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CCEL Reading Room Resources – Shepherd Union 327

Please contact the CCEL to check out resources. PDF links available below for select resources. or 801.626.7737

Business Ethics Huntsman, Jon M. Winners Never Cheat: Everyday Values We Learned as Children (But May

Have Forgotten). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Wharton School Publishing, 2005.

Roddick, Anita. Body and Soul: Profits with Principles. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1991.

Campus Compact Blau, Jenny Elsa. “Student Voices: Making Ourselves Heard”. Compact Current, (Winter 2003):

6-13. Campus Compact. A Season of Service, 2001. Campus Compact. Annual Service Statistics 2000, 2001. Campus Compact. “Campus Compact Survey: Student Service Valued at $5.6 Billion”. Campus

Current, (Summer 2006).   Campus Compact. “Campus Compact’s Effect on Service in Higher Education”. Compact

Current, (Fall 2003): 8-9. Campus Compact. Campus Current, 2003. Campus Compact. “Campus Support Spurs Student Service to Record Levels”. Campus

Compact, (Spring/Summer 2004): 3. Campus Compact. “Higher Education and Community Engagement”. Compact Current 2.3

(Sping 2001): 4-5.   Campus Compact. Learning to Manage Federal Grants: The Campus Compact Guide to

Administering National Service & Other Federal Grants. Providence, RI: Brown University, 1994.

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Campus Compact. Members Survey Executive Summary, 2001. Campus Compact. “Member Students Contribute $7 Billion Through Service and Service-

Learning”. Compact Current, (Spring 2008): 1.  

Campus Compact. “Moving from ‘Good’ to ‘Great’: Campus Compact Studies Exemplary

Engagement Practices”. Compact Current, (Spring/Summer 2004): 4-5.  

Campus Compact. Presidents’ Declaration on the Civic Responsibility of Higher Education, 2003.

Campus Compact. Presidents’ Declaration on the Civic Responsibility of Higher Education, 2005.

Campus Compact. “Record Numbers of Students Involved in Service on Campus”. Compact Current, (Fall 2003): 1-6.

Campus Compact. Season of Service: A Report of 2002 Campus Compact Activity and Impact, 2002.

Campus Compact. Season of Service: Campus Compact’s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2003-2004.

Campus Compact. Season of Service. Campus Compact’s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2004-2005.

Campus Compact. The Service and Service-Learning Center Guide to Endowed Funding. Providence, RI: Brown University, 2003.

Campus Compact. Reflections on Learning. Brevard Community College Center for Service-Learning.

Campus Compact. “Searching for Truth in Trouble Times”. Compact Current, (Fall/Winter 2001-2002).  

Campus Compact. 2004 Service Statistics. The Engaged Campus. Highlights and Trends of Campus Compact’s Annual Membership Survey, 2004.  

Hollander, Elizabeth. “Sustaining Success in Challenging Times.” Compact Current, (Winter 2005): 1-6.  

Kiesa, Abby and Sherita Moses. “Campus Compact Resources Let Students Be Heard.” Compact Current, (Spring/Summer 2005): 3.

Utah Campus Compact. The Connector. 6.1 (2006).

Utah Campus Compact. Utah Campus Compact: First Annual Report 1996-1997.

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Utah Campus Compact. Utah’s Higher Education Civic Engagement Coalition. Annual Report 2008-2009.

College & Community Partnerships

Grimm, Robert and Others. College Students Helping America. Washington D.C.: Corporation for National & Community Service, 2006.

Leiderman, Sally and Others. Building Partnerships with College Campuses: Community Perspectives. Washington D.C.: The Council of Independent Colleges, 2002.

Sandy, Marie. “More Communication, Collaboration Needed, Say Community Partners in Nation’s Largest Study”. Compact Current (Winter 2008): 3.  

Scheibel, Jim, Erin M. Bowley, and Steven Jones. The Promise of Partnerships: Tapping Into the College as a Community Asset. Providence, RI: Brown University, Campus Compact, 2005.

