ceres news digest - week7, vol.4, feb.24-28

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  • 8/12/2019 CERES News Digest - Week7, Vol.4, Feb.24-28


    Country News DigestVol.4, Issue #7


    Editor: Eugene Imas

    Contributors:-Risa Chubinsky-Glyn Cozart-Joseph Gates-Tomas Hyde-Katharine Quinn-Judge

  • 8/12/2019 CERES News Digest - Week7, Vol.4, Feb.24-28


    Country News DigestOn Friday the urkishAmbassador to AzerbaijanIsmail Alper met



    RussiaAzerbaijani Defense Minister Zakir Hasanov in Baku. Inmeetings Alper and Hasanov discussed bilateral militarycooperation between the Azerbaijani and urkish armedforces and a peaceful resolution to the Nagorno-Karabakhsituation.

    Riots broke out in Moscowthis week after eight peoplearrested in connection withthe Bolotnaya Square protests in 2012 were given sentencesranging from two and a half to four years in prison. Overtwo hundred people were temporarily detained, and severaprominent activists and political figures, including AlexeiNavalny, Boris Nemtsov, Nadezhda olokonnikova, andMaria Alyokhina were arrested.






    A new interim governmenthas taken control of theUkrainian Parliament inKiev and Berkut has been disbanded, yet Ukraine continuesto face challenges. Te economy is in a precarious state, andprotests have broken out in the southern and eastern partsof the country, particularly in the Crimea, where ties toRussia are strongest. Presidential elections are set for May25. Ousted President Yanukovych, speaking at a Moscowpress conference on Friday, termed these illegal.

    Te head of the state-run light industry entityBellegprom and thedirector of a spinning mill have been arrested on suspicionof corruption, officials announced Tursday. Media reportshave hinted that the arrests may reflect the governmentsdesire to demonstrate a tough stance on corruption, in lighof fears of a Ukraine-like scenario. President AleksandrLukashenka remarked on February 23 that if citizenscatch us stealing, then we deserve a Maidan in Belarus.

    Te European Parliamenton Tursday votedunanimously to cancel visa requirements for citizensof Moldova. Te chair of the European Parliamentscommittee for civil liberties, justice, and internal affairs hasannounced that the visa-free regime could start as early asJuly 1. Te regime would allow Moldovans visa-free entryinto all participant countries in the Schengen agreementincluding non-EU members. Te decision is widely seenas a reward for Moldovas efforts at EU-inspired reforms.

    Vano Merabishvili, thegeneral secretary offormer president Mikheil

    Saakashvilis United National Movement, was sentencedto four and a half years in jail on Tursday. A bilisi Citycourt determined that Merabishvili had exceeded officialpowers through the use of violence against protestersin May 2011, when he served as Interior Minister.Merabishvili has said the charge is politically motivated.

    On Wednesday, thePresident of the HellenicParliament, Vangelis

    Conflict in urkey escalatedthis week over audio tapeswere released that allegedly

    Meimarakis, arrived in Armenia for a two day visit.Meimarakis stopped in sitsernakaberd to commemoratethe Armenian genocide, and also met with ForeignAffairs Minister Nalbandian to discuss Armenian-Greekrelations. Meimarakis and Nalbandian discussed tradecooperation and decentralization as means of furtheringties between their countries.

    include discussions between Prime Minister Erdogan andhis son over how to hide large sums of money when policeraided houses during a corruption inquiry in December.Erdogans office called these recordings a fabrication toundermine his party before elections next month. urkishopposition is calling for his resignation.

    Articles:Charter 97 Europe Online

    Articles:RFE/RL Belnovosti

    Articles:CNN Washington Post

    Articles:New York imes RFE/RL

    Articles:Civil.ge RFE/RL

    Articles:Azernews rend.az

    Articles:NA of RA Armradio

    Articles:Bloomberg Euro News

  • 8/12/2019 CERES News Digest - Week7, Vol.4, Feb.24-28


    Country News DigestOn uesday, the last UStanker aircraft supportingmilitary operations in



    Afghanistan departed Kyrgyzstans air base, Manas. Teagreement allowing the US to operate in Manas expires inJuly, and was initially opened in late 2001 to support theinvasion of Afghanistan. US reports show that more than33,000 missions have flown from Manas and that thefacility was a critical transit point for international troops.

    President Obama orderedthe Pentagon to plan for afull pullout of US troopsfrom Afghanistan by the end of 2014 as a result of AfghanPresident Karzais unwillingness to sign an agreementallowing some US troops to stay. Obama said that whilehe would prefer a small military presence to stay post-2014, he is prepared to install contingency plans if Karzaidoes not sign a bilateral security agreement.


    IranOn Tursday Reutersreported that theInternational AtomicEnergy Agency (IAEA) last year shelved the releasingof a report that may have contained more informationregarding Irans nuclear program due to the thaw inehrans relationship with the West. IAEA denies theexistence of such a report.

