cells cell structure & function cells & energy cell growth ......kingdom fungi: cell walls...

Post on 20-Jan-2021






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What are the eight characteristics of living things?

What are the four major macromolecules?

1. Made up of cells

2. Reproduce

3. Maintain Homeostasis

4. Metabolism

5. Evolution /Adapt

6. Respond to Stimuli

7. Grow and Develop

8. DNA

Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, and Nucleic Acids

Arises by evolutionary change leading to the present biodiversity we see.

Divided into Three Domains:

1. Bacteria- single celled prokaryotes (no nucleus)

2. Archaea- single celled prokaryotes (no nucleus)

3. Eukarya- Plants, animals, fungi, and protists (membrane bound organelles)


True bacteria, mostly heterotrophic, live in all sorts of environments

Largest groups of organisms on Earth

Only a small amount are disease causing

Most have very important roles:

Photoautotrophs such as cyanobacteria

Saprophytes- decomposers that break down dead material.

Symbionts- they have a relationship with other organisms



Most recent domain, 1970’s

Live in extreme environments with high temperatures, and some produce methane.

Vast difference in genetic and biochemical make-up from other bacterium.

Microscopically similar in looks, so it’s likely that it has been around for a long time, but we just missed it.

Live in extreme environments Hot springs, hydrothermal vents, extremely acidic or

alkaline water, anoxic mud swamps, petroleum deposits, and the digestive tracts of cows, termites, and marine life where they produce methane.

Eukaryotes= have a nucleus, are unicellular or multicellular

4 Kingdoms

1. Kingdom Protista: unicellular eukaryotes, multicellular algae (dinoflagellates, diatoms, etc)

2. Kingdom Plantae: have cells walls, cellulose, and obtain energy through photosynthesis.

3. Kingdom Fungi: Cell walls are made of chitin, obtain energy by secreting enzymes and absorb the products they release.

4. Kingdom Animalia- no cell walls, obtain energy by ingesting other organisms.

Believed to be the first person to invent the microscope.

First to identify and name cells by observing cork from the bark of an oak tree.

First to observe and describe living cells in pond water. He called them “animalcules.”

They were not “animals,” but single celled organisms.

Studied plant tissues and found that plants are made of cells.

Discovered that animals are also made up of cells.

Published the first part of the cell theory- all living things are made up of cells.

Proposed that cells come from pre-existing cells.

1. All living things are made up of one or more cells.

2. Cells are the basic units of structure and function in organisms.

3. All cells arise from existing cells.



The way they are shaped directly relates to their job or function.

Nerve Cells



White blood cell engulfing a bacteria cell and spewing

out the remnants


Inside the chloroplast of a

plant cell




Bacteria on the tongue

Artery and blood




Clump of sperm tails in

the testes


Staphylococcus bacteria in the


Liver cell


Lung Cells


1. Prokaryotic

2. Eukaryotic

* Microscopic in size* Composed of similar building blocks* Cell Membrane* Cytoplasm * Have DNA* Loaded with ribosomes

Smaller, simpler than eukaryotes.

No nucleus or membrane bound organelles

DNA is suspended in the cytoplasm and is circular / loop

Single celled

Cell Walls

Evolved 3.5 bya

Ex- Bacteria or Archaea

Divided into groups based on their need for oxygen:

Obligate anaerobes- cannot survive in the presence of oxygen.

Obligate aerobe- needs oxygen to survive

Facultative aerobe- can survive whether or not oxygen is present.

Has a nucleus with membrane bound organelles

DNA is linear and store in the nucleus

Multicellular or unicellular

Larger, more complex

Plants, animals, fungi, and protists

Evolved 1.5 mya





Cell Wall


Cell membrane

Pili- help prokaryotes stick to the surfaces

Flagellum- tail like structure used for movement.

Ribosomes- make proteins

DNA- shaped in a loop or circle and is located in the cytoplasm.

Cytoplasm- jelly-like substance that surrounds molecules and organelles in a cell.

Cell wall- structural support.

Cell membrane- controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell.

Provide nutrients to humans and animals, especially in digestion. Bacteria form a symbiotic relationship called mutualism, where both the host and bacteria benefit. The bacteria has a home and obtains food from the host, while at the same time the bacteria helps the host by breaking down food, as well as absorbing nutrients.

Important in the ecosystem- some produce oxygen, while others help cycle carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and phosphorus throughout the environment.

Bioremediation- living things break down pollutants. Some bacteria can digest oil= clean up oil spills.

Can attack the cells in tissues.

Ex - Tuberculosis / TB, is caused by a bacteria that invades the lungs and uses the tissues for nutrients.

Can make poisons called toxins

Blood carries it to other parts of the body.

Ex - Food poisoning

E. coli bacteria on a lettuce leaf


Antibiotics are used to fight bacterial disease

Chemicals that kill or slow the growth of bacteria

Work by stopping the cell wall from developing. Animal cells do not have cell walls, and viruses also lack cell walls.

When you take antibiotics it can kill the good bacteria= illness.

Antibiotic Resistance: overuse of antibiotics has caused certain strains of bacteria to become resistant to medications. This allows the bacteria to survive and reproduce.


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