cervical artery dysfunction: a case report

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  • 8/14/2019 Cervical artery dysfunction: A case report


    Positive Cervical Artery Testing in a Patient with Chronic WhiplashSyndrome: Clinical Decision-Making in the Presence ofDiagnostic Uncertainty

    David L. Graziano, PT, DPT, MTCWanda Nitsch, PT, PhD, MTCPeter A. Huijbregts, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, FCAMT

    Abstract: This case report describes the diagnosis and management o a 43-year-old emale patient who

    had sustained an injury to her neck in a motor-vehicle accident two years earlier.The major symptoms

    described by the patient included headache and neck pain, but history and examination also revealed

    signs and symptoms potentially indicative o cervical artery compromise. Physical therapy management

    initially consisted o sot tissue and non-thrust joint manipulation o the lower cervical and thoracic

    spine, specic exercise prescription, and supercial heat. Cervical vascular compromise was re-evaluated

    by way o the sustained extension-rotation test. When at the th visit this test no longer producedsymptoms potentially indicative o vascular compromise, upper cervical diagnosis and management

    consisting o sot tissue and non-thrust joint manipulation was added. A positive outcome was achieved

    both at the impairment level and with regard to limitations in activities, the latter including increased

    perormance at work, a return to previous reading activities, improved length and quality o sleep, and

    greater comort while driving. At discharge, the patient reported only occasional pain and mild limita-

    tions in activities. This report describes the positive outcomes in a patient with chronic whiplash syn-

    drome; however, its main emphasis lies in the discussion and critical evaluation o clinical reasoning in

    the presence o diagnostic uncertainty with regard to cervical artery compromise.

    Key Words: Whiplash Syndrome, Physical Therapy, Cervical Artery, Vertebral Artery, Diagnostic Uncer-

    tainty, Clinical Reasoning

    In the United States alone, over one million people annu-

    ally incur acceleration-deceleration or whiplash injuries

    to the cervical spine1.Cervical spine trauma is estimated

    to occur in 20% o motor-vehicle accidents2.Headache and

    neck pain are common complaints ater a whiplash injury but

    symptoms may also include thoracic, temporomandibular,

    acial, and limb pain and stiness, dizziness, nausea, visual

    disturbances, tinnitus, malaise, dysequilibrium, anxiety, and


    There is signicant controversy with regard to the natu-

    ral history o whiplash-associated disorder (WAD). Based on

    prospective inception cohort studies, prevalence or chronic

    neck pain in patients with whiplash injuries o 1442% hasbeen reported10. Barnsley et al10 also noted that approximately

    10% o these patients report indenite but constant and se-

    vere pain. A more recent prospective cohort study11 similarly

    ound that only 51.7% o subjects reported being recovered at

    2 years. In contrast, Partheni et al12 reported a 90% recovery

    rate in a prospective cohort o patients with grade I and II

    WAD at a 4-week ollow-up. Obelieniene et al12 reported no

    between-group dierences at a 1-year ollow-up or a prospec-

    Address all correspondence and requests or reprints to:

    David L. Graziano

    Director o Spine Care

    Balistreri & Associates Physical Therapy

    1135 Prairie Drive

    Racine, WI 53406

    E-mail: Dgraziano3@wi.rr.com

    The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy

    Vol. 15 No. 3 (2007), E45E63 The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 2007 / E45

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    E46 / The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 2007

    tive cohort o patients with WAD and matched controls with

    regard to requency and intensity o neck pain and headache.

    This controversy clearly positions clinicians and researchers

    who regard chronic whiplash syndrome as a mainly cultural

    and psychosocial phenomenon against those who consider it

    to be at least partly related to ongoing neuromusculoskeletal

    dysunction and, thereore, amenable to physical therapy

    and medical management.

    Neuromusculoskeletal lesions implicated in the etiology

    o chronic WAD include dysunctions o the cervical zyg-

    apophyseal joints, disks, cartilaginous endplates, muscles,

    ligaments, vertebrae, and nervous systems structures in-

    cluding nerve roots, spinal cord, brain, and sympathetic ner-

    vous system, temporomandibular joints, acromioclavicular

    joints, the peripheral vestibular system, andmost impor-

    tantly or this case reportthe cervical arteries including

    the internal carotid and vertebral arteries10,14-25. Kerry and

    Taylor25 suggested whiplash injury as a cause o intimal inju-

    ries to the cervical arteries, predisposing these arteries to

    subsequent dissection. In a retrospective analysis, Beaudry

    and Spence24 attributed 70 o 80 traumatically induced cases

    o vertebrobasilar ischaemia to motor-vehicle accidents.There is an absence o data on the diagnostic or predictive

    validity or commonly used history items or physical tests or

    even clear criteria as to what constitutes positive history or

    physical examination ndings indicative o cervical artery

    compromise. At the same time, because o the potential or

    traumatically induced cervical artery dysunction, the clini-

    cian is aced with diagnostic uncertainty when dealing with

    patients with WAD who report symptoms potentially related

    to vertebral or internal carotid artery dysunction.

    The goal or this case report was to describe and criti-

    cally evaluate the physical therapy diagnosis and manage-

    ment o a patient with chronic post-whiplash complaintswho presented with signs and symptoms potentially indica-

    tive o cervical artery compromise. Cervical artery in this

    case report is understood to include both vertebral and inter-

    nal carotid arteries.

    Patient Examination

    The examination o this patient ollowed the ormat proposed

    by Paris and Loubert (Table 1)26.

    Pain Assessment

    For pain assessment, the body diagram, the McGill Pain

    Questionnaire (MPQ), and numeric pain rating scales (NPRS)

    were used. On the body diagram, the patient indicated pain

    in the superior, lateral, and posterior aspects o the head and

    the posterior cervical area bilaterally. On the MPQ, which

    has been demonstrated to be a reliable and valid method or

    measuring pain27,28, 9 words were selected rom 8 dierent

    categories. The words circled included stabbing, sharp, hurt-

    ing, splitting, tiring, penetrating, piercing, squeezing, and

    nauseating. Paris29 has suggested that 36 categories marked

    be considered normal, whereas 8 categories marked may

    indicate an abnormal emotional reaction that may hinder

    the patients progress. Paris29 also considered the selection o

    categories 11, 13, 14, and 16 as additional indicators o a

    strong emotional reaction to pain. Eight categories were se-

    lected, including category 11, identiying the patient as hav-

    ing a possible abnormal response to the pain. Data regarding

    the reliability and validity o this particular use o the MPQ

    were not discovered.

    Average daily pain was rated as a 5 on a 010 NPRS. At

    its worst, the headache was rated as a 10 on the NPRS. The

    NPRS is simple to administer and has demonstrated goodlevels o reliability, validity, and responsiveness11,27,31-33. Childs

    et al31 have reported a 2-point change on the NPRS as its

    minimal clinically important dierence (MCID), albeit or

    patients with low back pain.

