
Post on 02-Apr-2016






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Tools and EducaTion for spEEch clariTy

and fEEding

2014 producT caTalog

2 3

1852 Wallace School Road, Suite HCharleston, South Carolina 29407

P: 888.529.2879 F: 843.206.0590Email:

Dear Friends,Welcome to our 2014 Catalog! The past year has been a busy and exciting time at TalkTools®. We have expanded our course schedule, completed new resources, generated new and fresh courses,and continued our research commitment.

Our course schedule has been widespread this past year and included over 24 states and 14countries. We were also able to introduce new courses and present at numerous conventions thatwere attended by both parents and therapists. A special congratulations to the 21 therapists thatcompleted our advanced training this year.

This year two of our therapists, Lori Overland and Robyn Merkel-Walsh, completed their book, ASensory Motor Approach to Feeding. This book is an amazing resource for therapists and parentsalike and provides techniques to use immediately. Additionally, Sara has completed her work indeveloping a course specifically focused on the teen and adult population. The course titled “OralPhase Feeding and Speech for Teens and Adults” is going to be available at numerous US andinternational locations this year, so keep your eye out. Sara’s book on this topic will be released laterthis year.

PLEASE NOTE: Actual Tools may differ in color, shape, or character from the image provided in this catalog. TalkTools® reserves the right to change the components of all programs and kits. WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD Adult Supervision Required To Implement ALL Tools and Programs.



opT EssEnTials


sElf-sTudy programs




mEET our insTrucTors


Our internship program with the special needseducation department of a local high school andthe Tri-County Autism Puzzle Place Academy(TCAPPA) is stronger than ever and we were able to “graduate” three participants to become fullTalkTools® Team Members!

Finally, we would like to thank you for yourinterest and support. We look forward tocontinuing to provide you with training, techniquesand tools to achieve success with your clients.Thank you!

Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, MS, CCC-SLP

Luke Blessinger, President

nEEd conTinuing EducaTion crEdiTs? wE’vE goT you covErEd!In addition to providing speech and feeding therapy products, we offer live

workshops and self-study programs for your continuing education needs.

Don’t miss the opportunity to attend one of our Multi-Level Oral Placement

Therapy Training classes. Upon completion of Level 3 you will qualify to be

listed on our website’s Therapist page.

nEw producTs

4opT programs

and kiTs

10opT Tools


opT accEssoriEs fEEding/sEnsory Tools rEsourcEs


5nEw producTs

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nEw producTs

robyn mErkEl-walsh, m.a., ccc-slp

This course helps therapists transition Oral Placement skills into speech sounds production, by transitioning muscle movements into word drills. Robyn outlines early developing phonemes m,b,p,w,h,k,g,t,d and n, and the pre-requisite skills needed for each sound via Oral Placement Therapy examples. Next, Robyn helps clinicians transition those cues into words through the OPT-S Kit. This short course helps therapists implement a comprehensive tactile approach to therapy by taking Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson’s “Three Part Treatment Plan” Approach into a more traditional articulation therapy plan once a client can respond to “look at me and say what I say.” Robyn also discusses evidenced based practice and how Oral Placement Therapy is an extension of Van Riper’s Phonetic Treatment Approach. A therapy session demonstration is provided for viewers to model.

# 6000173 dvd purchasE $105.00

# 6000174 availablE on-dEmand $55.00

oral phasE fEEding and spEEch for TEEns and adulTs: advancEd TEchniquEs using TacTilE inTErvEnTions(0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs) sara rosEnfEld Johnson, ms,ccc-slp

After many years of clinical research and development, Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson has created a program using tactile interventions to improve oral phase feeding skills and speech clarity for teens, young adults and the geriatric population. In this one day class, participants will learn how to diagnose and treat muscle-based deficits for their clients with any of the following diagnoses: dysarthria, apraxia, post oral cancer surgery, voice disorders, Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), post CVA, Parkinson’s disease as well as Down syndrome and Cerebral Palsy. The hands-on practicum will include innovative “therapy tools” that can be used by therapists, patients or caregivers to improve feeding skill levels and improve speech clarity on the conversational level. Muscle skills can improve at any age and this class will add both new and exciting activities to your therapy repertoire. Come, learn, have fun and enjoy the success! Before and after videos will demonstrate the effectiveness of Oral Placement Therapy.

go To To lEarn morE





a sEnsory-moTor approach To fEEding lori ovErland, m.s., ccc-slp, c/ndT robyn mErkEl-walsh, m.a., ccc-slp

In this much anticipated text, Lori Overland and Robyn Merkel-Walsh share techniques that they have used to allow for safe, effective, nutritive feeding for all ages and ability levels. A Sensory Motor Approach to Feeding walks the clinician through the assessment and treatment of oral sensory motor skill development as a critical component of addressing feeding disorders. Readers will learn how to identify a sensory-motor feeding disorder, complete an assessment and write a professional report. Lori and Robyn’s goal was to expand on the content of Lori’s live workshop and provide the practical techniques to clinicians and family members alike. Color photos and diagrams assist the reader in taking these methods to practice immediately. This 250+ page color text is a must have in your clinical library.

# 3000004 $56.00


1852 Wallace School Road, Suite H, Charleston, South Carolina, 29407888.529.2879 | |

Approximate Running Time 2 Hours 0.2 CEU Credits

Robyn Merkel-Walsh, M.A., CCC-SLP

Oral P


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scle Mem

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d P




Oral Placement To Speech: Transitioning Muscle Memory into

Speech Sound Production

gET your cEus onlinE wiTh our E-coursEs!

wE will bE Expanding on ThEsE opTions in 2014 a ThrEE-parT TrEaTmEnT plan for oral placEmEnT ThErapy (1.2 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)# 6000165 $220.00

fEEding ThErapy: a sEnsory moTor approach (1.2 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)# 6000166 $220.00

solving ThE puzzlE of auTism: using TacTilE ThErapy TEchniquEs (0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)# 6000169 $110.00

oral placEmEnT To spEEch: TransiTioning musclE mEmory inTo spEEch sound producTion (0.2 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)# 6000174 $55.00

opT for assEssmEnT and TrEaTmEnT chEcklisT (rEsourcE)# 6000204 $12.99

bE surE To chEck ouT ThE

on-dEmand sEcTion on

our wEbsiTE

oral placEmEnT To spEEch: TransiTioning musclE mEmory inTo spEEch sound producTion (0.2 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)

Customer Service 888.529.2879

7opT EssEnTials


TalkTools® original horn kiT*

A TalkTools® original! This motivational therapy tool serves as a beneficial adjunct to traditional therapy techniques. The Horn Kit is designed to normalize oral musculature, correct articulation errors, reduce or eliminate drooling, improve abdominal grading and speech clarity, and also serves as a prerequisite for working on oral-nasal contrasts for improved velopharyngeal functioning. Instructions included. Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, M.S., CCC/SLP, has re-configured the Horn Blowing Hierarchy. adult supervision required To implement This program.

