catindig reporting the results of evaluation

Post on 08-Dec-2014






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Renato B. Catindig Jr.III – 26 BS Psychology

Professor Marivilla Lydia B. Aggarao

Reporting the Results

of Evaluation

I.•General Purpose of Evaluation•Appraisal Techniques•Client Welfare

II.•Informed Consent•Explanation to Clients•Recipients of Results

III. •Use of Psychological Reports•Common Areas in a Psychological Report

Overview of the Presentation

Appraisal Techniques- to provide measures that are objective and interpretable in either comparative or absolute terms

Client Welfare- promote the welfare and best interests of

the client in the development, publication, and utilization of educational and psychological assessment techniques

General Purpose of Evaluation

- Ensures that patient, clients, and research participants are aware of the risks involved in a particular treatment or procedure (Kendra Cherry,

- Involves three key features: (U.S Department of Health & Human Services)

(1) disclosing to potential research subjects information needed to make an informed decision;

(2) facilitating the understanding of what has been disclosed;

(3) promoting the voluntariness of the decision about whether or not to participate in the research

Informed Consent

Explanation to Clients

Counselors explain the nature and purposes of assessment and the specific use of results in language the client can understand, unless an explicit exception to this right has been agreed upon in advance.

Taking reasonable steps to ensure that appropriate explanations are given to the client.

Recipients of Results

The examinee’s welfare, explicit understanding, and prior agreement determine the recipients of test results.

Counselors include accurate and appropriate interpretations with any release of individual or group test results.

comprehensive overview of the client and an interpretation of the assessment results in a contextual manner

to provide assessment information that can be helpful in making clinical decisions and in selecting treatment and educational services

for disseminating assessment information to other professionals

incorporate a wide array of relevant information

Use of Psychological Reports

Common Areas in a Psychological Report

Psychological Report: For Professional Use Only1. Identifying information 2. Reasoning for referral 3. Background information 4. Behavioral observation 5. Assessment results and interpretation 6. Recommendations 7. Summary 8. Signature

provides some demographic information on the client important information and is necessary introductory

information to the reader of the report

done in outline format and includes the following information

Client's name Date of examination Date of birth Chronological age Date of reportGrade (if applicable) Examiner's name Test administered

Identifying Information

Reason for Referral

addresses the reason for the referral for testing

included in this section is the name and position of the referral source (e.g. teacher); the reason for the referral; and a brief summary of symptoms, behaviors, or circimstances that led to the referral

NOTE:In evaluating a report, a practitioner should

find a direct connection between the instruments or procedures used and the reasons for the referral.

provides a context in which to interpret the assessment results

an overview of the relevant information regarding the client

information about the client's past in order for the reader to understand current issues and concerns

may come from interviews with the client, interviews with other family members (e.g., parents if client is a minor), or past educational, counseling, or health records

focus of the background will vary depending on the reasons for the assessment, but it should include significant past events related to the assessment purpose

Background Information

describe what is observed during the assessment process

it addresses the issues such as motivation, anxiety, concentration and self-efficacy

usually includes a brief description of physical appearance, client comments and reactions to the process, responses to different assessment of activities, unusual mannerisms or behaviors, variations in activities, and changes in voice tone and facial expressions

Behavioral Observations

the heart of the psychological report and will be the longest section

includes the assessment findings, the meaning of the results, and the clinical and diagnostic impressions

the focus should be on the pertinent findings and interpreting rather than just reporting these findings

Assessment Results and Interpretations

extends the material presented in the report into future actions that will be beneficial to the client

should be realistic, with the consideration of the client’s resources and situation

sufficient detail in this section is needed so that they can be easily implemented


succinct summarization of the entire report, with a focus on the results and interpretation

usually only one or two paragraphs, but it contains the major aspects of the report

provides the opportunity to reiterate and emphasize important resultsNOTE:

Sometimes the summary and recommendations will be combined into one

ending section.


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