    Initial Observation

    An initial observation was done when the patient was in the

    waiting area. A slightly endomorphic body type and medium

    height were observed, as was an overall kyphotic posture

    with a orward head posture when completing the insurance

    intake orms.

    History and Interview

    The patient was a 43-year-old emale who had injured her

    neck in an MVA 2 years earlier. At the time o the accident,

    the patient was driving when her vehicle was impacted on

    the drivers side by a semi truck. Neck pain and headaches

    Table 1. Spin xmintion ormtdscrid y Pris nd lourt26

    1. Pain assessment

    2. Initial observation

    3. History and interview

    4. Structural inspection

    5. Active movements

    6. Neurovascular assessment

    7. Palpation or condition

    8. Palpation or position

    9. Palpation or mobility

    10. Upper- and/or lower-quarter assessment

    11. Radiologic and other medical data

    12. Summary o ndings

    13. Treatment plan

    14. Explanation and prognosis

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    E48 / The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 2007

    sual estimation o cervical AROM (Table 3). Weir43 provided a

    ormula to use these interrater reliability Intraclass Correla-

    tion Coecients to calculate the standard error o measure-

    ment (SEM): SEM = SD x (1-ICC). With this SEM, we then

    calculated the minimal detectable change or visual estima-tion o AROM measurements o the neck at a 95% condence

    interval (MDC95

    ) using the ormula MDC95

    = 1.96 x 2 x

    SEM44,45. I a change in a measurement exceeds the MDC95


    we can be 95% condent that a true change has in act oc-

    curred. Table 3 also provides standard deviations (SD) or vi-

    sual estimation o cervical AROM as established by Youdas et

    al41 and the calculated SEM and MDC95

    or the AROM mea-

    surements used or this patient. In light o the absence o

    data on intrarater reliability, which would have been more

    relevant to this case report with only one therapist taking all

    measurements, and with intrarater reliability generally bet-

    ter than interrater reliability ndings, we have to assume

    that the MDC95

    -values provided in Table 3 are likely higher

    than the true values. Despite limited reliability, visual esti-

    mation o cervical AROM remains a common method used in

    the assessment o patients with cervical spine problems42,46.

    Neurovascular Assessment

    As part o the normal screening examinationbut all the

    more relevant with smoking implicated as a risk actor or

    hypertension and hypertension in turn implicated as a risk

    actor or (cervical) atherosclerotic disease, a cardiovascular

    screening was done: blood pressure was 134/90 (mmHg) and

    heart rate was 72 (BPM). The systolic value placed the pa-

    tient in the high normal range and the diastolic value indi-

    cated mild hypertension as compared to an adult population

    not taking anti-hypertensive medication47.

    The upper-extremity neurovascular examination in-

    cluded a sensory examination including light touch and pin-

    prick, deep tendon refexes, and muscle-strength testing.

    Sensation and refex testing was normal and neck and shoul-

    der strength was grossly 4 on a 05 scale. Wainner et al48 re-

    ported low sensitivity or upper-extremity deep tendon refex

    testing and strength testing with values ranging rom 324%

    and 1229%, respectively; however, specicity was excellent

    with values o 9395% and 6686%, respectively, when com-

    pared to a reerence standard o radiculopathy established by

    way o needle electromyography and nerve conduction stud-ies. Interrater reliability was substantial or upper-extremity

    refex testing (=0.73) and poor to substantial or upper-ex-

    tremity strength (=0.230.69) and dermatomal sensation

    testing (=0.160.67)48. Using a 3-point rating scale, Jepsen

    et al49 reported median interrater -values o 0.69 or sensi-

    tivity to light touch and 0.48 or sensitivity to pin prick. Jep-

    sen et al50 reported a sensitivity o 0.73, a specicity o 0.86,

    a positive predictive value o 0.93, and a negative predictive

    value o 0.90 or a combination o manual muscle tests, sen-

    sation tests (light touch, pain, vibration), and sensitivity o

    nerve trunks to mechanical pressure when compared to pa-

    tient report o pain, strength decits, or paraesthesiae, indi-cating the screening value o a multi-test neurovascular as-

    sessment as used in this case report.

    The sustained extension-rotation test was used or test-

    ing vertebrobasilar system unction (Figure 1). This test pro-

    duced immediate-onset dizziness. However, nystagmus, dip-

    lopia, conusion, or slow responses to questions, dysphagia,

    sensation changes on the ace, and other signs suggestive o

    vertebrobasilar insuciency were not observed. We will dis-

    cuss data on interpretation o test results and diagnostic util-

    ity o this test in the discussion section.

    Palpation or Condition and Position

    Palpation or condition or this patient involved palpatory

    assessment o tissue tone, tenderness, and myoascial mobil-

    ity. Assessment techniques included palpation o supercial

    connective tissue mobility, deeper palpation o myoascia,

    and direct palpation o the articular pillars and acets40,51.

    Gently positioning the ngertips on the skin and then pull-

    ing the skin in various directions while attempting to not

    Table 2. activ rng o motion ndings(in dgrs)

    Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit1 2 3 4 10 11

    Flexion 45 NT NT NT Normal Normal


    sidebending 48 NT NT 62 Normal Normal

    Letsidebending 60 NT NT 68 67 67


    rotation 71 NT 82 88 Normal Normal

    Let rotation 55 60 67 75 80 82

    NT=Not tested

    Table 3. Riiity nd rsponsivnsso visu stimtion o crvic ctiv rngo motion tsts

    ICC SD SeM MDC95

    Flexion 0.42 10 7.60 21.1

    Let rotation 0.69 13 7.28 20.2

    Right rotation 0.82 15 6.30 17.5

    Let sidebending 0.63 9 5.49 15.2

    Right sidebending 0.70 10 5.50 15.2

    ICC=Intraclass correlation coecient; SD=Standard deviation;

    SEM=Standard error o measurement; MDC95

    =minimal detectable

    change at 95% condence

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    Positive Cervical Artery Testing in a Patient with Chronic Whiplash Syndrome: Clinical Decision-Making

    in the Presence of Diagnostic Uncertainty / E49

    palpate any deeper than the subcutaneous ascia allowed or

    assessment o supercial connective tissue mobility. Deep

    myoascial palpation involved increased levels o pressure in

    a perpendicular direction through layers o tissue; shearingin a direction parallel to each other allowed or assessment

    o the mobility o these deeper tissue layers51. Direct palpa-

    tion o the articular pillars and acets was perormed with the

    ngers extended and positioned in a posterior and medial di-

    rection. The ngers were then hooked slightly to gain better

    access to the acets40.

