central times - glencoe district 35 · central times staff faculty advisor: mrs. dalleska ......

Post on 15-Apr-2018






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Central Times

Volume 3 No. 11 Central Times


Faculty Advisor:Mrs. Dalleska

Ari A.Cate B.Bridget B.Chelsea B.Julia B.Josh B.Naomi C.Flannery D.Sydney E.Ryan H.Matt K.Carter K.Jessica M.Maleigh P.Alyssa R.William R.Jeremy S.Madison S.Zoe W.Hayden W.Jacob Z.

1. When did you first start teaching and how long have you been teaching?“A long time ago, right out of college. I have been teaching for 41 years.”

2. What was the first school you taught at?“The first school I taught at was in the town Congo in Africa.

3. We have heard you have taught in Africa; is that true?“ Yes, I taught in Africa for over one year. I spoke French fluently and I was teaching in French. Also I felt education would be essential for the future of the country for girls. They also needed teachers. I also taught one year in Italy.”

6. What got you interested in teaching?“Well I come from a large family and we used to play school! And everyday is different. I also, think education is very important.”

7. What college did you go to?“I got my masters at Northwestern!”

8. Have you taught at any other schools?“Yes a private school in Chicago, I taught in Evanston, Deerfield, and Highwood.”

9. What’s your favorite thing about teaching?“My favorite thing was to help kids become excited about books, ideas, life, and togetherness.”

10. Are you upset to leave?“ I am upset and I will miss teaching, but I can’t wait for all the new opportunities and I will try and find some way to interact with kids.”

An Interview with Mrs. Felix


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Vacation Spots

Mexico California Florida Caribbean Other

Mexico California Florida Caribbean Other




Where I Want to Go on Vacation

I have been so many places, but there’s one place I haven’t been. That place would be Hawaii. It is so wonderful with tropical weather and cool mountains to visit. It must be wonderful to live there when you can surf all year round. How great would that be? Maybe I will go there one day.

~ Josh B.

One of Earth’s first rainforest has been discovered in Illinois. It is roughly three times the size of New York’s Central Park. A massive earthquake made the entire rainforest sink into the ground to become fossilized and never seen again for thousands of years.

A place where giant insects once reigned now lies somewhere in Illinois being examined by many scientists. Some scientists think that just by looking at the stumps of ancient telephone-pole-like trees, they can reconstruct the entire forest.

“It’s pretty wild” says Bill DiMichele. DiMichele is the leader of the group of scientists researching the rainforest. “This is a glimpse of the past, but not the full picture of it.” he says, “There’s no doubt this is important.”

Ancient Rainforest Rediscovered in Illinoisby: Flannery D.

Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?

Greek BanquetBy William R.

After reading Greek myths, the 6th grade team of Severson and Schumacher performed their versions of the Odyssey, and Perseus for their classmates.

The following day, students shared a banquet of Greek foods, including gyros and salad, with their parents. Following lunch, students performed for their parents in Young Auditorium.

How-To Fool Someone With PowerPoint By Ryan

Step 1. Log on to PowerPoint (obviously).

Step 2. Click insert, then scroll down to movies and sounds, and lastly, click on record sound.

Step 3. Say something such as: yes, no, hi, someone's name,a command, etc.,and save.

Step 4. If someone is around you, put the volume as loud as it goes (or close to that), and press the picture of a speaker on the screen, and you will have approximately 75%

chance of them thinking it is really you talking.

Tip: Make more than one so you can respond back if they talk back.

1. When and where were you born?A: I was born in Highland Park on April Fool’s Day!

2. What sports do you play?A: I play soccer and basketball.

3. What do you do in your free time?A: I read, play sports, and I hang out with my friends.

4. Do you prefer salty, sweet, or sour snacks?A: I like salty snacks like popcorn, pretzels, and chips.

5. What Zodiac sign are you, and are you really like that?A: I am an Aries, and I agree that I am like that.

6. What is your nickname?A: My nickname is Flan.

7. What is your favorite school subject?A: Social studies.

8. Can you juggle?A: I made it all the way to the rings!

9. If you could choose between going to the beach or a concert, where would you go?A: I would want to go to a concert!

10. What is your favorite animal?A: A leopard!

11. Who is your idol?A: I don’t really have an idol. But if I had to choose, I would say my parents.

12. What was your favorite gym unit?A: I liked all of them!

13. Who are your favorite bands?A: Green Day, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Smashmouth.

14, Do you prefer pink or black?A: I like black!

An Interview with Flannery

Guess who from Spiderman 3

Guess who these super heroes/villains are from Spiderman 3. Their names are scrambled underneath their picture.

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Which God or Goddess Are You?By: Julia

What is your favorite color?A. PurpleB. PinkC. BlueD. Gold/Yellow

Ah, it’s a nice day at the beach with your friends, what do you do?A. read or define the different types of shellsB. look at your reflection in the waterC. take a swim or surf

D. play follow the leader; you’re the leader

In high school, what will you be known for?A. your brillianceB. your beauty and popularityC. your moods and/or artistic skill D. your striking charisma and great leadership

What is your favorite sport(s)?A. what are sports?B. figure skatingC. water sports!

