cgt201 using banner to view contract & grant funds

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CGT201 Using Banner to View Contract & Grant Funds

Last Updated 1/12/2020 by Marc Maus

Table of Contents


e-Print ReportWFRUDTD 6WFRUPTD 7


E-PRINTFound on Faculty and Staff Home Page Left Hand Side

The WFRUDTD and WFRUPTD reports are located in the e-Print Finance repository

You must have banner finance access in order to view grant reports in E-print.


Log in to E-Print Using Your Banner Username and Password


After Log in, the menu screen will appear, click the next button until you see WFRUDTD and WFRUPTD reports in the menu list. Click PDF icon on left to open report.


WFRUDTD (DAILY Grant & Project-to-Date Report)The WFRUDTD report is run daily and can be used to get a current up-to-date balance for any budget pool on any grant or project-to-date fund. WFRUPTD reflects subtotals by budget pool as well as totals for current month, fiscal year-to-date and project-to-date.

Important Reminder about WFRUDTD: This report is a static report which means that the information that is displayed on this report is as of the date/time that the report was run. For current, up-to-the-minute balances please use the Banner FRIGITD form.


WFRUPTD (Grant Inception to Date Report)The WFRUPTD report is located in the e-Print Finance repository. This report is run monthly after the month-end close process. WFRUPTD reflects subtotals by budget pool as well as totals for current month, fiscal year-to-date and project-to-date. You must have banner finance access in order to view grant reports in E-Print.


Important Reminder about WFRUPTD: This report is a static report which means that the information that is displayed on this report is as of the date/time that the report was run. For current, up-to-the-minute balances please use the Banner FRIGITD form.

To view previous versions of the WFRUPTD report, click on the drill on the main menu.


A listing of the different report versions will appear. Simply click on the version (month) that you wish to review and e-Print will open that month’s report for you.


FRAGRNT (Grant Attributes)The Grant Maintenance form (FRAGRNT) will provide the user with vital grant information. The FRAGRNT form has 9 tabs of information although you will probably only need to use six of the tabs. They are the main tab, grant agency tab, location tab, cost code tab, personnel tab, user defined data tab, effort reporting tab and pass through agency tab. The main tab provides the org number, title of the grant, PI’s name, project start and end date, total grant funds awarded and whether the grant is active, closed or in review status.

To access FRAGRNT, enter the Grant Number in the Grant field. The grant number will be the fund number with a G at the beginning of the number followed by the first five-digit number in the fund. The last digit of the fund number is dropped. For example:

Fund = 580630 Grant = G58063

After entering the grant number, click the GO button. The following information will be displayed.


Grant Number

The grant agency tab provides the address, phone number and contact for the sponsoring agency that funded the grant.


The cost code tab shows the indirect cost rate and the indirect cost basis. Banner now encumbers indirect costs and is indicated by a check mark in the Indirect Cost Encumbering field.


The personnel tab provides the name of the PI, any Co-PI’s, department heads, business officers and the name of the grants officer assigned to that particular grant. You can page down to see this information.





The user defined data tab provides information such as:1. Does the grant have budget restrictions?2. Is there course release time?3. Is cost share required?4. Are there faculty working on the grant?5. Is there any foreign travel?6. Method of grant payment.7. Are there any sub-contracts?8. Will there be any summer salary?

Contact the grant administrator for your grant to obtain clarification of any errors in data found on FRAGRNT.

The effort reporting tab will list any cost share funds or additional funds within the main fund. Let’s look at 580630.


The effort check box on the main tab should always be checked. If there are cost share shares salaries the cost share fund must be present in the effort tab along with the grant fund. Also, the cost share fund description listed fund should match the grant fund in the effort tab.

FRIGITD (Grant Inception to Date)

Use FRIGITD to display your Budget, Activity, Encumbrances and Available Balance for the entire project-to-date period.

To view a summary of your grant fund balances by budget pools, enter the grant fund number and select Budget Pool in the Account Summary option and click the GO button


Enter Fund, select Budget Pool and click GO.

