cdr-stats : voip analytics solution for asterisk and freeswitch with mongodb

Post on 23-Jun-2015






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CDR-Stats is a free and open source call detail record analysis and reporting software for Freeswitch, Asterisk and other types of VoIP Switch. It allows you to interrogate CDR to provide reports and statistics via a simple to use powerful web interface.It is based on the Django Python Framework, Celery, SocketIO, Gevent and MongoDB.


Call Data Analysisfor Asterisk & FreeSWITCH

with MongoDB

Arezqui Belaid @areskib<>

Problems to solve

- Millions of Call records

- Multiple sources

- Multiple data formats

- Replication

- Fast Analytics

- Multi-Tenant

- Realtime

- Fraud detection

Why MongoDB- NoSQL - Schema-Less

- Capacity / Sharding

- Upserts

- Replication : Increase read capacity

- Async writes : Millions of entries / acceptable losses

- Compared to CouchDB - native drivers

What does it look like? Dashboard

Hourly / Daily / Monthly reporting

Compare call traffic

World Map


Under the hood- FreeSWITCH ( Asterisk (

- Django (

- Celery (

- RabbitMQ (

- Socket.IO (

- MongoDB (

- PyMongo (

- and more...

Our Data - Call Detail Record (CDR)1) Call info : 2) BSON :

3) Insert Mongo : db.cdr.insert(CDR);

CDR = { ... 'callflow':{ 'caller_profile':{ 'username':'1000', 'destination_number':'5578193435', 'ani':'71737224', 'caller_id_name':'71737224', ... }, ... }, 'variables':{ 'mduration':'12960', 'effective_caller_id_name':'Extension 1000', 'outbound_caller_id_number':'0000000000', 'duration':'3', 'end_stamp':'2012-05-23 15:45:12.856527', 'answer_uepoch':'1327521953952257', 'billmsec':'12960',...

'hangup_cause_q850':'20', 'hangup_cause':'NORMAL_CLEARING', 'sip_received_ip':'', 'sip_from_host':'', 'tts_voice':'kal',7', 'accountcode':'1000', 'sip_user_agent':'Blink 0.2.8 (Linux)', 'answerusec':'0', 'caller_id':'71737224', 'call_uuid':'adee0934-a51b-11e1-a18c-00231470a30c', 'answer_stamp':'2012-05-23 15:45:09.856463', 'outbound_caller_id_name':'FreeSWITCH', 'billsec':'66', 'progress_uepoch':'0', 'answermsec':'0', 'sip_via_rport':'60536', 'uduration':'12959984', 'sip_local_sdp_str':'v=0\no=FreeSWITCH 1327491731\n' },...


Pre-Aggregate - Daily CollectionProduce data easier to manipulate : current_y_m_d = datetime.strptime(str(start_uepoch)[:10], "%Y-%m-%d") CDR_DAILY.update({ 'date_y_m_d': current_y_m_d, 'destination_number': destination_number, 'hangup_cause_id': hangup_cause_id, 'accountcode': accountcode, 'switch_id':, },{ '$inc': {'calls': 1, 'duration': int(cdr['variables']['duration']) } }, upsert=True)

Output db.CDR_DAILY.find() :{ "_id" : ..., "date_y_m_d" : ISODate("2012-04-30T00:00:00Z"), "accountcode" : "1000", "calls" : 1, "destination_number" : "0045277522", "duration" : 23, "hangup_cause_id" :9, "switch_id" :1 }...

- Faster to query pre-aggregate data- Upsert is your friend / update if exists - insert if not

Map-Reduce - Emit Step- MapReduce is a batch processing of data- Applying to previous pre-aggregate collection (Faster / Less data)

map = mark_safe(u''' function(){ emit( { a_Year: this.date_y_m_d.getFullYear(), b_Month: this.date_y_m_d.getMonth() + 1, c_Day: this.date_y_m_d.getDate(), f_Switch: this.switch_id }, {calldate__count: 1, duration__sum: this.duration} ) }''')

Reduce Step is trivial, it simply sums up and counts :

reduce = mark_safe(u''' function(key,vals) { var ret = { calldate__count : 0, duration__sum: 0, duration__avg: 0 }; for (var i=0; i < vals.length; i++){ ret.calldate__count += parseInt(vals[i].calldate__count); ret.duration__sum += parseInt(vals[i].duration__sum); } return ret; } ''')

Map-Reduce - Reduce Step

Map-ReduceQuery :

out = 'aggregate_cdr_daily'calls_in_day = daily_data.map_reduce(map, reduce, out, query=query_var)

Output db.aggregate_cdr_daily.find() :

{ "_id" : { "a_Year" : 2012, "b_Month" : 5, "c_Day" : 13, "f_Switch" :1 }, "value" : { "calldate__count" : 91, "duration__sum" : 5559, "duration__avg" : 0 } }{ "_id" : { "a_Year" : 2012, "b_Month" : 5, "c_Day" : 14, "f_Switch" :1 }, "value" : { "calldate__count" : 284, "duration__sum" : 13318, "duration__avg" : 0 } }...


- Quality monitoring

- Audio recording

- Add support for other telecoms switches

- Improve - refactor (Beta)

- Testing

- Listen and Learn

WAT else...?

- Website : - Code : - FOSS / Licensed MPLv2 - Get started : Install script Try it, it's easy!!!

Questions ?

Twitter : @areskibEmail :

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