chair and vice chair’s business and matters arising, joint ... · 18 april 2013 sc/13/10 outcome...

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SC/16/01 Agenda item 4

4 February 2016

Chair and Vice Chair’s business and matters arising, Joint Skills Committee Advice Tracker and Forward Plan

This paper informs the Committee of issues arising since the last Joint Skills Committee meeting on 5 November 2015 not covered elsewhere on the agenda, with the advice tracker and forward plan attached.

SC/16/01 Agenda Item 4

04 February 2016


Chair and Vice-Chairs business and matters arising Purpose 1. This paper informs the Committee of issues arising since the last Skills

Committee meeting on 5 November 2015. Chair and Vice Chair’s engagements 2. The Chair and Vice Chair have had no engagements since the last meeting. Matters arising 3. Attached to this paper is an overview of planned agenda items for 2016 (Annex

A) as well as the refreshed advice tracker (Annex B), which outlines the advice agreed at each meeting along with the outcome and status. A sectors update is also included as part of the advice tracker.

Recommendation 4. The Committee is invited to note the information in this paper and to comment

on the content and layout of the refreshed advice tracker Publication 5. This paper will be published on the Joint Skills Committee website following the

meeting. Further information 6. For further information please contact Hazel Macdonald, Senior Policy/Analysis

Officer (direct line: 0131 313 6601, email: and Laura Barjonas, Head of Corporate Office, Skills Development Scotland (direct line: 0141 286 6175, email:

Annex A


Joint Skills Committee Forward Plan The table below presents an overview of planned agenda items for 2016.

Meeting Date Item Purpose

20 April 2016


To review Creating a Fairer Scotland employability support

SIPs Programme Review and Refresh

To present the review and refresh of SIPs programme- Food and Drink, Tourism and Finance. To be presented in April/June meetings- exact timings depend on Industry Leadership Groups

SFC/SDS Strategy Setting out priorities and areas of cross-over and to get input on what this means in terms of Skills Committee interest

Outcome Agreement Guidance 2017-18

Meeting scheduled for April for this purpose. To discuss quality of outcome agreements for 2016-17 and priorities for 2017-18 outcome agreement guidance to feed back to Council Board

Annual Report Taken to second meeting of calendar year including survey of members

UHI Response to Highlands and Islands Skills Investment Plan

UHI’s response to H&I SIP including attracting survey more young people into the area and the work of the work based learning hub

21 September 2016

D Deep Dive Discussion of Ongoing Development of Apprenticeship programme

To update Committee on emerging developments in Graduate Level apprenticeships/expansion of MAs and discuss implications of Apprenticeship levy

Forward plan is a rough plan which is subject to change due to a change in priorities- to be reviewed quarterly/at future agenda planning meetings.

Annex B

Skills Committee Advice Tracker and Sector Update – 04 February 2016

The advice tracker summarises advice given by the Committee to SFC and SDS boards and any subsequent action and outcome. This advice is focused on areas calling for further action, discussion or change. Advice that has been actioned and reported on has been removed with a sectors update included separately. Full detail on historical items is available on request.

RAG Status Guide: Red for significant issues and hold ups that require urgent attention, amber for issues impacting on delivery/impact but can be dealt with, green for on track and performing to plan and blue for closed and no further action required.

PART A: Actions from Previous Meetings

Agenda item

Agreed advice Outcome Result Exec owner RAG Status

5 November 2015

SC/15/Oral Fair Work Convention Framework and Development of Scottish Labour Market Strategy item

SDS and SFC should note the progress with the development of the Framework and that the main challenge for the Fair Work Convention will be to convince industry to invest in their people; and

The need for caution around how the debate is framed (robust evidence versus morality) and the importance of differentiating from Investors in People.

Reported as part of Skills Committee minutes to December SFC Board

SDS Board at meeting 10/12/15 noted the advice.

CLOSED Gordon McGuinness- SDS

Annex B

SC/15/20 Update on National Apprenticeship Reforms Across the UK

That once the details of the apprenticeship levy have been confirmed that there will be a need to consider the impact in Scotland if there are different occupational standards in England.