Sigmon, Robert. Building Sustainable Partnerships: Linking Communities and Educational Institutions. National Society for Experiential Education, Raleigh, N.C., 1998.

Torres, Jan, ed. and Julia Schaffer. “Benchmarks for Campus/Community Partnerships”. Providence, RI: Campus Compact, 2002.

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. University Community Partnerships in America: Current Practices, Vol. III, Maryland: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1999.

Community Development

Applegate, James L. and Sherwyn P. Morreale. “Creating Engaged Disciplines: One Association’s Effort to Encourage Community Involvement.” Campus Compact Reader 2.2 (2001): 2-6.

Etzioni, Amitai. The Spirit of Community: Rights, Responsibilities and the Communitarian Agenda. New York: Crown Publishers Inc., 1993.

Gonzalez, Kenneth P. and Raymond V. Padilla, eds. Doing the Public Good: Latina/o Scholars Engage Civic Participation. Virginia: Stylus Publishing, LLC., 2008.

Harkavy, Ira. “Honoring Community, Honoring Place.” Campus Compact Reader (Fall 2002): 1-9.

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Jones, Van. The Green Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 2008.

Joseph, James A. Remaking America: How the Benevolent Traditions of Many Cultures Are Transforming Our National Life. California: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1995.

Kretzmann, John P. and John L. McKnight. Building Communities from the Inside Out: A Path Toward Finding and Mobilizing a Community's Assets. ACTA Publications, 1993.

Langton, Phyllis Ann and Dianne Anderson Kammerer. Practicing Sociology in the Community: A Student’s Guide. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc., 2005.

Pelham Anabel, Elizabeth Sills, Gerald S. Eisman, eds. and Robert A. Corrigan. Forword to Promoting Health and Wellness in Underserved Communities. Stylus Publishing, LLC., 2009.

Raley, Gordon A. The Community Collaboration Manual. Washington D.C.: The National Assembly of National Voluntary Health and Social Welfare Organizations, 1993.  

Community Engaged Learning (formerly Service-Learning, Community-Based Learning)

Albert, Gail, ed. Service Learning Reader: Reflections and Perspectives on Service. Pearson Custom Publishing, 1998.

Anderson, Jeffrey B. and Terry Pickeral. “Challenges and Strategies for Success with Service-Learning in Preservice Teacher Education.” NSEE Quarterly. National Society for Experiential Education 25.3 (2000): 7-22.  

Ash, Sarah L., Patti H. Clayton, and Myra G. Moses. Learning Through Critical Reflection: A Tutorial for Service-Learning Students. Raleigh, N.C.: Ash, Clay, Moses, 2009.

Battistoni, Richard M. Civic Engagement Across the Curriculum: A Resource Book for Service-Learning Faculty in All Disciplines. Volume 9, Issue 2. Providence, RI: Campus Compact, 2002.

Berman, Sally. Service Learning: A Guide to Planning, Implementing, and Assessing Student Projects. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA, Corwin Press Co., 2006.

Berry, Howard A. and Linda A. Chisholm. Service Learning in Higher Education Around the World. New York: The International Partnership for Service Learning, 1999.

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Campus Compact. “Engaging Women’s Colleges in the Service-Learning Movement”. Compact Current 2.3 (Spring 2001): 5-6.  

Campus Compact. Essential Service Learning Resources. Providence, RI: Brown University, 2002.

Campus Compact. Essential Resources: For Campus-Based Service, Service-Learning, and Civic Engagement. Providence, RI: Brown University, 2004.

Campus Compact. “10 Steps to Develop and Execute a Service-Learning Strategy”. Compact Current (Spring 2002): 7-13.  

Clayton-Pedersen, Alma R. and Others. Making a Real Difference with Diversity: A Guide to International Change, 2007.