    The palpatory examination with the patient supine was

    signicant or increased tone in the posterior cervical myo-

    ascia and the right sternocleidomastoid muscle. The right

    sternocleidomastoid was limited throughout in a longitudi-

    nal direction, with the sternoclavicular aspect being the

    most restricted. The cervical paraspinals were restricted inmotion with regard to surrounding tissues in both longitu-

    dinal and medial to lateral directions, with the greatest re-

    strictions at C5-T2. The right more than the let levator

    scapulae also had decreased mobility at their mid and distal

    aspects. The suboccipital region was tender to palpation with

    the suboccipital muscles in a swollen, sti, and guarded

    state40. Thickening was palpated at bilateral articular pillars

    throughout the cervical spine. There were no positional ab-

    normalities noted. Bertilson et al46 reported moderate agree-

    ment or palpation or tenderness o the cervical muscles

    (=0.46), and Metcale et al52 ound moderate interrater reli-

    ability or C1 positional palpation (=0.63) but no data were

    ound on the diagnostic utility o the other tests used during

    this part o the examination.

    Palpation or Mobility

    The palpation or mobility section o the examination in-

    cluded both segmental stability and mobility tests. The alar

    ligament test40 was negative when examined prior to testing

    passive mobility. Although data on diagnostic utility o this

    ligamentous stability test are not available, it is still an im-

    portant part o the examination process because o the sig-

    nicance o the damage that may be discovered. Aspinall53

    recommended that even i testing is negative but other clini-

    cal signs are present, hypermobility should be suspected and

    precautions should be taken.A 06 rating scale was used to assess passive mobility at

    the cervical spine (Table 4). Although upper cervical seg-

    mental dysunction was suspected, considering the patient

    report o nausea, tinnitus, blurred vision, and occasional

    vomiting with severe headaches, the presence o risk actors

    or cervical artery dysunction (smoking, hypertension), and

    the ndings on the vertebrobasilar test as noted above, at the

    time o this initial evaluation segmental evaluation o this

    portion o the neck, was deerred due to the possible adverse

    eects o end-range movement assessment on cervical artery

    unction. The mid-cervical acet joints were assessed with an

    anterior-superior glide or unilateral fexion technique: withthe patient supine, the head was rolled in a combined side-

    bending and rotation away while the resultant anterior-supe-

    rior glide was palpated at the contralateral acet (Figure 2)40.

    Passive motion at the C6-T4 segments was examined in sit-

    ting specically or orward bending and rotation. The head

    was guided in the desired direction and motion was palpated

    Fig. 1. Sustained extension-rotation test

    Table 4. Sgmnt moiity rting sc: Pus nd minus modirs r usd to signiygrtr or smr normitis26

    Grd Dscription Critri

    0 Ankylosed No detectable movement

    1 Considerable hypomobility Signicant decrease in expected range and signicant resistance to movement

    2 Slight hypomobility Slight decrease in mobility and resistance to movement

    3 Normal Expected movement

    4 Slight hypermobility Slight increase in expected mobility and less than normal resistance to movement

    5 Considerable hypermobility Signicant increase in expected mobility, eventually restricted by periarticular structures

    6 Unstable Signicant increase in expected mobility without restraint o periarticular structures

  • 8/14/2019 Cervical artery dysfunction: A case report


    E50 / The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 2007

    at the interspinous spaces (Figure 3)40. Table 5 shows the

    ndings o palpation or mobility tests.

    When using mainly dichotomous rating scales, intra-

    rater reliability or cervical palpation or mobility tests has

    been shown to be generally moderate to high, whereas inter-

    rater reliability rarely exceeded poor to air agreement54.

    However, the technique used here has never been ormally

    examined or reliability; the 06 rating scale expanded with

    plus and minus modiers as used here has been qualitatively

    examined in the lumbar spine showing reasonable to good

    intrarater but a total lack o interrater reliability55.

    Upper Quarter Assessment

    A screening examination o the upper quarter included

    AROM o the temporomandibular joints, elbows, wrists, and

    hands, and sagittal and scapular plane shoulder AROM. This

    screening examination revealed a mild but diagnostically ir-

    relevant decrease in AROM at the right shoulder or fexion

    and scapular plane abduction. The temporomandibular joint,

    elbows, wrists, and hands were cleared.

    Radiological and Other Medical Data

    Prior to this period o physical therapy, the reerring physi-

    cian was concerned about a possible aneurysm as cause or

    the reported headache. However, this was ruled out with

    normal MRI and CT scans.

    Summary o Findings

    A summary o ndings or physical therapy diagnosis was

    made using terminology rom the ICF orInternational Clas-

    sifcation o Functioning, Disability and Health (Table 6)56.

    At the level o impairments, the physical therapy diag-

    nosis included:

    Decreased segmental joint mobility at bilateral C2-C3,

    right C3-C4, bilateral C5-C6, and T1-T4 joints

    Segmental hypermobility at bilateral C4-C5 joints

    Likely upper cervical segmental joint restriction or

    which examination was deerred due to potential cervi-

    cal artery compromise

    Myoascial hypertonicity and restriction in the suboc-

    cipital muscles, C5-T2 paraspinal muscles, bilateral le-

    vator scapulae, and right sternocleidomastoid muscles

    Headache o probable cervicogenic nature but with un-

    known etiology; dierential diagnostic options consid-

    ered included tension-type headache, cervicogenic

    headache, and headache related to cervical artery


    Forward head posture General decrease in shoulder and neck muscle strength

    Concentration and short-term memory loss

    At the level o limitations in activities, the physical therapy

    diagnosis included the ollowing diculties:

    Turning the head when backing out the car or changing


    Looking down at a book while reading

    Perorming requent neck movements during work, es-

    pecially to the limits o available ROM

    Finding a comortable position during sleep requiringrequent position changes

    At the level o restrictions in participation, the patient re-

    ported the need or early departures rom and decreased pro-

    ductivity at work.

    The stage o the patients condition was chronic40. Irrita-

    bility was at a moderate level, as the pain rating increased to

    an 8 by the time the initial examination was concluded40. The

    Fig. 2. Assessment o mid-cervical acet anterior-superior


    Fig. 3. Assessment o upper thoracic rotation

  • 8/14/2019 Cervical artery dysfunction: A case report


    Positive Cervical Artery Testing in a Patient with Chronic Whiplash Syndrome: Clinical Decision-Making

    in the Presence of Diagnostic Uncertainty / E51

    patients personal goals or physical therapy included mild

    decreases in headache and neck pain, improved neck AROM,

    and the ability to tolerate reading or 2030 minutes three to

    our evenings a week.

