cesil and chimah-origins of the gods by teddy lee pugh

Post on 15-Nov-2014






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Modern day scientific thought tends to be leaning more and more toward the consideration, due to the evidence recently explored, of master intelligent designers. If they do exist, and this does seem logical-then according to the laws of physics and relativity they must have origins, and or a home planet! Join me as I use ancient Hebrew documents to decode the origins of these Gods of antiquity in order to better understand why we humans are here and what our ultimate destiny will be!


Cimah - Cesil Cimah - Cesil

Origins of the Origins of the GodsGods

By: Teddy LeeBy: Teddy Lee

This book is dedicated to all curious minds, who desire to better

understand the GOD OF ISRAEL - YHWH, or Yahweh, and to better


Acknowledgements all go to the desire YHWH has given me to

understand the deep mysteries of cosmic space-time-matter, and a

genuine Christian home in the mountains of southeast Kentucky.

GOD bless all races of beings - AMEN!

C@ ~ copyright by T-C-P, a TLP fine arts work, C@ 2008 - all rights

reserved by Threshold D.O.D. musical group Berea, Kentucky. Also by

BMI publishing Nashville, Tennessee.

Special note; it is highly recommended that you the reader check my

most recent works: The Seventh Dimension; Apocalypse; and

Reference Point.

2: The Hebrew YHWH, and Yahweh is used 90% of the time instead of

the English substitutes that misrepresent the actual identification of

the God Of Israel.

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

Contents Introduction

Chapter One ~ Eternal Personage

Chapter Two ~ Light Bearer

Chapter Three ~ Eternal Creation

Chapter Four ~a Condemned Worship

Chapter Five ~ Points Of Light

Chapter Six ~ Angelic Procedure

Chapter Seven ~ the Seven Stars

Chapter Eight ~ Taurus the Bull

Chapter Nine ~ NibiruFinal Analysis

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods


A young mountain boy retires to his bed, at his home in Lotts Creek, Kentucky, and

another school day awaits him just in a few hours. Tonight is special, though, for at the

age of 7 years old, he is about to lose another front tooth! His momma tells him, “now do

not forget to place it under your pillow, and the tooth fairy will leave you money in place

of it.” The boy does as his mother asked of him, and the next morning there was a dollar

bill instead of the tooth! It worked for him every time, so his faith in the tooth fairy

steadily increased, and he anxiously waited for the next tooth to come out, because of the

miracle performed by this supernatural being!

One day the author arose from a good night’s sleep, and questions concerning all the

things he had believed in, bombarded his inner being with great intensity! Questions like;

do I believe in GOD, YHWH, for all the wrong reasons? Is He, in character and

personality, really like what I have been taught, or are there hidden truths that are trying

to surface in my life, and so as to pull the rug out from under all my former embedded

beliefs! This is exactly what happened to this ole’ mountain reared Pentecostal boy! It

was on this very day that the author went on a 90 day research campaign to find out more

about this GOD, and this BOOK, that I have spent my whole life believing in! The results

of my research were overwhelmingly dramatic! The research revealed to me the whole

unadulterated truth concerning the prophecies of the Ancient Of Days; it revealed to me

the real truth concerning the state of the dead; the true personage of the Eternal One!

What His true plan is for humans and planet earth! The conflict among divine beings over

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

His law, and the beauty of this 10 code law! The magnificent work of Christ in the

heavenly sanctuary of which ancient Israel’s was an earthly archetype.

Also of great significance is the act of believing in a God that dwells in the invisible

world, and thus usually cannot be seen in the material world. However, this is why 50

days after Passover the next big feast of Yahweh - Pentecost, He delivered to all believers

a special power from the source of all energy-life-substance. This was so He could go

back to His point of origin and perform His duties of High Priest in the celestial temple.

Then we have the dilemma of His origins? Just where did such a being of light and

power originate from? The bible seems to indicate that He is the great I AM, the Eternal

One, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending; indicating that the physical

cosmos is set up on beginnings and endings! Yet in original Hebrew documents certain

abstract words like; forever, no beginning or ending, probably and more accurately mean,

that, in our physical dimension, we cannot comprehend the laws and the units of

measured events for extraterrestrial beings! Certain English bible texts, would have one

inclined to believe, that, this being has no origin, descent, without any beginning nor

ending of days - which sounds real neat and all, but there is a lot of evidence to support

the logical assumption of a definite beginning or a point of origin! He is to believers, our

Savior and our High Priest, who has returned back to His point of origin to complete a

most vital work in the heavenly tabernacle!

This point of origin is exactly the opposite of the composition and nature of the material

world of sight-color-sound. The bible expounds to us that the physical body

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cannot hold up under the strain of the presence of divine beings! Earthquakes, storms,

soldiers falling like dead men, Paul being blinded by the light emanating from this

cosmic being - all of these things are a result of the union of seen and unseen forces -

similar to the explosive effect of the union of matter-antimatter!

So then, when they leave their world they had a point of origin - the intangible

domain. After they accomplish their objectives, then their work has temporally ended, so

there is a starting and an ending point to any given set of physical and spiritual laws of

force in motion. This is commonsense physics! It is also a fact, that, in the spiritual realm

it is a altogether different ballgame, with different rules, and the stakes are high. The

spiritual transformation of humans is the main priority of YHWH!