# 5000011 $32.50

prE-hiErarchy horn The Pre-Hierarchy Horn sounds off with both inhalation and exhalation. Combined with the wide mouth opening, this proven tool helps very young children and clients with minimal airflow progress to TalkTools® Original Horn Kit. Instructions include how to teach your client to use volitional control of oral airflow for blowing as a component of phoneme imitation. Colors may vary. Instructions included.

# 1000015 $8.95




HORN #11

HORN #12




HORN #10



WARNING: CHOKING HAZARDAdult Supervision Required To Implement This Program

individual horn packs

HORN #1 12-PACK # 1000035 $15.50

HORN #2 12-PACK # 1000036 $15.50

HORN #3 12-PACK # 1000037 $20.90

HORN #4 12-PACK # 1000038 $15.50

HORN #5 12-PACK # 1000039 $15.50

HORN #6 12-PACK # 1000040 $15.50

HORN #7 12-PACK # 1000041 $20.90

HORN #8 12-PACK # 1000042 $27.50

HORN #9 12-PACK # 1000044 $15.50

HORN #10 12-PACK # 1000045 $24.50

HORN #11 12-PACK # 1000046 $15.50

HORN #12 12-PACK # 1000047 $15.50



This Horn Kit includes only those horns that focus on primary lip closure, and airflow patterns. adult supervision required To implement This program. Instructions included.

# 5000008 $34.75

This Horn Kit helps normalize the oral musculature by promoting lower jaw stability, lip protrusion, and airflow control. adult supervision required To implement This program. Instructions included.

# 5000009 $30.50

This Horn Kit advances speech clarity by increasing lip protrusion, tongue retraction, and the prolongation of controlled oral airflow. Also great for clients with an interdental lisp, lateral lisps, or guttural /l/ or /r/ distortion. adult supervision required To implement This program. Instructions included.

# 5000012 $37.75

opT EssEnTials

TalkTools® TonguE rETracTion horn kiT

TalkTools® lip closurE horn kiT

TalkTools® lip proTrusion horn kiT


ordEr onlinE @

acTual Tools may diffEr in color or characTEr.

nosE fluTE (sET of 3)The Nose Flute is one of the best tools to facilitate nasal airflow, an integral component of velo-pharyngeal control and speech clarity development. Manufacturer’s instructions included.

# 1000030 $6.25

kazoo (sET of 6)This fun tool helps transition oral airflow into easy onset vocalizations for clients with velo-pharyngeal insufficiency, voice disorders, and fluency disorders. Includes six kazoos, assorted colors.

# 1000028 $9.00


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TalkTools® honEy bEar wiTh sTraw Proven effective with children as young as six months, the Honey Bear with Straw allows you to control the flow of liquid into a child’s mouth and teaches children to straw drink. It can also be used to transition from bottle-feeding to cup drinking. you will appreciate the spill-proof lid. Instructions included.

# 1020008 $7.99

flExiblE TubingLatex-free flexible tubing is available to replace the straw in the Honey Bear. Sold in 8” lengths. # 1000026 $.40

TalkTools® sTraw kiT* An excellent supplement to traditional therapy techniques, and the best activity available to promote tongue retraction, grading, and controlled tongue movements. The hierarchy promotes jaw-lip- tongue dissociation through twelve stages of development.

# 5010001 $28.35

individual sTraw packs

STRAW #1 12-PACK # 1010013 $20.50

STRAW #2 12-PACK** # 1010016 $26.50

STRAW #3 12-PACK** # 1010017 $26.50

STRAW #4 12-PACK # 1010018 $26.50

STRAW #5 12-PACK # 1010019 $26.50

STRAW #6 12-PACK # 1010020 $26.50

STRAW #7 12-PACK # 1010021 $26.50

STRAW #8 12-PACK # 1010022 $32.50


25-PACK # 5010003 $3.50


25-PACK # 5010004 $3.50


25-PACK # 5010005 $3.50

* sTraws sold individually only on our wEbsiTE

** lip blocks sold sEparaTEly



W #








W #






W #




W #





Purchase straws in bulk; all straws are available in 12 packs. An excellent choice for those with larger case loads.

TalkTools® lip blockThese colorful lip blocks in red or yellow, are designed for use with the TalkTools® Straw Kit. Made of FDA approved material, the Lip blocks fit our Straws #2 & #3. straws sold separately.

yEllow # 1010014 $1.50 Each

rEd # 1010015 $1.50 Each

TalkTools® sTraw cupsThis colorful set of cups comes with a lid ready to use with the TalkTools® Straw Hierarchy. Use the small cup for the shorter straws. Use the taller cup for longer straws to prevent tipping. Teaches the child to hold the cup, not the straw. you will love the tight fitting lid which helps prevent spilling. Includes:16 oz. cup with lid, 32 oz. cup with lid, Straws not included.

# 1020015 $5.95 for sET of 2


opT EssEnTials

9opT EssEnTials




acTual Tools may diffEr in color or characTEr.

11OPT PrOgrams and KiTs


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TalkTools® oral placEmEnT ThErapy (opT) program Includes everything you need to implement all of the activities taught in Sara’s book, Oral Placement Therapy for Speech Clarity and Feeding (Revised edition). It’s perfect for storing all of your oral placement supplies - keep it near your desk or in your car for convenient access. adult supervision required To implement This program.

# 5000050 $426.00

TalkTools® spEa(k-iT) The ultimate tool for the therapist onthe go. The sturdy nylon carryall comescomplete with everything needed toperform an oral placement assessment,implement all of the activities from OralPlacement Therapy for Speech Clarityand Feeding (Revised edition), and assessand address sensory and feeding issuesas taught in the Feeding Therapy: ASensory-Motor Approach course. TheSPEA(K-it) is like carrying an entiretherapy room on your shoulder. adult supervision required To implement This program.

