caution the safety of your ears is in your hands safety ... direktyvos nuostatas. malti: hawnhekk,...

Post on 24-Jun-2018






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Wireless Sound System


Quick Start Guide



Indoor Use Only

・ When using XW-SMA4, do not lift this device by holding the recessed portion of the rear panel, since damage may occur.

network setup

wireless direct

AUX INDC INiPod/iPhone/iPadLAN(10/100)

Chief Speaker Engineer




Printed in China <ARH7143-B>

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In Canada/Aux Canada

Discover the benefits of registering your product online at (or

Thank you for buying this Pioneer product. This manual covers basic operation of the device. For more details on product information or for online software

manuals please refer to our company website.

Declaration of Conformity with regard to the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC


PIONEER CORPORATION1-1, Shin-ogura, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa

EU Representative’s:Pioneer Europe NVHaven 1087, Keetberglaan 1, 9120 Melsele, Belgium, Japan

English:Hereby, Pioneer, declares that this [*] is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.

Dansk:Undertegnede Pioneer erklærer herved, at følgende udstyr [*] overholder de væsentlige krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF

Italiano:Con la presente Pioneer dichiara che questo [*] è conforme ai requisiti essenziali ed alle altre disposizioni pertinenti stabilite dalla direttiva 1999/5/CE.

Español:Por medio de la presente Pioneer declara que el [*] cumple con los requisitos esenciales y cualesquiera otras disposiciones aplicables o exigibles de la Directiva 1999/5/CE

Deutsch:Hiermit erklärt Pioneer, dass sich dieses [*] in Übereinstimmung mit den grundlegenden Anforderungen und den anderen relevanten Vorschriften der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG befindet". (BMWi)

Suomi:Pioneer vakuuttaa täten että [*] tyyppinen laite on direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien direktiivin muiden ehtojen mukainen.

Nederlands:Hierbij verklaart Pioneer dat het toestel [*] in overeenstemming is met de essentiële eisen en de andere relevante bepalingen van richtlijn 1999/5/EG

Français:Par la présente Pioneer déclare que l’appareil [*] est conforme aux exigences essentielles et aux autres dispositions pertinentes de la directive 1999/5/CE

Svenska:Härmed intygar Pioneer att denna [*] står I överensstämmelse med de väsentliga egenskapskrav och övriga relevanta bestämmelser som framgår av direktiv 1999/5/EG.



Português:Pioneer declara que este [*] está conforme com os requisitos essenciais e outras disposições da Directiva 1999/5/CE.

Pioneer tímto prohlašuje, že tento [*] je ve shodě se základními požadavky a dalšími příslušnými ustanoveními směrnice 1999/5/ES

Eesti:Käesolevaga kinnitab Pioneer seadme [*] vastavust direktiivi 1999/5/EÜ põhinõuetele ja nimetatud direktiivist tulenevatele teistele asjakohastele sätetele.

Magyar:Alulírott, Pioneer nyilatkozom, hogy a [*] megfelel a vonatkozó alapvetõ követelményeknek és az 1999/5/EC irányelv egyéb elõírásainak.

Ar šo Pioneer deklarē, ka [*] atbilst Direktīvas 1999/5/EK būtiskajām prasībām un citiem ar to saistītajiem noteikumiem.

Šiuo Pioneer deklaruoja, kad šis [*] atitinka esminius reikalavimus ir kitas 1999/5/EB Direktyvos nuostatas.

Malti:Hawnhekk, Pioneer jiddikjara li dan [*] jikkonforma mal-ħtiġijiet essenzjali u ma provvedimenti oħrajn relevanti li hemm fid-Dirrettiva 1999/5/EC

Pioneer izjavlja, da je ta [*] v skladu z bistvenimi zahtevami in ostalimi relevantnimi določili direktive 1999/5/ES.

Prin prezenta, Pioneer declara ca acest [*] este in conformitate cu cerintele esentiale si alte prevederi ale Directivei 1999/5/EU.

Polski:Niniejszym Pioneer oświadcza, że [*] jest zgodny z zasadniczymi wymogami oraz pozostałymi stosownymi postanowieniami Dyrektywy 1999/5/EC

Norsk:Pioneer erklærer herved at utstyret [*] er i samsvar med de grunnleggende krav og øvrige relevante krav i direktiv 1999/5/EF.

Pioneer týmto vyhlasuje, že [*] spĺňa základné požiadavky a všetky príslušné ustanovenia Smernice 1999/5/ES. R-TTE-24L_B1_En

Íslenska:Hér með lýsir Pioneer yfir því að [*] er í samræmi við grunnkröfur og aðrar kröfur, sem gerðar eru í tilskipun 1999/5/EC

С настоящето, Pioneer декларира, че този [*] отговаря на основните изисквания и други съответни постановления на Директива 1999/5/EC.