SDS Board should note:

The Committee’s concern about the potential diluting of the apprenticeship brand, as Foundation Apprenticeships start in senior phase therefore they are not strictly apprenticeships.

SDS Board discussed at 10/12/15 meeting. Agreed to offer an SDS presentation/discussion and follow up at a future JSC meeting to consider ‘brand,’ issues and wider Foundation Apprenticeship development further in detail

Gordon McGuinness- SDS

SC/15/21 Developing Young Workforce- Deep Dive- Career Education Standard Update

SDS Board should note:

the summary of the discussion of the Skills Committee, in particular The need to ensure that the standard is blended into the work of DYW.

SDS Board noted and endorsed the advice. CES is a core element in SDS service development programme (which addresses a range of DYW recommendations

CLOSED Gordon McGuinness- SDS

Annex B

27 August 2015

SC/15/12 Developing Young Workforce SDS and SFC Joint Plan Progress Report

Note the points raised, in particular

SDS and SFC should continue to engage with a wide range of stakeholders and ensure there is a clear communication plan; and

SDS and SFC should consider developing a rating system to clearly identify current status of actions within framework

Joint SFC and SDS workshop on DYW held on 22nd of September with attendance from Education Scotland (ES), Colleges, Scottish Government and College Liaison Association with Scottish Schools. SFC and SDS working with ES, SQA and college representation to develop work place standards for Scotland’s Colleges.

CLOSED Sharon Drysdale- SFC

SC/15/13 Scottish Government Employability Consultation

Note the feedback of the discussion, in particular:

Future services don’t lose what currently works;

Any future programmes should also focus on supporting people once they get into work and keeping them in work, not just on getting them into work. They should also consider quality of work that people enter from the programme

Importance of clarity around purpose of any programme so we can be sure that success measures are aligned to this purpose; and

The need to ensure we fully consider the implications and potential consequences of any changes implemented

Announced DWP changes to employability services affecting Work Programme/Work Choice (budget, eligibility). The Scottish Government has welcomed responses from a new consultation showing there is strong support for a flexible approach to employability services when they are devolved. Respondents were also in favour of a partnership approach that included a drive towards “real jobs”

Sharon Drysdale- SFC

Gordon McGuinness- SDS

Annex B

SC/15/14 Review of Energy SIP

Note the summary of the discussion in particular:

The Committee encourages SDS to review all evidence available when refreshing the SIPs, including developing relationships with SQA’s accreditation team

SIP progress has now been reviewed by themed sub-group and will be discussed by ESAG (to be relaunched late Spring with new remit and membership). SIPs programme- review and refresh to be presented at April 2016 meeting

CLOSED Andre Reibig- SFC

Rob Orr- SDS

SC/15/15 Gender Action Plan Update

Note the summary of the discussion, in particular:

SFC should continue to engage as widely as possible with the aim to develop a Gender Action Plan that ensures people are well informed when making decisions about courses and future careers

Draft published January 2016 and going to February meeting for comment.


John Kemp- SFC

14 May 2015 SC/15/07 Chair’s Business and Matters Arising

Note the summary of the discussion, in particular

The Committee’s interest in understanding how the advice informs the work of the respective boards of SDS and SFC more visibly and explicity

New Chair to discuss this with SFC and SDS Board Chairs in Spring/Summer 2016

SDS Board agreed to have standing item for review of JSC advice at each relevant meeting. This has been implemented during 2015-

Lorraine McMillan- Chair

Annex B

16. SFC reviewing structure of Board meetings – decrease in strategic workshops and scope for deep dives at future Board meetings to respond rapidly to future business and strategic needs

SC/15/08 SDS and SFC Skills Investment Plans- Cross Cutting Themes and Next Steps for Sector Programme

Note the points raised by Committee, in particular:

SDS should consider how employer engagement can be strengthened to underpin SIP implementation and ensure ongoing industry ownership;

The SIP refresh process should be designed in a way that is appropriate to needs of each sector and is industry-led, whilst taking opportunities to address synergies across sectors

The SIPs have provided a valuable framework for public sector engagement and investment, further work in implementation and refresh should aim to stimulate employer investment in workforce development, workplace innovation and improved skills utilization.

