ch 7 sections 1,2 independence and revolution. king george this monarch led england at the time that...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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CH 7 Sections 1,2

Independence and Revolution

King George

• This monarch led England at the time that the colonies declared their independence.

Paul Revere

• Warned the Minutemen when the British were coming.

The British went to seize the Massachusetts militia’s weapons at Concord, and lit buildings on fire.

The British soldiers were called Redcoats because of their uniforms.

The Olive Branch Petition was a request the colonists made for peace with the British

before the Revolutionary war.

Fort Ticonderoga

This was a British military base with cannons that the Patriots captured.

Benedict Arnold

• Was a Patriot war hero before he became one of the most famous traitors in history.

Bunker and Breed’s Hills

Patriots dug trenches here and pushed back the British until they had no ammunition


William Howe

• British general that led troops and the British navy in New York and Boston.

Thomas Paine

• Wrote Common Sense for the common man.

Thomas Jefferson

• Was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence.

The United States was created by this document-. The Declaration of


Colonists who wanted to remain part of Britain were called Loyalists.

Abigail Adams

• Wanted women’s rights included in the Declaration of Independence.

The southern colonies objected to a condemnation of slavery in the Declaration of Independence.

Mum Bett

• A slave that successfully sued for freedom.

The first colony to abolish slavery was Massachusetts.

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