Hrvatski:Ovime tvrtka Pioneer izjavljuje da je ovaj [*] u skladu osnovnim zahtjevima i ostalim odredbama Direktive 1999/5/EC.

CAUTIONThe standby/on button on this unit will not completely shut off all power from the AC outlet. Since the power cord serves as the main disconnect device for the unit, you will need to unplug it from the AC outlet to shut down all power. Therefore, make sure the unit has been installed so that the power cord can be easily unplugged from the AC outlet in case of an accident. To avoid fire hazard, the power cord should also be unplugged from the AC outlet when left unused for a long period of time (for example, when on vacation).


If the AC plug of this unit does not match the AC outlet you want to use, the plug must be removed and appropriate one fitted. Replacement and mounting of an AC plug on the power supply cord of this unit should be performed only by qualified service personnel. If connected to an AC outlet, the cut-off plug can cause severe electrical shock. Make sure it is properly disposed of after removal.The equipment should be disconnected by removing the mains plug from the wall socket when left unused for a long period of time (for example, when on vacation).


WARNINGTo prevent a fire hazard, do not place any naked flame sources (such as a lighted candle) on the equipment.


WARNINGBefore plugging in for the first time, read the following section carefully.The voltage of the available power supply differs according to country or region. Be sure that the power supply voltage of the area where this unit will be used meets the required voltage (e.g., 230 V or 120 V) written on the AC adapter label.


VENTILATION CAUTIONWhen installing this unit, make sure to leave space around the unit for ventilation to improve heat radiation (at least 10 cm at top, 10 cm at rear, and 10 cm at each side).

WARNINGSlots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation to ensure reliable operation of the product, and to protect it from overheating. To prevent fire hazard, the openings should never be blocked or covered with items (such as newspapers, table-cloths, curtains) or by operating the equipment on thick carpet or a bed.


power oninput network


When using this product, confirm the safety information shown on the bottom of the unit and the AC adapter label. D3-4-2-2-4_B1_En

This product is for general household purposes. Any failure due to use for other than household purposes (such as long-term use for business purposes in a restaurant or use in a car or ship) and which requires repair will be charged for even during the warranty period.

K041_A1_EnThe exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the appliance.

The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.






The Safety of Your Ears is in Your HandsGet the most out of your equipment by playing it at a safe level – a level that lets the sound come through clearly without annoying blaring or distortion and, most importantly, without affecting your sensitive hearing. Sound can be deceiving. Over time, your hearing “comfort level” adapts to higher volumes of sound, so what sounds “normal” can actually be loud and harmful to your hearing. Guard against this by setting your equipment at a safe level BEFORE your hearing adapts.

ESTABLISH A SAFE LEVEL:• Set your volume control at a low setting. • Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it

comfortably and clearly, without distortion. • Once you have established a comfortable sound

level, set the dial and leave it there.

BE SURE TO OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES:• Do not turn up the volume so high that you can’t

hear what’s around you.• Use caution or temporarily discontinue use in

potentially hazardous situations.• Do not use headphones while operating a motorized

vehicle; the use of headphones may create a traffic hazard and is illegal in many areas.


NOTE:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:— Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.— Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.— Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.




[For American Users]

FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Product Name: Wireless Sound System Model Number: XW-SMA1-K, XW-SMA3-K, XW-SMA4-K Responsible Party Name: PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC. SERVICE SUPPORT DIVISION Address: 1925 E. DOMINGUEZ ST. LONG BEACH, CA 90810-1003, U.S.A. Phone: 1-800-421-1404 URL:


FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body.

[For American Users]

Information for users on collection and disposal of old equipment and used batteriesThese symbols on the products, packaging, and/or accompanying documents mean

that used electrical and electronic products and batteries should not be mixed with

general household waste.

For proper treatment, recovery and recycling of old products and used batteries,

please take them to applicable collection points in accordance with your national


By disposing of these products and batteries correctly, you will help to save valuable

resources and prevent any potential negative effects on human health and the

environment which could otherwise arise from inappropriate waste handling.

For more information about collection and recycling of old products and batteries,

please contact your local municipality, your waste disposal service or the point of sale

where you purchased the items.

These symbols are only valid in the European Union.

For countries outside the European Union:If you wish to discard these items, please contact your local authorities or dealer and

ask for the correct method of disposal.


Symbol examples

for batteries

Symbol for



[For European Users]

Information to UserAlterations or modifications carried out without appropriate authorization may invalidate the user’s right to operate the equipment.


WARNING: Handling the cord on this product or cords associated with accessories sold with the product may expose you to chemicals listed on proposition 65 known to the State of California and other governmental entities to cause cancer and birth defect or other reproductive harm.Wash hands after handling.


This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.


[For Canadian Users]

IC Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and your body.