    Treatment Plan

    The treatment plan to address the above impairments in-

    cluded education on the ndings during this initial examina-

    tion; a preparatory treatment o the neck and shoulder re-

    gion by way o supercial heat, myoascial and non-thrust

    joint manipulation o restricted segments, and a home pro-

    gram o specic exercises; and re-evaluation o potential

    vertebrobasilar symptoms with the aim o eventual evalua-

    tion and management o the likely upper cervical joint


    Long-term seemingly realistic treatment goals estab-

    lished in collaboration with the patient included the ollow-


    Improved neck AROM with at most mild limitations


    Improved ability to unction in work activities, house-

    hold chores, reading, and driving with average pain lev-

    els decreased to at most 23 on a 010 NPRS

    Ability to sleep 68 hours per night

    Table 5. Pption or moiity ndings

    Visit 1 Visit 3 Visit 5 Visit 6 Visit 7 Visit 8 Visit 9 Visit 11

    C0-C1 FL 2-

    C1-C2 LSB 2- LSB 2 ROT R 2- LSB 2+

    RSB 3 LROT L 2- RSB 3

    LROT 2- RROT 1+ LROT L 2+

    RROT 1+ RROT 2

    C2-C3 BASG 2- BASG 2- BASG 2

    C3-C4 LASG 3

    RASG 2+

    C4-C5 BASG 4 BASG 4 BASG 4

    C5-C6 BASG 2 BASG 2

    C6-C7 FL 3 FL 3

    BROT 3 BROT 3

    C7-T1 FL 3 FL 3

    BROT 3 BROT 3

    T1-T2 FL 2 FL 3

    BROT 2 BROT 3

    T2-T3 FL 2 LROT L 2 FL 2+

    BROT 2 RROT 2+ BROT 2+

    T3-T4 FL 2 LROT L 2 FL 2+LROT 2- RROT 2+ BROT 2+

    RROT 2

    BASG=bilateral anterior-superior glide; LASG=let anterior-superior glide; RASG=right anterior-superior glide; FL=fexion; BROT=bilateral rotation;

    LROT=let rotation; RROT=right rotation; LSB=let sidebending; RSB=right sidebending

    Table 6. Dnitions o th dimnsions o hth stt56

    Dimnsions ohth stt Dnitions

    Impairment Any loss or abnormality o body structure or o a physiological or psychological unction.

    Activity The nature and extent o unctioning at the level o the person. Activities may be limited in nature,

    duration, or quality.

    Participation The nature and extent o a persons involvement in lie situations in relation to impairments, activities,

    health conditions, and contextual actors. Participation may be restricted in nature, duration, or quality.

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    E52 / The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 2007

    Explanation and Prognosis

    Explanation o examination ndings, physical therapy diag-

    nosis, and proposed treatment plan and cooperative goal-

    setting serve not only to obtain patient inormed consent

    with regard to management o the complaints but also to in-

    crease patient compliance with the proposed management


    Various prospective cohort studies and reviews o such

    studies have identied demographic actors including emale

    gender, older age (>60), and a low level o education and

    physical actors such as high initial neck pain, higher initial

    headache intensity, more severe initial disability, higher lev-

    els o somatization, sleep diculties, and upper-extremity

    symptoms as prognostic actors or prolonged recovery rom

    a whiplash injury57-60. In contrast, in a systematic review o

    prospective cohort studies, Scholten-Peeters et al61 dis-

    counted older age, emale gender, and high acute psycholog-

    ical response as relevant prognostic indicators; only high

    initial pain intensity remained as a strong adverse prognos-

    tic actor. For this patient, almost-immediate high pain in-

    tensity was the most relevant adverse prognostic indicator.The relevance o the patient being emale, having sleep di-

    culties and relatively high levels o disability, and her initial

    MPQ score was less evident. However, the overall presenta-

    tion with other independent risk actors or neck pain not

    directly modiable with physical therapy (smoking, depres-

    sion) resulted in setting somewhat guarded long-term treat-

    ment goals as noted above.


    As noted above, the proposed treatment plan included educa-tion, modalities, myoascial manipulation, non-thrust joint

    manipulation, a home exercise program o specic exercises,

    and re-evaluation o vertebrobasilar symptoms with the aim

    o eventual evaluation and management o the likely upper

    cervical joint restrictions. Sessions were scheduled at a re-

    quency o two per week. Visit one concluded with brie in-

    structions in postural alignment, including the possible role

    o the orward head position on the described symptoms.

    All treatment sessions started with supercial heat as a pre-

    paratory treatment or the specic manual therapy proce-

    dures. Table 7 describes the manual therapy content or all


    Vertebrobasilar and Upper Cervical Spine


    On visit 2, the sustained extension-rotation test produced

    increased pain at the neck and orehead. Dizziness occurred

    within a ew seconds o achieving the test position. The pa-

    tient reported a mild blurring o vision ater the test and a

    headache with an intensity o 7 on the NPRS. On the third

    visit, the sustained extension-rotation test was positive or

    dizziness and increased pain at the neck, top o the head, and

    orehead. The dizziness was immediate and the therapist

    noted mild conusion when he had the patient answer ques-tions during the test. Headache was rated as a 4 on the NPRS.

    On visit 5, the sustained extension-rotation test was nega-

    tive. There were no complaints o dizziness, no visual distur-

    bances, no conusion during questioning, no increases in

    pain, or other signs potentially indicative o cervical artery


    With a negative vertebrobasilar system test, palpation

    or mobility examination o the upper cervical spine was

    deemed sae. Flexion o C0-C1 was tested with thepatient in

    supine and with her neck in physiologic neutral by nodding

    the head orward along an axis though both external audi-

    tory canals. Passive cranio-cervical sidebending was testedby gently side bending the head about an antero-posterior

    axis at about the level o the upper lip (Figure 4)40. To assess

    C1-C2 rotation, the mid-cervical spine was side-bent to end

    range, and the head was rotated in the opposite direction

    Table 7. Summry o mnu thrpy intrvntions in th vrious sssions

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Paravertebral Elongation X X X X X X X X X

    Inhibitory Distraction X X X X X X X X XRotation o Frontal Bone on Occiput X X X X X X X X X

    Seated Bilateral Rotation T1-2, T2-3, T3-4 X X X X X

    Mobilization to Right Sternocleidomastoid X X X X X X X X

    Mobilization to Upper Thoracic Myoascia X X X X X X X X

    Lateral Telescoping X X X X X X X

    Let Craniovertebral Sidebend X X X X X X

    Right Rotation C1-2 X X X X X

    Facet Opposition Lock Seated; Right Facets T2-3, T3-4 X X X X

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    Positive Cervical Artery Testing in a Patient with Chronic Whiplash Syndrome: Clinical Decision-Making

    in the Presence of Diagnostic Uncertainty / E53

    along the line ormed by the eyes (Figure 5)40. Fjellner et al62

    reported 62% interrater agreement (w

    =0) or the C0-C1

    fexion test or range o motion and 64% (w

    =0.01) or end-

    eel assessment. Olson et al63 reported -values ranging rom

    0.027 to 0.182 or interrater reliability o range o motion

    assessment with the cranio-cervical sidebending test; intra-

    rater reliability yielded -values ranging rom -0.022 to

    0.137. In the Olson et al study, a 06 rating scale was used

    similar to the one used in this case report. No data were lo-

    cated on the diagnostic utility o the C1-C2 segmental mo-

    tion test used in this case report. Table 5 reports the segmen-

    tal motion ndings.

