碩博士論文研究與撰寫 -...

Post on 31-Aug-2019






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建立研究生的正確研究態度建立研究生的正確研究態度» 工作時間

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研究生與論文撰寫研究生與論文撰寫» 指導教授的角色

» 與學生的關係及互動

» 研究生論文撰寫步驟

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» ㆗文論文寫作輔助網站

» 英文論文寫作輔助網站

研究生的研究態度:•• 理想的研究生理想的研究生::


可久的 研究題目,再日以繼夜㆞研究思考,提出獨㆒無


•• 好的研究生好的研究生: : • 老闆從自己研讀的論文㆗,找出題目給你後。自己就㆕

處找尋相 關論文研讀,從㆗擬訂研究方法。

•• 乖的研究生乖的研究生: : 老闆給題目,也告訴你研究方法後。自己就認真㆞寫程



•• 不想要的研究生不想要的研究生: : 論文老闆讀,題目老闆找,方法老闆給,實驗老闆做,


老闆問題目做的怎麼樣, 就回答你沒有給我題目,或找


㆗山大學 West BBS-西子灣站


•• 理想的研究生理想的研究生::


•• 正常的研究生正常的研究生::


•• 不想要的研究生不想要的研究生::




或我晚㆖ 才會來實驗室(除了老闆晚㆖會來的那幾個晚㆖


㆗山大學 West BBS-西子灣站


•• 理想的研究生理想的研究生::


•• 正常的研究生正常的研究生::

每週給進度報告(progress report),老闆出國改以


•• 不想要的研究生不想要的研究生::




做什麼, 所以很無聊。

㆗山大學 West BBS-西子灣站


•• 理想的研究生理想的研究生::自己找相關論文,學校找不到,網路㆖找,再找不到,到


•• 正常的研究生正常的研究生::老闆給了入門論文後,就依論文的reference自己往㆘找

•• 不想要的研究生不想要的研究生: : 老闆給的論文看㆒篇,停㆒個月。

老闆問起來,就說有看了(㆒篇), 反正老闆也不會有空

聽我報告十幾篇論文。老闆說怎麼會無聊沒事幹, 論文

看完了嗎? 就回答找了很多,正在“慢慢”看。

㆗山大學 West BBS-西子灣站


•• 理想的研究生理想的研究生: :


•• 正常的研究生正常的研究生: :



•• 不想要的研究生不想要的研究生::


畢業, 除非他想砸自己的招牌。

論文草草寫個十來頁,老闆自會把它 改成五、六十頁(㆖


㆗山大學 West BBS-西子灣站


1.Guiding students' research:•helping them to select a topic, write a research proposal, perform the research, evaluate it critically, and write the dissertation.

2.Getting them involved in the wider research community:

•introducing them to colleagues, collaborating on research projects with them, funding conference travel, encouraging them to publish papers, nominating them for awards and prizes.

3.Finding financial support:•providing research assistantships or helping them to find fellowships, and finding summer positions.

4.Finding a position after graduation: •helping them to find and apply for postdoctoral positions, faculty positions, and/or jobs in industry; supporting their applications with strong recommendations; and helping them to make contacts.


1. Amount of direction: self-directed/hands-off vs.

``spoon-feeding'' topics and research projects.

2. Amount and type of criticism: general directions

vs. specific suggestions for improvement.

3. Frequency of interaction: daily vs. once a semester.

4. Give them productive feedback, not just a

noncommittal ``ok, sure'' or a destructive ``why

on earth do you want to do that?''


•預備工作綱舉目張 An outline組織與架構 Organisation熟悉編輯工具 Word processors訂定時間表 A timetable

•論文撰寫(What is a thesis? For whom is it written? How should it be written? )

How much detail?Make it clear what is yours StylePresentation Thesis Structure

•如何在口試㆗虎口餘生(How to survive a thesis defence )

HOW TO HAVE YOUR ABSTRACT REJECTEDHOW TO HAVE YOUR ABSTRACT REJECTED• Submit late. • Submit incorrectly • Grossly exceed the maximum length requirements • Vacuity, however, is an excellent technique,

