chapt 6 india and s.e. asia whap mr pack. india s.e. asia aryans migrate to india and settle (after...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Chapt 6 India and S.E. Asia

WHAP Mr Pack

India S.E. Asia

• Aryans migrate to India and settle (after 1000 BCE) between Himalayas and Ganges river.

• Caste system developed (original word varna- color based) based on social class

- Brahmins – highest class, priests and scholars- Kshatriya- Warriors, govt. officials- Vaishya- Landowners, merchants, artisans- Shudra- common peasants and laborers- Dalits- Untouchables- not part of caste system

Caste- word first used by Portuguese sailors to describe social order in 16th century


• Each caste further divided into jati- specific occupation, duties, rituals (hereditary, by birth) little interaction between

• Lawbook of Manu- 100 BCE (describes system)• Vedic Age- 1500 to 500 BCE• Vedas were religious texts, songs, prayers,

rituals passed down (most important Rig Veda• Aryans vs Dravidians- religious beliefs blend

together and form Upanishads


• Universal spirit named Brahman• Reincarnation – human spirit (atman)

eventually can join Brahman through ethical behavior- eventually beliefs become known as Hinduism- Dharma (moral duty)

• Siddharta Gautama (563-483 BCE)- Kshatriya prince, found enlightenment renamed the Buddha


• Ahsoka- greatest ruler of Mauryan Dynasty converts to Buddhism, subjects convert as well. Establishes efficient tax collecting system that built roads/encourage trade. Rock and pillar edicts (laws shown in public places) help unify.

• Caste System and jati keeps people fragmented.• Chandragutpa Maurya forms kingdom in Magadha. • Mauryan Empire collapses due to outside attacks

by 184 B.CE.


• Gupta Empire begins in Magadha (4th century C.E.) but smaller than Mauryan, did not have a bureaucracy instead received tribute. (provinces like Mauryan)

• Technology– free hospitals, first inoculations, develop numbers 0-9 (Arabic numerals).

• Theatre state- encourage loyalty by impressing loyal followers with magnificent buildings , court fashion and entertainment.

• 300 BCE- 600 CE Silk Road trade significantly increases.

Gupta Mauryan Map

Silk Road Map


• Jainism- Founded by Mahavir Jain- all creatures are a part of Brahma from Upanishads.

• Mahabharata, Ramayana- Epic Hindu poems define gender roles.

• Decline of Gupta- ethnic diversity, many languages make unification difficult. Nomads from NW bring downfall.

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