    Myoascial Manipulation

    Myoascial manipulation techniques used included paraver-

    tebral elongation, which consists o gentle stroking rom the

    upper trapezius to upper cervical regions with the patient

    supine and starting at a supercial depth or a proposed au-

    tonomic eect and progressing to a moderate depth to aect

    mechanical changes (Figure 6)51.

    Inhibitory distraction was used to decrease the observed

    suboccipital muscle tone (Figure 7)40. Briem et al64 suggested

    that specically chronic patients with headache might bene-

    t rom this particular technique.

    Myoascial manipulation to the right sternocleidomas-

    toid was perormed with the patient supine with her head

    rotated let; it involved longitudinal stroking o this muscle

    rom the mastoid process to its insertion on the clavicle and

    sternum51. Upper thoracic myoascial manipulation was per-

    ormed with the patient supine and the therapists hands po-

    sitioned on myoascia along the lamina o the upper thoracic

    vertebrae stroking at moderate depth in a cranial-to-caudal

    direction (Figure 8)51.

    Finally, the myoascial manipulation technique o lat-

    eral telescoping was added, whereby with one hand on the

    lateral pectoral area and the other on the thoracic area, the

    Fig. 4. Assessment o cranio-cervical sidebending

    Fig. 5. Assessment o passive right rotation o C1-C2

    Fig. 6. Paravertebral elongation

    Fig. 7. Inhibitory distraction

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    E54 / The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 2007

    therapist stretched laterally at a 450 angle with a moderate

    depth to assist with lengthening restrictive bilateral anterior

    and posterior thoracic sot tissue (Figure 9)51.

    Non-Thrust Joint Manipulation

    As a trial treatment or the reported headache, rotation o

    the rontal bone on the occiput was used. For this technique,

    one hand stabilized the occiput with the other hand placedover the supra-orbital arches and rontal bone; the rontal

    bone was then rotated in both directions (Figure 10)29. Al-

    though controversial with regard to a possible mechanical

    eect as proposed within craniosacral therapy, this tech-

    nique resulted in a decrease in the intensity o the reported

    headache when used and a noticeable relaxation eect on the

    acial musculature. This eect may have been related to de-

    creases in acial spasms occurring with sustained pressure

    over the acial nerve65.

    A segmental bilateral rotational grade III non-thrust

    manipulation was applied at T14. For let rotation, the tech-

    nique was perormed seated by having the patient turn to thelet, stabilizing the lower member o the segment on the op-

    posite side with a thumb on the spinous process, and gently

    pressing the superior spinous process with the other thumb

    to the right (Figure 11)29. A similar technique was perormed

    to mobilize T14 right rotation.

    As o the th visit, the atlas was mobilized with a let

    side-glide non-thrust manipulation technique. With the pa-

    tients head cradled with the therapists let arm, a cranio-

    cervical let sidebending position was introduced, while the

    right hand gently pressed C1 to the let (Figure 12)40. As o

    the sixth visit, the C1-C2 segment was manipulated into

    right rotation because this direction presented with the

    greatest restriction: with the patient seated, the therapists

    right arm cradled the patients head and gently turned C1

    and the head to the right while the let thumb blocked C2 on

    the side o the lamina (Figure 13)40.

    A acet opposition lock technique was used on the right

    side at T24 in sitting: with the let thumb used as ulcrum

    on the spinous process o the inerior vertebra o the seg-

    ment to be manipulated, the right hand moved the head or-

    ward and let until pressure was elt on the let thumb, at

    which point a gentle stretch was applied in that same diago-

    nal direction (Figure 14)40.

    Home Exercise Program

    On visit 4, a shoulder shrug exercise consisting o shoulder

    elevation combined with retraction was added with red Ther-

    aband-tubing to assist with the improvement o posture and

    to encourage extension in the upper thoracic spine. On this

    same visit, a gentle cervical sidebending stretch with a towel

    in both directions was added to maintain and improve any

    increases in motion gained during manual treatment. This

    stretch involved positioning one end o the towel under the

    armpit and the other end at the opposite lower cervical area.The sequence or the exercise was to partially side-bend to-

    ward the lower cervical towel end, pull both towel ends and

    hold them snug, then side-bend away until a stretch was elt

    and held or a ew seconds twice a day or 510 repetitions

    (Figure 15).

    To improve postural awareness and alignment, on visit 6

    the patient was instructed to draw her head back into com-

    ortable alignment by gently pushing on her chin and pull-

    ing her shoulders back while in ront o a mirror. The patient

    was instructed to perorm this positioning exercise 35 times

    per day.

    With strength assessed at 4 on a 05 scale, an exercise to

    strengthen the interscapular muscles deemed important or

    maintaining correct posture was added to the home program

    Fig. 8. Mobilization o right sternocleidomastoid Fig. 9. Lateral telescoping

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    Positive Cervical Artery Testing in a Patient with Chronic Whiplash Syndrome: Clinical Decision-Making

    in the Presence of Diagnostic Uncertainty / E55

    on visit 8. In prone with the head and neck in physiologic

    neutral, the patient unilaterally horizontally abducted the

    arm at the shoulder holding a 1-lb weight in both hands.

    Finally on visit 9, a sel-resisted isometric exercise or

    the cervical muscles was added to the home program. The

    head was pressed into the hand orward, backward, and side-

    ways to the right and let or ve repetitions o ten seconds.

    Neutral head and neck posture was maintained during the

    isometric contraction, with the intent o recruiting the deepstabilizing muscles, including the deep cervical fexors. A

    sub-maximal contraction was used to avoid increasing stress

    on the hyper-mobile C4-C5 segment. Increasing the hyper-

    mobility was a concern because o the shear orces that could

    be produced, causing a mobilization eect at C4-C5 i the

    contraction was too strong66,but the primary author deemed

    this risk minimal.

