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CDOT Connection March 2015

Latest New s Event Calendar Free Counseling Certification CDOT

Dear Cathy,

Get ready for daylight saving tim e! Don't forget to move your clocks

forw ard this w eekend and take advantage of more daylight for construction

projects and longer summer evenings. Use that extra hour to build new

skills, bid on new projects, and netw ork w ith new people you haven't met

before at one of the many w orkshop and events across the state.

If you have any new s you w ould like to share in future editions, please send

an email to the editor at

News & Information

I-70 East Project Industry Forum for

Featured Project

CDOT Region 3 SH82

Grand Avenue BridgeCDOT is completing the

environmental assessment for

a preferred alternative to

address functional, structural

and safety def iciencies of the

SH 82 Grand Avenue Bridge in

Glenw ood Springs and to bring


Get the latest project information

CDOT w ill be hosting an open Industry Forum on March 11, 2015. The Forum

is an opportunity for CDOT to show case the proposed I-70 East project to

the business community, explore creative approaches to project

development, and seek early input f rom attendees on procurement design

and cost saving ideas. The second day, March 12, is reserved for one-on-

one meetings w ith prime teams pursuing the project.

Back on February 19, the Transportation Commission decided to move

forw ard w ith a design-build-f inance-operate-maintain (DBFOM) method for

the f inance and delivery of this project. At the Forum, you'll learn w hat that

means and join a w ide array of interested parties including global

contractors and developers, engineering and design f irms, investors and

lenders, and local, DBE, and specialty contractors. If you are a

subcontractor and w ant to be part of this project, now is the time to get

involved and this Forum is the place!

Learn More...

CDOT Starts DBE Goal Setting for FHWAOverall Annual Goal and I-70 East

Detailed analysis for two major DBE goals is underway

There's been a lot of talk about w hat CDOT w ill do w ith DBE goals and ESB

participation on the I-70 East project. It's something CDOT is not taking lightly.

They realize the impact the project w ill have along the Front Range and they

know there w ill be plenty of small businesses w aiting in line for sub

contracting opportunities. They intend to fully support minority and w oman-

it up to current standards.

The more than $100M bridge

replacement project is

expected to have bridge

design completed in May 2015

w ith construction potentially

starting in December 2015.

There w ill be signif icant

subcontracting opportunities

for small businesses that can

provide services for the bridge

replacement. Keep up to date

by signing up for project

updates in the top right column

of the project w ebsite .

Learn More...

CDOT Bid Matching

Sign Up Today!Get w eekly email notif ications

of CDOT advertised

construction projects that

match your company's type of

w ork. Click here to register

Upcoming Events

Hispanic Contractors of

Colorado 25th AnniversaryCelebration

March 7, 2015Join the Hispanic Contractors

of Colorado for the biggest

event of the year! Come

celebrate 25 years of service

in support of the Hispanic

community and small business

contractors across the state.

Click here for inform ation

ow ned f irms, as w ell as other small contractors on this project. They are

currently w orking on innovative strategies to support the project.

This year, CDOT is required to submit a three-year overall annual DBE goal

and methodology to FHWA. With a great amount of foresight, they decided

to conduct a dual goal setting process w ith the I-70 East project goal setting

so all major factors are being considered at the same time. The result w ill be

tw o separate goals, one for the I-70 East project and one for CDOT's overall

annual goal for FY 2016-2018. The analysis w ill consider the type of w ork

anticipated for I-70 East and other projects statew ide. It w ill also look at the

relative availability of DBE f irms that are ready, w illing, and able to w ork on

CDOT projects and other relevant market factors.

How can you participate? If you are sent a survey, respond. If the

information about your business is listed incorrectly on the DBE directory,

get it updated. When you hear about public meetings or an open comment

period on the draft, join in!

Learn More...

ESB Certification is Back!

Next ESB Orientation scheduled for March 13

CDOT has been w orking hard on improving

the Em erging Sm all Business

(ESB) program and is implementing many

new program benef its. ESB restricted

projects are being identif ied in all regions

across the state and a scoring point

system is being put in place for prime

consultants that utilize ESB subconsultants. You w ill also see an element of

the ESB program on the I-70 East project.

One of the criteria for certif ication is completing an ESB Orientation w ebinar.

These session w ere on hold w hile the program w as being revamped.

Registration is now open for the next Orientation on March 13. If you are a

small business that meets program eligibility criteria and w ants a

competitive edge in contracting on CDOT projects, don't miss this opportunity

to get one step closer to certif ication!

Learn More...

Best Opportunity for Transportation and

Advance Colorado 2015

Procurement Expo

March 9, 21015The Minority Business Off ice &

the State Purchasing Off ice

w elcome your participation at

the Buyers' and Sellers'

Marketplace. Come meet w ith

procurement representatives

from across the state. There is

no cost to attend this event

and all w orkshops are FREE.