[For American Users and Canadian Users]Operating EnvironmentOperating environment temperature and humidity:+5 °C to +25 °C (+41 °F to +77 °F); less than 85 %RH (cooling vents not blocked)Do not install this unit in a poorly ventilated area, or in locations exposed to high humidity or direct sunlight (or strong artificial light)


[Except American Users and Canadian Users]Operating EnvironmentOperating environment temperature and humidity:+5 °C to +35 °C (+41 °F to +95 °F); less than 85 %RH (cooling vents not blocked)Do not install this unit in a poorly ventilated area, or in locations exposed to high humidity or direct sunlight (or strong artificial light)


Before Use (Important)Safety PrecautionsDANGERAbout the DevicePlease follow the instructions noted. Failure to do so may cause the built-in lithium-ion battery to leak, overheat, ignite, or rupture.・ Do not dispose of the device in fi re or expose it to heat.・ Do not attempt to disassemble the battery or alter it in any way.・ Do not throw the device, strike it with a hammer or other object, or drive nails into it.・ Do not use or leave the device in places where it will be exposed to high temperatures, such as near a stove or inside a closed automobile. ・ In the event that the built-in lithium-ion battery leaks fl uid and the fl uid contacts your eyes, do not rub them, but rinse with copious amounts of clean water

and seek immediate medical treatment. Your eyes may be seriously harmed by exposure to such battery fl uid.・ Do not allow the battery to be immersed in fresh or sea water, or become otherwise wet.・ Do not recharge the battery near a fi re or in direct sunlight.・ Do not recharge the battery using any method other than as instructed.

The battery used in this device may present a risk of fi re, explosion or chemical burn if mistreated.・ Never disassemble the unit or attempt to remove battery as that could cause leakage of alkaline solution or other electrolytic substance.・ Never use the device in an unventilated vehicle where excessive internal temperatures may be encountered.・ Always keep the device out of the reach of infants and small children.

WARNINGAbout the Device・ Do not use the device if it emits an unusual odor, heats up, changes color or shape, or if any other abnormalities occur during use, while recharging or while

placed in storage. ・ If the battery does not recharge completely, even after exceeding the specifi ed time, stop recharging. Failure to do so could cause the device to heat up,

rupture, or ignite.・ Recharge the battery in an environment with a temperature between 5 °C (41 °F) and 35 °C (95 °F). Recharging the battery under different temperatures

could cause the device to heat up, rupture, or ignite, and may also deteriorate the performance and the life of the built-in lithium-ion battery.・ Do not place the device in a microwave oven or expose it to high pressure, since the device may overheat, rupture, or ignite.・ Do not place a leaking rechargeable lithium-ion battery near a source of heat or fi re, since the battery could overheat, rupture, or ignite.

CAUTIONAbout the Device・ Do not dispose of the device in fi re or water, since the rechargeable lithium-ion battery could rupture or leak battery fl uid, resulting in fi re or personal injury.・ If fl uid leaking from a rechargeable lithium-ion battery contacts your skin or clothes, wash immediately with copious amounts of clean water. If left

unattended, a skin rash could result.

About water-resistant (XW-SMA3 only)CAUTIONObserve the following precautions in regard to the device's water-resistant.・ Do not place the unit in water.・ Do not expose the unit to a large amount of water.・ Do not splash the unit with water.・ Do not expose to rain for long periods of time.・ Do not pour or place in warm water or water containing soap or detergent.・ Do not use in a humid environment such as a bathroom.・ Do not use near or on the beach.

This could cause rust. If exposed to seawater, thoroughly wipe off the moisture immediately with a dry cloth.・ Ensure that the terminal cover is closed during use.

The rubber packing on the cover make the device water-resistant. Make sure this packing does not get soiled or damaged.If the rubber packing does become soiled, wipe it clean with a dry, clean cloth.・ Do not open the terminal cover in humid environments in which the device could get exposed to water.・ If the device is exposed to a large amount of water or moisture, immediately wipe it down with a dry cloth.

Only open or close the terminal cover after having completely wiped off any moisture around them, with dry hands and in an environment where the unit would not get exposed to water again.・ Make sure to install the unit on a fl at and stable surface. Do not use the unit upside down or in a tilted position.

Since water may reach the interior of the unit, install the unit in a proper position.・ Do not turn the unit upside down or hold it tilted when it has been exposed to water or water droplets.

Since the water might run into the interior parts of the unit, do not tilt the unit if it is wet.・ If the device does get exposed to water, thoroughly dry all of the crevices on the unit's body into which water might have reached.

The water might have reached the interior of the device. Do not carry the unit if it is still wet.・ Do not use the remote control or AC adapter when in proximity to water.

Only the device itself is water-resistant.This unit has been designed with water-resistance equivalent to standards IPX2(*) as defi ned by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).Malfunctions due to water damage caused by improper use are not covered by product warranty, even if they occur within the warranty period.・ Depending on conditions of use, the water-resistant features are not necessarily guaranteed even during the warranty period.* IPX2: The unit must be protected from water drops that fall vertically onto it when the unit is at an angle of 15 degrees or less.

Installing the unit・ When installing this unit, make sure to put it on a level and stable surface.