Cone, Richard E., Abby Kiesa and Nicholas Longo, eds. Raise Your Voice: A Student Guide to Making Positive Social Change. Prividence, RI: Campus Compact, 2006.

Cress, Christine M., Peter J. Collier, and Vicki L. Reitenauer. Learning Through Service: A Student Guidebook for Service Learning Across the Disciplines. Sterling, VA: Stylus, 2005.

Davis, Kenneth and Eldonna Sylvia. “Partnering Healthy Communities: Interdisciplinary Service-Learning Model.” NSEE Quarterly. National Society for Experiential Education 27.2 (2002): 1-4.

Dionne, E.J., Jr., and Kayla Meltzer Drogosz. “United We Serve: The Debate Over National Service.” Campus Compact Reader (Winter 2003): 23-26. Reprinted from The Brookings Review 20.4 (Fall 2002): 2-5.

Education Commission of the States. “Integrating Youth Voice in Service-Learning.” Learning In Deed: Making A Difference Through Service Learning. Denver, CO, 2001.  

Furco, Andrew and Shelley H. Billig, eds. Service-Learning: The Essence of the Pedagogy. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing Inc., 2002.

Galiardi, Shari. “20/20: Bringing Community Issues Into Focus.” Compact Current, (Winter 2005): 4-5.  

Galura, Joseph A. and Others, eds. Engaging the Whole of Service-Learning, Diversity, and Learning Communities. Ann Arbor, MI: The OCSL Press at the University of Michigan Edward Ginsberg Center for Community Service and Learning, 2004.

Grove, Maggie. “Compact Teaches to Change Communities and Deepen Service-Learning in K-12.” Compact Current (Fall 2002): 3.

Hamner, Doris. M. Building Bridges: The Allyn & Bacon Student Guide to Service-Learning.

Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon, 2002.

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Heffernan, Kerrisa. Fundamentals of Service-Learning Course Construction. Providence, RI: Brown University, Campus Compact, 2001.

Horrigan, Paula, ed. “Extending Our Reach: Voices of Service Learning at Cornell”. Cornell Public Service Center, 2007.  

Eyler, Janet, Dwight E. Giles Jr., and Alexander W. Astin. Foreword to Where’s the Learning in Service-Learning? San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Inc., 1999.

Jacoby, Barbara and Associates. Service-Learning in Higher Education: Concepts and Practices. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1996.

Jacoby, Barbara. “Professionalizing the Role of Service Directors”. Compact Current, (Winter 2004): 3-6.

Jacoby, Barbara and Pamela Mutascio, eds. Looking in Reaching Out: A Reflective Guide for Community Service Learning Professionals. Boston, MA: Campus Compact, 2010.

Luce, Janet, ed. Combining Service and Learning: A Resource Book for Community and Public Service. Service-Learning: An Annotated Bibliography Linking Public Service with the Curriculum. Vol. III. Raleigh, N.C., 1989.

Marsteller Kowalewski, Brenda, JoAnn DeFiore, and Morten G. Ender, eds. Service Learning and Undergraduate Sociology: Syllabi and Instructional Materials. 3rd ed. American Sociological Association, 2005.

Moore, Jonelle, and Others, eds. Reflections of Engagement. Mesa, AZ: The Center for Service-Learning: Mesa Community College, 2003.  

Myers-Lipton, Scott. “Student Service-Learning Coalition Spurs Legislation to Create 100,000 Civic Works Jobs in the Gulf Coast.” Compact Current (Spring 2008): 2-3.  

National Center for Learning and Citizenship. Civic Engagement and Service-Learning with Young Children: Intergenerational Peacemaking Projects. Education Commission of the States, 2003.

National Youth Leadership Council. Growing to Greatness: The State of Service-Learning Project. St. Paul, MN: 2004.

National Youth Leadership Council. Growing to Greatness: The State of Service-Learning Project. St. Paul, MN: 2005.

