ch4 p 69. history robert hooke – 1665 – cork cells first to use the word ‘cell’ to describe...

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Ch4 p 69

History Robert Hooke – 1665 – Cork cells

First to use the word ‘cell’ to describe

the boxes he saw in cork, a plant

History Anton von Leeuwenhoek – 1673 – Simple

MicroscopesBasically a hand lensLooked at water, poop, muscle tissue, bacteria

History leads to CELL THEORY

Matthias Schleiden – 1838 – All plants are made of cells

Theodor Schwann – 1839 – All animals are made of cells

All Combine to form the CELL THEORY:

1. All living things are made of one or more cells

2. Cells are the basic unit building block of organisms

3. Cells only come from other cells

Cells are different Can be big, little, flat, round

A nerve cell can be 2 meters long!

Cells CAN NOT be that big

Size is limited by its Surface Area to VolumeSurface area is the amount of wrapping paper you need

to cover a presentVolume is how much stuff is inside


PROKARYOTIC: pro= ‘pre’ Has NO nucleusHas NO organellesSmaller

EUKARYOTIC:Has a nucleusHas organellesLargerComplex

Prokaryotic Cell

Organelles that we care about: Nuclear envelope Ribosome Flagella Rough ER Smooth ER Golgi DNA Lysosomes Centrioles Cell wall

Vacuole Cell membrane Chloroplast Mitochondria Cytoskeleton Nucleolus Cytoplasm

ORGANELLES = Animal Cell Parts

1. NucleusControl centerSurrounded by nuclear membrane

○ Nuclear Pore – a door to let information out of the nucleusContains DNA

○ DNA is also known as chromosomes or chromatin○ Is the actual directions for building the cell and the

organism○ Codes for (instructions) PROTEINS

Nucleolus○ Where ribosomes are made

ORGANELLES = Animal Cell Parts

2. MitochondriaChanges your food into energy called ATP‘MIGHTY MITOCHONDRIA’Where respiration takes place

3. RibosomesRRR = Ribosomes READ RNA and make Proteins

○ They help direct how to make a proteinCan be attached to the ER or floating in the cytoplasm

ORGANELLES = Animal Cell Parts

4. Endoplasmic ReticulumCan be smooth – no ribosomes connectedOr rough – ribosomes stuck on itWhere chemicals and proteins are made and wrapped

in a membrane – MAKES THINGSLooks like a warm lava lamp

5. Golgi ApparatusFixes proteins to be sent out of the cellGOLGI = FEDEX

ORGANELLES = Animal Cell Parts

6. LysosomesBreak down old cell partsBreak down food

7. CytoskeletonMade of:

○ Microfilaments ○ Microtubules

Sticks that provide supportHelp move parts around the cell, like roadsBecome SPINDLE FIBERS for cell division

ORGANELLES = Animal Cell Parts

8. Cilia or FlagellaHair like organelles MOVEMENT

9. CentriolesHelps direct cell division

10. Cell MembraneSEMIPERMEABLE – ‘picky’

○ Selectively permeablePhospholipid Bilayer

CELL MEMBRANE10. Cell Membrane

SEMIPERMEABLE – ‘picky’○ Selectively

permeablePhospholipid Bilayer

○ Hydrophobic tail○ Hydrophilic head

ORGANELLES = Plant Cell Parts

11. VacuoleHolds water, and mineralsLargest part of the plant cell

12. Cell WallStructure of the plant

13. ChloroplastPHOTOSYNTHESISUses sunlight and carbon dioxide to make glucose

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