Now please try to keep this one thing in mind - when you are use to measuring

celestial events in whole eons of time, then I guess to our little feeble minds - these

beings have no literal end or beginning. We shall, however, inevitable see, as we travel on

through this book, that, divine beings do have a point of origin, only don’t forget they

dwell in the eternal-spiritual realm of the higher dimensions!

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

Chapter One ~ Eternal Personage

(Study Revelation chapters 1-2-3-4-5 and 22)

In the book of Revelation chapter one, is seen the full personage of the being who

shared and suffered along with fellow humans. He is seen in the same manner as most of

all the other prophets described Him - with His eyes of fire, complexion as the sun, feet

and legs with the appearance of burning brass, girded about with gold, hair white as

snow, and the voice of a multitude! He spoke and said, fear not John; I am Alpha and

Omega; the beginning and the end.

Now He had in His right hand 7 stars, and He walked among 7 golden candlesticks!

Even though the passage seems to indicate that these things represent the 7 churches in

Asia, and the 7 angels of the churches, they pack around a much heavier weight of divine

revelation. Notice that the 7 candles, and candlesticks, is a part of the scene of the holy

sanctuary of Hebrew antiquity. Also note, He is holding 7 stars in His right hand; or He is

the possessor of them; or He is the creator of them! The book of Revelation is continually

holding up the banner of Christ’s Creatorship, and it is the major issue within the grand

prophetic framework!

The prophetic language of John’s apocalypse indicates that the 7 lights, or lamps in

chapter 4, stand for the 7 spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. In chapter 5, the

Lamb slain for humans is seen having 7 horns and 7 eyes which are the 7 spirits of God.

It seems that 7’s are very important to this being, and He likes a lot of company to hang

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out with Him, to aid in overseeing the divine works of the universe! The elders,

cherubim, angelic orders, and all other creatures, are seen singing and rejoicing over the

creation of visible matter, and the fact, that, the mystery of the cosmos belongs to the

Lamb; who through His eternal sacrifice, has forever linked humanity to the unseen

spiritual realm.

At the start of the letter to Laodicea, the text expounds that Christ(Michael), is the

faithful and true witness; the beginning of the creation of Yahweh(Heb.). Other texts such

as Hebrews chapter one, and verses 1-4, tells us, that, through the personage of this being,

the Eternal Force created all worlds! Christ - Yahsua - The Most High - YHWH; is the

beginning of all visible substance, and or tangible matter! This would also mean, that,

such a being created the milky way galaxy, the 12 constellations, and all creatures in all

life-supporting star systems!

In the Taurus bull constellation lies the 7 stars of the group cluster known as

Pleiades. The star clusters of Pleiades and Orion are found in numerous ancient Hebrew

documents. In Hebrew they are known as Cimah and Cesil, and the 12 signs are known as

Mazzaroth. What will become of significance to us, is, what is revealed in the bible

concerning these star systems, and of a probable designated point of origin of the

powerful deity of the old and new testaments!

So now, let me try and finish up on my original thought of just what is the true

significance behind the 7 stars, outside the meaning of those long-gone-forgotten-

churches of Asia?

In the book of Amos chapter 5, and verse 8, the prophet is exhorting YHWH’S people

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to seek Him, who made the 7 stars and Orion.

Please do not forget these words spoken by the prophet Amos. For when we begin to

examine more ancient text, one will begin to realize that the words spoken by Amos are

the foundational tool in determining a possible origin of the God of Israel.

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

Chapter Two ~ Light Bearer

(Study Isaiah chapter 14, Ezekiel chapter 28, and Revelation chapter 12)

In Revelation chapter 22, and verse 16, Christ reveals to us, that, He is the root and

offspring of David; the bright and morning star! Originally the morning star was ascribed

to Lucifer, or light bearer. According to both Isaiah chapter 14, and Ezekiel 28, he was

the anointed cherubim that covered the mercy seat under which lie the celestial tables of

stone. He was corrupted by his beauty and brightness, and started a cosmic war over the

universal code! He is seen making war against Michael and His angels in Revelation

chapter 12, and verses 7-10. Apparently Michael expelled him, and his helpers, to a

certain designated area of confinement, until the issues among humans, and heavenly

beings, are forever made plain and settled concerning the character and law of YHWH!

Michael is the great angel of the presence. He is captain of the LORD’S HOST, or divine

beings. He expelled the pagan giants and heathen from the land of Canaan. In 2nd Kings

chapter 19, and verse 35, he slew 185,000 Assyrians before the Hebrews ever entered the

camp! He is seen by Joshua with His sword drawn, also by Gideon, and many others. He

was to the Hebrews a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He is now the great light

bearer unto all created worlds, and the human connection to the Eternal Force! He is also

the one who delivered the prophecies to Daniel, John, and others, and is the being who

died for us to retrieve the corrupted seed of humanity! The fact that he now holds the

position of Top Dog is signified by the force of His prophetic message, and He

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is now the morning star unto mother earth, and all her life forms.

The morning star in Astrology seems to be connected to Venus. The planets in our

solar system are millions and billions of years old, and have formerly been inhabited by

superior cosmic races of antiquity. In the book of Job chapter 38, and verses 1-7, the bible

relates to us, that, the creation of the earth was for the habitation of divine beings, when it

stated that - “the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy“!

