ch. 1 sec. 1-5 who were the first human’s to come to north america and how did they get here? ...

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Unit 1- Exploration and Colonization

Ch. 1 Sec. 1-5

Who were the first human’s to come to North

America and how did they get here? Why is something that happened 12 trillion

years ago important enough for us to talk about?


I. Asians crossed the Bering Strait 12000

years ago. Nomads Beringia

Ice Age, Glaciers II. North Americans

Hopewells, Iroquis, Creek III. Central and South Americans

Mayas & Olmec, Aztecs, Incas

The First “Americans”

Agricultural Revolution – 9000-10000 years

ago. Central Americans learned to plant and grow

crops. Maize

First American civilizations arise in Mesoamerica.


Olmec-in modern-day Mexico are considered

to be the first civilization in America. Mayans first appear on the Yucatan peninsula.

Very smart bunch… Aztecs had an enormous empire throughout

Mexico. Large impact on modern Mexico.

Olmec, Mayas, and Aztecs


Irrigation Canals Anasazi

Cliff dwellers– Mesa Verde, Chaco Canyon Ditches and Basins

Hohokam and Anasazi


Created tools, clay pots. Burial and Ceremonial Mounds

Mississippis Great builders and architects

Hopewell and Mississippians

What does it mean to be a “nomad”?

People who travel from place to place. What does the Ice Age have anything to do

American history? Name two major Native American tribes the

arose out of Mesoamerica. Maya, Aztec

Question Time

Sec. 2

Native Americans’ culture was effected by

their environment. Western Tribes Far North Tribes Eastern Woodland Tribes

Native American Societies


Many small groups--Pueblo Tribes Anasazi, Hohokam, Zuni, Hopi Practiced corn farming, hunting, and gathering.

Pacific Coast Many groups- Tlingit, Haida, Kwakuitls, Chinook,

Salish Harvested lumber, fished, hunted deer

The West

The Great Plains

Hopewell, Mississippian, Sioux, Pawnee, Kansas, Iowa After the introduction of horses, they became

great hunters and warriors. Sioux famous for “scalping.”

The West

Inuit and Aleut

Depend on hunting whales, seals, and caribou. Only Native American culture to develop lamps.

The Far North

Two distinct language groups – Algonquian,

Iroquoian Practiced slash-and-burn agriculture Longhouses and wigwams

Iroquois often went to war with each other. Founded the Iroquois League

Hiawatha - Chief

The Eastern Woodlands

People of the Southeast were spread out and

lived in towns. Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw,


The Southeast

African culture is vital to American culture.

Islam – Most West Africans were Muslim. Mosque – Islamic place of worship.

Trade routes between West Africa, Europe, and North America were impacted.

Sec. 3 - Africa

Africa was important to North American

colonization for two reasons. 1. Gold, Sugar, and Spices Trade 2. Slave Trade

The Trade Game

Sec. 4 – European Cultures and Significances

Discover the causes of European exploration.

Why travel 5000 miles, experience hardship and possible death?

Were the Europeans technologically ready to explore?

Daily Objectives

American society is most similar to European

society for a number of reasons, but the main reason is that the United States was born out of Europe.

There had to be a reason/motivation for European exploration. We are going to discuss these reasons today!

Why this is important…

10th -14th Centuries

Crusades – Latin word crux, meaning “cross”. Pope Urban II Armed struggle against Arab Muslims.

– Regain the “Holy Land” - Convert Muslims to Christianity

Importance Influenced curiosity to travel and trade outside of


The Crusades

During the Middle Ages (500-1400), Europe

experienced a decline after the fall of the Roman Empire. Feudalism- Western European Kings grant

power to nobles who owned land, creating an uneven heriarchy of power. Manorialism – Economic ties between serfs and

nobles Created social classes

Fall of the Roman Empire

“I work very hard. I go out at dawn, driving the

oxen to the field, and I yoke them to the plough; however hard the winter I dare not stay home for fear of my master; but, having yoked the oxen made the ploughshare and coulter fast to the plough, every day I have to plough a whole acre or more.”

--quoted in Colloquy

Back to the Crusades…

Demand for foreign goods was high in Europe (spices, sugar, salt, silk) European traders reap huge profits

More tax $ for countries= more money spent on exploration.