Don't install it on the following places: - on a color TV (the screen may distort) - near a cassette deck (or close to a device that gives off a magnetic fi eld). This may interfere with the sound. - in direct sunlight - in extremely hot or cold areas - in places where there is vibration or other movement - in places that are very dusty - in places that have hot fumes or oils (such as near a kitchen stove)

CAUTION・ When in use, do not stand the device up, prop it up against anything or hang it from anything.・ Do not sit or stand on top of the device.・ When carrying the device, hold the entire device fi rmly. Do not swing the device around by the frame.

Use in a wet environment (XW-SMA1 and XW-SMA4 only)CAUTION・ XW-SMA1 and XW-SMA4 are not drip-proof. When using, prevent exposure to water. Do not use in the following environments.・ Humid places・ Places where the product is easily exposed to water.・ Near the beach or on the beach.

This could cause rust.

Internal Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery (XW-SMA3 only)This device uses an internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery that should last the lifetime of the device. If you suspect your battery may be dead, try charging it several times. If the battery does not recharge, please contact us for repair information.

WARNING/DISPOSAL OF UNIT [For American Users, Canadian Users]Please do NOT attempt to change the battery yourself. If the battery has died and you do not want us to replace your battery, you should follow the disposal instructions below:・ Never dispose of used batteries/electronics with ordinary solid wastes, since they contain toxic substances.・ Always dispose of used batteries/electronics in accordance with the prevailing community regulations that apply to the disposal of batteries/electronics. If

there are no local regulations concerning battery/electronics disposal, please dispose of the device in a waste bin for electronic devices.・ Many electronics retailers now recycle batteries and other electronic components at no charge. Check to see which ones in your area do so.

Remote control






network setup

wireless direct

AUX INDC IN 15 ViPod/iPhone/iPadLAN(10/100)

Chief Speaker Engineer




3 4 5 6


Movable range of the wireless antenna

160º 100ºXW-SMA3

Terminal Cover

Front panel

power on input network

input volumestandby/on

input volumestandby/on

5 6 7

power on input network1

2 3 4

1 power on indicatorWhen the power is on, this indicator lights.

2 input indicatorWhen the input source changes, this indicator lights. The indicator’s color changes as noted below.Light OFF - AUX INLights blue - AirPlay Lights red - iPodLights green - DLNA (DMR) Digital Media Renderer

3 network indicatorWhen the network status changes, this indicator lights.Lights blue - good connectionFlashes blue - weak signalFlashes red - connection failure

* In the event that other colors appear, see the “Connect to network” section on the reverse side of this instruction sheet.

4 Battery indicator (XW-SMA3 only)Displays the built-in battery charge status, or lights when the built-in battery is being charged. The indicator changes as noted below.

When the unit is connected to AC adapterLights blue - Battery charging is completed.Lights purple - Battery is being charged.Flashes purple - See the Operating Instructions.

When this unit is not connected to AC adapterLights blue - Battery is fully charged.Lights red - Battery has about half charge.Flashes red - Battery is low.

5 standby/on buttonSwitches the unit between Standby and On.

6 input buttonSelects the input source.iPod AUX IN iPod (return to the beginning)

* When AirPlay or DMR play begins, the unit automatically switches to AirPlay or DMR function.

7 volume −/+ buttonUse to adjust the listening volume.Note

・ When pressing the input button for 3 seconds while this unit is power on, this unit switches to the Quick Start Mode. In the Quick Start Mode, when AirPlay or DMR is played, this unit automatically turns on.To return the Quick Start Mode to the OFF condition, hold the input button depressed for three seconds.

About startup timeAfter the power turns on, it takes approximately 30 seconds for the unit to be ready to use. The time required for startup can be reduced by setting the Quick Start Mode to On. For details, see the Operating Instructions.

Rear panel

1 Wireless antennaReceives signals from wireless devices.

2 network setup/wireless direct buttonUse to set the wireless network (See “Connect to network” on the reverse side of this sheet).

3 LAN (10/100) connectorConnect this unit to other network devices using a LAN cable.

4 iPod/iPhone/iPad connector Use to connect iPod/iPhone/iPad as an audio source. This unit does not support the USB mass storage device.

5 DC IN terminalConnect to AC adapter.

6 AUX IN jackUse to connect an auxiliary playback device.

CAUTION・ Do not rotate the wireless antenna beyond its

movable range as shown in the illustration, since damage may occur.・ Do not lift this device by holding the wireless

antenna, since damage may occur.

power on input network


ConnectionsOpen the terminal cover (XW-SMA3 only). Before making or changing the connections, switch off the power and disconnect the power cord from the AC outlet.

network setup

wireless direct

AUX INDC IN 15 ViPod/iPhone/iPadLAN(10/100)

Chief Speaker Engineer



Power cord (supplied)

AC adapter (supplied)

To AC outlet


Digital audio player, etc.