This is speaking of the original creation of the earth, and not from ruin as seen in Genesis

chapter one, and verses 2&3. According to most records this planet has suffered repeated

stages of disaster, and so I wonder; has this happened to Venus, Mars, and others in our

celestial neighborhood? Answer - a logical YES! There are some documents that indicate

that the asteroid belt, between Mars and Jupiter, is the broken remnants of a former planet

named Lucifer, and that it was destroyed through the use of Hi-Tec-Nukes. A star war of

immense proportions seems to be a plausible working theory when one begins to

scientifically investigate the lifeless rocks in our solar-backyard. The bible supports the

theory of a cosmic battle over the sanctity of the divine code, and the personality of the

Creator. It could be, that, when life takes hold on a newer better rock, that the rebellious

fallen ones seem to have an interest in destroying the new project - thus promoting

cosmic violence. However, the universe has been around for countless eons of time, so

that must mean that something, or someone, has, and is, tending the universal ground of

cosmic cycles!

One rule is always for sure - if it ain’t broke - don’t fix it! The law of divine love was

for the sanctity and good of all life-forms. When one closely examines this law, it is

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a most definite fact, that, there is not a flaw in it’s principles of loving the Creator, and all

other life-forms in the cosmos! John reveals to us in his gospel, in chapter one, and verses

1-3, that this divine word was in the beginning, and so then there was a beginning to both

seen and unseen worlds! All things were made by the Master-Light-Bearer, the bright and

morning star, and without Him there was nothing made that is now made. In Him was life

and the life was the light of humanity! The light bearer, who expelled Lucifer from the

heavenly temple, is our lawyer in the celestial courts, and our High Priest in the most

holy place. He has a definite beginning, and a true point of origin, but before we attempt

to pinpoint this concept, let us learn more of His authorship-creatorship, within the vast

wonders of the cosmos.

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

Chapter Three ~ Eternal Creation

(Study books of Enoch 1&2, Colossians chapter 1 and Revelation chapter 17)

Through the spirit of freewill, one should attempt to explore the riches of the world

that is not visible to the naked eye. We should desire, with all our being, to understand the

things around us, and why the universe is the way it is? The very sounds of nature

indicate a concealed beauty, and all things move, sing, dance, and have their specific

identity due to the grand cosmic musical composition!

The force behind creation is the study of energy, and the strange interactions of life-

giving elements. Also, it is the relational unity between energy and matter, that is

responsible for the identity of the visible cosmos. The simple laws of physics are the

framework on which the entire universe was built upon. These laws are the foundational

infra-structure to the blueprint of all life and material substance. Therefore there must

have been an architect. No automobile, house, T.V., PC, stereo, or any other modern

device, is ever made without first a schematic blueprint. Well then, it is only safe to say,

that, the visible universe has a master designer. If one can scientifically prove me wrong,

then I will stop writing now and never process another book! That should create a real

spark of enthusiasm in some miserable critic out there! But such a task is not possible.

We know the visible world is real to our human senses, and science tells us it takes

energy to create tangible matter. Where did the energy come from to create the initial

expansion of the universe? Answer - from a source in which all energy and mass

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converges, and or originates: the master reality of invisible nothingness.

In the books of Enoch 1&2, Enoch tells of his abduction experiences; of visiting a

huge mother-ship, and many other worlds. He writes of visiting multiple dimensions in

the eternal realm, or various levels in the heavens! Michael is seen transforming him to

resemble one of the ancient ones. Then Yahweh asked Enoch to set with Gabriel on His

left, apparently the right side was for Michael. Yahweh then speaks to him face to face.

2nd Enoch chapter 24, records, “Enoch(beloved), whatever you see, and whatever things

are standing still, or moving around, were brought to perfection by me. And I myself will

explain it to you. Before anything existed at all, from the very beginning, whatever exist I

created from the nonexistent, and from the invisible the visible. [listen Enoch and pay

attention to these words of mine]. For not even to my angels have I explained my secrets,

nor related to them their origin, nor my endlessness (or inconceivableness), as I devise

the creatures, as I am making them known unto you today. *For before any visible things

had come into existence, I, the one, moved around in the invisible things, like the

sun(moves) from east to west and from west to east. But the sun had rest in itself; yet I

did not find rest because everything was not yet created. And I thought up the idea of

establishing a foundation to create a visible creation. Chapter 25; “And I commanded the

lowest things; let one of the invisible things descend visibly! And Adoil descended,

extremely large, and I looked at him, and behold in his belly he had a great light. And I

said to him, ‘disintegrate yourself, Adoil, and let what is born of you become visible! And

he disintegrated himself, and there came out a very great light. * And I was in the midst

of the great light. And light out of light is carried thus. And the great age (time)

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came out, and it revealed all the creation which I had thought up to create. And I saw how

good it was. And I placed for myself a throne, and I sat down on it. And then to the light I

spoke; you go up higher (than the throne), and be solidified, much higher (than the

throne), and become the foundation for the highest things; and there is nothing higher

than the light except nothing itself…….and I looked upward from my throne.’ “

The laws that govern energy-matter transference, state that, energy and matter are

neither created nor destroyed, but instead transform themselves, or change their identity.