National Youth Leadership Council. Growing to Greatness: The State of Service-Learning Project. St. Paul, MN: 2006.

National Youth Leadership Council. Growing to Greatness: The State of Service-Learning Project. St. Paul, MN: 2007.  

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National Youth Leadership Council. Growing to Greatness: The State of Service-Learning Project. St. Paul, MN: 2008.  

National Youth Leadership Council. Growing to Greatness: The State of Service-Learning Project. St. Paul, MN: 2009.  

National Youth Leadership Council. Growing to Greatness: The State of Service-Learning Project. St. Paul, MN: 2010.

O’Connell, Brian. Fifty Years in Public Causes: Stories from a Road Less Traveled. Lebanon, NH: University Press of New England, 2005.

Parks, Steve, ed. Reflections: Writing, Service-Learning, and Community Literacy. Writing the Blues: Teaching in a Post-Katrina Environment 7.1-2 (Spring 2008).

Parks, Steve, ed. Reflections: Writing, Service-Learning, and Community Literacy. Dialogues 9.3 (Summer 2010).

Redlawsk, David P., Tom Rice, and Kay W. Barnes. Forword to Civic Service: Service-Learning with State and Local Government Partners. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2009.

Rhoads, Robert A. Community Service and Higher Learning: Explorations of the Caring Self. New York: State University of New York, 1997.

Ritter-Smith, Kathryn and John Saltmarsh, eds. When Community Enters the Equation: Enhancing Science, Mathematics and Engineering Education Through Service-Learning. Providence, RI: Brown University, Campus Compact, 1998.

Rothman, Michael, ed. Service Matters: Engaging Higher Education in the Renewal of America’s Communities and American Democracy. Providence, RI: Campus Compact, 1998.

Schoenfeld, Robert M. Service-Learning Guide & Journal: Higher Education Edition. Seattle, WA: Guide & Journal Publications, 2004.

Seifer, Sarena D. and Kara Connors, eds. Faculty Toolkit for Service Learning in Higher Education. Community Campus Partnerships for Health. National Service-Learning Clearinghouse 2007.

Stafford County Public Schools. Service Learning Student Manual. Stafford, VA.

Stengel, Richard. “A Time to Serve.” Time, September 10, 2007: 48-67.,28804,1657256_1657317,00.html  

Stories of Service: 7th Annual NW National Service Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory SymposiCorp 2002.

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Strait, Jean R., Marybeth Lima, eds. and Andrew Furco. Foreword to The Future of Service Learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing LLC, 2009.

“Student Guide to Service Learning.” California State University, San Marcos, 1996.

Utah Campus Compact. Celebration of Service, 1998.

Ward, Betsy and Phuong Vu. Artivism: The Art of Service: 2006 Utah Service Symposium. Salt Lake City, Utah: Thayne Center For Service and Learning, 2006.

Ward, Harold, ed. Acting Locally: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Environmental Studies. Virginia: Stylus Publishing, LLC., 2006.

Warwick, Pam. “Reflection: The Key to the Healing Benefits of Volunteering.” To the Point. Points of Light Foundation. No. 1, 4-5, 2002.

Warwick, Pam. “Helping Is Healing Initiative: Serving Those Who Serve You.” To the Point 1.6 (2002). Points of Light Foundation

Wolff, Michelle K. “Inspired by the Power and Value of Service-Learning.” Compact Current, (Fall 2003): 10-12.

Zlotkowski, Edward. Successful Service-Learning Programs. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Company, Inc., 1998.

Zlotkowski, Edward A., Nicholas V. Longo, and James R. Williams. Students as Colleagues Expanding the Circle of Service Learning Leadership. Campus Compact, 2006.

Community Engaged Research (formerly Community-Based Research) Bringle, Robert, Mindy Phillips, and Michael Hudson. The Measure of Service Learning:

Research Scales to Assess Student Experiences. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2004.

The California State University Human Corps. Survey of Student Participation in Community Service 1998, 1998.