    On February 25Secretary General of theEnergy Charter UrbanRusnak met with urkmen President GerbangulyBerdymukhammedov in Ashgabat to discuss futurebilateral cooperation on energy. In the meeting Rusnakstated that urkmenistan is one of the most reliablesources of supplying natural gas to Europe, according topress reports.

    he former leader ofRio intos Mongolianoperations, CameronMcRae, has identified better relations with theMongolian authorities as a factor that has improvedthe investment climate in Mongolia. Although he is nolonger involved with the Oyu olgoi project, McRaepraised the Mongolian governments decision tohandle disputes with mining companies behind closeddoors instead of in the political spotlight.

    On Monday a district courtin Almaty ordered theclosure of the opposition

    newspaper Pravdivaya Gazeta, citing a series of allegedadministrative violations. Representatives of the paper saidthey would appeal the decision to a higher court, and then,should this appeal prove unsuccessful, to the UN HumanRights commission. Te OSCEs Representative onFreedom of the Media voiced concerns about the verdictsimplications for media freedom in Kazakhstan.

    A court in Dushanbe ruleduesday that the editor ofthe independent newspaper

    Asia Plus must retract a controversial editorial and paydamages to the offended parties. Te suit was filed byfive of the countrys artistic unions, who objected to theauthors use of the Lenin quote the intelligentsia are notthe countrys brains; they are its sh-t. Tey claim thelabel sh-t ... does not conform to reality. Oppositionfigures say the charge stems from an order from above.

    Te Uzbek governmentand Korean companyPosco Engineering and

    Construction have signed a contract to reconstruct an85 kilometer road section that stretches from Guzar toBeyneu. Te deal is worth $175.2 million, and will replacetwo-lane asphalt pavement with four-lane cement. Tisis the second deal between the Uzbek government andPosco, and should be completed by 2016.





    Articles:Kincora Reuters

    Articles:Cihan Azernews

    Articles:Jerusalem Post Reuters

    Articles:Guardian ReutersArticles:RIA Novosti rend.az

    Articles:Respublika Azzatyq

    Articles:Avesta Ozodi

    Articles:rend.az AzerNews

  • 8/12/2019 CERES News Digest - Week7, Vol.4, Feb.24-28


    Country News DigestOn Sunday, Prime MinisterAndrus Ansip announcedhe would step down from



    Czech Republichis position March 4. Ansip has stated that the moveis in anticipation of approaching elections in 2015,particularly allowing for the nomination of a replacementcandidate from his own party which is facing waningsupport. Ansip was in office for nine years, making himthe longest-serving prime minister in Estonian history.

    Te Czech Olympic hockeycoach Alois Hadamczikhas resigned because ofpressure from the Czech hockey federation for hispoor performance at the Sochi games. Te Czechs onlyrecorded two victories in the tournament. Hadamczikcame under fire for omitting many NHL players from theroster in favor of Czech league players, including his son-in-law. He has been the national teams coach since 2010.





    Slovakia is willing to joinPoland in a bid to hostthe 2022 Winter OlympicGames. Te games would be hosted in Krakow, Poland,but some alpine events would take place in Slovakias Lowatras mountain range. Slovakia took the step this weekof earmarking 177 million euros to be spent in preparationfor the games.

    Hungary has condemnedUkraine after the countrysnew leadership revokeda law that protected minority languages, includingHungarian. In all, nearly 150,000 Hungarian-speakers livein Ukraine. Hungarian populations concentrated in theregion of ranscarpathia often complain of mistreatmentby right-wing nationalist political groups.

    On uesday Romaniasruling coalition governmentsplit, after the junior LiberalParty voted to withdraw its political alliance withthe majority Social Democratic Party (SDP), citingdisagreements with SDP leader and Prime MinisterVictor Ponta. Te split comes several months ahead ofthe country s presidential election in November.

    Dalia Grybauskait, thePresident of Lithuania, hascharacterized Gazproms

    latest offer to the country as unacceptable. Althoughthe offer promises much lower prices for gas supplies, thePresident criticizes the deal for the conditions that it wouldimpose, including measures concerning Lithuaniasarbitration proceedings against it in Stockholm and alegal requirement for Gazprom to divest its 37 percentstake in grid operator Amber Grid.

    Vitalijs Pavlovs, a forwardfor Latvias Olympicice-hockey team, tested

    positive for a banned substance and was expelled fromthe Olympic Games this week. Pavlovs claimed that thepresence of the banned stimulant methylhexanaminein his test results was due to food supplements that histrained recommended.