This being, Yahweh, fully understands the processes of stellar cycles; for He is the creator

of them! Einstein’s infamous equation of E=MxC-2, is close to the equations of the

ancient ones. To realize that the simplest of all the known elements, governs the

processes of hot burning stars, and packs enough punch, upon mechanical detonation, to

devastate whole continents, is a scary mind blowing reality! I’m speaking of course of

hydrogen, and it is hydrogen fusion that keeps stars shinning bright, and the punch that it

packs is in the form of Alpha - Beta - Gamma radiation. These processes were designed

to maintain set reference points of cosmic events, and to identify with the cycles of the

source voltage of visible matter in motion.

In Colossians chapter one, and verses 12-19, Paul records these words. “Giving

thanks unto the father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the

saints in light: who hath delivered us from darkness, and hath translated us into the

kingdom of His dear son: in whom we have redemption through His blood, even the

forgiveness of sins: who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and

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invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things

were created by Him, and for Him: And He is before all things, and by Him all things

consist. And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn

from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence. For it pleased the father

that in Him should all fullness dwell;”

Like I mentioned earlier in chapter one, the issue of YHWH’S creatorship is the main

issue in the grand cosmic conflict among created beings. It seems that for millenniums

Lucifer has painstakingly attempted to forge the identity of the creator. His rebellious

attitude has secretly contaminated the sacred truths once entrusted to him, and he forged

Yahweh’s signature on some counterfeit illicit documents. This is to try and steal away

the rights and royalties of the original artist. Lucifer is the master plagiarist! This is his

attempt to show that he is god, and wants to sway all humanity into his way of control,

government, and especially worship. It is to me a fact, that, there must be a great architect

behind the development of the physical cosmos, and that the war behind the curtain of

unseen forces - is real!

Yahweh’s eternal creatorship stands sure, having this seal - the divine code of love,

on which the visible was made to come forth, and of which this powerful being was made

flesh, lived, died, arose, and is now forever identified with the corrupted seed; in order

for a future transformation and a final joining, or oneness, of all things.

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

Chapter Four ~ a Condemned Worship

(Study Deuteronomy chapters 4&17 and Revelation chapters 15, 16, &17)

The same God that is identified with certain heavenly bodies like, the 12 signs, the 7

stars, and Orion, is also the same God that condemned the act of worshipping them! In

the days of Moses, after the exodus, and the delivering of the law of love, Yahweh warns

them to never be ensnared with the worship of heavenly bodies. He knew that Canaan

land was infested with pagan worship, and that these heathen nations worshipped the sun,

moon, and the 12 signs. It was all a part of the age-long-sun-cult, that existed long before

the great flood, and was devised by the fallen ones to steal worship from the creator, unto

a system of worship in defiance of the cosmic code. The first statement in the code,

revealed to humans; “I am Yahweh Elohim, thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

For I Yahweh, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, but

showing mercy unto all who love me and keep my commandments.

Becoming ensnared with pagan worship caused Israel to be subdued and scattered in

721 B.C., and last but not least, Judah is lead into Babylonian captivity in 606 B.C.. The

prophetic insignia eludes to the fact, that, Jerusalem was the archetype to the destruction

of the world, due to a modern form of this worship format; (See my book Apocalypse;

exposing Satan’s network)! This false mother church, seen in Revelation chapter 17 as

the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth, is the Roman Catholic Church. The

city that dwells on 7 mountains is Vatican city; her global system is referred

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to as modern day Babylon, and the 7 last plagues of Revelation 15&16 are in her future.

Yahweh, in His concern for humanity, issued to the prophets, prophetic time-lines to

reveal to us the full scope of the conflict over His eternal law. It is so that believers may

be on their guard, and not be tricked into worshipping falsely. The same pagan rituals,

and set feasts that brought about the demise of Yahweh’s people of old, is the same ones

seen in the golden cup of the great whore in Revelation 17, of which the peoples of earth

are seen drunk on it!

Psychic advisement, horoscopes, astrology, sorcery, and all the like, is firmly

attached to the pagan systems of antiquity. Once again, let me state, that, all of these

things have been, and are, condemned by Yahweh. All of these practices are an

abomination unto Him. Even though this book may somewhat prove that points of light,

such as the 7 stars, could be the origins of certain of the ancient ones, does not relate to

you the message to also worship them. This book is relaying the message - do not

worship the created visible thing, but the CREATOR of the visible thing - and Him only!

Just like any other creator, of say, poetry, songs, music, blueprints for homes and

businesses, Yahweh wants to be recognized for His accomplished projects, and for His

patient efforts toward the salvation of humanity. He wants the recognition that only He

deserves for His original musical composition of the universe. He is a being of love,

mercy, and endless devotion, to a planet caught in the middle of a much larger battle! In

the midst of the battle - praise HIM - the prince of divine PEACE!

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

Chapter Five ~ Points Of Light

(Study Job chapters 9, and 38)

The record indicates that an abnormally bright star appeared upon the night of the

birth of Christ. It was a warm fall night, and the shepherds, who were tending to their

flocks, observed the splendor of this most notable occasion.

Here again is another good example of spiritual and material worlds converging.