Cervone, Barbara. “Student Research for Action: Restoring Hope Where It’s All But Gone.” National Civic Review 95.1 (2006): 23-25.

Driscoll, Amy and Others. Assessing the Impact of Service Learning: A Workbook of Strategies and Methods. Portland, OR: Portland State University, Center of Academic Excellence, 1997.

Furco, Andrew. “International Conference Calls for Higher Standards in Service-Learning Research. Compact Current (Fall 2003): 12.

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Heenan, William F., Susan Wachter, and David N. Cox, eds. Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research: Community Outreach Partnership Centers: Connecting Communities and Institutions of Higher Education 5.1 (2000). Washington D.C.: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

Stage, Frances K. and Others, eds. College Students: The Evolving Nature of Research. Needham, MA: Simon & Schuster Custom Pub., 1996.

Stearns, Josh. “Service-Learning Research Conference.” Compact Current, (Fall 2002): 11-12. Providence, RI: Brown University.  

Zlotkowski, Edward and Others. One with the Community: Indicators of Engagement at Minority-Serving Institutions. Providence, RI: Brown University, Campus Compact, 2005.

Democratic Engagement   Barker, Derek W.M., Noelle McAfree, and David McIvor, eds. Democratizing Deliberation: A

Political Theory Anthology. Dayton, OH: Kettering Foundation Press, 2012.

Boyte, Harry C. The Citizen Solution: How You Can Make a Difference. Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2008.

Boyte, Harry C. Everyday Politics: Reconnecting Citizens and Public Life. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004.

Boyte, Harry C. “Putting Politics Back Into Civic Engagement”. Campus Compact Reader (Summer 2003): 1-9.

Boyte, Harry C. and Nancy N. Kari. Building America: The Democratic Promise of Public Work.

Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996.

Campus Compact. “Students Ignite Spirit of Civic Engagement”. Compact Current 2.3 (Spring 2001): 2-3.

Davis, Adam and Elizabeth Lynn, ed. The Civically Engaged Reader: A Diverse Collection of Short Provocative Readings on Civic Activity. Chicago, IL: Great Books Foundation, 2006.

Democracy and Civic Engagement: A Guide for Higher Education. American Association of State Colleges and Universities, 2006.

Diebel, Alice. “Public Administrators and Citizens: Solving Community Problems Together.” Connections: The Kettering Foundation’s Annual Newsletter. (2007): 12-15.­‐content/uploads/5_CONNECTIONS2007_Lurie.pdf

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Doble, John and Janay Cody. “Democracy’s Challenge: Reclaiming the Public’s Role.” Connections: The Kettering Foundation’s Annual Newsletter. (2007): 25-27.­‐content/uploads/5_CONNECTIONS2007_Lurie.pdf

Evans, Sara M. and Harry C. Boyte. Free Spaces: The Sources of Democratic Change in America. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press, 1986.

Fagotto, Elena, Archon Fung, and Libby Kingseed. “Deliberation and Public Action.” Connections: The Kettering Foundation’s Annual Newsletter. (2007): 30.­‐content/uploads/5_CONNECTIONS2007_Lurie.pdf  

Forni, P.M. Choosing Civility: The Twenty-Five Rules of Considerate Conduct. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 2002.

Greenberg, David. [Review of the book The Good Citizen: a History of American Life]. Campus Compact Reader (Winter 2003): 38-40. Reprinted from civreviews, 2.6.  

Harward, Donald, ed. Civic Provocations: Bringing Theory to Practice, The Civic Series. Washington, D.C.: Bringing Theory to Practice, 2012.  

Hoy, Ariane and Wayne Meisel. Civic Engagement at The Center: Building Democracy Through Integrated Cocurricular and Curricular Experiences. Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2008.

Jacoby, Barbara. [Review of the book Colleges and Universities as Citizens]. Campus Compact Reader 2.2 (Fall 2001): 20-22.