Stereo mini-plug cable (commercially available)


When an iPod/iPhone/iPad is connectedProblem Check Remedy

Can't operate the iPod/iPhone/iPad. Make sure the iPod/iPhone/iPad is connected correctly.Also, try disconnecting the iPod/iPhone/iPad then reconnecting it.If the iPod/iPhone/iPad has frozen, try resetting the iPod/iPhone/iPad, and reconnect it to the unit.

NetworkProblem Check Remedy

Cannot connect to the device or PC via the network.

Internet security software is currently installed in the connected device.

There are cases where a device with Internet security software installed cannot be accessed.

The audio fi les stored on devices on the network, such as a PC, cannot be played back.

Windows Media Player 11 or Windows Media Player 12 is not currently installed on your PC.

Install Windows Media Player 11, Windows Media Player 12 or the DLNA-compliant server software on your PC.

The device connected to the network is not properly operated.

Check whether the device is affected by special circumstances or is in the sleep mode. Try rebooting the device if necessary.

The device connected to the network does not permit fi le sharing.

Try changing the settings for the device connected to the network.

Cannot access Windows Media Player 11 or Windows Media Player 12.

In case of Windows Media Player 11: You are currently logged onto the domain through your PC with Windows XP or Windows Vista installed.In case of Windows Media Player 12: You are currently logged onto the domain through your PC with Windows 7 installed.

Instead of logging onto the domain, log onto the local machine.

Audio playback is undesirably stopped or disturbed.

The audio fi le currently being played back was not recorded in a format playable on this unit.

Check whether the audio fi le was recorded in a format supported by this unit.Check whether the folder has been damaged or corrupted.Even audio fi les listed as playable on this unit may sometimes not be played back or displayed.

There is heavy traffi c on the network with the Internet being accessed on the same network.

Use 100BASE-TX to access the devices on the network.

There is a connection routed through a wireless LAN on the same network.

There may be a shortage of bandwidth on the 2.4 GHz band used by the wireless LAN. Make wired LAN connections not routed through a wireless LAN.Install away from any devices emitting electromagnetic waves on the 2.4 GHz band (microwave ovens, game consoles, etc.). If this does not solve the problem, stop using other devices that emit electromagnetic waves.

Wireless LANProblem Check Remedy

Network cannot be accessed via wireless LAN.

Is Network Type set to Wired and the LAN cable connected to the unit?

Disconnect the LAN cable from the unit, then restart the unit.If the LAN cable is connected to the unit, the unit recognizes the Network Type as Wired.

This unit and base unit (wireless LAN router, etc.) are too far apart or there is an obstacle between them.

Improve the wireless LAN environment by moving the unit and base unit closer together, etc.

The IP address settings of the unit does not match the settings of the wireless LAN router, etc.

Check the IP address settings of the unit (including the DHCP setting).If the unit's DHCP setting is on, turn the unit's power off, then turn the power back on.

The access point is set to conceal the SSID.

In this case, the SSID may not be displayed on the access point list screen. If not, set the SSID, etc., by making the wireless LAN settings on the unit manually.It may be that the router has frozen. Press the router’s reset button and try making the settings again.

1 (standby/on) buttonPress to turn power on and off.

2 Playback control buttonsUse when operating an iPod or AirPlay with this remote control.

3 vol −/+ (volume −/+) buttonUse to adjust the listening volume.

4 input buttonPress to select the input source.

The remote has a range of about 7 m (23 ft.) at an angle of about 30º from the remote sensor.

What´s in the boxPlease confi rm that the following accessories are in the box when you open it.・ Remote Control・ Lithium Battery (CR2025)*・ Power Cord・ AC Adapter・ Quick Start Guide (this document)・ Warranty Card* The lithium battery has been factory installed in the remote control unit.

Before using the remote controlThe battery supplied with this unit is stored in the battery casing. ・ Remove the protective seal from the battery casing.

When you notice a decrease in the operating range, replace the battery.

Resetting the systemUse this procedure to reset all system settings to the factory default.

Important・ Disconnect all devices from this unit before resetting.

1 Press standby/on.The unit turns on.

2 Press and hold input and standby/on on the unit for 3 seconds.After all the indicators on the front panel of the unit light, the unit turns off (standby mode).All the settings will be reset to the factory default next time the unit turns on.

Firmware Update using Safari browser

You can update this unit�s fi rmware via Safari browser. Download the latest fi rmware at Pioneer website.

・ Connect the AC adapter when using the XW-SMA3 (this operation cannot be performed using battery power).・ When updating the fi rmware, it is necessary to connect the

unit to a network by following the procedure (except method F) listed on the reverse side of this sheet.

1 Be sure this unit and your computer are connected to the same wired or wireless network.

2 Launch Safari on your computer.3 Press Bookmark icon. Click Bonjour list (a),

and then select this unit�s name (“Friendly Name”) (b) in Bookmark.