Disruptions in the physical realm, which includes celestial bodies, occur upon the act of

dimensions colliding between worlds. If within the matrix of the cosmos, all things

converge, and emerge, so that all things are continually interplaying, then all things in the

visible cosmos are interconnected, and this is also true for the immaterial world - all is

one and one is all! Physical life-forms influence planetary changes; heavenly bodies

influence planetary life-forms, and both seem to fulfill a deeper purpose, so that the

formula for all things is astronomical! The invisible, and the visible, influencing the

course and the destiny of each other, is a most profound application! This means, that, we

need what is unseen, and the unseen needs what is seen. In other words, both realities are

dependant upon each other to fulfill the needs and the destiny of each other. The star

appeared in Bethlehem because of the forces between worlds; forces influencing each

other that resulted in a disclosure of a possible supernova display!

Allow me now to jump the gun, and dibble around a bit with the UFO phenomenon.

This is an interesting field for me because of the many experiences of my

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own. (See my book, the 7th Dimension )

One of the most intriguing of all the UFO reports happened outside England in the

Woodbridge-Rendlesham area. On the night of December 27th of 1980, strange lights

appeared in the forest trees, and on the military facilities, of which were storage sights for

nuclear weapons. Sergeant Penniston, and colonel Charles Halt, were among the

witnesses of these frightening occurrences. These lights showed a definite interest in the

nuclear bunkers, periodically sending bursts of lights upon the bunkers, as if they were

scanning them. Eventually, when all was said and done, the vessels whipped away into

the sky, and became star like points of light in the night sky - AMAZING!

In the book of psalms chapter 147, and verse 4, David records that Yahweh calls all

the stars by name, and that my friend is a lot of names. There are countless billions of

stars spread out through the vastness of space-time, and yet the record states, that,

however many there are, they all have a name. There are about 6 to 7 billion humans on

this planet, and they all have a name.

Yet names that exist in the higher dimensions are different than anyone’s here, or any

language that is present in today’s world. In revelation chapter 2, and verse 17, John

records that Yahweh said he would give to believers a new name, and in chapter 3, and

verse 12, it tells us also, that, this being that held the 7 stars would have a new name; then

this means that He has undisclosed names for the 12 signs, Orion, and all the rest in our

galaxy. It could be, that, all of those points of light are a physical representation of the

ancient ones, and it could also be, that, they hang out on these points of light! Remember

that after the military officers and personnel witnessed the visitation of the lights and

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vessels, they quickly soared away and became points of light in the night sky. Then they

must have been returning to their point of origin.

[Remember - there is a battle going on for the ultimate fate of this planet! It is a

documented fact, that, nuclear weapons were tampered with, on both sides of the

equation, during the cold war. The author should know, I was serving in Eschborn,

Germany at the time.]

Are these points of light, in our galactic backyard, the ones who are actively involved

in the course of measured human events, and are overseeing the destiny equation? This

could very well be! It is recorded in many texts, that, the captain of lights, Michael, was

always present and especially active during wartime. Greater than any war, or wars,

fought here on planet earth, is the celestial war fought eons ago, and our forefathers from

outer space, seem to be continually keeping the renegade angels in check, so that the

unseen matrix remains in tact, and the course of measured events are not disrupted. At the

time appointed, by the unseen world, will all things come to a budding head; all things

will join both in heaven, and in the earth, and all questions will be fulfilled and answered.

The next battle will not be interfered with! Eventually, weaponry from the kings of

the earth will unite with Lucifer and his host, against the very one who will descend from

heaven with all His host. (See my book the next Star War)

Now going back to Job chapter 38, and verse 7, the record states that at the creation of

the earth, “all the morning stars sang together, and the sons of God leaped for joy!”

Remember in chapter 2 Christ said, that, He was the bright and morning star, and this

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means light-bearer. These morning stars (plural) must depict all of the light-bearing

archangels in the heavens. Lucifer and his gang were cast down out of the temple as a

result of the star war with Michael (Christ). So then Michael and His angels are in charge

of the outcome of natural events, and the spiritual transformation of humans. And please

never forget - the captain died for us!

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

Chapter Six ~ Angelic Procedure

(Study 1st Corinthians chapter 15, and 1st kings chapters 17, and 19)

Angelic procedure is the spiritual nurturing of a species, who by nature tend to travel

the path of the fallen ones. In Hebrews chapter one, and verse 14, the bible tells us, that,

heavenly angels are spirits assigned to comfort, guide, and minister, to all those who are

to be heirs of the future kingdom of Yahweh. In the Hebrew record they are seen

manifesting themselves to humans in advance of a major global catastrophe. They are

seen ministering to the prophets of old, and employing spiritual military tactics within the

set prophetic framework of Daniel and Revelation.

During the course of my journey, here on planet earth, the author has experienced

many near misses with DEATH! Once a shotgun went off just a few inches from the right

side of my head, and my friends at school the next day looked in amazement, and told

me, I should be dead! Once a tractor pulling a wagon, loaded with tons of wood and

garbage, ran over my entire body, and the hospital staff gave me up to die, but my dad,

and another minister, came and prayed for me, and I went home within 24 hours. On

many other occasions I was stabbed, struck in the cranium with heavy objects, and in

each case the physicians could not explain, not only living to tell it, but my rapid


All of these events do not have nothing on the fact, that, I have a history of massive

substance abuse, but the creator has definitely prolonged my life! It’s just like when

substance abuse didn’t wipe me out, that unseen forces threw at me a wide variety

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

of close to death experiences. It was all so that I would personally know that there is

something unseen to me that must be influencing the outcome of my life and destiny.