SDS executive have met with STUC to discuss opportunities for closer working with unions in relation to the fair work agenda and building the employee perspective into the sector programme

Employer engagement theme to be explored further as the SIP programme develops- review and refresh to be presented at April 2016 meeting


Andre Reibig- SFC

Chris Brodie- SDS

Annex B

SC/15/09 Regional Skills Assessments Review- Feedback and Findings

Note the summary, in particular:

Consider how RSAs inform the outcome agreements with college regions and what impact the improved and more consistent evidence base has on the shape of the provision regionally;

SDS and SFC are advised to explore how the use of RSAs alongside other information such as SIPs and other LMI can help inform work of broader partnerships, including community planning partnerships and new Developing Young Workforce groups

Refreshed 2016-17 outcome agreement guidance published asking for greater evidence of RSAs

12 college workshops took place in November 2015

SDS will work with SFC to explore how regional skills planning team bring evidence base to a broader range of partners- to be explored at February 2016 meeting.

CLOSED Sharon Drysdale- SFC

Chris Brodie- SDS

18 July 2013

SC/13/20 Certificate of Work Readiness- Evaluation of Pilot

Note advice from Committee on progress on delivery on Certificate of Work Readiness to be updated and presented to the Committee, clarifying the success measures being used

Success tracked through CTS reports and measuring of starts, outputs, outcomes and employer engagement as well as analysis of data to monitor individual performance/sustainability.

CLOSED Karen Murray/Mike O’Donnell- SDS

Annex B

From this, conclusion is that those who complete CWR have greater chance of gaining employment than those who don’t. December 2015 showed 2,286 starts, 1,137 outputs and 1,157 outcomes with over 1,322 employers engaged. Over 130 training providers and colleges approved to deliver CWR. 95% of CWR delivery funded by Employability Fund and small number of non EF providers involved.

18 April 2013

SC/13/10 Outcome Agreement Remits for 2014-15 Including Pre-Employability

SFC Board should note the key points and actions arising from the discussion:

Continue to develop the college leaver destination;

Better establish the scale of pre-employability activity within college;

Work with SDS to align SFC’s approach with the stages of the strategic skills pipeline; and

Promote the development of college capacity in the delivery of pre-employability provision

College leaver destination publication released 15/12/15 and colleges provided with a data tool. The 2014-15 collection underway and SFC completed matching exercise with SDS and SAAS. This work is being taken forward as part of SFC and SDS’ 7 year implementation plans. Committee will review the implementation plan on a regular basis


Annex B

PART B: Sectors Update

Key Sector Recent Progress

Creative Industries £1m Scottish Screen Industries Skills Fund announced by SG, informed by SIP themes

Joint Creative Careers publication and online material with Creative Scotland and The List, supported by SDS Digital Services and My WOW to emphasise career management, employability and entrepreneurship skills for young people at school

Joint development with Institute of Practitioners in Advertising for a national FE & HE competition on theme of sustainability developing student skills in PR, Marketing & Creative Digital. Prizes to include mentoring, placements & internships.

SDS supporting a new diversity programme for 24 young people on creative digital content skills training with Bauer Media/Clyde FM

New Apprenticeship delivery models in crafts and textiles under discussion for micro and rural businesses.

Developing BBC Make It Digital Scotland pilot with 6 FE Colleges and up to 72 unemployed sixteen to twenty four year olds to develop entry level creative digital and employability skills. Goes live mid-October.

Skills for growth support underway to develop skills capacity of business and services, incl. own employment and training delivery:

Support for delivery of training for Digital Content Executives & Women Only Skills Development

Initial discussions with SFC on FE & HE engagement to align programme development to meet CI SIP priorities.