4 Click Firmware Update.5 Press Start.

The fi rmware update prepare screen is displayed. If the screen does not switch automatically, click Click here.

6 Browse the latest fi rmware on your computer (a) and then press Upload (b).The confi rmation screen is displayed. If you continue the fi rmware update, press Yes. Once the fi rmware update process starts, you can’t stop it.

b aS1000



7 The fi rmware update status screen is displayed.When the update is completed, unplug the power cord from its AC outlet as instructed in the display.

Important・ Never disconnect the AC power while updating is underway.

POWER-CORD CAUTIONHandle the power cord by the plug. Do not pull out the plug by tugging the cord and never touch the power cord when your hands are wet as this could cause a short circuit or electric shock. Do not place the unit, a piece of furniture, etc., on the power cord, or pinch the cord. Never make a knot in the cord or tie it with other cords. The power cords should be routed such that they are not likely to be stepped on. A damaged power cord can cause a fire or give you an electrical shock. Check the power cord once in a while. When you find it damaged, ask your nearest PIONEER authorized service center or your dealer for a replacement.


Radio wave cautionThis unit uses a 2.4 GHz radio wave frequency, which is a band used by other wireless systems (Microwave ovens and Cordless phones, etc.). In this event noise appears in your television image, there is the possibility this unit (including products supported by this unit) is causing signal interference with the antenna input connector of your television, video, satellite tuner, etc. In this event, increase the distance between the antenna input connector and this unit (including products supported by this unit).• Pioneer is not responsible for any malfunction of the

compatible Pioneer product due to communication error/malfunctions associated with your network connection and/or your connected equipment. Please contact your Internet service provider or network device manufacturer.

• A separate contract with/payment to an Internet service provider is required to use the Internet.

AC adapter CAUTION• Make sure to grasp the body of the AC adapter when

removing it from the power outlet. If you pull the power cord, it may become damaged which could lead to fire and/or electrocution.

• Do not attempt to plug in or remove the AC adapter with wet hands. This may result in electrocution.

• Do not insert the power cord of AC adapter into a power outlet where the connection remains loose despite inserting the prongs all the way into the outlet. Heat may be generated which could lead to fire. Consult with the retailer or an electrician regarding replacement of the power outlet.

This transmitter must not be co-located or operated in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

WARNINGThis equipment is not waterproof. To prevent a fire or shock hazard, do not place any container filled with liquid near this equipment (such as a vase or flower pot) or expose it to dripping, splashing, rain or moisture.


WARNINGStore small parts out of the reach of children and infants. If accidentally swallowed, contact a doctor immediately.

Store the AC adapter out of the reach of children and infants.The AC adapter cord may accidentally wind around the neck and it may cause suffocation.


“Perchlorate Material -special handling may apply.See to California, U.S.A.)”

When disposing of used batteries, please comply with governmental regulations or environmental public institution’s rules that apply in your country/area.


CAUTIONDanger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manufacturer.


WARNINGDo not use or store batteries in direct sunlight or other excessively hot place, such as inside a car or near a heater. This can cause batteries to leak, overheat, explode or catch fire. It can also reduce the life or performance of batteries.


Connect to network





power oninput network

input volume


Connecting this unit using wireless LAN


Connecting to a router without WPS-PBC functionConnect this unit directly to your computer or

tablet PC. Settings must be performed from the

Web browser of the computer or tablet PC.


Connecting to a router with WPS-PBC function

If your computer or tablet PC is equipped with wireless LAN function

If your computer or tablet PC is not equipped with wireless LAN function (wired LAN only)




power oninput network

input volume


Connecting this unit using wired LAN


When fixed IP must be set (connecting to a router without DHCP server function)Your computer or tablet PC must be connected

directly to the unit, and settings must be

performed from a Web browser.

If your computer or tablet PC is equipped with wireless LAN function


Connecting to a router with DHCP server function (this method should be used under normal conditions)

If your computer or tablet PC is not equipped with wireless LAN function (wired LAN only)

If you intend to connect an iPhone/iPod touch/iPad (with iOS ver 5.0 or later) to a conventional household wireless LANThe same wireless LAN connection settings can be applied to this unit.


Enjoying AirPlay2. Tap AirPlay icon ( ). 3. Select SMA. 4. Tap to play music.

(use this method under normal conditions)

Wireless Direct FunctionThe Wireless Direct function allows the use of a direct wireless connection between this unit and a wireless LAN device, without the need for a











When connection is complete, read the following instructions.

1. Tap iPod icon.

2. Press the standby/on button.After the power turns on, it takes approximately 30 seconds for the unit to be ready to use (“power on” LED will go from flashing to solid blue).