When I look around and see all my friends dropping like flies, and the friends of my

children, then I realize there must be a God in heaven that is overseeing the overall

destiny of the planted earth-seed! It is a plausible notion, that, there are spiritual

undetected beings who are constantly involved with the affairs of humanity. In the book

of Psalms 34, and verse 7, David records that the angel of Yahweh is encamped about all

those who love and serve Him. Among the multiple accounts, is one that really hits home

for me, and it is found in 1st kings chapter 19, when, while Elijah was asleep - angels

prepared for him bread, or cakes, and in chapter 17, during the same mega-drought,

ravens gather him food every morning and evening, and he drank from the brook Cherith!

Christ said in Matthew chapter 6, and verses 25&26, that He takes thought, through His

divine angelic procedure, to feed the fouls of the air, so how much more does He give

thought to humans over animals. It is just that humans seem to get caught up in the

visible pleasures of this world, and they forget about the infinite care of Christ. He, in His

love, for His visible creation, takes care of all the life-supporting needs of all life-forms.

Otherwise put, inside the master reality is a web of cosmic knowledge that tends to the

garden of the universe.

In 1st Corinthians chapter 15, Paul speaks of tending the ground of earth and planting

seeds of life that spring forth, everything after it’s own specific kind, or molecular

composition. He relates humans as being the gardeners of the earth; planting seeds to

follow a specific path, and spring forth into the kinds of fruits and grains that support

physical life. Then he relates how Christ tends to the ground of the entire cosmos.

Remember, one of the forms he appeared to humans in was in the form of a gardener to

Mary. The invisible domain, wherein lies many dimensions, tends to the garden of the

universe. Christ spoke in several parables about mankind tending to their crops, and

Christ spoke of Himself as being the sower of both natural and spiritual ground. The seed

sown in all the cosmos is the beginning of His project of sowing the seed of His spiritual

code, on which the physical domain manifests all it’s substance. Tending to the spiritual

soil, as well as the physical soil of the cosmos, is a mind-blowing task! It seems to be a

fact, that, immaterial forces oversee the maintenance of the universe, just as one would

tend to his own garden - in his own backyard. The backyard in which the ancient ones till,

plant, and cultivate, is the garden of galactic star systems, that produce spiritual crops of

beautiful righteous fruits, unto the master gardener. Just as seeds are planted by us, or by

the blowing of the winds, the earth brings forth their beauty for food and pleasure; so

does the eternal realm bring forth the human seed planted to yield a crop after His own

divine nature. He is the ultimate master sower of spiritual seed. The universal spiritual

garden is tilled, and tended to, by, angelic procedure of the supernatural world.

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

Chapter Seven ~ the Seven Stars

(Study Revelation chapter 8)

The island of Thira was one of the islands that surrounded the infamous city of

utopia. Atlantis was the city of the gods, and it is also recorded that they were of great

stature and fierce warriors. They made many conquests around the entire scope of the

Mediterranean sea. In the dialogues of Plato, Timaeus and Critias, is told the story of the

rise and fall of Atlantis. The devastation of earthquakes and tidal waves, created from a

mega-eruption on the isle of Thira, sank the city of the gods into the sea.

Atlantis was said to be a rich and thriving community. Leaders such as Poseidon,

Atlas, Zeus, and Hercules, conquered all races that were a threat, and established their

own government and commonwealth. The community of the giants was by no means the

state of utopia that is depicted in the legend. The offspring of Poseidon were mostly

savage giants. Many of those, along with the Titans, launched a campaign against Zeus,

but Zeus led all the gods to victory against them. Atlas was one of these Titans, and he

had 7 daughters, who are associated with the 7 stars, and these stars are sometimes called

the 7 sisters. It is written that Atlas bore offspring by both mortal and immortal women.

In the Hebrew record we find a similar account of how the sons of God (Nephilim) took

daughters in the flesh and bore great giants on the earth. It could very well be that these

giants were deities just like the ones here in ancient mythology. It could also be a fact,

that, that is the very reason why Yahweh calls out a people through Abram, and separates

him, and his offspring, from the evil influence of these fallen beings. Also Abram is seen

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

defeating some of these giants in Genesis chapter 14, and verses 17-20, and is seen giving

a tenth part of the spoils to the high priest, Melchizedek. These races were a plague to the

earth because they possessed the DNA of fallen angels, and this seed was the main reason

for the flood.

Think with me for a minute; if Atlantis was truly a utopia center then why should it

suffer devastation at the hands of mother nature. Atlas was the god of sky and weather,

and there where others who were in charge of land, and the underworld - why could they

not have stopped calamity? Why are they not still here today? Answer is - they were

taken out by the creator of us, them, and all other things.

If then the 7 stars, are the 7 daughters of Atlas, then he must have created them; but

the Hebrew account tells us that Yahweh is the creator of, not just the 7 stars(Pleiades),

but all of the stars in the cosmos. However, these stars do seem to be important, because

they appear in several passages in my bible. Remember, I related to you in chapter one,

how that the 7 stars are an analogy to the angels of the 7 churches in Asia, and that they

have a much greater divine meaning - well they do - believe me they do! Remember, this

ancient being likes to count in 7’s, and that is exactly why you see cycles of 7’s

throughout the book of Revelation. This prophecy expands on the prophecies of Daniel

about a power that would deceive the world with her false worship, and in the end suffer

the wrath of the 7 last plagues.

