ch 2 speech stage fright

Post on 12-May-2015






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Speech apprenhension pp for a communications application class/speech class.


Journal Entry Stage Fright

• What emotional feelings or thoughts do you experience when you must get up in front of an audience? What physical sensations do you experience when you become nervous or scared? Do you find it hard to think when becoming

• scared or nervous or experience anxiety in any way.

Stage FrightCommunication Apprehension

Fear of Public Speaking has been rated as the #1 fear in America. Some say it is more feared than death.

If you have this fear you share it with millions and millions of people.

Many people suffering from fear of public speaking believe that they are alone in feeling so frightened.

The truth is that most people just don't want to talk about their fear of being in front of a group.

A PhobiaAn Unreasonable Fear

Called by many names - A. stage fright B. speech anxiety C. shyness D. fear of speaking E. performance anxiety F. Speech phobia

Fear of public speaking can have a negative effect on careers and the ability to get things done, and therefore on your success.

Journal Entry Day 2

• Are you able to sit in a crowded room for long periods of time without saying a word to anyone, or have you usually struck up a conversation with someone before you leave the room?

• What is an extrovert? Out-going person

• What is an introvert? Shy Individual

We Learn Better When the Experience is Attached to Emotions But what we learn isn’t always positive!!!!

A person could have a momentary feeling of panic during a speech and the brain thinks

"Aha, here's a dangerous situation. I know because I feel panic. How do I keep myself from getting in this dangerous situation again? I know, I'll attach the feeling of panic to it - that'll stop me."

This is one of the primary ways that humans learn - by attaching emotions to situations.

A Solution to Fear of Public Speaking

The trick is to break the linkage in the mind between the context of public speaking and the fear.

Need to have positive speaking


The Wrong PerceptionAn Accurate Perception will help you Build


• Audiences’ are often unaware of how nervous you are!

• If they believe that you are genuinely interested in them they will forgive your nervousness.

Does this man have a realistic interpretation of reality?

Plato’s Cave Allegory from The Republic

Get the right perception!

Do not view the speech as a performance but instead as a time of sharing.


Build Confidence by Recognizing your Personal Worth

• No One is Born with Confidence

• It is learned.

• Don’t think you have to be perfect.

• Don’t fear being human!

The Audience is Not the Enemy• Conquer this fear by

actually getting up in front of an audience and speaking

• Audience wants you to succeed

• So instead of thinking of them as the problem think of them as the solution.

• They are your fans they are actually cheering you on to victory.

• Victory represents getting your points across to that audience.

The Microphone Won’t Bite You!

Think About the Audience and Not Yourself!

• Find something anything whatever it may be that you enjoy about public speaking.

• Is it the fact that what you have to say is going to benefit someone?

• Think about one person in your audience that your information is going to change their life

• If you don’t get up on that stage and tell that audience what you have to say someone is going to seriously miss out in their life.

• Pump yourself up like an athlete does before a professional game.

Practice. Practice. Practice

• . The more familiar you become with the material that you are sharing with your audience the more confidence you’ll feel before you speak.

• Practice in front of family members or the mirror.

• Do not practice it silently!

Visualize Yourself Being a Great Speaker

• Do not see yourself having a fear of public speaking.

• Instead see yourself as a master teacher that the audience enjoys.

• They are hanging onto every word that you have to say.

• If you can get into your mind that that is what is going to happen your fears will start to subside even before you go to speak publicly.

Relax and Focus Your Nervous Energy Into a Successful Presentation

• Nervous energy can serve as your ally. • Focusing those nerves into the liveliness of your

speech can actually make it more interesting.• Do some stretching and relaxation exercises

before speaking• Just like any performance – playing a sport, an

instrument, acting on stage – giving a speech means using your energy effectively!

A Little Fear is Not a Bad Thing!

• Low levels of fear can energise us to try harder and learn more.

• However, as CA is heightened, feelings of discomfort tend to increase and the willingness to communicate declines (McCroskey & Richmond, 1987).

What Not to Do!

Do not imagine your audience naked!!!

What to Do!

Focus on the MESSAGE!


Not the nervousness you are feeling or experiencing!

How Does CA Affect RelationshipsLinked to feelings of loneliness, isolation, low self esteem.

High communication apprehensive individuals have difficulty in forming and maintaining close relationships and when they are formed will try to ‘hang on to the relationship for dear life’

They interact less with peer strangers, have fewer friends, are less likely to accept blind dates, are more likely to engage in exclusive dating, are more devastated on relationship breakups and have more difficulty in re‑establishing new relationships

Characteristically, compared to low communication apprehensive people, high communication apprehensive are perceived to be less socially attractive and less attractive by members of the opposite sex, less likely to be opinion leaders or leaders in a group and less successful in the social environment.

Two Ways to Cure a Negative Image

1. Recognize your own self worth

2. Don’t be afraid to be human and make mistakes

“Is my perception truly the reality of the situation?”

How do you build a speech with solid content

• Go to the library and research your topic

• Interview someone related to your topic

Two Ways to Convey a Good First Impression-

• Convey a positive attitude on your way to the front of the room

• Dress and groom yourself appropriately

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