Attending Ayrshire College Curriculum Review Board and supporting adoption of CI SIP themes & priorities.

Contributing to Creative Scotland's Creative Industries Strategy to align and support the CI SIP, prior to public consultation. SFC and Creative Scotland joint fund a Director of HE post with the role to develop the innovation agenda in the sector, which will

inform the Creative Industry Strategy to be published in February 2016

Annex B

Energy Working in partnership with Education Scotland and EU Skills, we continue to develop content for the ‘Employability Bites’ approach to embed contextual learning in CfE that is SCQF credit rated and levelled – facilitating pathways into further learning, including foundation apprenticeships. Pilots have been completed for National 5 Physics and are ongoing for S2 STEM Interdisciplinary Learning. Work is also underway to develop a pilot for National 4 pupils focused on STEM employability skills. We are now working with 9 Local Authorities to implement ‘Bites’ programmes.

Further STEM education work includes: STEM Skills Hub, a model for contextual learning & soft skills established in 2 secondary schools supported by employers providing mentoring and work experience is being run in Fife for second year; Education Scotland STEM Clusters, implementing the suite of STEM interventions that we are supporting target secondary and feeder primary schools across 4 regions; and, the Scottish Science in Education Resource Centre (SSERC) is delivering CPD to primary teachers in 4 Education Authorities, on behalf of SDS, on the science of sound, water and an exploratory engineering introduction to Oil & Gas.

Energy Skills Challenge Fund 2015/16 industry led transition training programme, contracted after a break in delivery, 4 providers to deliver circa 62 starts Jan – March 16. Delivery is focussing on Overhead Lines programme, Wind Turbine training, Pipework with Mechanical Joint Integrity, Renewable Energy Technologies.

The Junior Saltire Award Marine Energy school competition for Primary and Secondary School Teams is underway with the challenge to research, design and build a Wave Energy Convertor. The 2015/16 competition has 172 teams registered across 17 local authorities. The competition runs from December 15 to the final in June 2016 and is supported by key industry partners including FloWave, EMEC, wavepower, the University of Strathclyde and Wave Energy Scotland.

A project supported by SDS was successful at the Scottish Renewables Green Energy Awards in December 2015. The Energy Skills Partnership (ESP) was nominated and awarded the Contribution to Skills and Training Award at the ceremony held in Edinburgh for a partnership project with SDS and SNIPEF (Scottish & NI Plumbing Employers Federation)to establish a network of provision to support the advancement of micro-renewables, and support delivery of the Environmental Technologies Award (Solar Thermal and Heat Pumps) for 3rd/4th year Plumbing Modern Apprentices. 120 plumbing apprentices completed the emerging technologies units. At the Awards ceremony, Diane Hill was nominated in the same category, for her work on the Junior Saltire Prize.

The ESP is developing a STEM framework to dovetail with the Energy, Construction and Engineering SIPs and the SE led Manufacturing Action Plan

Annex B

Food and Drink The Skills Investment Plan is being refreshed. The Industry leadership group see skills as being vital to the growth ambitions of the sector and this will form part of their strategy review this year.

In partnership with the Scottish Dairy Bureau a Skills Audit has been undertaken to support dairy farmers. An Action Plan is currently being developed and supported by key stakeholders within the sector.

Work is underway to support the development of a local strategy in Ayrshire. Modern Apprenticeships are being promoted through local networks and an employer event planned for the Spring.

Working with the bakery sector, new training in Business Improvement Techniques has been developed, that will be targeted at employers to improve productivity and efficiencies.

The Scotland Food & Drink Excellence Awards have been launched and are seen as the ‘Oscars’ for the sector. SDS is sponsoring the Investing in Skills category that will recognise achievement in skills development linked to business growth.

Engagement with the Brewers Alliance has commenced to explore the development of a niche apprenticeship to support the craft brewing sector. This sub-sector has seen a significant increase in the number of business and is forecast for future growth but with no vocational pathways to support new entrants

A Shared Apprenticeship model will be created in Stornoway to support HRH Prince Charles’ Island Abattoir Project. This will be the first model in the sector and provides support to business in a rural region.