    Fig. 10. Rotation o rontal bone on occiputFig. 12. Mobilization o let cranio-cervical sidebending

    Fig. 13. Mobilization o right rotation C1-C2

    Fig. 11. Let rotation mobilization T3-T4

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    E56 / The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 2007


    Tables 2 and 5 provide data on AROM and palpation or mobil-

    ity ndings throughout the course o treatment. In as ar as

    quantitative data on AROM were collected, pre- to post-treat-

    ment changes on let rotation exceeded the MDC95

    , whereas

    changes on right rotation and right sidebending almost

    equaled the MDC95

    , indicating that a true improvement had

    occurred or let rotation AROM and likely true improvements

    or right rotation and sidebending AROM. Examination on

    the nal visit yielded minimal suboccipital myoascial abnor-

    malities, but mild palpatory abnormalities remained longitu-dinally at the inerior right sternocleidomastoid and the distal

    attachments o the right and let levator scapulae. Strength at

    the neck and shoulder muscles was graded with manual mus-

    cle tests as 5 on a 05 scale. However, the cervical fexor mus-

    cles increased minimally to 4+ on a 05 scale.

    Average neck pain ratings on the NPRS decreased rom

    5 at the initial examination to 1 at discharge. This change in

    average NPRS scores exceeded the MCID or this measure o

    2, thereby indicating that a clinically meaningul reduction

    in average pain intensity had occurred31. Mild episodes o dis-

    comort remained at the neck, especially ater work activi-

    ties. Headaches were present one to two times per week or

    an average o one hour, as compared to being almost con-

    stant when treatment started. The headache painwhen

    presentdecreased rom a 10 on the 010 NPRS to a 23 at

    discharge, again exceeding the MCID or this measure and

    indicating that a clinically meaningul reduction in head-

    ache intensity had occurred. The patient reported that theseheadaches no longer hindered her ability to unction during

    a routine day.

    With regard to limitations in activities and restrictions

    in participation, the patient noted greater ease at work and

    regular attendance, less diculty perorming household

    chores, less diculty driving her car, and a return to previ-

    ous reading activities. The patient was now sleeping through

    the night, rarely interrupted. Over all, she indicated she had

    a eeling o greater energy, improved ability to concentrate,

    and a more positive outlook during a routine day. The pa-

    tient was discharged rom physical therapy with the long-

    term treatment goals achieved.


    This case report documents the diagnosis and management

    o a patient with chronic whiplash-related complaints. Man-

    agement consisting o a multi-modal physical therapy pro-

    gram including education, myoascial and non-thrust joint

    Fig. 14. Facet opposition lock technique seated or the right

    T3-T4 joint

    Fig. 15. Towel stretch

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    Positive Cervical Artery Testing in a Patient with Chronic Whiplash Syndrome: Clinical Decision-Making

    in the Presence of Diagnostic Uncertainty / E57

    manipulation, specic exercise prescription, and modalities

    resulted in a avorable outcome with the patient showing

    true and clinically meaningul changes with regard to neck

    and headache pain intensity and cervical AROM. Although

    we recognize the major methodological limitation o this

    case report ormat in that it cannot establish a cause-and-

    eect relationship, we also propose that true and meaningul

    changes in a chronic condition despite the presence o vari-

    ous poor prognostic indicators not amenable to physical

    therapy intervention lend at least anecdotal support to the

    use o a mechanism-based approach to the management o

    patients with chronic whiplash syndrome. In the mecha-

    nism-based approach, the therapist assumes impairments

    identied on examination to be causally related to limita-

    tions in activities and restrictions in participation; these

    identied impairments then become the ocus o interven-

    tion with the eventual goal o increasing patient unction.

    There are other limitations to this case report. Using

    more validated outcome measures related to disability as a

    result o impaired neck unction and headache would have

    made a stronger case or establishing the presence o true

    and meaningul changes. In this regard, the Neck DisabilityIndex and the Headache Disability Inventory would have

    been relevant outcome measures with data on reliability, va-

    lidity, and responsiveness67-70. With regard to diagnosis, us-

    ing a median nerve bias upper limb nerve tension test with

    its established high sensitivity (0.95; 95% CI: 0.901.0)48 or

    even the ull diagnostic test cluster established by Wainner

    et al48 to more condently exclude radicular involvement

    rather than relying on the neurovascular assessment with

    established low sensitivity would have allowed us to more

    condently exclude radicular involvement in this patient.

    Using the International Headache Society diagnostic crite-


    to more clearly distinguish between a possible tension-type or cervicogenic headache and examining the patient or

    myoascial trigger points that have been proposed to play a

    major etiologic role in tension-type headache72 would likely

    have allowed or more specic and eective management.

    This is all the more relevant because cervicogenic and ten-

    sion-type headache seem to respond dierently to manual

    therapy interventions73,74. However, with a patient report o

    nausea, tinnitus, blurred vision, and occasional vomiting

    with severe headaches, the presence o risk actors or cervi-

    cal artery dysunction (smoking, hypertension), and the

    ndings on the sustained extension-rotation test as noted

    above, the main emphasis when discussing lessons thatmight be learned rom this case report involve the discussion

    and critical evaluation o clinical reasoning in the presence

    o diagnostic uncertainty with regard to cervical artery


    It is a sae assumption to say that in all physical thera-

    pists a measure o vigilanceor perhaps even hypervigi-

    lanceis instilled during orthopaedic manual physical ther-

    apy courses in entry-level and post-graduate education with

    regard to vertebrobasilar system compromise. Various his-

    tory items and tests and even complete protocolshave been

    proposed and developed with the intent o diagnosing this

    dysunction75,76. However, there are a number o problems

    with these proposed diagnostic measures related to the con-

    struct and predictive validity o the proposed physical exami-

    nation tests and even as to what constitutes positive history

    or physical examination ndings indicative o cervical artery


    In their course along the upper cervical spine, the verte-

    bral arteries are tethered at the C1 and C2 transverse oram-

    ina and the atlanto-axial membrane. It is easy to imagine

    how rotation would have the potential to apply tensile orces

    to and thereby occlude the contralateral artery25. In 1927, De

    Kleyn and Nieuwenhuyse77 reported decreased or even ab-

    sent vertebral artery blood fow based on cadaver perusion

    studies in dierent head and neck positions. Based on these

    anatomical observations and these early perusion studies,

    the sustained extension-rotation and the sustained rotation

    tests have been proposed and widely instructed and used as

    tests to determine the presence o vertebrobasilar artery

    dysunction.The sustained extension-rotation test has been exten-

    sively studied with equivocal results. Some authors have re-

    ported signicant decreases in blood fow78,79, whereas other

    studies ound no changes80,81. Case reports have noted alse

    negative results82,83, and case series have reported 75100%

    alse positive results81,84. Ct et al85 reported 0% sensitivity

    or detection o increased impedance to blood fow, 0% posi-

    tive predictive value, and 6397% negative predictive value.

    Research ndings or the sustained cervical rotation test are

    equally equivocal with signicant decreases78-80,86,87 or no e-

    ect noted on vertebral artery blood fow or volume88,89.