Less reliance on the feudal system.

The Age of Discovery (15th -16th Centuries)

Renaissance – 1350-1600 (about)

Intellectual revolution in Europe. Highly influenced by the Middle East

New Technologies Caravel (Portuguese), Lateen Sails (Indian) Astrolabe (Muslim), Compass (Chinese)

The Renaissance

The Printing Press – 1454 – John Gutenberg

Greater access to maps and knowledge Less “rediscovery”

New Technologies-cont.

15th Century was rough for Roman Catholicism

Protestant Reformation Indulgences Martin Luther

Church of England

Religion in Europe

Find a sea route to Asia

1419 – Henry the Navigator 1488 – Bartolomeu Dias 1497 – Vasco da Gama

Discovered water route to Asia.

Vikings were first to the New World, about 1000 AD Leif Ericsson – Set up colonies in Newfoundland,

but they failed. No success, no credit!

First European Explorers

Look at the map on pg 34. First, answer

question number 1. Now, answer these questions:

After the discoveries of Bartolomeu Dias and Vasco da Gama, which European cities had the greatest trade advantages?

If I wanted to ship spices over land from India to Cordoba, Spain, what would be the easiest path for my goods to travel?


Sec. 5

Europe Encounters America

Why were Europeans ready to explore?

Why would they want to explore? What happened that made them change their

isolationist ways?

Make a cause and effect T-Chart justifying your response.

Question Time…

Cause and Effect of European Exploration


Crusades Weakening of Feudalism–

More power for nobles, less for kings.

Renaissance New tech.=> Compass,

Astrolabe, Caravel Competition between

nations. Missionary zeal - Pilgrims


Exchange of goods, services, and ideas between cultures.

Slave Trade Disease swaps

“America was discovered accidentally by a

great seaman who was looking for something else: when it was discovered it was not wanted; and most of the exploration for the next fifty years was done in hope of getting through or around it. America was named after a man who discovered no part of the New World. History is like that, very chancy.” - Morison

Christopher Columbus

Leif Ericsson discovered North America nearly

500 years before Columbus. Why does history remember Columbus and not Ericsson? History honors the successful…

Why is Columbus Famous??

Christopher Columbus

Italian navigator, believed the Earth was round. NOT a new idea. Claudius Ptolemy drew circular

maps of the Earth in AD 200, complete with lines of longitude. Pg 39

Columbus Background

Columbus is quoted: “…the end of Spain and

the beginning of India are not far apart… and it is known that this sea is navigable in a few days’ time with a favoring wind.” Severely underestimated the size of the Earth.

Why important? –See Google Earth Waited 7 years for final approval.

King Ferdinand of Spain

Columbus’ Problem…

Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria Reached land Oct. 12, 1492

Watlings Island, San Salvador (Bahamas) Found very little…

Indengiounous People – Called them Indians Small deposits of gold Explores other islands, returns to Spain

Promises Ferdinand more gold than he can dream of.

Columbus’ Voyage

His findings encourage other expeditions.

His success is due to the fact that it was publicized.


Portugal and Spain were nearly at war over

disputing trade routes. Pope Alexander VI had a solution: 1493- Line of Demarcation (Bull of

Demarcation) Vertical line of separation in the Atlantic ocean

between Spain and Portugal. Spain gets the Americas.

1494- Treaty of Tordesillas Significance?

Race to Claims

Juan Ponce de Leon – Governor of Puerto

Rico, discovers Florida in 1513. Searched for the “fountain of youth”.

Vasco de Balboa – First European to reach Pacific coast of America.

Spain Explores America

Ferdinand Magellan – First explorer to

circumnavigate the world. Magellan didn’t survive the trip

Why voyage significant?

Spain Explores America

Hernan Cortes - 1519-1522 : Conquers Aztecs

Pizzaro – 1531-1535: Conquers the Incas in Peru with only 180 men.

Spanish Explorers

The Columbian Exchange

Europe to America Livestock Technology Coffee Wheat, Rye, Barley Disease

America to Europe

Corn Peanuts Fruits Tomatoes Tobacco Potatoes Disease

On your own paper…

Construct a timeline of events, starting with Ptolemy’s discovery and ending with Magellan’s voyage.

Timeline Time

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