# 5050017 $765.00

Components: Tool Bag, Oral Placement Therapy for Speech and Feeding, The Homework Book, Assessment and Treatment of the Jaw, Pre-Hierarchy Horn, Sensory Bean Bag Kit, Honey Bear, Recessed Lid Cup, Vibrator and Toothettes (20 pack), Button Pull Exercise Kit, Dental Ruler, Jaw Grading Bite Blocks (red), Sensory Friendly Bite Blocks (purple), Tongue Tip Lateralization and Elevation Tools, Bite Tube Set (4 pack), Straw Kit, Straw Cups, Horn Kit, Bubble Kit, Jaw Closure Tubes, Kazoos (6 pack), Nose Flutes (3 pack), Blue Cut Out Cup, Pink Cut Out Cup, Flavored Tongue Depressors, CD-Forms for Oral Placement Therapy and Treatment, Mini Mirror, Z-vibe with Blue Tip, Probes, following tips included; Mini, Preefer, Bite Chew, Hard Spoons, Soft Textured Spoons.

Components: Oral Placement Therapy for Speech and Feeding, The Homework Book, Pre-Hierarchy Horn, Sensory Bean Bag Kit, Honey Bear w/Flex Straw, Recessed Lid Cup - Purple, Tongue Depressor 50 pack (flavored), Vibrator & Toothettes 20 pack, Button Pull, Jaw Grading Bite Blocks - Red, Sensory Friendly Bite Blocks - Purple, Tongue Tip Lateralization and Elevation Tools, Bite Tube Set 4 Pack, Bubble Kit, Original Horn Kit, Jaw Closure Tubes (Progressive), Jaw Exercisers, Duration Tubes, Straw Kit, CD - “Forms for Oral Placement Assessment”, Mini Mirror (Bonus Item).

TalkTools® inTroducTion To oral placEmEnT ThErapy kiT This introductory kit is an excellent way to begin implementing Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson’s therapy techniques. It’s compact, economical, and contains all the basics that you need to get started. adult supervision required To implement This program.

# 5000029 $195.25

Components: Oral Placement Therapy for Speech Clarity and Feeding, The HOMEWORK Book, Jaw Grading Bite Blocks - Red, Vibrator & Toothettes 20 pack, and the Original Horn Kit, and the Straw Kit.

TalkTools® Jaw program The Jaw is the support system for improved feeding skills and speech production. Jaw stability allows for independent movements of the lips and tongue for speech. This program includes all of the tools necessary to complete the exercises found in Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson’s book, Assessment and Treatment of the Jaw. Includes CD - “Forms for Oral Placement Assessment,” all in a convenient carrying and storage case. See additional info for program contents. adult supervision required To implement This program.

# 5000037 $285.80

Components: Assessment and Treatment of the Jaw, Probe (pack of 3), Z-Vibe w/1 Blue Tip, Z-Vibe Tips Blue (set of 3 ), Z-Vibe Tips Mini (3 pack), Jaw Grading Bite Blocks - Red, Bite Tube Set 4 Pack, Jaw Closure Tubes (Progressive), Jaw Exercisers, Dental Ruler, CD - “Forms for Oral Placement Assessment.”

opT programs & kiTs

13OPT PrOgrams and KiTs


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TalkTools® drooling rEmEdiaTion program Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson’s fun and easy step-by-step approach to controlling drooling is not a behavioral approach; it addresses the cause of the problem from an Oral Placement perspective. adult supervision required To implement This program.

# 5000006 $143.95

# 3000008 $43.90 manual w/ouT kiT

TalkTools® smilE program The SMILE (SysteMatic Intervention for Lingual Elevation) Program, developed by Robyn Merkel-Walsh, is a fun therapy program for tongue thrust remediation. Designed for children 7-12, yet appropriate for teens and adults, this program, featuring “Mr. Smile,” targets speech and swallowing skills in a 14-step hierarchy. adult supervision required To implement This program.

# 5000019 $92.00

# 3000026 $43.90 manual w/ouT kiT

Components: Chewy Tube Red, Jaw Grading Bite Blocks (red), Vibrator and Toothettes (20 pack), Bubble Tube with refill, Sterile Tongue Depressors, Horns; #2, #7, #8, #9, #10, #12, Straws; #4, #5, #6, #7, A/B, C, D, Nose Flutes (3 pack), Smile Program manual.

Components: Bubble Kit, Horn Kit, Straw Kit, Button Pull Exercise Kit, Bite Tube Set (4 pack), Vibrator and Toothettes (20 pack), Flavored Tongue Depressors, Straws C and D, Drooling Remediation Program manual.

TalkTools® apraxia programThis versatile program, by Renee Roy Hill, is ideal for transitioning clients with motor-planning deficits from Oral Placement activities to speech production. The three sets of tools - Bilabial Shapes, Tactile Tubes, and Speech Blocks - provide tactile cueing for specific sounds m, p, b, oo, oh, ee, ih, eh, uh and ah, so clients can feel where the articulators should be during speech production. This program is most effective for clients who cannot achieve correct production of target sounds with verbal and visual cues alone or those who do not respond to verbal and visual cues. Included are videos of each step, along with written instructions.

apraxia kiT – complETE # 5000030 $52.25apraxia TubEs – individual # 5000031 $9.50apraxia spEEch blocks - individual # 5000033 $17.95apraxia shapEs – individual # 5000035 $9.50

TalkTools® bubblE kiTThe Bubble Kit is a great way to get started on Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson’s bubble hierarchy. The items included were chosen for their capacity to promote abdominal grading, lip closure, lip rounding, and tongue retraction. Instructions included.

# 5000003 $32.75

opT programs & kiTs

TalkTools® bubblE bEar wiTh rEfillThe amusing Bubble Bear, when used as part of the Bubble Hierarchy, increases abdominal grading, controlled oral airflow, velum mobility, lip rounding, and tongue retraction.

# 1000016 $14.75

bubblE bEar rEfillOur bubbles are the best! This formula creates long-lasting bubbles that are safe to use inside; they won’t stain clothing. Be sure to have plenty of Bubble Refill on hand.

# 1000022 $6.75

TalkTools® buTTon-pull program This activity addresses lip closure, and promotes saliva control, and adequate lip seal. Used as a component of your Oral Placement Therapy program to develop lip closure, lip rounding, and muscle memory with speech and feeding activities. The Button-Pull Program contains five buttons needed to complete the hierarchy. String and instructions included. adult supervision required To implement This program.

# 1050001 $5.25

TalkTools® bubblE TubE and bubblE TubE rEfillThe TalkTools® Bubble Tube, used as part of TalkTools®’ airflow hierarchy, promotes abdominal grading, controlled oral airflow, lip rounding, and tongue retraction. Keep plenty of our special bubble refills on hand to fill the Bubble Tube - clients love their bubble activities!