Working closely with the industry leadership group to develop a Productivity Action Plan that aims to support businesses. Research recently undertaken identifies Leadership, Innovation, Processes and Skills as the key factors contributing to effective productivity. The Action Plan is currently being finalised and will be launched later in the year.

Review of Scotland’s Food & Drink Academy is underway with a Board strategic workshop proposing a rationalised model for the Academy. Discussion around the future intervention is underway supported by Abertay, Forth Valley College, SFC, SDS and employers.

Annex B

Key Sector Recent Progress

Financial and Business Services

Supporting work of Glasgow Economic Leadership and Glasgow City College to engage with financial services industry in the area. A monthly rolling programme of Financial Services company tours for schools in and around Glasgow has been implemented. A FBS HE forum is being established for Glasgow under the auspices of the work stream.

Foundation Apprenticeship (FS Pathfinder) commenced in partnership with City of Glasgow College and Edinburgh College. Learning from the pathfinder model has informed bids for delivery in 2016/17.

Supported delivery of the Investment Challenge to 1000 students in 44 schools in Local Authorities in SDS West region and North East region, in partnership with BNP Paribas.

FS SIP Refresh commenced, targeted to complete end March 2016. Partnership work commenced with Scottish Financial Enterprise and General Insurance companies led by Ian Ferguson, Aviva and

FiSAB (industry leadership group) member to develop a dedicated skills programme for General Insurance.

Life Sciences The success of last year’s work placement competition has been developed further this year to a National level, utilising the Scotgrad placement service. The 2015 competition offered 17 work placements (improving on the 7 in 2014) and attracted nearly 800 applications from Life sciences students across Scotland. Involving all institutions that offer a Life science degree. Industry has engaged in this well and is now gearing up for more placements for 2016. Life sciences schools events are being delivered involving industry and partners.

Increases in life sciences MAs beginning to be seen following increased promotion of MAs for the sector.

Bespoke industry endorsed lab skills course for graduates has run for a second year and supported several candidates getting jobs

SFC will facilitate a meeting between all heads of Life Science departments in April 2016 to help input into the SIP refresh/update

Tourism Roll out of the World Host customer service programme to 13 destinations across Scotland. This included a small bespoke project to train volunteers working at the Open Golf championship in St Andrews.

On going development and delivery of the employer led Scottish Apprenticeship in Hospitality programme recruiting a new intake of apprentices across 7 5 star businesses.

Development of the 'Our Hebridean Welcome' on-line customer service training package in the Outer Hebrides.

Publication of research into future visitor expectations and the future skills implications.

Planning for delivery of the Scottish Tourism Careers festival in March 2016 designed to promote careers within the tourism and hospitality sector.

Refresh of the Tourism SIP underway being delivered alongside the mid term review of the Tourism 2020 national strategy. Consultations with employers and key stakeholders nearly completed with a Tourism Skills Group workshop scheduled in January.

Big Hospitality Conversation employability event being delivered in Dundee on January 26th. The event brings together hospitality employers with young people seeking employment within the sector.

Development of a college on-line customer service programme underway

Research project in development to further interrogate skills needs for future experiences and expectations

Annex B

Other Sectors Recent Progress

Chemical Sciences HND placement scheme has commenced with 6 places offered across 3 organisations

Initial scoping of potential shared apprenticeship project across chemical sciences employers

Programme designed to deliver transition training to develop automation engineers, delivery to begin through Forth Valley College.

New Industrial Biotechnology HND validated

Last meeting of the Skills Action Group on 15 December 2015 which discussed shared apprenticeship models and attracting women into the industry, amongst other items.