So think with me, in the first chapter of Revelation, YHWH is seen in His glorified

personage, and He is seen in the heavenly sanctuary walking among the seven golden

candlesticks, and holding in His right hand 7 stars. Why is He seen in the temple?

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

Because John is in the spirit, and he was taken there! Also, Christ cannot appear in

anyone’s vision here on earth, because He will not leave his high priestly work until it is

finished and penitence for all humans is over. It is at that time that predetermined wrath

will take charge; dealing with all those who followed the way of Baal, or Lucifer. Christ

is presenting all this information to John, and he gets to expand on it when judgment is

administered to modern Babylon, or the great whore.

The 7 stars in the right hand of Yahweh are indeed the 7 angels who stand prepared in

the temple for the time when Christ finishes His work of cleansing the most holy place,

and the horrible plagues against the seat of the beast are poured out. These plagues

consist of a mega-eruption, an oceanic impact, and a comet strike on land. The rest of the

plagues are the direct full result of the first 3. Global earthquakes, impacts, polluting our

water and land, and life-taking diseases, take their toll on all those who have not the seal

of YHWH in their foreheads. In chapter 8 of Revelation, Michael is seen leaving the

temple in heaven and then 7 angels prepare to deal out judgment to all the ones who were

not repentant during Christ work of intercession and cleansing. (Note: the 7 trumpets and

the 7 last plagues are synonymous)

The Lamb that was slain holds the keys to our destiny in the prepared representation

of the 7 stars. These 7 light-bearing archangels probably reside on those 7 points of light,

or they are their radiant counterpart. Whatever the case, though, all divine beings do have

a home! Christ created Pleiades, and it is within the framework of the Taurus

constellation. The 7 stars in His right hand, bear the great weight of the mysteries of the

heavens, and the fate of earth. These 7 are His closest and most personal colleagues, and

they stand ready in the holy place in heaven. The 7 stars of Yahweh are the 7 angels of

special judgment, and they will aid Michael in both judgment and restitution during the

fullness of time.


see my most recent works entitled; Apocalypse, exposing Satan’s network, and Reference

Point, cosmic time-lines}

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

Chapter Eight~ Taurus the Bull

(Study the books of Exodus and Deuteronomy)

In the bull constellation of Taurus lies the 7 stars, but what is more amazing, is, how

this constellation is relative to our study of the origins of Gods. In Exodus 29, and verses

3-14, is seen the ancient sacrifice of a young bull, with all the ceremonial washings and

rituals, to be performed by Aaron the high priest. He would enter the most holy place

with the priestly garments on, and also the ephod of 12 precious stones, which was a type

of communicating device, to cleanse the people and the sanctuary. In Ezra chapter 7, and

verse 17, is seen the same system of sacrifice upon the arrival of the Jews back to

Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity.

In Hebrews 9, and verse 19, is seen the annual day of Atonement, when the high

priest would cleanse the people, tabernacle, and the most holy place, where the sins of

Israel rested from year to year. It was with the blood of calves and goats, and many times

a bull and a he-goat, of which was determined to be in the best of health without spot or

blemish. Chapter 10, and verse 4, states, “for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and

of goats should take away sins.” Meaning - that is what Yahweh set up with ancient Israel

until the eternal sacrifice would come and offer His own body.

In Genesis 18, 7&8, is seen Abraham preparing a young tender calf for the three

angels who came to warn him of the impending destruction on the cities of Sodom and

Gomorrah. He was warned to get his brother Lot, and his family, out of those cities. They

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

also blessed Sarah with a child, when she was more than past the age of childbearing.

*In Leviticus chapter 9, is seen Aaron’s sin offering for making the golden calf, for all

Israel to worship, while Moses was on top Sinai communing with Yahweh. The bull and

the cow were worshipped by Egyptians, and looks like they carried from Egypt with

them, those abominable pagan practices. Aaron is seen dipping his finger in the blood and

smearing it on the horns of the altar in the holy place. The catch that I want you the

reader to understand is in all the words of the prophets, world powers are represented by

he goats and rams, and their horns are seen clashing each other in a fury. The beast power

in Daniel 7, and revelation 13, is seen with 10 horns, and the beast power is depicted by a

little horn, that arises among the 10, and subdues 3 horns. In Revelation chapter 5, is seen

the Lamb, the eternal sacrifice, with 7 horns and 7 eyes, which are the 7 spirits of

Yahweh. As we have studied, angels are ministering spirits, and these 7 spirits are the

fullness of the character and personage of the Godhead. They also are the 7 angels of

special judgment, and have a personal assignment to planet earth.

Now, if the earthly Hebrew sanctuary was patterned according to the heavenly, then,

these horns of the altar also exist in the celestial temple. The prophet Amos said, He

created the 7 stars and Orion, and Christ is seen holding 7 stars in His right hand at the

beginning of John’s prophecy! The prophecy of Revelation is geared up for the 7 angels

of judgment on modern day Babylon.

In Job chapter 9, and verses 8-10, Job answers his accusers by telling them, that,

Yahweh knows his heart, because, He was the one who stretched out the heavens, and

made Arcturus (the bear), Orion, and Pleiades. In chapter 38, and verses 31-33, Yahweh

speaks to Job out of the whirlwind and confirms His creatorship of those points of light,

and once more specifying the same ones recorded in chapter 9. Judging by the temple

arrangement, shown to Moses, as an earthly archetype of the original, and judging from

what John seen in the heavenly temple, the chief deities, and the heavenly host, abide in

Cimah and Cesil (Pleiades and Orion). Yet, allow me to try and narrow it down a bit!