Jensen, Robert. Citizens of Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity. San Francisco, CA:

City Lights Books, 2004.

Jensen, Robert. Writing Dissent: Taking Radical Ideas from the Margins to the Mainstream. Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2001.

Kim, Jee, and Robert F. Sherman. “Youth as Important Civic Actors: From the Margins to the Center.” National Civic Review 95.1 (2006): 3-6.  

Levine, Peter. “What Do We Know about Civic Engagement?” Liberal Education 97.2 (2011): 12-19.­‐sp11/levine.cfm

Liu, Eric and Nick Hanauer. The Gardens of Democracy: A New American Story of Citizenship, the Economy, and the Role of Government. Seattle, WA: Sasquatch Books, 2011.

Loeb, Paul Rogat. “Against Apathy: Role Models for Engagement.” Campus Compact Reader

2.2 (Fall 2001): 7-11. Reprinted from Academe, July/August.

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Loeb, Paul Rogat. Soul of a Citizen: Living With Conviction in Challenging Times. New York: St. Martin's Griffin, 1999.

Long, Sarah E. “The New Student Politics: The Wingspread Statement on Student Civic Engagement”, 2nd ed. Providence, RI: Campus Compact, 2002.  

Longo, Nick. “Raise Your Voice: Student Action for Change.” Compact Current (Fall 2002): 1-13.  

Lurie, Phillip. “Public Agencies and Citizen Engagement: Getting Beyond the Customer-Service Model.” Connections: The Kettering Foundation’s Annual Newsletter. (2007): 16-17.­‐content/uploads/5_CONNECTIONS2007_Lurie.pdf  

Mann, Sheilah and John J. Patrick. Education for Civic Engagement in Democracy: Service Learning and Other Promising Practices. Bloomington, IN: ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education of Indiana University, 2000.

Manosevitch, Edith. “Who Cares About the State of Democracy…and What is it They Care About?” Connections: The Kettering Foundation’s Annual Newsletter. (2007): 31-32.­‐content/uploads/5_CONNECTIONS2007_Lurie.pdf

Mathews, David. “Politics from the Perspective of Citizens.” Connections. The Kettering Foundation’s Annual Newsletter. (2007): 4-6.

Mediratta, Kavitha. “A Rising Movement.” National Civic Review 95.1 (2006): 15-22.­‐1/School%20Reform.pdf  

Pearson, Sarah S. and Heather M. Voke. Building an Effective Citizenry: Lessons Learned From Initiatives in Youth Engagement. Washington D.C.: The American Youth Policy Forum, 2003.

Phillips, Christopher. Constitution Café: Jefferson’s Brew for a True Revolution. New York: NY: W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 2011.

Saltmarsh, John and Matthew Hartley, eds. To Serve A Larger Purpose: Engagement for Democracy and the Transformation of Higher Education. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2011.

Schudson, Michael. “How People Learn to be Civic.” Campus Compact Reader. 3.3 (Winter 2003): 14-21.  

Sheffield, Eric C. "Service-Learning as a Democratic, Public Affair: Some Necessary Philosophical Ingredients." The Journal of Public Affairs 7.1 (2004).

Strong, John and Others, eds. The Journal of Public Affairs: Supplemental Issue 1: Civic Engagement and Higher Education 6 (2002).

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Strong, John and Others, eds. The Journal of Public Affairs 7.1 (2004).

Tannenbaum, Sally Cahill, ed. Research, Advocacy, and Political Engagement. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publication, LLC., 2008.

Walker, Tobi. “Make Them Pay Attention To Us: Young Voters and the 2004 Election.” National Civic Review 95.1 (2006): 26-33.  

Westheimer, Joel, and Joseph Kahne. “What Kind of Citizen? Political Choices and Educational Goals.” Campus Compact Reader 3.3 (Winter 2003): 1-13.  

 Williams, Dilafruz. “Political Engagement and Service-Learning: A Gandhian Perspective”.