# 1000033 $6.00

ordEr by phonE888.529.2879

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TalkTools® Jaw ExErcisErsOnce clients have completed all steps of the Bite Block Hierarchy, they may move to the Jaw Exercisers. Each kit contains two firm, reusable jaw exercisers to address jaw stability and jaw grading (control). These tools are appropriate for those who need additional tactile input for controlled movement of the jaw for speech and feeding. Made from FDA-approved materials. Instructions included.

# 5000018 $33.50

opT Tools

15opT Tools

TalkTools® TonguE-Tip laTEralizaTion & ElEvaTion Tools These remarkable tools teach tongue-tip lateralization, elevation and depression for improved feeding skills and speech clarity. Their design helps establish jaw stability to facilitate independent movement of the tongue tip for lateralization across the midline and for elevation and depression of the tongue tip. Can also be used to stretch the lingual frenulum. Includes set of two tools and instructions.

# 1050013 $26.00

TalkTools® vibraTor & TooThETTEs® An excellent tool for diagnosing sensory deficits, promoting awareness of the oral cavity, and reducing “fixing.” It is also valuable for addressing oral sensitivity. Includes 20 Toothettes® and Instructions.

# 1040036 $10.50


you can never have enough Toothettes® on hand. Excellent for increasing or decreasing oral sensitivity prior to feeding, oral placement therapy activities, or speech sound production work. 20 pack.

# 1040035 $8.75

TalkTools® progrEssivE Jaw closurE TubEs Contains six firm, reusable bite tubes. When used in a graduated program the tubes each teach volitional jaw closure and lip rounding, which are needed for straw drinking and speech development. Particularly effective for clients with cerebral palsy or traumatic brain injury. Instructions included.

# 5000017 $22.75

TalkTools® nosE clipsNose Clips are excellent for those situations where the client you are working with cannot differentiate between oral and nasal airflow to successfully work through the Horn or Bubble Hierarchy. Instructions included. adult supervision required To implement This program.

# 1000050 $5.50

Echo hornHaving trouble teaching your clients phoneme imitation, turn-taking, or how to blow a bubble? The Echo Horn, used as described in Oral Placement Therapy for Speech Clarity and Feeding, may be just what you need. No cables or batteries required.

# 1000025 $5.00

spiromETErThe Spirometer is a valuable complement to the Horn and Bubble Hierarchies. It is especially useful for clients with VPI and children who need visual cues. Includes two mouthpieces (one flat, one round), and one nose clip.

# 1000031 $16.50

TalkTools® Jaw grading biTE blocksThe highly-functional Jaw Grading Bite Blocks promote symmetrical jaw strength, stability, and grading for clients with weak jaw musculature evidenced during speech sound production or feeding (i.e. reduced mobility, sliding, or jutting). The kit can also be used to teach jaw position and muscle memory for standard speech sound production. Excellent for use with dysarthric apraxic/dyspraxic clients. Includes two sets of six reusable, durable and easily cleaned Bite Blocks and instructions for use. Some clients may prefer biting into a softer surface as they work their way through the Bite Block hierarchy. The Sensory Friendly Bite Blocks work in exactly the same manner as the original version, but are constructed of a softer, more pliable material.

biTE block (rEd) # 1050005 $29.95

sEnsory friEndly biTE block # 1050006 $29.95 (purplE)

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TalkTools® bEliEvEs in providing our cusTomErs wiTh ThE mosT comprEhEnsivE producT linE

find addiTional spEEch and fEEding Tools aT


opT Tools


TalkTools® biTE TubE sETThis set of four tools (Red and yellow ChewyTM Tubes, Grabber XT and Grabber) allows you to approach clients from a hierarchical standpoint. The therapy techniques are used to teach jaw grading for improved speech clarity and to teach children and adults how to chew foods for improved feeding safety and nutritional intake. Instructions included.

# 1050033 $31.50

TalkTools® duraTion TubEs Duration Tubes provide a visual cue for increasing controlled airflow. By lengthening the tube and switching from the fuzzy to the plastic ball you can make the activity more difficult as your client gains proficiency. Includes three tubes, three mouth pieces, three of each ball and instructions. adult supervision required To implement This program.

# 5000039 $10.95

17opT Tools

chEwyTm TubEsChewy Tubes are an innovative oral-motor device designed to provide a resilient, non-food, chewable surface for practicing biting and chewing skills, and as an aid to inhibit teeth grinding. The blue Chewy Tube is nearly twice the diameter of the red version and is extended for clients who tend toward excessive mouthing or biting. Chewy Tubes are available in three size-specific colors: red/large, yellow/small and blue/extra large.rEd # 1050002 $7.95 yEllow # 1050003 $7.95bluE # 1050000 $7.95

TalkTools® schEdulE board kiT rEnEE roy hill, m.s., ccc-slpThis Schedule Board Kit, designed by Renee Roy Hill, provides you with over 1,200 images of our TalkTools® to include action photos demonstrating proper placement of each Oral Placement Therapy tool. Photos include infant, toddler, adolescent and adult with both male and female options. Photos can easily be printed via your computer and used with the TalkTools® Schedule Board, imported into other Schedule Board programs that accept .jpeg images, or imported into Schedule Board Applications on iPAD and othertablets. This easy-to-use kit allows therapists and parents to create unique schedule boards for their children as well as early communication and language photo cards. Also included are instructions by Renee on how to create a personalized choice, or schedule board. Therapists can prescribe and print individual schedule boards for multiple clients using a single kit. Good for clients who need to be re-directed to task.

Included: Functional 3 Ring Easel Binder DVD with Images & Instructions Hook & Loop Dots with Storage Pouch Heavy Duty Image Mounting Sheets Labeled Category Divider Sheets Schedule Board with Collapsible “finished box”

# 5000052 $49.95

TalkTools® flavorEd woodEn TonguE dEprEssors Tongue Depressors can be used to promote lip closure, nose breathing, and saliva control. Box of 50.

# 1040003 chErry $10.50

# 1040004 grapE $10.50

# 1040005 sTrawbErry $10.50

oral placEmEnT To spEEchrobyn mErkEl-walsh, m.a., ccc-slp andsara rosEnfEld-Johnson, m.s., ccc-slpOral Placement TO Speech Kit (OPT-S) by Robyn Merkel-Walsh and Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, is an innovative articulation program designed to translate muscle movements (from the TalkTools® hierarchies) into speech sound production. The card set is uniquely based on jaw transitions and the complexity of articulatory place shifts within words. Included are the early developing phonemes m-b-p (bilabials), t-d-n (tongue retraction with tip elevation), k-g and h (velars) and w (lip rounding). 185 cards are included along with detailed instructions for developing individualized programs.

