same time, offer to mediate between Germany and Japan.

Please call to the attention of the President of Mexico that the employment of ruthless submarine warfare now promises to compel England to make peace in a few months.

Zimmerman(Secretary of State)

Election of 1916Woodrow Wilson won close election for 2nd term under slogan of “He Kept Us Out of War”

After election, Wilson met with warring countries in trying to end war

Wilson called for “a peace without victory……a peace between equals”

Warring countries response wasHA HAYEA RIGHT!

Germans ignored Wilson’s call for peace & announced that they would now sink all ships (neutral or hostile) off Britain

Violation of Sussex Pledge

This action gave Wilson no choice but to declare war but held out until Germany committed an overt act against the US Zimmerman Note was final act

Russia’s move from dictator to a democracy helped to support our entry into warCould now claim this was a war of democracies vs brutal dictatorships

Wilson declared war on Central Powers on April 2, 1917 in order to make the world “safe for democracy”

Section 2America tips the balance of power

US in the War

The US declared war on Germany and the Central Powers in April of 1917

Bolshevik Revolution caused Russia to leave the war

The Bolshevik revolution was a peasant rebellion.

Angry Peasants

America at War

American MobilizationU.S. not prepared for war ○Only 200,000 men in service

Selective Service Act passed in May 1917○Required men to register with government in order to be randomly selected into military


Mass productionNeeded materials to fight & to be transported to Europe

Needed to Expand our fleet because of U-Boats ○Took four steps to do this

Exempted shipyard workers from the Draft

Chamber of Commerce glorified ship building / special privileges to workers

Fabrication techniques Took over commercial &

private ships / converted them for war

Used convoy system to get ships to & from Europe

New weapons never used in war before were machine guns, planes, tanks, gas, etc

Other Hazards Body Lice Rats Polluted water that caused

dysentery Shell Shock ( emotional

collapse) Trench foot

American Expeditionary Force (AEF) was led by General John J Pershing

Alvin York Conscientious objector Known for: “ the greatest thing

accomplished by any private soldier of all the armies of Europe”Killed 25 Germans and captured 132 with the help of 6 other doughboys

End of the War Both sides were fatigued &

“shell shocked” American troops

(doughboys) provided freshness & enthusiasm

Fresh troops proved to be the difference in the war

Turning point of war was 2nd Battle of the Marne (July-Aug 1918)After victory, Allies steadily marched toward Germany

No truly decisive battle Germans just got worn out

11-3-1918 Austria-Hungary surrendered

On same day many German soldiers mutinied against government

People turned against Kaiser & established a German Republic

Republic signed armistice on 11-11-18

WWI was bloodiest war ever !!!!!!

Final Statistics:22 million dead (1/2 were civilians)

20 million wounded

Belgium 45,550 British Empire

942,135 France 1,368,000 Greece 23,098 Italy 680,000 Japan 1,344 Montenegro 3,000

Germany 1,935,000

Ottoman Empire 725,000

Portugal 8,145 Romania

300,000 Russia 1,700,000 Serbia 45,000 United States

116,516 Austria-Hungary

1,200,000 Bulgaria 87,495


Wilson’s plan for world peace was called his 14 points

The points….

1-5 were issues that he felt needed to be addressed to prevent another war

6-13 dealt with boundary changes

14th point called for creation of an international organization to address diplomatic crisis


Big Four (US, Britain, France, Italy) worked on treaty by themselves

Central Powers were left out of treaty process

Big Four wanted a treaty that got revenge on Central Powers, Wilson did not

Wilson gave up on most of 14 points in return for other three nations support for a League of Nations

6-28-1918 Treaty of Versailles was signed which officially ended the war

Treaty of Versailles

Created nine new nationsBarred Germany from maintaining

armyAlsace-Lorraine was returned to

FranceGermany had to pay reparations up

to 33 billion dollarsWar-guilt clause forcing Germany to

admit sole responsibility for war

Weakness of Treaty

Humiliated GermanyReparations were too much to pay

Took territory away from Russia & Germany

Ignored colonies pleas for self rule

League of Nations

Wilson spent months campaigning Congress to ratify entry into League

Congress never ratified entry & therefore the US never joined

Why didn’t Congress want to join?○Felt it threatened US policy of isolationism

○We would be bound by treaty to Europe and forced to get involved

Planting the seeds for part II Treaty & US return to isolationists created

more anger than it did peace We put a patch on problems in Europe

instead of fixing them War created political instability & violence

that sometimes lasted decades New boundaries of countries upset many

ethnic groups This created an atmosphere that lead to

the establishment of dictatorships (Russia, Spain, Germany, Italy)

Legacy of War in US Accelerated social changes for

African-Americans & women Strengthened the power of the

military & government Established the US as a world power


The War at Home

Entire economy focused on war effort

Shift from consumer goods to war supplies

War Industries Board Congress gives Pres. Wilson power

to fix prices, regulate certain war-related industriesUse mass-production techniques to

increase efficiencyStandardize products to reduce


Rationing Railroad/ fuel supplies monitored

Gasless Sundays/ lightless nights ( Daylight-saving time)

Wages : Food prices Stockholders in large corp.

saw $$$$$$ Union membership boomed to

control working conditionsNation War Labor Board

○“Work or Fight”

Food Admin. Under Hoover “Gospel of the clean


Victory Gardens

Community gardens started to grow food – would mean more food available for the troops

Government Bonds Encourage public to

buy war bondsHelped finance war

Committee on Public Info

George CreelSpeeches, posters,

pamphlets in many languages

Promoted Patriotism= created hatred towards certain ethnic groups ( hate crimes)

Anti-immigrant Hysteria

Attacks against certain Ethnic Groups

People with German last names lost jobs

Mozart, Bach, Beethoven banned

Towns changed names, libraries removed books

German measles: Liberty measles Hamburger: Salisbury steak Sauerkraut: liberty cabbage Dachshunds : liberty pups

Espionage and Sedition Acts Up to $10,000 & 20 years in jail

for saying anything disloyal about the government or war effort

African Americans support the war (Du Bois) but Don’t support a racist government Great Migration

Escape racial discrimination in the South

Northern job opportunities

Women in the war Women moved into jobs that had

been held exclusively by men Plus maintained traditional roles

at home

1919 Congress passed the 19th Amendment

Order of Ratification of the 19th Amendment KEY: Ratification on June 10, 1919 (yellow); ratification from June 16, 1919 to July 28, 1919 (chartreuse); ratification from August 2, 1919 to December 15, 1919 (aqua); ratification from January 6, 1920 to March 22, 1920 (gray-green); ratification on August 18, 1920 (gray).

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