cellphone message promotion for companies is all about discipline

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Cellphone Message Promotion for Companies Is All About Discipline

Text message marketing differs from other forms of marketing in distinct way.

Text marketing requires discipline.

It is not like taking an ad out in the paper or sending direct mail.

You do not have a sales rep that creates the ad for you, places the ad and just collects a check.

It is not a one and done approach to marketing in which you can't control the results.

Text message marketing can be summed up by the old saying, "effort in=effort out."

I think we can all agree that text message marketing will provide the results you haven't been getting from other marketing

mediums, but we still see businesses not getting the results they want.

Are you a disciplined business owner who is able to stay on task, see new initiatives through to the

end until the desired result is achieved?

Do you set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals for your business and then don't stop until

you have beaten them?

If you are able to do this, you will be successful with SMS marketing.

We see and talk to dozens of businesses a week that are a perfect match for text marketing.

It will bring the sales and customers, but the business owner or management is not a great fit

for text marketing.

Text message marketing requires effort.

Many business owners can't adapt to marketing changes in which the effort and results comes from them and not from a direct mail piece.

With our support you must promote your call to action.

You must train your employees to tell your customers of the new marketing program. You must

provide rewards to customers joining your list.

The business owners who can implement this and have the discipline to stick to a plan the first

30 days are able to achieve some amazing results.

Once your list reaches a size that provides a positive ROI, you can back off your efforts a little and the foundation you have built will

continue to drive subscribers on a more auto-pilot system,

that mimics more traditional "set it and forget it" marketing.

Text message marketing takes time. We all wish it could, but success with this system doesn't

happen overnight.

Business owners who don't follow a plan and just place their call to action in one or two places and

never visit it again lack discipline.

Business owners who do not lay out their text marketing plan with planned offers, rewards and shoot for the right

demographic of their potential customer base lack discipline.

Business owners who do not send relevant offers that their customers will love lack


Business owners who do not reward their best customers on their list lack discipline.

The list goes on and on. We provide a 30 day action guide that will help you achieve your text

message marketing goals.

Within a week we can tell who will be successful with text marketing.

We can see who the disciplined business owners are and the ones who have a clearly defined vision and goals for their

business usually within a few days of them signing up for a new account.

Let's look at some points that will help you with your first text marketing campaign and stay


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