(NOTE: For children ages 2-6 with apraxia, please refer to The Kaufman K-SLP Treatment Kit 1 (basic level) on page 24 of our catalog. OPT-S and The Kaufman K-SLP Treatment Kit 1 (basic level) compliment one another for children with complex speech clarity issues that involve both muscle and motor based disorders.)

# 5000051 $141.00

“sEnsory fEEding opT and... our spEEch program is hErE!”

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purEgrEEn24 Looking for a fast, easy way to safely disinfect therapy tools, your children’s toys, high chairs, and more? PureGreen24 is a proven hard surface antimicrobial disinfectant and deodorizer that offers rapid efficacy with unique 24-hour residual effectiveness. Nonflammable, non-corrosive, and odorless, without the fumes or skin irritation associated with traditional disinfectants. PureGreen24 kills everyday household germs, and the most deadly of superbugs. None of the chemicals in this product are considered hazardous by OSHA, and the product is EPA registered for use on children’s toys (no rinsing required).


32 oz spray boTTlE - # 1070006 $12.99

gallon rEfill sizE - # 1070005 $39.99


x-small # 1030013 $16.00

small # 1030014 $16.00

mEdium # 1030015 $16.00

laTEx Exam glovEsLatex Exam Gloves are a “must have” for muscle-based therapy programs. Be sure to wear them tight to achieve the natural sensation clients prefer.


x-small # 1030016 $16.00

small # 1030017 $16.00

mEdium # 1030018 $16.00

vinyl glovEsVinyl Gloves provide an alternative for those with allergies to Latex.


x-small # 1030019 $16.00

small # 1030020 $16.00

mEdium # 1030021 $16.00

dycEm® Placing a piece of Dycem® on the seat of your client’s chair will help keep him/her in the correct posture for effective therapy. 8” x 78” roll, available in blue only.

# 1060001 $30.00


x-small # 1030022 $16.00

small # 1030023 $16.00

mEdium # 1030024 $16.00


opT accEssoriEs

19opT accEssoriEs 19

puppETs A wonderful motivator during therapy sessions, these terry cloth puppets are sold in assorted 5 packs. Great for use with the TalkTools® Bubble Hierarchy. The terry cloth makes for easy cleaning. (Puppets come in a randomly selected 5-pack.)

# 1040020 $13.50

TimE TimEr® 8”Do you get discouraged because your child or client won’t work with you for more than a minute or two? Does your child or client not understand the concept of time? Is your child a visual learner? Then why not “show” the time with this visual clock? your client can watch the time pass and know exactly when the activity or therapy session is over! Simply set the timer for the appropriate number of minutes, and when the red part disappears, that segment is finished. Nylon storage case included.

# 1050015 $34.00

TimE TimEr® 3”The Time Timer allows your clients to watch time pass on this visual clock. Set the timer for the appropriate number of minutes, and when the red display disappears, the therapy segment is finished.

# 1050014 $30.00

high chair Therapists and parents love this chair because it can be adjusted to give supported seating for children ages six months to eight years. Stability in the body will allow for improved mobility in the mouth. It comes with removable cushions to accommodate various sizes and shapes. This chair is constructed of sturdy materials, with an adjustable foot rest (for body stability), and has a glossy finish for easy cleanup. Please allow 7-14 business days for this product to ship. This item ships separately using fedEx ground service.

# 4000001 $440.00

flavorEd laTEx glovEspowdEr


x-small #1030025 $16.25

small #1030026 $16.25

mEdium #1030027 $16.25


x-small #1030031 $16.25

small #1030032 $16.25

mEdium #1030033 $16.25

bubblE gum

x-small #1030037 $16.25

small #1030038 $16.25

mEdium #1030039 $16.25

flavorEd laTEx glovEspowdEr frEE


x-small #1030028 $16.25

small #1030029 $16.25

mEdium #1030030 $16.25


x-small #1030034 $16.25

small #1030035 $16.25

mEdium #1030036 $16.25

bubblE gum

x-small #1030040 $16.25

small #1030041 $16.25

mEdium #1030042 $16.25

mini mirror wiTh casEThe Mini Mirror can be used for a variety of activities. Hold it in front of your client’s nose or mouth to provide a visual cue for oral versus nasal airflow. Made small enough to fit easily in your TalkTools® therapy kit.

# 1000029 $3.00


Customer Service 888.529.2879


fingEr cuff(infanT TooThbrush)The very popular finger toothbrush is smooth on one side and has soft rubber bristles on the other, which stimulate lateral tongue reflex and oral sensory awareness.

# 1040011 $7.95 3 pack

# 1040012 $15.25 6 pack

nuk massagErs (sET of 3)The Nuk Massager stimulates lateral molar ridges, reduces oral hypersensitivity, and helps develop a tongue groove.

# 1040019 $13.50

rollEr icEPrepare your clients for muscle-based activities! Simply freeze Roller Ice and apply to the face to get the muscles ready for work.

# 1040032 $35.00

TalkTools® sEnsory bEan bags It can be difficult to help someone who doesn’t trust your touch. These “bean bags” are a fun and safe way to benefit clients with tactile-defensive behaviors, as well as those with hyposensitivity or hypersensitivity on the face. The various textures (silky, bumpy, furry and scratchy) help normalize sensitivity on body and face. Instructions included.

# 1000034 $29.75

fEEding/sEnsory Tools

maroon spoon small (sET of 5) Maroon Spoons are available in two sizes and promote optimal oral movement and lip closure.

# 1020018 $6.50

maroon spoon largE (sET of 5) Available in two sizes, the Maroon Spoon promotes optimal oral movement and lip closure.

# 1020014 $7.00

21fEEding/sEnsory Tools

cuT-ouT cupsCut-Out Cups are available in pink (1 oz.) and blue (2 oz.) and green (7 oz.). These flexible cups stimulate the corners of the mouth to facilitate lip closure and allow a child to drink without head or neck extension.

# 1020032 $4.99 pink 2 pack

# 1020031 $6.99 bluE 2 pack

# 1020033 $7.99 grEEn 2 pack

TalkTools® rEcEssEd lid drinking cupThe Recessed-Lid Cup has two handles to help keep hands at midline, and the recessed lid encourages tongue retraction with improved lip closure. Two twist-off lids included; can be used for cup or straw drinking.

# 1020020 $11.25

TalkTools® icE sTicks program manual Renee Roy Hill and Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson designed this program for clients with cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury or Moebius Syndrome. This multi-sensory approach will teach you activities to develop the skills necessary to implement an oral placement/feeding/speech therapy program. Excellent for achieving lip rounding and lip closure. Includes one Ice Stick. 22 pages.