    Te Polish ForeignMinistry, in a jointstatement with French

    and German counterparts on Friday, expressed theEUs concerns over the unstable situation developingin Crimea, Ukraine. Te foreign ministers of Poland,France and Germany last week led a mission to Kyivto broker peace negotiations between the Yanukovychadministration and opposition leaders.


    Articles:Fox News Reuters

    Articles:Focus Global Post

    Articles:Slovak Spectator Businessweek

    Articles:Prague Monitor ESPNArticles:ABC Reuters UK

    Baltic Course Bloomberg

    Articles:oronto Sun Olympic.org

    Articles:Global Post Reuters


  • 8/12/2019 CERES News Digest - Week7, Vol.4, Feb.24-28


    Country News DigestTis week, UkrainesVerkhovna Rada canceledthe State Language Policy



    CroatiaAct, which grants the status of regional language tominority groups with more than 10% of residents in an area,in an effort to curb Russian influence. Bulgarian ForeignMinister Vigenin has criticized the move, claiming thatBulgarian communities in Ukraines southern Bessarabiaregion should be considered a regional language.

    Te economy of Croatiashrank 1.2% year-on-yearin the fourth quarter of2013, the countrys statistics office reported Friday. 2013is the fifth consecutive year in which the economy hasshrunk, meaning Croatia is in its longest recession since thewar of the 1990s. Te EU has expressed concern about thecountrys high public debt, and has asked the governmentto produce an action plan by May to tackle the problem.



    Bulgarian PresidentPlevneliev paid a visit toMontenegro on uesdayand Wednesday of this week. Plevneliev met withMontenegrin President Vujanovic to discuss bilateralrelations, especially in the economic and cultural spheresas well as Montenegros route to NAO membershipwhich Bulgaria has supported. Plevneliev also met withMontenegrin Prime Minister Djukanovic to discussbusiness investment opportunities.

    Mayoral elections inMitrovica North have ledto the election of a hardlineKosovo Serb, Goran Rakic, based on preliminary resultsTis vote was the fourth attempt in four months to electa new mayor; one candidate was gunned down in Januaryand another has been indicted for war crimes and murderin 2000. No incidents were reported during the election, inpart because of EU and NAO presence to keep the peace

    Te Slovenian parliamentapproved a reshuffling ofthe cabinet on Monday,which will fill several posts, including the posts of Ministerof Health, Minister of Economics, and Diaspora MinisterAlenka rop Skaza, an epidemiologist, was appointedHealth Minister; Metod Dragonja, former CEO ofdrugmaker Lek, was appointed Economy Minister, andlawyer Gorazd Zmavc was elected Diaspora Minister.

    Te parliament initiated anamendment to the criminalcode this week that would

    introduce a 10-year prison sentence for Albanians whotake part in conflicts abroad. Te amendment comes amidgrowing concerns about the apparent participation ofAlbanians in violence in the Middle East. Te InternationalCenter for the Study of Radicalization, a London thinktank, has estimated that about 300 Albanians have joinedAl-Qaeda-linked groups in Syria.

    On February 24 DirectorGeneral of Serbias state-owned natural gas company

    Srbijagas met with Chairman of the managementcommittee of Russia gas-giant Gazprom in Sochi. Tetwo representatives discussed cooperation in the oiland gas sectors, including Russian natural gas supply,underground storage, joint infrastructure, and the SouthStream gas project.

    Macedonian police onTursday arrested eightindividuals suspected of

    the theft of over 162 piece of jewelry from Museum ofMacedonia storage areas between 2011 and 2013. Tesuspects, among them a former senior heritage officialand the head of the museum, are being charged withreckless conduct, abuse of power and illegal possession ofcultural artifacts.

    Articles:Reuters MINA




    Articles:Al Jazeera Balkan Insight

    Articles:Focus Novinite

    Articles:Dalje BloombergArticles:Novinite Montreal Gazette

    Articles:Balkan Insight Focus

    Articles:EIN News UPI

    Articles:Washington Post MINA

  • 8/12/2019 CERES News Digest - Week7, Vol.4, Feb.24-28


    Country News Digest

    Bosnia &Herzegovina

    On Monday, BosnianPrime Minister VjekoslavBevanda commented onthe recent protests that have swept through the nation,calling them a local fire that can be extinguished byraising living standards. Bevanda made this comment ata London-based economic forum this week, targeted atincreasing western investment in West Balkan countries.

    Box 571031, ICC 111, Washington, DC 20057-1031

    Email: ceres@georgetown.edu Tel.: (202) 687-6080 Fax: (202) 687-5829

    Te Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies is a U.S.Department of Education itle VI-funded National Resource Center (NRC)

    that strives to increase understanding and appreciation of the cultures andchallenges of the region stretching from Central Europe to the Pacific and

    from the Baltic to the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas

    Articles:RFE/RL Global Post

    2013 by Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies; School of Foreign Service; Georgetown University* CERES is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites.


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