From the evidence of biblical passages, of the work of the most high in the temple, and as

the Lamb slain with 7 horns and eyes; Pleiades is the home of the 7 angels, and so

Michael has His origins with His 7 stars, inside the bull constellation - Taurus! Also,

Orion, and Arcturus, are most definitely star points of heavenly host, and the city of

Yahweh, the new Jerusalem, probably resides there, somewhere inside the bands of


Don’t stop reading now,

for in the next chapter we will briefly examine a ghost planet that may play a role in our

rescue from worn-out-war-torn planet earth!

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

Chapter Nine ~ Nibiru

(Study Revelation chapters 21 and 22)

Ancient Sumerian and Mayan records tell of a huge planet that ventures close to

earth every 3,600 years. This planet is not a normal part of our immediate solar

neighborhood because of its long elliptical orbit about the sun. This planet has no sun in

it’s normal vicinity, because their sun burned out eons ago, so they utilize the natural heat

core of their planet by an atmospheric shield of ionized gold. The planet we are speaking

of is named Nibiru, or the 12th planet.

Many specialist who are investigating this topic, believe that the plagues in Egypt, at

the time of the Exodus, was due to an appearance of Nibiru. This red giant planet is

capable of knocking space rocks out of their orbits, and can cause a huge shift in earth’s

orbit, insomuch, that, the magnetic poles of the earth could reverse. My friend this is an

alarming notion, especially when the date 2,012 rolls around, which is the year

astronomers predict that the sun and the earth will align with the center of the milky way.

This is indeed tricky business, for at the center of our galaxy lies a black hole, and they

are unpredictable to science and hard to be analyzed, because they are invisible. The date

of 2,012 is in the Mayan calendar, and the 22nd of December is also revealed, which is

around the time of the winter solstice. Also, this is the year fixed for the arrival of Nibiru.

The Sumerian record speaks of this 12th planet, and the Mayan calendar has set the date

for 2,012 - WOW-WEE, that’s just around the corner! This alignment of sun-earth-Nibiru


Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

most definitely result in celestial impacts upon the earth, in the forms of, meteor showers,

a huge asteroid, and a comet strike. The book of Revelation chapters 8 and 9, describes

the occurrences of such impacts. Also, when one reads closely the plagues of Egypt, and

compares them to the 7 last plagues of Revelation chapters 15&16, one can see the basic

similarities. Please remember, that, the Egyptians were idolatrous specialists, and the 7

last plagues are directed solely against a pagan worship system known as modern day


Also notice, that, in Revelation chapters 21&22, the holy city is coming down from

Yahweh out of heaven, and this could be somehow associated with the up-coming

alignment with Nibiru. John said in Revelation 22, and verse 5, that there will be no night

on the new earth, nor light from the sun, or candle, but the light of YHWH will be the

only light for them. Our sun still has a lot of life left. Even though it may be veiled by

natural catastrophe, it still will be out there burning bright. It will probably be around a

long time past 2,012, but a biblical destruction, like the kind depicted in ancient records,

will not allow this planet to be habitable. This is in harmony with the words of the

prophets. Isaiah 24 tells us of the global devastation, and that the earth would flip upside

down. This means that the magnetic poles of earth will reverse.

Nibiru has no sun, and with a peculiar orbit. John recorded in his gospel, the words

of Christ laying out the promise of preparing for us a home, and then returning to take us

there. This would fulfill the promise of a new earth, and a different orbit, or heaven. The

honeymoon of Christ’s bride could very well be on Nibiru for a thousand years. (See my

work Apocalypse)

Also found in the Mayan records is a tree of life, and the leaves are used to bath in

Teddy Pugh, Origins of the Gods

for longevity of life, and the fruit eaten for perfect health.

Whatever the details, I just want to go there and see all my family again; my children

and all my fellow humans in the LORD. Most of all, I want to see and met with YHWH,

the one that I have loved and believed in all my life - with all my being. If I trust and

believe in His word here, I believe someday I will share in eternity with Him! [I hope to

see you soon - Daddy! You were a true soldier for YHWH - AMEN!]


Daddy’s old King James Version of the English Bible; also see my new

works; Apocalypse, The 7th dimension, and Reference Point - Cosmic


Teddy lee was born and raised in the mountains of Hazard, Kentucky.

Raised in a Pentecostal home, he cherishes all the memories of all

those beautiful worship services and traveling with Dad and Mom on

all those long revivals! His interest is to correlate science with ancient

records, so that humans may better understand the concept of a super

intelligent race, and of the one who came and suffered big-time for us!

[Ask about his original music C.D.’S]!

Is it possible to pinpoint the origins of the Eternal Ones described in ancient Hebrew

prophecies? There must have been some type of beginning for all the things seen and

unseen! Just where is the favorite hang-out spot for Yahweh, and all His millions of

heavenly hosts? What is their ultimate plan for all life-forms in the cosmos? Will we ever

be able to visit their world, and share in the mysteries surrounding their existence, and the

existence of ALL THINGS? Join me in a quest to better understand the exact nature, and

origins of divine beings!

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