chance encounters with the past

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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Chance Encounters with the Past: crowdsourcing early modern recipes

Dr. Lisa Smith, University of Essex


Twitter @historybeagle

Robart Laine Lady Corbett My cosen Elizabeth Bury Dr Mathias

Mrs. Blackwell Mrs. Anne Corbett My cosen Richard Redman Hanable Robards

Mrs. Purefoy Lord Ro. Rich Cosen Staffords Goodwife Edwards

Mrs. Lee Old Lady Montague My Cosen Farrer Nurs Cresett

Mrs. Moore Lady Croon Cosen Quier Alice Howard

Mrs. Alice Wilifford Mrs. Booin Cosen Goodeve Goody Ingrum

Mrs. James Mrs. Flore My sister Snaitle Sarah Boyle

Mrs. Denis Mrs. Bertue My Cosen Farlow Janne Taner

Mrs. Saywood Mrs. Lucey Clarke Alanna Carfild Good-day Write

Mrs. Martha Reeve Mrs. Taylor Fanne Morris Hanna Consele

Mrs. Anne Chester Mrs. Andrews Eleanor Herring Mrs. Malltos

Mrs. Gooder Mrs. Cumberland Mrs. Perce

Social Networks of Margaret Baker

Receipt Book of Margaret Baker, ca. 1675, Folger Shakespeare Library, V.a.619

In a way, it made it easier to acknowledge what the notes I was putting my transcription did. By coding in that I needed to put <amount>, I knew that people would be able to search for that, rather than pressing a button and hoping I remembered to put it in.

Close-reading… and the internet?

G. Bartisch, Das ist Augendienst, 1583. Credit: Wellcome Library, London.


Despite my growing pride and confidence as I found these mistakes and corrected them, I also felt more unsure of myself. How many mistakes had I made and had I corrected them all?

Pharmaceutical and Cookery Recipes, ca. 1675 (Folger Shakespeare Library, V.a.21), 261.

Transcribathon (November 2016)

Research-led Teaching

Research Process Modelling

Textual Communities Shakespeare’s World

Connecting Communities

Transcribing made me feel so involved... I felt like a

professional Historian.


Dr. Lisa Smith, University of Essex


Twitter @historybeagle

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