3. Press the input button for 3 seconds.The LEDs will flash blue 4 times to signal Quick Start Mode has been turned on.

Turning on Quick Start Mode

1. Connect the AC adapter.

Quick Start Mode significantly reduces the time required for startup. It also allows the unit to power on automatically using AirPlay and DLNA. Follow the steps below to turn on Quick Start Mode.


input volumestandby/on input volumestandby/on

By connecting the unit to your home LAN, you can enjoy AirPlay and playback of music stored on your computer or other device.• This unit cannot be used to play movie fi les.• For information regarding the format of fi les supported by this unit, consult the Operating Instructions posted on the Pioneer website. Methods of connection may vary depending on the device used. Confi rm the type of unit, and follow the appropriate instructions.

・ If you select method A, C or E, confi rm the LAN cable is not connected to this unit.

A Connections for wireless LAN using WPS-PBC function

1. Confirm that the AC adapter and LAN cable are not connected to the unit.

2. Connect the AC adapter, and press standby/on button.The power on indicator will flash blue. Wait for about 30 to 40 seconds.

3. When the power on indicator stops flashing, press the rear-panel network setup/wireless direct button.The network indicator will change from flashing red to flashing purple.

4. Within 2 minutes, press the router's WPS button.For information regarding router operation, consult the router's Operating Instructions.

5. The network connection settings will be performed automatically, and when the connection is complete, the unit's indicator will briefly change to flashing red, then light steadily blue.

B Wired connection to a router with DHCP server

3. The power on indicator's flashing will stop, and when the power is fully turned on, the network indicator will light blue.

F Wireless Direct Function

E Connection settings using an iOS device

1. Confirm that the AC adapter and LAN cable are not connected to the unit.

3. When the power on indicator stops flashing, use a USB cable to connect this unit to the iPhone/iPod touch/iPad (iOS device with iOS ver 5.0 or later).* Confirm that the iOS device has a wireless connection to your router.* Confirm that the iOS device's screen lock is disabled.

4. Press and hold input button on the front panel, and then press and hold network setup/wireless direct button on the rear panel for 3 seconds.A screen like the following should appear on the iOS device.

3. Confirm that the unit's power on indicator stops flashing. Hold the unit's rear-panel network setup/wireless direct button depressed for 3 seconds.The unit will begin rebooting (the power on indicator will flash blue); wait for about 30 to 40 seconds.

4. When the network indicator lights purple, connect to the network called "Wireless Direct:xxxxxx" from Wi-Fi network setting on the computer, iPhone, tablet PC or other device.The “xxxxxx” is the device's unique identifier number.* Consult the appropriate Operating Instructions for information regarding operation of the computer, iPhone, tablet PC or other device used.

Note that the network indicator will continue to light purple even after this connection is established.Thereafter, you can listen to music using the smart phone or other device. For details, consult the Operating Instructions for the respective device.

4. When the network indicator lights red, start your computer's Web browser, and access the URL noted below to make settings for this unit.The Web Control menu will appear.For Safari: Press Bookmark icon. Click Bonjour list (a), and then select this unit's name (“Friendly Name”) (b) in Bookmark.

D Using a Web browser on a computer supporting wired LAN to make connecting settings for the unit

1. Use a LAN cable to connect the unit to the computer.

9. Disconnect the LAN cable from the unit and confirm that the router's power is ON.If you intend to use the unit in a wired configuration, use a LAN cable to connect the unit to the router.

10. Press standby/on button.The power on indicator will flash blue. When the power is completely on (power on indicator lights steadily blue), the network indicator will light blue, indicating that settings are completed.

3. When the power on indicator stops flashing, press and hold volume – button on the front panel, and then press and hold network setup/wireless direct button on the rear panel for 3 seconds.The unit will reboot (the power on indicator will flash blue). Wait for about 30 to 40 seconds.

4. When the network indicator lights red, connect to the network called "Pioneer Setup:xxxxxx" from Wi-Fi network setting on the computer, iPhone, tablet PC or other device.The “xxxxxx” is the device's unique identifier number.* Consult the appropriate Operating Instructions for information regarding operation of the computer, iPhone, tablet PC or other device used.* Since this kind of connection is not encoded, a minor security risk may be involved.

5. When the connection is established, boot your Web browser and access the URL noted below to make settings for this unit.The Web Control menu will appear.For Safari: Press Bookmark icon. Click Bonjour list (a), and then select this unit's name (“Friendly Name”) (b) in Bookmark.

C Connection settings from a Web browser using a computer, iPhone, tablet PC or other device supporting wireless LAN

1. Confirm that the AC adapter and LAN cable are not connected to the unit.

11. Press standby/on button.The power on indicator will flash blue. When the power is completely on (power on indicator lights steadily blue), the network indicator will light blue, indicating that settings are completed.

2. Connect the AC adapter, and press standby/on button.The power on indicator will flash blue. Wait for about 30 to 40 seconds.

1. Disconnect the AC adapter before performing the connection between router and this unit.Use a LAN cable to connect this unit and your router.

2. Connect the AC adapter, and press standby/on button.The power on indicator will flash blue. Wait for about 30 to 40 seconds.