Click here for inform ation

PTAC Doing Business with


March 11, 2015The Colorado Procurement

Technical Assistance Center

(PTAC) is hosting a free

w orkshop in Grand Junction

for small businesses

interested in providing

construction or forestry

services to the Government.

USFS w ill provide information

on doing business w ith their

agency and CDOT w ill discuss

opportunities for small

businesses on highw ay

construction projects.

Click here for inform ation

CDOT I-70 East ProjectIndustry Forum

March 11, 2015Join CDOT as they show case

the proposed I-70 East Project,

explore creative approaches

to project development, and

seek early input f rom

attendees on procurement

design and cost saving ideas.

Click here for inform ation

Environmental Professionals

ACEC and CDOT sponsoring two-day education event

If you have not already registered, do it

now before it sells out! ACEC Colorado and

CDOT are offering a comprehensive

transportation and environmental training

program on March 9-10. The training w ill

include a variety of speakers and

presentations focused on current best


CDOT's new Executive Director Shailen Bhatt w ill be the keynote speaker.

Govenor John Hickenlooper w ill provide remarks on the importance of the

public and private sectors w orking together to provide Colorado w ith a

sustainable transportation system.

CDOT staff w ill also be giving a presentation on how to do business w ith

CDOT as a professional services consultant. It w ill cover consultant

prequalif ication, Master Pricing Agreements (MPAs), the new CDOT Supplier

Portal Statement of Interest (SOI) process and upcoming changes to the

DBE and ESB programs.

Learn More...

Connect2DOT Spring Roadtrip

We're heading south and west in March and April

There are going to be some great

opportunities for contractors to f ind out

about doing business w ith CDOT outside of

the Front Range. CDOT is providing

Contract Management and Compliance

w orkshops in Grand Junction and Durango

over the next tw o months.

Not only w ill you learn about the requirements for w orking on CDOT a

project but staf f w ill be available for one-on-one meetings to answ er your

individual questions. We w ill also have special w orkshops for DBEs and

small businesses in Alamosa and Meeker. Check the Connect2DOT event

calendar for more information and to register. If you have questions or

w ould like to schedule an appointment w ith a consultant, please email

Learn More...

Graham-Kraemer JV Open

House for the RTD

Southeast Rail ExtensionMarch 16, 2015Come meet this pursuit team

and learn about the team and

potential subcontracting


Click here for inform ation

Stacy and Witbeck-Herzog-Wadsworth

JV Outreach Event for the

RTD Southeast RailExtension Project

March 19, 2015Come meet this pursuit team

and f ind out more about the

$40 million in potential

subcontracting opportunities.

Click here for inform ation

2015 Indian Biz Expo

March 20, 2015Join the Rocky Mountain Indian

Chamber of Commerce as they

empow er American Indian

businesses, professionals,

and entrepreneurs. Netw ork

directly w ith procurement

off icers and diversity outreach

recruiters. Connect2DOT w ill

be providing an overview of

DBE Certif ication and SBA and

DSBO w ill be covering federal

and local small business

certif ication programs.

Click here for inform ation

Prime & Sub ContractorMeet and Greet

March 25, 2015 The U.S. Department of

Transportation is hosting

a Prime Connections event in

Certified DBE Firms

Congratulations to Colorado's NewestDBE Certified Firms

The follow ing small businesses received Disadvantaged Business

Enterprise (DBE) certif ication last month. Check them out on the Colorado

Unif ied Certif ication Program (UCP) DBE Directory.

Cherokee Construction LLC

JBI Trucking LLC

Metropolitan Services, Inc.

National Contracting Services LLC

Nicholas & Associates

Simon Elite Trucking LLC

The Lund Partnership, Inc.

YS Construction Clean Up Services

Workshops & Training

Denver that is similar to "speed

dating" betw een prime

contractors and small

businesses involved in

the construction industry.

Private meetings betw een

the primes and small

businesses are scheduled in

15-minute blocks over four


Click here for inform ation

Partner Panel Series:

Doing Business with CDOT

March 25, 2015PTAC and the Southern CO

SBDC are hosting a panel

session in Colorado Springs

that includes experts on DBE

and ESB certif ication, being a

successful subcontractor and

w orkforce development.

Click here for inform ation

ASPE Estimating Academy

March 6, 20157:30 AM - 4:45 PMAGC Education CenterDenver

Join the American Society of Professional Estimators for one day training and netw orking event. Learn new

strategies that w ill help your company stay competitive and stay up to date on the latest trends and technology. This

session w ill discuss the importance of scope coordination and w hat is required in a good scope letter. Topics include

bid documents, RFIs, communication betw een the GC and subcontractors, Inclusions and clarif ications, exclusions,

bid day actions and post-bid day follow -up.