# 3000024 $22.25

# 9140013 $10.00 individual icE sTicks

habErman mini fEEdErProven to be effective for facilitating improved oral feeding in infants with reduced strength for suckling and reduced endurance for feeding. The Haberman Mini Feeder teat is about a third smaller in size for smaller or premature infants. Instruction book included.

# 1020011 $24.00

infa TrainEr cup The Infa Trainer Cup allows you to adjust the flow of liquid by twisting the lid, while the design of the lid also allows for stability without encouraging a suckle. This is the preferred alternative to a “sippy cup.”

# 1020013 $11.50

syringE 1cc oral (25 pack, wiThouT nEEdlEs) We know that syringe feeding helps to develop tongue mobility, but did you also know that you can use these syringes to clean your straws? (25 per package; no needles)

# 1040034 $9.00

habErman mini fEEdEr TEaTsAdditional teats for the Haberman Mini-Feeder, sold individually.

# 1020012 $13.50


Customer Service 888.529.2879


oral placEmEnT ThErapy (opT) for /s/and /z/ by sara rosEnfEld-Johnson, m.s., ccc-slp

by sara rosEnfEld-Johnson, m.s., ccc-slp

Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson’s Oral Placement techniques have improved the speech clarity of thousands of clients, and in many cases, where traditional therapy alone has failed. This comprehensive guide will help you to implement these techniques yourself. (226 pages; includes the Oral Placement Hierarchy Poster) An earlier edition of this book was sold under the title of Oral-Motor Exercises for Speech Clarity.

# 3000001 $58.50226 pagEs

oral placEmEnT ThErapy for spEEch clariTy and fEEding

For therapists implementing the techniques found in Oral Placement Therapy for Speech Clarity and Feeding, The HOMEWORK Book puts each activity on easy-to-follow homework sheets which can be removed and photocopied, then sent home with the client or child for daily practice between therapy sessions.

# 3000002 $49.00

Translations of The HOMEWORK Book are available in Spanish, Italian and Chinese (simple character set). Please call for more information.

ThE homEwork book

185 pagEs

by sara rosEnfEld-Johnson, m.s., ccc-slp

The second book from Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson is a further study of the importance of jaw skills for whole-body sensory organization, feeding safety, elimination of teeth grinding plus other oral habits, and speech clarity. 185 pages. Includes DVD with Sara demonstrating techniques from the book.

# 3000019 $49.50

assEssmEnT and TrEaTmEnT of ThE Jaw: puTTing iT all TogEThEr - sEnsory, fEEding and spEEch

This is the first in a series of programs designed to teach standard speech sound production using a combination of traditional articulation therapy in conjunction with Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) activities. It is designed for clients who need auditory, visual, and tactile information to learn to use standard /s/ and /z/ in all speech environments.

In this program you will learn how to: 1) perform an evaluation with a client who evidences an inter-dental or a lateral lisp; 2) write a complete Oral Placement/Movement for Feeding and Speech Evaluation; and 3) create and write a computer generated Report and Program Plan tailored to address your client’s specific needs. Once this process has been completed, you will use the 20 lesson plans with associated Homework Sheets and Speech Practice Sheets to assist you in correcting your client’s inter-dental or lateral productions. Each of the 20 lesson plans is divided into four sections: 1) Sensory, 2) Feeding, 3) Placement/Movement Activities, and 4) Speech.


# 6000158 $47.50


192 pagEs

176 pagEs

TalkTools® oral placEmEnT scrEEning for spEEch and fEEding skill assEssmEnT- cd This five-minute screening can be used with children and adults to determine if there is an oral placement component to their speech sound errors. It has been standardized on children over the age of five years who can follow verbal and/or visual instructions. It is easy to administer and requires no therapy tools. On this CD you will find a two-sided screening form which can be downloaded and a short video demonstration of a therapist using this screening to assess a five-year-old child.

# 6000157 $17.50

oral placEmEnT ThErapy (opT) goals and obJEcTivEs for iEps and insurancE rEimbursEmEnT- cd By Robyn Merkel-Walsh M.A., CCC-SLP and Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson M.S., CCC-SLP

Therapists are often unsure of how to set goals that are educationally relevant or how to produce goals that help with insurance reimbursement. Robyn Merkel-Walsh has worked in a public school and a private clinic since 1995. She has spent a great deal of time writing and re-writing goals and objectives that are client-centered, yet provide the relationship between oral placement skills and speech production. Together with Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson’s expertise on oral placement therapy, Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) Goals and Objectives for IEPs and Insurance Reimbursement was created to help therapists write IEP goals and accurately measure progress in OPT activities used to improve speech clarity and feeding skill levels. Use this CD to tailor activities to your client’s specific needs.

# 6000156 $35.00

kaufman (k-slp) TrEaTmEnT kiT 1 – basic lEvEl kaufman (k-slp) TrEaTmEnT kiT 2 – advancEd lEvElThis basic level kit contains 225 visual cards targeting the syllable shapes for /p,b,m,t,d,n,h/, the syllables children presenting with apraxia must master in order to become effective vocal/verbal communicators. Once a child has mastered the sounds /p,b,m,t,d,n,h/, the 277 visual cards in Kaufman (K-SLP) Treatment Kit 2 (Advanced Level) target /k,g,f,s,sh/ and blends /s,r,l/, to refine intelligibility and build higher motor-speech coordination for children with apraxia of speech.

kiT 1 # 5000023 $199.00

kiT 2 # 5000024 $199.00

kaufman spEEch To languagE proTocol workouT bookWritten for clinicians and parents, the reproducible materials is a simple and effective way to create home programs. The book features 16 fun, colorful, and engaging story themes that will grab and hold attention. The Workout Book is specifically designed for children who have mastered the sounds targeted by the Kaufman Kit Basic Level /m,p,b,t,d,n,h/.

# 5000025 $99.00

cd - forms for oral placEmEnT assEssmEnT and TrEaTmEnT (rEvisEd) This CD is a MUST for all therapists who are using TalkTools® therapy for assessment and treatment. This CD includes forms for: Oral Placement Therapy Progress Chart, Jaw Assessment & Treatment Forms, Jaw Progress Chart, and Oral Placement Feeding and Speech Homework Charts. In addition, there are many articles which can be downloaded to distribute to parents and professionals explaining various OPT techniques. This CD contains the following: 17 articles, six clinical forms and five assessment and treatment forms.