Campus Compact Reader 2.2 (2001): 1-19.

Zeldin, Shepherd and Carole Macneil. “Lessons from the Field: Engaging Youth and Adults as

Partners in Organizational Governance.” National Civic Review 95.1 (2006): 7-14.


Association of American Colleges and Universities. College Learning for the New Global Century. A Report from the National Leadership Council for Liberal Education & America’s Promise. Washington D.C.: 2005.

Association of American Colleges and Universities. Greater Expectations: A New Vision for Learning as a Nation Goes to College. Washington D.C.: National Panel Report: Executive Overview, 2002.

Broda, Herbert W. “Resident Outdoor Education: A Dynamic Example of Experiential Learning.” NSEE Quarterly. National Society for Experiential Education 28.3 (2003): 4-12

Brushwood, Brian and C.J. Johnson. Pack the House!: The Ultimate, Ever-Growing Guide to Increasing Attendance at Your Campus Events. Bizarre Magic Inc., 2000.

Campus Compact. “Building Partnerships for the Civic Mission of American Education”, Compact Current (Fall 2003): 4-7.  

Chandler, Arnold. Read With Me: A Guide for Student Volunteers Starting Early Childhood Literacy Programs. University of Michigan Library, 1997.

Combs, Patrick. Major in Success: Make College Easier, Fire Up Your Dreams and Get a Great Job! Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 2000.

Cooper, David D. “Bus Rides and Forks in the Road: the Making of a Public Scholar.” Campus Compact Reader (Spring 2002): 1-3.

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Craig, Judy A., ed. Advances in Education Research: Fall 1998. Washington D.C.: National Library of Education, 1998.

Cress, Christine M., and Others. “A Promising Connection: Increasing College Access and Success through Civic Engagement”. Campus Compact. 2010.

Cress, Christine M., David M. Donahue, and Thomas Erlich. Foreword to Democratic Dilemmas of Teaching Service-Learning: Curricular Strategies for Success. Stylus Publishing, LLC, 2011.

Dey, Eric L. and Associates. Civic Responsibility: What is the Campus Climate for Learning? Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2009.

Dey, Eric L. and Associates. Engaging Diverse Viewpoints: What Is the Campus Climate for Perspective-Taking? Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2010.

Dey, Eric L. and Associates. Developing A Moral Compass: What Is the Campus Climate for Ethics and Academic Integrity? Washington, D.C.: Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2010.

Diener, Marissa L. and Hank Liese, eds. Finding Meaning in Civically Engaged Scholarship. Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2009.

Feith, David J. Teaching America: The Case for Civic Education. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers Inc., 2011.

Gardner, John N. “The First Year Experience as the Critical, but Often Neglected, Foundation for Civic Engagement.” Campus Compact Reader (Fall 2003): 10-16.

Gardner, John N. and A. Jerome Jewler. Your College Experience: Strategies for Success, 4th Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 2000.

Germond, Tara and Others. Lessons Learned on the Road to Student Civic Engagement. Boston, MA: Campus Compact, 2006.

Gottlieb, Karla and Gail Robinson. A Practical Guide for Integrating Civic Responsibility into the Curriculum, 2nd Edition. Washington, D.C.: Community College Press, 2006.

Greive, Donald, and Patricia Lesko. A Handbook for Adjunct/ Part-Time Faculty and Teachers of Adults, 6th ed. Ann Arbor, MI: The Part-Time Press, Inc., 2005.

Harward, Donald West. “Liberal Education, Community Partnerships, and Civic Engagement.” Campus Compact Reader (Fall 2002): 19-26.

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Holland, Barbara A., ed. “Building Bridges to Regional Stewardship.” Metropolitan Universities: An International Forum 20.1 (2009).

Holland, Barbara A., ed. “The Community-Engaged Scholarship Collaborative.” Metropolitan Universities: An International Forum 20.2 (2009).