D. tennis and/or soccer and/or baseball anything that involves hitting a ball-hard

In Harry Potter, who is your favorite character?A. Hermione, the book wormB. Fleur Delacour, Cho Chang, or Ginny Weasley, miss popularitiesC. Cedric Diggory, just because he’s cool!D. Harry Potter, the leader and the one with the famous lightning bolt!!! He will defeat Voldemort just as I have defeated Cronus!

Analysis on next page...!

mostly As:

You are the brilliant Athena! You value your studies and love to read. You are witty and very

intelligent. Keep up the A+’s. (Get it, a for results and the A grade, eh, eh?)

mostly Bs:

You are the beautiful Aphrodite. You value your looks and are also very lovable and romantic. (See, B is for beauty!) So, you don’t have long, flowing blonde hair. That doesnt mean you still can’t be an Aphrodite. Luckily, though, you aren’t brainless:D

Mostly Cs:

You are the Great Poseidon. You have a bit of a temper and you are the god/goddess of the sea. You are also very creative. Keep it up! Also, can you give me the power to breathe in water, that would be awesome! Then, I could meet Spongebob! C is for creation!

Mostly Ds:

You are Zeus! The Head of the Olympian gods and goddesses. You have great leadership and charisma. Also, you can turn people into animals! How cool is that? D is for uh...use your imagination.

The 2016 Olympics

Saturday, April 14, 2007 was the day that the 2016 Olympic host was picked. Chicago was chosen as the city to host the 2016 Olympics. An international selection committee will make the final decision in 2009. There is only one problem. Central Illinois lawmakers are not certain about whether state government should provide $150 million in case the event loses money. The Chicago City Council recently agreed to put up a $500 million guarantee if the games were to go into the red. Some downstate lawmakers said on Monday that if Illinois government offers money to the Chicago Olympics, Illinois would gain big benefits. Some people are saying that the Illinois government should not give money for the Chicago Olympics. They want more information before agreeing to provide state funding to the Chicago Olympics.

“King Herod’s Tomb Discovered Near Jerusalem”By: Maleigh P.

After 2,000 years of having passed King Herod’s death, archaeologists say they have found Herod’s final resting place.

“For 35 years, [the] Israel archaeologist Ehud Netzer has been searching the ruins of the Herodium, just south of Jerusalem, looking for ” the burial place of King Herod the Great.” Ehud Netzer has recently moved to higher ground, with no luck at the lower level. About 3 weeks ago, he found pieces of the tomb of King Herod, for they said that what they found in it, made the tomb “a royal one.”

King Herod had no bones in his sarcophagus, obviously it had been destroyed at some point. After dying in 4 B.C. from a long illness, Herod had ruled for 37 years. He was named, by the Roman Senate, “King of the Jews.” There was only one reason Herod wanted to build his palace at Herodium: it was where he had wanted to be buried.


Rat Poison In Pet Foods!Scientists have reported dangerous rat poison found

in pet food. At first, scientists had only found poison in wet food, but now it is in dry food too. Dog food and treats are getting processed in China and sent to the United States. If you want to find out what foods have rat poison, type in menu foods in Google. Many cats are also dying from the foods. More than 30,000 pets in the United States have got rat poison in them. If your pet is eating Hill’s food, see your pet doctor right away.

This dog named Pebbles died of kidney failure after eating bad food.

LUOL DENG: HE CARESLuol Deng met with Central School’s Executive Cabinet in order to donate money for the Darfur killings and problems on April 20. $3,000 dollars was donated to help the Darfur crisis. Millions of people are suffering and starving and are in danger of losing their lives. Central and Luol Deng are trying to help them.

Around 2.5 million people have lost their homes because of the fighting and over 400,000 have died. There is a big hunger problem throughout Darfur. The conflict started in February of 2003 because of complicated disagreements. Darfur is located in the region of western Sudan,and Luol Deng was born April 16, 1985 in Sudan and lived there until his early youth. Before moving to America to go to high school in New Jersey, Deng lived in Egypt and London. He wa a great student and was and is very talented.

After high school in New Jersey, Deng went on to play for Duke with another Bull Chris Duhon. He really showed his talents there and was always a good student. After his great year with Duke in the 2003-2004 season, Luol Deng got drafted by the Bulls. His citizenship is in the United Kingdom. Ever since being drafted by the Bulls, Deng has gotten better every year. With an extraordinary year, Luol shot a scorching 52% from the field and was the Bulls second leading point scorer behind Ben Gordon. He is very near a superstar in the NBA and has helped lead the Bulls deep into the playoffs this year. Beside Luol Deng’s amazing basketball skills, he is also a very hard worker, and great human being. He realizes that helping people is very important.

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