Support to Primary Engineer and Young Engineers & Science Clubs, – delivery partners in engaging with schools and building capacity of teachers to deliver STEM related learning

Supporting to promote internships for engineering students, thus better preparing them for the workplace

Working with Equate to get more women into Engineering – and to return to Engineering

Development of engineering presence in MyWoW space at Glasgow Science Centre

Developed strong relationship with ADS (trade body for the Aerospace, Defence & Space Sector), organising skills event for employers and careers fair for young people in 2015.

Foundation Apprenticeship Engineering pathfinder (Fife and W Lothian)complete, now being piloted in other LA areas

Scoping project with Employers, Equate and Prospect Trade Union – pilot programme to help women returners to Engineering

Working with colleagues in SD&I, industry and academia to develop models for graduate level apprenticeships

Annex B

Other Sectors Recent Progress

ICT/Digital Code Clan officially opened in October 2015 with its first cohort of 15 students due to graduate in January 2016. The second cohort began in mid November 2015 with 19 students. Cohort 3 is due to begin on 15 February has 14 confirmed places. Employer engagement is continuing to ensure the performance and ability for CodeClan to meet its 3 year plan

Multi channel marketing campaign, ‘Digital World’, being delivered to stimulate interest in careers in the sector. Wave 2 of the campaign will be implemented January to March 2016

Careers Influencer Coding events are being delivered to support the Digital World careers marketing campaign. SDS and partners are collaborating to run these events, aimed at supporting parents and other influencers to better understand career opportunities in the ICT/digital technologies sector. These events will target these key groups, and offer them the opportunity to get involved in interactive, informal and fun coding activity to bring the sector to life.

Approval to support the development of an Extra Curricular Funding framework and Resources - to develop a framework to create a joined up, and coordinated approach to the funding of ICT/digital related enrichment, and extra curricular digital activities which are aimed at young people. The key output of this activity is that there will be increased participation of young people in activities such as coding clubs. Taking this strategic approach also allows partners to target funding/activity where there is greatest need, such as geographically or by target group (e.g. gender).

Development of foundation apprenticeship underway.

The first cohort of training to support people to access digital/ICT vacancies in HIE began in early October 2015 and completed in December. With a further 3 cohorts planned January to March 2016 returning 65 net new individuals to the market place.

Project to support international talent attraction in partnership with Talent Scotland is progressing. Target countries, identified and International talent ambassador appointed, and International University engagement Officer appointed. Marketing Campaign begins in January.

Innovative Digital Skills Project Challenge invites a wide range of partners the opportunity to suggest solutions to the ICT/digital technologies skills challenges. The open call will be undertaken through Public Contracts Scotland in January 2016 and will involve specific criteria being developed in relation to each work stream theme area

Lowland Scotland Transition Training to develop transition training programme for lowland Scotland. This will specifically respond to employer skills gaps/shortages by primarily re-skilling individuals in disciplines which are currently in demand. This will target subject disciplines which will not initially be addressed by CodeClan such as e-commerce, digital marketing and web services. Tender will be published on Public Contracts Scotland in January 2016

Flexible Training Opportunity for Digital Skills – in partnership with SE, the pilot project explored whether small and micro-businesses (inc. start-ups) are self-excluded from growth-enhancing training initiatives due to cost. This will be achieved by offering financial assistance to a very small number of companies

Annex B

Construction Working with CITB and stakeholders to update Construction page on MyWoW and align with new national ‘Go Construct’ campaign

40+ Construction activities undertaken for SAW 2015, 225+ other school engagements

Developed, and now piloting, FA Construction (Civil engineering) in W Lothian and Highlands

Developed shared Apprenticeship models in Highland and Angus – partnerships with LAs, CITB and employers. Our funding support is for the additional MA places created.

Working with CITB and CECA to promote uptake of Skills for Growth, FTOs and LCSF; 50+ CECA members on certificated management/leadership training with SDS funded support

Working with colleagues in Digital to develop Construction hub on OSF

Published 2 x Construction skills newsletters for employers

Developing new MA framework and learning materials in timber frame design and manufacture (ref SIP Theme 4 – off-site manufacturing and modern methods of construction)

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