Hovland, Kevin and Others, eds. Diversity & Democracy: Civic Learning for Shared Futures. Featured Topic: “Socioeconomic Class” 11.3 (Fall 2009).

Hovland, Kevin and Others, eds. Diversity & Democracy: Civic Learning for Shared Futures. Featured Topic: “Assessing Diversity Outcomes.” 12.1 (Winter 2009).

Hovland, Kevin and Others, eds. Diversity & Democracy: Civic Learning for Shared Futures. Featured Topic: “Inclusive Excellence & High-Impact Educational Practices.” 12.2 (Spring 2009).

Howard, Adam. “The Nature of Teaching and Learning in Cross-Cultural Experiential Education.” NSEE Quarterly: National Society for Experiential Education 25.3 (2000): 1-2.

Howard, Adam. “Teacher Education Situated in Reflective Practice.” NSEE Quarterly: National Society for Experiential Education 28.3 (2003): 1-3.

Howard, Adam. “The Nature of Teaching and Learning in Cross-Cultural Experiential Education.” NSEE Quarterly: National Society for Experiential Education 25.3 (2000): 1-2.

Johnson Carey, Shelley, ed. “Science and Engaged Learning.” Peer Review: Emerging Trends and Key Debates in Undergraduate Education 7.2 (Winter 2005).

Johnson Carey, Shelley, ed. “Liberal Education and the Entrepreneurial Spirit.” Peer Review: Emerging Trends and Key Debates in Undergraduate Education 7.3 (Spring 2005).

Johnson Carey, Shelley, ed. “Integrative Learning.” Peer Review: Emerging Trends and Key Debates in Undergraduate Education 7.4 (Summer/Fall 2005).

Johnson Carey, Shelley, ed. “Undergraduate Research: A Path to Engagement, Achievement, and Integration.” Peer Review: Emerging Trends and Key Debates in Undergraduate Education 8.1 (Winter 2006).

Johnson Carey, Shelley, ed. “The Creativity Imperative.” Peer Review: Emerging Trends and Key Debates in Undergraduate Education 8.2 (Spring 2006).

Johnson Carey, Shelley, ed. “Academic Advising.” Peer Review: Emerging Trends and Key Debates in Undergraduate Education 10.1 (Winter 2008).

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Johnson Carey, Shelley, ed. “Student Political Engagement.” Peer Review: Emerging Trends and Key Debates in Undergraduate Education 10.2/3 (Spring/Summer 2008).

Johnson Carey, Shelley, ed. “Toward Intentionality and Integration.” Peer Review: Emerging Trends and Key Debates in Undergraduate Education 10.4 (Fall 2008).

Johnson Carey, Shelley, ed. “Assessing Learning Outcomes: Lessons from AAC&U’s VALUE Project.” Peer Review: Emerging Trends and Key Debates in Undergraduate Education 11.1 (Winter 2009).

Johnson Carey, Shelley, ed. “Good Teaching: What Is It and How Do We Measure it?” Peer Review: Emerging Trends and Key Debates in Undergraduate Education 11.2 (Spring 2009).

Keeling, Richard P. Learning Reconsidered: A Campus-Wide Focus On the Student Experience. Washington, D.C.: National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) and American College Personnel Association (ACPA), 2004.

Lui, Eric. Guiding Lights: How to Mentor-and Find Life’s Purpose. New York: Ballantine Books, 2004.

Longo, Nick. “Dewey Revisited: The School as Social Centre.” Introduction to The School as Social Centre. Campus Compact Reader (Fall 2002): 10-18.

McNeal II, Delatorro L. The Rules of the Game: How to Write Your Ticket in College and Beyond. Tampa Bay, FL: A Noval Idea Inc., 2004.

McTighe Musil, Caryn and Others, eds. Diversity Digest 8.3 (2005).

McTighe Musil, Caryn and Others, eds. Diversity Digest 9.1 (2005).

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