Totals will be reflected by Budget Pool.


When the Budget Pool option has been selected on FRIGITD, you can view budget pool and associated detail account code specific transactions by selecting RELATED on the menu bar and clicking Grant Transactions by Pool (FRIGTRD).


To view all account codes (including budget pools) on FRIGITD, select Account Summary = All Levels. Only those detail account codes that have been used with the grant will be reflected.


The following detail information will be displayed.


Encumbered indirect costs will display on FRIGITD with an account code of 954800 and description of Indirect Cost Budget Pool. The costs will display regardless of the Account Summary option selected. If the IDC available balance DOES NOT SHOW A ZERO balance you should contact your Grants Officer ASAP as this will affect your available dollars. This is very similar to when you enter a purchase order. Funds will be encumbered and as grant expenses post, the encumbrance will decrease and the actual expense will increase. Under Chrome River, travel costs will also show as encumbered.


Travel Costs Encumbered with Chrome River

Indirect Costs EncumberedPO’s are encumbered


FRIGTRD (Grant Transaction Detail)

As discussed earlier, FRIGTRD allows a user to view all transactions posted to a grant fund. This form can be accessed by clicking the Related icon and clicking on the grant Transactions by Pool (FRIGTRD) drilling down from FRIGITD (Account Summary = Budget Pool) or by going directly to the form from the Main Menu.

When accessing this form directly from the Main Menu, enter the grant number or the fund number. Click on the Related tab. The Grant Transactions by Pool (FRIGTRD) should be in the box and simply click on it. The Date From and Date To fields MAY NOT represent the true beginning and ending dates of the grant. You should go to FRAGRNT to get the beginning and end dates for the grant.




Because of the highlight, you can do additional queries on the data as needed. Click the Related tab and select Query Document.


All document types coded to F08 now appear.


To sort by Type, simply click on Type tab and it will sort by Type in alphabetical order.


You can also sort by activity date. Simply click on the Activity Date and it will sort by date from oldest to most recent.


FRIORGH (Grant Organization Inquiry)

The Grant Organization Inquiry (FRIORGH) form will display all grants for a specified organization. To retrieve grant information, enter the COA = W and the appropriate organization code; click the GO button.The grant numbers, descriptions, status, project dates and maximum grant amounts will be displayed in the information block.

All grants for the specified organization will be displayed regardless of status. Status codes are: A = Active, C= Closed, R= (Under) Review, P=Purged, I=Inactive. You can also click on status to display the active grants. All grant records are kept for 3 to 7 years depending on type after closeout. The records are then destroyed and they are purged.To sort by status, simply click on the Status tab and it will sort in alphabetical order.


FRIPSTG (Grant Personnel Inquiry)

The Grant Personnel Inquiry (FRIPSTG) form will display all grants for a specified Principal Investigator (PI). To retrieve grant information for a specific PI, enter the Banner ID and click the GO button. The grant numbers, descriptions, status, project dates and maximum grant amounts will be displayed in the information block. (The ID and name have been blocked in this example.)

To search for a specific status code see page 28 above.

SPARC OFFICE – Who Handles What

• Director – Kati Chipps Authorized Organization Representative Backup for Pre-Award and Post Award

• Assistant Director – Michael Carr Authorized Organization Representative Negotiates contracts and grants

• Pre-Award – Dana Brinkley, Kristi Dorsey, Nathan Jones Incoming Proposals Proposal submissions and internal form Potential funding Searches Ramses


SPARC OFFICE – Who Handles What


• Post Award – Ashley Adams, Kimberly McKoy, Marc Maus, Patty Fox Create new grant fund number for awards Process Supplements and No Cost Extension Update Banner and Ramses Budget Revisions Journal Entries Approve expenditures – HR, Travel, U-shop (Independent Contractors, Equipment) Review invoices Financial reports for invoices as required

• Sub-Contracts Issued - John Finn• Effort Reporting - John Finn• Award Close Out – John Finn

For More Information Please call the SPARC Office



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