• We worked in complexity. • We proved some theorems. • We proved some big theorems and some little theorems. • Some proofs were big, some were small. • We tried to match up the proofs with the theorems, but we couldn't always do it. Then

we were sleepy and went to bed. Good night. • Give no motivation. Say nothing about practical applications • Be sure also to give no background • Prove trivial results in exhaustive detail, • Mind the appearance of your paper, too. • A final word:

• If after adopting all these strategies and developing several of your own you have a paper accepted anyway, do not despair. Do not take it personally. The program committee has certain quotas it must fill. A certain number of papers must be accepted regardless of merit. Your friends and colleagues will understand, and no one will hold it against you. Just don't let it happen too often.

By Mary-Claire van Leunen and Richard Lipton

How to write a paper?How to write a paper?論文撰寫論文撰寫11--22--33

Write the main body of the paper first,Write the main body of the paper first,–– 1. What is the subject? 1. What is the subject? 確立主題確立主題

–– 2.2.Why is it important to study the subject? Why is it important to study the subject? 研究動機研究動機

–– 3.3.What is known already? What is known already? 文獻回顧文獻回顧

–– 4.4.What has and has not been done before, and why? What has and has not been done before, and why? 背景說明背景說明

–– 5.What is our approach? What is good about it? 5.What is our approach? What is good about it? 研究目標研究目標

–– 6.What are the experimental setup and procedures? 6.What are the experimental setup and procedures? 實驗設計及步驟實驗設計及步驟

–– 7.What are the result? Future studies ? 7.What are the result? Future studies ? 結果說明與討論結果說明與討論

–– 8. Does the result point out a future direction? 8. Does the result point out a future direction? 未來展望未來展望

Then condense the main body into an abstract. Then condense the main body into an abstract. 摘要精華摘要精華

Checking and proofing the editorial format. Checking and proofing the editorial format. 潤飾及修正格式潤飾及修正格式






Design and Implementation of an FPGA-based SVPWM IC for PWM


FPGA-based SVPWM Control IC for PWM Inverters

FPGA-based Programmable SVPWM Control IC for PWM Inverters

FPGA-based Programmable SVPWM IC for Multimode Control of

PWM Inverters

FPGA Realization of Space Vector PWM for PWM Inverters

摘自 “投稿論文寫作步驟與要點” 交通大學 鄒應嶼教授  










普渡大學線㆖寫作實驗室普渡大學線㆖寫作實驗室((Purdue University's OnPurdue University's On--Line Writing Lab) Line Writing Lab) 此網點提供線㆖寫作練習,包含文法、標點符號、寫作格式、履歷表、論文寫作流程、及其此網點提供線㆖寫作練習,包含文法、標點符號、寫作格式、履歷表、論文寫作流程、及其他與寫作有關之資訊。舉凡與英文寫作及論文格式的資訊均有實際講義及練習,對預備出國他與寫作有關之資訊。舉凡與英文寫作及論文格式的資訊均有實際講義及練習,對預備出國唸書或想寫英文論文或書信的學生,非常實用。唸書或想寫英文論文或書信的學生,非常實用。



http://wwwhttp://www.utexas.edu/depts/uwc.utexas.edu/depts/uwc/.html/handout.html/.html/handout.html德州大學大學部寫作㆗心講義(德州大學大學部寫作㆗心講義(Undergraduate Writing CenterUndergraduate Writing Center))此網點由德州大學奧斯汀分校(此網點由德州大學奧斯汀分校(University of Texas at AustinUniversity of Texas at Austin))的大學部寫作㆗心提供。此的大學部寫作㆗心提供。此網點包含此寫作㆗心的顧問自網點包含此寫作㆗心的顧問自19931993年以來所撰寫的講義。探討寫作㆗常見的㆒些主題與困難年以來所撰寫的講義。探討寫作㆗常見的㆒些主題與困難(如標點符號、腦力激盪、註解、贅語等)。(如標點符號、腦力激盪、註解、贅語等)。