    The ICA provides 80% o blood fow to the brain versus20% supplied by the vertebrobasilar system. Increased ICA

    fow compensates or decreased vertebrobasilar fow as may

    occur during the sustained (extension) rotation test25. With

    the ICA traversing various anterior cervical muscles (sterno-

    cleidomastoid, longus capitis, stylohyoid, omohyoid, and di-

    gastric muscles) and the artery being xed to the anterior

    aspect o the C1 vertebral body and in the carotid canal in the

    petrous bone, blood fow through the ICA might be infu-

    enced by extension and contralateral rotation25,90,91. Based on

    these haemodynamic and anatomical considerations, the

    sustained rotation and extension-rotation tests have also

    been proposed as tests o ICA unction.Reshauge92 noted an increase in right ICA blood fow

    velocity with sustained contralateral rotation in healthy vol-

    unteers. In contrast, Licht et al91 ound no change in peak

    fow or time-averaged mean fow velocity in the ICA during

    sustained extension-rotation test. It is relevant that the pa-

    tients in that study nonetheless experienced symptoms (ver-

    tigo, visual blurring, nausea, hemicranial paraesthesiae)

    classically considered a positive response on this test. Rivett

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    E58 / The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 2007

    et al78 reported an increase in ICA blood fow velocity with

    cervical extension and attributed this to narrowing in the

    ICA. In contrast to the other two studies, they noted a de-

    crease in peak systolic and end-diastolic blood fow velocity

    in both ICA during sustained rotation. Again relevant with

    regard to the clinical interpretation is the act that these au-

    thors ound no between-group dierences or subjects that

    were positive or negative on this test.

    With all these studies, we have to acknowledge the

    chance o type II error due to the small sample sizes used; or

    some studies, we must consider the eect o using asymp-

    tomatic subjects on external validity. In summary, research

    on the haemodynamic eect o the sustained rotation and

    the sustained extension rotation tests as used in this case re-

    port is equivocal, calling into question the construct validity

    o these tests as tests or cervical artery unction.

    Predictive validity o the above tests is especially relevant

    with the potential devastating eect o intervention-related

    adverse eects. Thiel and Rix92 justiably questioned how

    positional testing o haemodynamics in a still patent vessel

    could be expected to produce clinically useul inormation

    regarding the risk o injury with manipulative interventions.They also suggested that in case o an already pathologically

    weakened vessel wall, perorming the test itsel might put

    the patient at greater risk due to the potential stretching

    orces exerted; at least in cadaver studies, strain values pro-

    duced during the test exceeded those produced with manip-

    ulation. It is conceivable that in the case o a vessel spasm or

    with embolization o a thrombus rom an atherosclerotic

    vessel wall as cause or an adverse eect, the test itsel might

    have been the cause or the ensuing pathology. The predic-

    tive validity o these tests is also challenged by Haldeman et

    al93; in their retrospective analysis o 64 medicolegal records

    describing cerebrovascular ischaemia ater cervical spinemanipulation, the clinicians involved described doing the

    sustained extension-rotation test in 27 cases with none o

    these patients having adverse responses.

    Although relying on history items indicative o cervical

    artery pathology rather than on tests with seemingly poor

    validity and a potential or injury seems a clinically sound

    strategy, we have to also acknowledge that the diagnostic

    utility o the classic cardinal signs and symptoms (the 5Ds

    And 3Ns; Table 8) o vertebrobasilar compromise25,94 has yet

    to be established. Hypervigilance or potential cervical artery

    compromise in combination with an overly narrow view o

    possible signs and symptoms ocusing only on these classic

    cardinal signs can mislead the clinician and result in inap-

    propriate diagnostic and management decisions.

    Dissection is one underlying cause or cervical artery dys-

    unction. Arterial dissection involves tearing o the intimal

    wall with resultant ischaemic eects due to subsequent exten-

    sion o the dissection along varying distances o the artery25,95.

    Cervical artery dissection is responsible or approximately

    20% o all strokes in young patients versus 2.5% o strokes in

    older patients96. In patients under the age o 60, spontaneous

    ICA dissections account or 520% o strokes97. In the US, in-

    cidence o ICA dissection is estimated at 7,000 per year95.

    Various risk actors might predispose patients to cervi-

    cal artery dissection (Table 9)25,98. Mitchell99 provided re-

    search support or the relevance o atherosclerotic changes:

    in a study o 362 cadaver vertebral arteries, she ound the

    highest incidence o atherosclerosis in the atlanto-occipitalportion o the vertebral arteries (42.0%). With blood fow

    proportional to the 4th power o the vessel diameter, this

    identies patients with atherosclerosis as a population at

    risk or developing vertebrobasilar ischaemia. Rubinstein et

    al100 reported migraine (OR=3.6), neck manipulation

    (OR=3.8), homocysteine levels (which may cause endothe-

    lial damage; OR=1.3), and a history o recent inection

    (OR=1.6) as risk actors or cervical artery dissection.

    Table 8. Cssic crdin signs of vrtro-

    sir compromis: Fiv Ds and thr Ns25,94


    Drop attacksDiplopia (including amaurosis ugax and corneal refux)


    Dysphagia (including hoarseness and hiccups)

    Ataxia o gait


    Numbness (in ipsilateral ace and/or contralateral body)


    Table 9. Proposd risk ctors or crvic

    rtry dissction25,98-100






    Diabetes mellitus

    Genetic clotting disorders



    Free radicals

    Direct vessel trauma due to extreme sustained or repeated

    neck movement, including whiplash and manual therapyinterventions

    Iatrogenic causes, e.g., surgery or medical intervention

    Endothelial infammatory disease, e.g., temporal arteriitis

    Upper cervical instability

    Arteriopathies, e.g., Marans syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos

    syndrome, and bromuscular dysplasia


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    Positive Cervical Artery Testing in a Patient with Chronic Whiplash Syndrome: Clinical Decision-Making

    in the Presence of Diagnostic Uncertainty / E59

    With regard to raising the clinical suspicion o cervical

    artery dissection, it is important to realize that ischaemic

    symptoms are not the only symptoms that occur with cervi-

    cal artery dissection. Non-ischaemic symptoms usually de-

    velop rst and are likely the result o deormation o nerve

    endings in the tunica adventitia o the aected artery and di-

    rect compression on local somatic structures25. In act, these

    non-ischaemic symptoms occur hours to days and even a ew

    weeks prior to the ischaemic ndings96. In the case o ICA

    dissection, this delay may even be as much as years95. Isch-

    aemic ndings develop in 3080% o all dissections. Up to

    20% o patients progress to a ull cerebrovascular accident96.