Register Today!

2015 Training for Colorado Transportation and EnvironmentalProfessionals

March 9-10, 2015Embassy Suites Downtown Convention CenterDenver

Plan to attend this year's comprehensive transportation and environmental training program, sponsored by ACEC

Colorado and CDOT. The training w ill provide a variety of speakers and presentations focused on current best

practices. Attendees w ill include: CDOT project, program and resident engineers; the CDOT environmental group;

consulting engineers; and environmental specialists.

Register Today!

Contractor Academy Prequalification Workshop

March 12, 20154:00 PM - 6:00 PMAGC BuildingDenver

Presented by Haselden Contruction and Gilmore Construction, this w orkshop w ill help you understand w hy you need

to be prequalif ied by prime contractors and government clients, w hat information is required, and how often you need

to re-qualify.

Register Today!

Webinar: CDOT Emerging Small Business (ESB) Orientation

March 13, 201511:00 AM - 12:00 PMOnline

It's back! CDOT has re-opened certif ication for the Emerging Small Business (ESB) program. This w ebinar w ill provide

an overview of the ESB program and new benef its being provided by CDOT. Firms must be certif ied by CDOT to take

advantage benef its such as the ability to bid on ESB restricted projects (set asides), as w ell as incentives for prime

contractors and consultants that utilize ESB f irms. This orientation provides an overview of the program and

is mandatory for any f irm interested in becoming certif ied.

Register Today!

CDOT Construction Project Administration for Consultants

March 17-19, 2015CDOT Region 1 - North Holly St.Denver

The introduction to Construction Project Administration specialty course is intended to teach CDOT Project Managers

and Professional Service Consultant best practices in project administration. This includes understanding the contract

and its implications, meeting facilitation, f ield inspections, paperw ork completion and reporting, and documentation

helpful to a project's success.

Register Today!

Blueprint Reading for Commercial Applications

March 19-20, 2015AGC BuildingDenver

This course begins w ith a brief overview of draw ing symbols and conventions f low ing through the several types of

structural systems, including building f inishes, mechanical and electrical systems, site w ork and utilities. The class

w orkbook includes a complete set of draw ing and related exercises for a four-story of f ice building. The exercises

are review ed in depth w ith emphasis on estimating and quantity issues. A review of various types of specif ications,

contract documents and terms, w hich must be interpreted on a project are included. For the second day, students

should bring a set of draw ings they are familiar w ith to review and discuss.

Register Today!

CDOT 2015 Contract Management & Compliance Workshop

March 24, 20158:30 PM - 4:00 PMBusiness IncubatorGrand Junction

This full day w orkshop is essential for all prime contractors and sub contractors w orking on CDOT highw ay

construction contracts. Staff f rom CDOT w ill provide vital information about how to comply w ith CDOT and Federal

contracting regulations. This annual w orkshop covers updates to 2015 federal regulations included in the FHWA Form

1273 such as: EEO Contract Requirements, DBE Requirements, ESB Program, CDOT Form 205, OJT

Requirements, Certif ied Payrolls, Davis-Bacon and Related Acts, Site of Work, Classif ication of w orkers, and

Prompt Payment.

Register Today!

Introduction to Contracting with CDOT

March 25, 201511:00 AM - 1:00 PM (lunch included)Kilowatt KornerMeeker

Are you interested in contracting w ith the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)? Join the Northw est

Colorado SBDC for the launch of the Connect2DOT Program and f ind out w hat contracting opportunities may exist for

your business. We are kicking off the program w ith a seminar thatis an excellent primer for f irms just getting started

and w anting to learn how to do business w ith CDOT. You w ill f ind out w hat they buy, how they let contracts for

goods and services and w here to f ind contract opportunities. It w ill include a discussion of CDOT's small business

programs and how they can help you become more competitive in bidding and teaming on CDOT projects.

Register Today!

Contractor Academy BIM for Contractors

March 26, 201511:30 AM - 1:00 PMAGC BuildingDenver

Presented by Adolfson & Peterson Contruction, Haselden Contruction, and Mortensen Contruction. This w orkshop w ill

cover: What is BIM, the benef its of using BIM, w ho uses BIM, w hat are the dif ferent uses for BIM, the BIM process,

types and costs of BIM, how can a small business benef it.

Register Today!

Colorado SBDC Netw ork | Connect2DOT Program

1675 Broadw ay, Suite 2700

Denver, CO 80202

(720) 624-6728 Tell your f riends and colleagues to Click here and sign up for the

w w w CDOT Connection New sletter

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