# 6000203 $25.00

opT for assEssmEnT and TrEaTmEnT chEcklisT The new “OPT Assessment and Treatment Checklist” will lead you through an Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) Evaluation and help you to formulate your Program Plan. In each segment: Sensory, Pre-feeding, Feeding, Oral Placement Therapy and Speech, you will learn and use the a) therapy techniques, b) steps and c) Criteria for Success to master skills needed for standard speech development and feeding safety. Use the “Musclebased Articulation Assessment Form” with any standardized Articulation Test to identify the muscle skills needed to improve your client’s speech clarity as related to jaw height, lip placement and tongue placement. As your client makes progress with the use of OPT you will see a correlation between skills mastered in OPT and acquisition of standard speech sounds on the word and conversational levels. Instruction sheets included.

# 6000204 $12.99 on-dEmand




1852 Wallace School Road, Suite H, Charleston, South Carolina 29407888.529.2879 |

Copyright ©2013 TalkTools®

OPT Assessment and Treatment ChecklistName: _____________________________________Date: _______ ___ Age: __________

DOB: ______________________________________ Therapist: ____________________________

CLIENT STATUS: Initial Program Plan ________ Probe # ______Discharge Summary ___________ MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS (if any):______________________________________MUSCLE OR TONE DEFICIT: abdomen _____ velum _____ jaw _____lips _____ tongue ______ MOTOR PLANNING DEFICIT: yes ___ no____ undetermined ____

NOTE: Maintaining a stable seating posture throughout the muscle-based oral placement, feeding, and speech FRPSRQHQWV�RI�HDFK�VHVVLRQ�LV�D�UHTXLUHPHQW��3OHDVH�UHPHPEHU�WR�HQVXUH�WKDW�WKH�FOLHQW·V�KDQGV�DUH�UHVWLQJ�DW�PLGOLQH��that they are seated in a chair that supports a ninety- degree angle in the pelvis, knees, ankles, and chin, and that the therapist holds all of the therapy tools.

STRUCTURAL: Observe the following structures and check those that apply

Palate: Rounded Palate (WNL) ____ High/Narrow Palate ____ Cleft ____

Other ________________________________________________________________________________

Jaw/Dentition: Overbite _____ Underbite _____ Crossbite ______ Openbite ______ WNL __________

Other ________________________________________________________________________________

Soft Tissue: Restricted Frenulum _____ Enlarged Tonsils/Adnoids ______ Retention of Suckle Pads _____

Other ________________________________________________________________________________


Open Mouth Posture _____ Mouth Breather ______ Chronic Anterior Tongue Posture _____ Spitting _____

Digit Sucking _____ Jaw Tensing _____ Nose Breather ______ Mixed Breathing ______ Drooling ______

Tongue Suckling ______ Biting _______

Notes and Observations: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Customer Service 888.529.2879


TalkTools® parEnT kiT: using oral placEmEnT ThErapy (opT) wiTh your child Designed for parents, this kit includes the tools and information you need to start using Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson’s Oral Placement Therapy techniques in your own home. If you are a parent who has heard the “success stories” resulting from Sara’s techniques, but are unsure how to begin, this introductory kit is exactly what you’ve been looking for. adult supervision required To implement This program.

# 5000045 $94.99

#5000042 $79.95

as a parEnT: whaT can i do To improvE my child’s fEEding and spEEch? dvdSara Rosenfeld-Johnson decided to make this DVD specifically for parents with questions about feeding safety and speech clarity. This DVD provides parents with a better understanding of the skills and techniques needed to help their child succeed.

# 6000210 $15.00

TalkTools® for parEnTs

oral placEmEnT ThErapy: whaT a parEnT can do workshop

Parents can learn “hands-on” feeding and oral placement therapy techniques that can be incorporated in the home. Receive an overview of jaw grading and dissociation skills. Learn how to use fun, colorful tools like horns, straws, and bubbles to increase muscle function and how that relates to speech production.

TalkTools® is dedicated to providing support to parents like you and we hope you never hesitate to contact us with your questions. We are always striving to provide the best services possible to parents and we hope that you will let us assist you. you are not alone because we are here to help.

you can reach us by calling 888-529-2879 or by emailing

We encourage you to visit our website at where you will find excellent resources and materials on both the parent page and the resource page; here you can locate information about the TalkTools® Parent Outreach Programs and the “Find a Therapist” feature.

you are invited to join the conversation on our BLOG at, where you can “ask a Therapist” to learn more about therapy techniques as well as read about success stories.


What a Parent Needs to Know NOW!



1852 Wallace School Road, Suite H, Charleston, South Carolina, 29407888.529.2879 | |

Approximate Running Time

3 Hours

As a Parent:What Can I Do to Improve My Child’s

Feeding Skills and Speech Clarity?Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson,

M.S., CCC-SLPAs a Parent:

What C

an I Do to Im

prove My C

hild’s Feeding Skills and S

peech Clarity?

as ThEy grow: moTor dEvElopmEnT from birTh To six by JEnnifEr l. JonEs, ph.d. brs-sGain a complete understanding of the whole child simultaneously with gross motor, fine motor and oral (fine, fine motor) skill development. This book will allow you to better communicate with OTs and PTs on a professional level. The Second edition has valuable information regarding feeding, sensory integration and motor development parallels. The case presentations are a nice added bonus because they provide excellent examples of children who have not developed these skills. Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson calls this book “Terrific!” This truly unique book will be a valuable addition to your professional library.

# 3000005 $14.95

nobody EvEr Told mE (or my moThEr) ThaT! by dianE bahr, m.s, ccc-slp This fascinating new book fills a void in the child-rearing world. It explains everything from the basics of nursing, to SIDS, to facial massage, and finishes with the secrets to good speech development and keys to enhancing your child’s best natural appearance. Written by a speech-language pathologist with more than 30 years of experience, this book is a wealth of necessary information for any new parent. It contains practical advice for all new parents on everything they need to know about oral development from birth to eight years old.

# 3000025 $24.95

76 pagEs



nEw parEnT vidEoIn this FREE video Sara Rosendfeld-Johnson gives New Parents some great advice. This FREE 20 minute video can be viewed at and is worth a look for all parents.

26 2727Educational SEminarS

Customer Service 888.529.2879

assEssmEnT and TrEaTmEnT of ThE Jaw: puTTing iT all TogEThEr - sEnsory, fEEding, spEEch (0.4 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)

This four-hour course features Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson teaching therapists the concepts and techniques in her book, Assessment and Treatment of the Jaw - Putting It All Together: Sensory, Feeding, and Speech (included with purchase of DVD). Learn the importance of adequate strength and stability in the muscles of the jaw, and methods for assessment and treatment of deficiencies in this area. Includes: one video, Sara’s Jaw Book, one set TalkTools® Jaw Grading Bite Blocks (red), workbook, and one CEU packet.

