change your negative energy

Post on 03-Dec-2015






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A power point presentation for HR professionals about the negativity in workplace.


Change Your Negative Energy

By: Amanjeet Kaur

What is Negativity??

• Dr. David Hawkins in his book Power vs Force, explains how research shows us that 80 percent of the population vibrates to a negative frequency.

• This 80% of people talks and acts and appears like everyone else – until there’s a problem, and then their first reaction is negative. When things go wrong, there is no “bright side” for these people, it’s the blame-game, or complaining, or criticizing.

Positive Things Happen To Positive People

• If these numbers are accurate it means that only 20% of the population vibrates to a positive internal energy.

• When things go wrong, this group’s first reaction is to figure out a solution, find a way out, improve the situation and take responsibility.

• These are the people filled with optimism, positive energy, enthusiasm and love-of-life.

Effects of Negative Mindset

• Negativity is infectious, Just like Positivity.

• Negative players that take shortcuts and complain all the time. It will tear a team apart and eventually destroy it. Make sure you know few things you can do to change it.

• The positive Energy of your team should me more than the total negative energy.

Flush Negativity From Your Team

• The fact is that, negativity is around us.

• It’s at your workplace, in business and on your team.

• To repel all of this negativity, we’ve need to remember that our positive energy must be greater than all the negativity.

• The good news is that positive energy is much more powerful than negative energy. If you stay positive, negativity can not touch you.

Identify Problems and Set Goals

• Everyone on the team wants to do well, Let them enjoy themselves, have a social experience and some even want to win.

• It’s just the nature of negative people to always complain (even when they like things), Work to make your team’s positive energy greater than all the negativity!

• Follow the simple steps to increase your positivity.

SMILEIt’s Free & Effective. And it can go a LONG way to relieve stress, lesson the tension and lighten the moment.


Don’t just point out the bad, Help your players build their self-esteems by working hard to catch them doing something good.


Be a constant source of encouragement. But do not let it stop you from being firm and tough.

Push them in a way that makes them want to achieve the impossible instead of believing they can’t achieve anything.

Say Thank You ! ! !

• Insist that every member of your team acknowledge when someone helps them (by saying thank you, or good job…) .It is an environment that people want to be a part of.

• Set the example, work with your team leaders to help start the trend and you’ll be amazed at the change that will occur.

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