6. From the menu on the left, select “Network Configuration.”If you wish to change the Friendly Name, select “Friendly Name” from the menu and change the name before selecting “Network Configuration.”

7. When the Auto/Manual selection screen appears, select “Auto.”If you are manually inputting the SSID or setting a fixed IP with a wired connection, select “Manual.” For details, refer to the item “Web Control” of the Operating Instructions.

8. Select your router's SSID.If the SSID does not appear, either repeat step (6), or use step (7) to select Manual and input the SSID manually.

9. If you are asked to input a password, input it here.Also, if input of a fixed IP is required, set DHCP to OFF here and make the setting. For details, refer to the item “Web Control” of the Operating Instructions.

10. When settings are completed, click on Apply.The unit will automatically power down. Confirm that the router's power is ON.If you intend to use the unit in a wired configuration, use a LAN cable to connect the unit to the router.

2. Connect the AC adapter, and press standby/on button.The power on indicator will flash blue. Wait for about 30 to 40 seconds.

3. Wait for the network indicator to change from flashing to steadily lighted red.This may require up to 90 seconds or so.

5. From the menu on the left, select “Network Configuration.”If you wish to change the Friendly Name, select “Friendly Name” from the menu and change the name before selecting “Network Configuration.”

6. If you are considering using this unit with wireless connections, input your router's SSID, then select “Security.”Also, if input of a fixed IP is required, set DHCP to OFF here and make the setting. For details, refer to the item “Web Control” of the Operating Instructions.

7. If a password is requested, input it here. 8. When settings are completed, click on Apply.The unit will automatically power down.

2. Connect the AC adapter, and press standby/on button.The power on indicator will flash blue. Wait for about 30 to 40 seconds.

6. When the network indicator changes from flashing red to steadily lighted blue, the connection is completed.

5. Tap the “Allow” button.

This connection allows the temporary use of this unit in places where a router is not available; when power is turned off, the Wireless Direct function is disabled and the network setting of this unit returns to the previous setting.Since this kind of connection is not encoded, a minor security risk may be involved. For details, see the Operating Instructions.

If you use an iPhone/iPod touch/iPad (iOS device with iOS ver 5.0 or later) with wireless LAN connection, apply the iOS device’s connecting settings to this unit.

1. Confirm that the AC adapter and LAN cable are not connected to the unit.

2. Connect the AC adapter, and press standby/on button.The power on indicator will flash blue. Wait for about 30 to 40 seconds.

For Safari

For Safari

PIONEER CORPORATION1-1, Shin-ogura, Saiwai-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 212-0031, Japan

Корпорация Пайонир1-1, Син-Огура, Сайвай-ку, г. Кавасаки, префектура Канагава, 212-0031, ЯпонияИмпортер: ООО "ПИОНЕР РУС"125040, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Правды, д.26 Тел.: +7(495) 956-89-01

PIONEER ELECTRONICS (USA) INC.P.O. BOX 1540, Long Beach, California 90801-1540, U.S.A. TEL: (800) 421-1404

PIONEER ELECTRONICS OF CANADA, INC.340 Ferrier Street, Unit 2, Markham, Ontario L3R 2Z5, Canada TEL: 1-877-283-5901, 905-479-4411

PIONEER EUROPE NVHaven 1087, Keetberglaan 1, B-9120 Melsele, Belgium TEL: 03/570.05.11

PIONEER ELECTRONICS ASIACENTRE PTE. LTD.253 Alexandra Road, #04-01, Singapore 159936 TEL: 65-6472-7555

PIONEER ELECTRONICS AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.5 Arco Lane, Heatherton, Victoria, 3202, Australia, TEL: (03) 9586-6300

PIONEER ELECTRONICS DE MEXICO S.A. DE C.V.Blvd.Manuel Avila Camacho 138 10 piso Col.Lomas de Chapultepec, Mexico, D.F. 11000 TEL: 55-9178-4270K002_B4_Ru

AUX INDC INiPod/iPhone/iPadLAN(10/100)


input volumestandby/on



input volumestandby/on


power on input network

network setupwireless direct


power on input network

network setupwireless direct




AUX INDC INiPod/iPhone/iPadLAN(10/100)


power on input network

power on input network

AUX INDC INiPod/iPhone/iPadLAN(10/100)


input volumestandby/on


input volumestandby/on


network setupwireless direct

AUX INDC IN Wi-Fi Network

Choose a Network...




0001 Setup:xxxxxx












input volumestandby/on


power on input network

AUX INDC INiPod/iPhone/iPadLAN(10/100)


input volumestandby/on


power on input network









input volumestandby/on


power on input network

AUX INDC INiPod/iPhone/iPadLAN(10/100)


input volumestandby/on



network setupwireless direct


input volumestandby/on


Share Wi-Fi Settings?


power on input network

AUX INDC INiPod/iPhone/iPadLAN(10/100)


input volumestandby/on


Wi-Fi Network

Choose a Network...




0001 Setup:xxxxxx

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