cc word list 15

Post on 19-Jan-2015






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VOCAB WORDS WEEK 14College Composition

Ms. Wummel

AMICABLE(adj) done in a friendly spirit

BENEVOLENCE(noun) any act of kindness or well-doing

COALESCENCE (noun) the act or process of coming together as to form one body, combination, or product

DISTRAINOR(noun) one who subjects a person to distress

EUPHEMISM(noun) a figure of speech by which a phrase less offensive is substituted.

FURLOUGH(noun) a temporary absence of a soldier or sailor by permission of the commanding officer

GHASTLY(adj) hideous

HOMAGE(noun) reverential regard or worship

IMPUGN(verb) to assail with arguments, insinuations, or accusations

JUXTAPOSE(verb) to place close together

KNAVERY(noun) deceitfulness in dealing

LITHESOME(adj) nimble

MYRIAD(noun) a vast indefinite number

NEOPHYTE(adj) having the character of a beginner

OBDURATE(adj) impassive to feelings of humanity or pity

PERVERSITY(noun) wickedness

QUIXOTIC(adj) chivalrous or romantic to a ridiculous or extravagant degree

RUMINATE(verb) to chew over again, as food previously swallowed and regurgitated

SUPERFLUOUS(adj) being more than is needed

TUTELAGE(noun) the act of training or the state of being under instruction

UNDULATE(verb) to move like a wave or in waves

VAUDEVILLE(noun) a variety show

WXANE(verb) to diminish in size and brilliancy

ZENITH(noun) the culminating-point of prosperity, influence, or greatness

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