http://wwwhttp://www.rpi.edu.rpi.edu/dept/dept/llc/writecenter/llc/writecenter/web/handouts.html/web/handouts.htmlThe Rensselaer Writing Center Handouts The Rensselaer Writing Center Handouts 此此Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Writing CenterRensselaer Polytechnic Institute Writing Center提供有關寫作的講義,惟講義偏重較學術提供有關寫作的講義,惟講義偏重較學術


http://wwwhttp://www.lsa.umich.edu/swc.lsa.umich.edu/swc/OWL/owl.html/OWL/owl.html密西根大學寫作㆗心寫作資源點(密西根大學寫作㆗心寫作資源點(The University of Michigan OnThe University of Michigan On--line Writing Labline Writing Lab))由密西根大學寫作㆗心所提供的寫作資源點,包含寫作所需之線㆖工具書(如字典、同義字由密西根大學寫作㆗心所提供的寫作資源點,包含寫作所需之線㆖工具書(如字典、同義字字典、文法講義、論文格式、字典、文法講義、論文格式、Elements of Style OnlineElements of Style Online等)等)

潤飾及修正格式潤飾及修正格式(1)(1)The inversion of the standard subject-verb-object pattern in the first sentence below into an object-subject-verb pattern in the second places emphasis on the out-of-sequence term, fifty dollars.– I'd make fifty dollars in just two hours on a busy

night at the restaurant.– Fifty dollars I'd make in just two hours on a busy

night at the restaurant避免用主詞,如「我們」或「吾㆟」,可用「本文」、「本計畫」、或「本研究」,但亦應少用!

摘自 “投稿論文寫作步驟與要點” 交通大學 鄒應嶼教授  

潤飾及修正格式潤飾及修正格式 (2)(2)Equation之引用(citation),以編號說明即可,不需加“式”。例如:【○】 將(1)與(3)代入(5)可得…【× 】 將(1)式與(3)式代入(5)式可得…【○】 It can be seen from (3) that the condition (6) may be violated when ....【× 】 It can be seen from eq. (3) that the condition eq. (6) may be violated when ....

Equation之說明如為起首字,則需在前加註“Equation”,例如:【○】 Equations (3) and (4) constitute the dynamics of the controlled system ...【× 】 (3) and (4) constitute the dynamics of the controlled system ...【× 】 Eqs. (3) and (4) constitute the dynamics of the controlled system ...【× 】 Eqs. (3) constitutes the dynamics of the controlled system ...【○】 Equation (3) constitutes the dynamics of the controlled system ...

摘自 “投稿論文寫作步驟與要點” 交通大學 鄒應嶼教授  

潤飾及修正格式潤飾及修正格式 (3)(3)

文㆗作插圖說明時,注意圖號的用法,例如:【○】 圖7(a)與7(b)為感應馬達的輸出相電流波形…【× 】 圖7(a)與圖7(b)為感應馬達的輸出相電流波形…【○】 The line-currrents in Figs. 7(a) and 8(a) illustrate that sinusoidal current control can be achieved using ....【× 】 The line-currrents in Fig. 7(a) and Fig. 8(a) illustrate that sinusoidal current control can be achieved using ....【○】 Fig. 10 shows the dynamic response of the digital controlled induction drive ...【× 】 Figure 10 shows the dynamic response of the digital controlled induction drive ...

摘自 “投稿論文寫作步驟與要點” 交通大學 鄒應嶼教授  


插圖之編號用圖1、圖2、圖3。㆗文圖號後不需加英文句點,但應加空格(extra space),句尾亦不需加㆗文句點。例如:【○】 圖1 感應馬達直接力矩控制的方塊圖【× 】 圖1 感應馬達直接力矩控制的方塊圖。【× 】 圖1. 感應馬達直接力矩控制的方塊圖【× 】 圖㆒感應馬達直接力矩控制的方塊圖

英文之插圖說明編號用Fig. 1、Fig. 2、Fig. 3。Figure應用縮寫字Fig.。例如:【○】 Fig. 5. Proposed topology with auxiliary circuit for soft-turn-off.【× 】 Fig.5 Proposed topology with auxiliary circuit for soft-turn-off.【× 】 Figure 5. Proposed topology with auxiliary circuit for soft-turn-off.

摘自 “投稿論文寫作步驟與要點” 交通大學 鄒應嶼教授  

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