    Non-ischaemic symptoms are unique to the pathology o dis-

    section but ischaemic symptoms can, o course, be expected

    to be similar or all underlying causes o cervical artery


    Although the classic cardinal signs and symptoms or

    vertebral artery compromise as discussed above (Table 8) can

    be part o the presentation, additional symptoms have been

    described or cervical artery dysunction. Table 10 provides

    ischaemic and non-ischaemic signs and symptoms associ-

    ated with cervical artery dissection25,95-98,101,102. Relevant to

    the physical examination are the cranial nerve (CN) palsies

    that may occur with cervical artery dissection. Dissection o

    the ICA mainly causes CN IX-XII dysunction with the hypo-

    glossal nerve initially aected and then the other three

    nerves; eventually all cranial nerves except the olactory can

    be aected25,96,100. Whereas cranial nerve dysunction has a

    non-ischaemic etiology in ICA dissection, it is part o the

    ischaemic presentation o a vertebral artery dissection. As

    noted above, ischaemic signs and symptoms o cervical ar-

    tery compromise can logically be expected to be similar irre-

    spective o underlying pathology.

    For the patient described in this case report, there were

    a number o signs and symptoms that raised the index o

    suspicion with regard to potential cervical artery compro-

    mise. First, there was the patient report o nausea, tinnitus,

    blurred vision, and occasional vomiting with severe head-

    T 10. Non-ischmic nd ischmic signs nd symptoms o crvic rtrydysunction25,95-98,101,102

    Vrtrosir systm Intrn crotid rtry

    Non-ischaemic Ipsilateral posterior neck pain Ipsilateral upper and mid-cervical spine

    Ipsilateral occipital headache pain

    Sudden onset and severe Ipsilateral rontal-temporal or peri-orbital

    Described as stabbing, pulsating, aching, thunderclap, headache

    sharp, or o an unusual character: a headache Sudden onset, severe, and o an

    unlike any experienced beore uncommon character

    Very rarely C5-C6 nerve root impairment Horners syndrome

    (due to local neural ischaemia)

    Pulsatile tinnitus Cranial nerve palsies

    Ipsilateral carotid bruit

    Neck swelling

    Scalp tenderness

    Anhydrosis ace

    Ischaemic Five DsAnd three Ns (see Table 8) Transient ischaemic attack

    Vomiting Middle cerebral artery distribution stro

    Loss o short-term memory Retinal inarction

    Vagueness Amaurosis ugax: temporary blindnes

    Hypotonia and limb weakness aecting arm or leg Localized patchy blurring o vision:

    Anhydrosis: lack o acial sweating scintillating scotomata

    Hearing disturbances Weakness extra-ocular muscles Malaise Protrusion o the eye

    Perioral dysaesthesia Swelling o the eye or conjunctiva




    Cranial nerve palsies

    Hindbrain stroke: Wallenberg or locked-in syndrome

  • 8/14/2019 Cervical artery dysfunction: A case report


    E60 / The Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 2007

    aches. Second, there was the presence o known risk actors

    or cervical artery dysunction, i.e., smoking and hyperten-

    sion. Finally there were the ndings on the sustained exten-

    sion-rotation test: immediate-onset dizziness or dizziness

    with a very short latency period, mild conusion, and head-

    ache and neck pain.

    Relating the above inormation to the patient described

    in this case report, it becomes clear that the patient-reported

    symptoms are not likely to refect an ischaemic or non-isch-

    aemic presentation o cervical artery dysunction (Table 10).

    The risk actors remain relevant, but with a lowered pretest

    probability and in the absence o data on diagnostic utility

    they have less o a diagnostic impact. Finally, the symptoms

    reported on the sustained extension-rotation test are likely

    indicative o pathology other than cervical artery dysunc-

    tion. Especially relevant is the immediate onset or short la-

    tency o the dizziness with the test: immediate-onset dizzi-

    ness has been described or cervicogenic dizziness and

    dizziness with a short latency has been described or periph-

    eral vestibular dysunction, more specically benign parox-

    ysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)103.Relevant to this case re-

    port is that both pathologies have been reported as thesequelae o an MVA. Cervicogenic dizziness and BPPV have

    been described as producing positioning-type dizziness

    rather than positional dizziness in that they occur with short

    or no latency with the change in position rather than with

    sustaining the position and that they accommodate, both

    when holding the position and with repeated testing104. In

    contrast, cervical artery compromise would be expected to

    produce a positional dizziness that had a slow onset, was pro-

    gressive when held in the test position, and did not accom-

    modate to repeated testing: position-dependent ischaemia

    produces symptoms when sucient vascular deprivation o

    neural and other structures is achieved with progressive

    symptoms as ischaemia is maintained103,105. In act, Oosten-

    dorp105 reported a latency period o 55 18 seconds ater as-

    suming the sustained extension-rotation test position or

    patients with a clinical suspicion o vertebrobasilar isch-

    aemia. Table 11 provides inormation helpul in the dieren-

    tial diagnosis o cervical artery dysunction, cervicogenic

    dizziness, and BPPV. Reviewing Table 11, it becomes evident

    that the symptoms produced with the sustained extension-

    rotation test were consistent with cervicogenic dizziness

    rather than BPPV or cervical artery dysunction.


    This case report provides support or the use o a mechanism-

    based multi-modal physical therapy approach including edu-cation, myoascial and non-thrust joint manipulation, spe-

    cic exercise prescription, and modalities or the treatment o

    patients with chronic whiplash-related complaints. More im-

    portantly, this report provides a critical discussion o con-

    struct and predictive validity o the sustained rotation and ro-

    tation-extension tests and o risk actors and signs and

    symptoms indicative o cervical artery dysunction. Although

    Table 11. Difrnti dignostic chrctristics or crvicognic dizzinss, nign

    proxysm position vrtigo (bPPV), nd crvic rtry dysunction (dptd withprmission rom Huijrgts nd Vid103)

    Nystgmus nd dizzinss associtd signs

    Dizzinss typ chrctristics nd symptoms

    Cervicogenic dizziness Positioning-type No latency period Nystagmus

    Brie duration Neck pain

    Fatigable with repeated motion Suboccipital headaches

    Cervical motion

    abnormality on


    BPPV Positioning-type Short latency: 1-5 seconds Nystagmus

    Brie duration:

  • 8/14/2019 Cervical artery dysfunction: A case report


    Positive Cervical Artery Testing in a Patient with Chronic Whiplash Syndrome: Clinical Decision-Making

    in the Presence of Diagnostic Uncertainty / E61

    continued research into the diagnostic utility o risk actors,

    history items, and physical tests related to cervical artery dys-

    unction is clearly needed, this critical review o current best

    evidence should also serve to decrease the current hypervigi-

    lance among physical therapists with regard to cervical artery

    compromise, thus ensuring the most appropriate diagnosis

    and management decisions or their patients.


    This case report was prepared in order to complete require-

    ments or the transitional DPT program at the University o

    St. Augustine or Health Sciences. The primary author would

    like to thank Tammy Broesch or her assistance with the

    computer and prooreading.n


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