# 6000201 dvd purchasE $174.95

sara rosEnfEld-Johnson, m.s., ccc-slp

rEnEE roy hill, m.s., ccc-slp

a musclE-basEd approach To apraxia of spEEch in childrEn dvd sEminar (0.3 asha/aoTa crEdiTs) Renee discusses how many clients with a diagnosis of childhood apraxia of speech also have coexisting deficits which include sensory, feeding and oral placement deficits. Renee will address how implementing an oral placement program in a therapeutic hierarchy, in conjunction with traditional verbal and tactile techniques, will improve speech clarity for clients with the diagnosis of apraxia. Each therapeutic technique can be implemented in school and/or home environments. It is recommended (not required) you attend or view “A Three-Part Treatment Plan for Oral Placement Speech Therapy” to receive the maximum benefit. Includes Apraxia Kit ($52.25 value), one workbook and one CEU packet.

# 6000205 dvd purchasE $195.95

sElf-sTudy programs

ThErapy Tools (0.1 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)

In these one-hour DVDs, Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson details the “how and why” of horn, straw and bubble therapy. Learn how horns, straws and bubbles work to improve abdominal grading, controlled oral airflow, velo-pharyngeal function, and ultimately develop speech clarity. DVD credit (1 credit hour, 0.1 ASHA/AOTA self-study CEUs)

parT onE- horns as ThErapy Tools #6000131 dvd $88.00parT Two- sTraws as ThErapy Tools #6000135 dvd $88.00parT ThrEE- bubblEs as ThErapy Tools #6000138 dvd $88.00

oral-moTor ThErapy: assEssmEnT and program plan dEvElopmEnT (1.2 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)

Renee demonstrates how to perform a comprehensive assessment for clients with oral placement, sensory, feeding and/or speech disorders. Following Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson’s hierarchical approach to assessment and treatment, this class will lead you, step-by-step, through the assessment process used with clients of varying ages and skill levels. Participants observe three complete diagnostic sessions and learn how to assess oral placement speech deficits and develop a program plan. This seminar is based on techniques presented in the DVD “A Three-Part Treatment Plan for Oral Placement Therapy.” Thorough familiarity with these concepts is highly recommended in order to receive the maximum benefit. Purchase includes Assessment and Treatment of the Jaw, one set of Jaw Grading Bite Blocks, two workbooks and two CEU packets.

# 6000155 dvd purchasE $395.00

a ThrEE-parT TrEaTmEnT plan for oral placEmEnT ThErapy (1.2 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)

Sara’s Three-Part Treatment self-study course includes current research, new jaw activities, how to organize a therapy session into four parts [sensory, feeding, Oral Placement Therapy (OPT) and putting it all together for speech practice] and much, much more! Interactive, hands-on demonstrations focus on therapeutically sound techniques to develop oral placement movements for improved speech clarity. This course is approved for 1.2 CEUs. DVD purchase includes video, Oral Placement Therapy for Speech Clarity and Feeding Textbook, two workbooks, two practicum and two CEU packets.

# 6000160 dvd purchasE $395.00 # 6000165 availablE on-dEmand $220.00

fEEding ThErapy: a sEnsory-moTor approach (1.2 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)

Lori’s Sensory-Motor Approach to Feeding class is available on DVD or video on-demand. Complex issues surrounding feeding disorders are discussed, reflecting new research and understanding of sensory processing and the impact on feeding. Prefeeding activities designed to develop the motor skills for safe, effective, nutritive feeding and therapeutic feeding techniques are targeted. The class includes two live evaluations and program plans. This DVD set is approved for 1.2 CEUs. Includes: One DVD set, two workbooks and two CEU packets. # 6000162 dvd purchasE $395.00 # 6000166 availablE on-dEmand $220.00

lori ovErland, m.s., ccc-slp

robyn mErkEl-walsh, m.a., ccc-slp

TonguE ThrusT ThErapy: an oral-moTor approach To diagnosis and TrEaTmEnT (0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)

Robyn’s SMILE Program (systematic intervention for lingual Elevation) is an effective way to help children remediate articulation errors including persistent lisps, interdentalized productions of t-d-l-n, and distortions of sh-ch-r. Robyn discovered that by combining oral placement, swallowing, and articulation therapies, progress rates improved. This course deals with children age seven and above who have the cognitive ability to follow directions and to monitor their own swallow patterns. Includes one DVD, SMILE Manual, and one CEU packet.

# 6000153 dvd purchasE $295.00

nEw: oral placEmEnT To spEEch: TransiTioning musclE mEmory inTo spEEch sound producTion (0.2 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)

This course helps therapists transition Oral Placement skills into speech sounds production, by transitioning muscle movements into word drills. Robyn outlines early developing phonemes m,b,p,w,h,k,g,t,d and n, and the pre-requisite skills needed for each sound via Oral Placement Therapy examples. Next, Robyn helps clinicians transition those cues into words through the OPT-S Kit. This short course helps therapists implement a comprehensive tactile approach to therapy by taking Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson’s “Three Part Treatment Plan” Approach into a more traditional articulation therapy plan once a client can respond to “look at me and say what I say.” Robyn also discusses evidenced based practice and how Oral Placement Therapy is an extension of Van Riper’s Phonetic Treatment Approach. A therapy session demonstration is provided for viewers to model.

# 6000173 dvd purchasE $105.00 # 6000174 availablE on-dEmand $55.00

solving ThE puzzlE of auTism using TacTilE ThErapy TEchniquEs(0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)

This new course by Robyn is available online! This course includes current methodologies and treatment techniques available for therapists working with children who present with Autism. Robyn outlines and presents the various methodologies and shows how combining approaches allows therapists to assess children who present with Autism Spectrum Disorders and implement a comprehensive tactile approach to the therapy. Robyn discusses issues such as problematic behavior, food refusal and tactile defensiveness. This course is a must if you work in this area. The course includes the workbook and required forms electronically to allow you get to work fast! DVD purchase includes video, two workbooks and two CEU packets. # 6000167 dvd purchasE $200.00 # 6000169 availablE on-dEmand $110.00

dEvEloping oral-moTor and fEEding skills in ThE down syndromE populaTion (0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs)

This six-hour seminar, featuring Lori Overland, M.S., CCC-SLP, focuses on the development of oral-motor and feedingskills in the Down syndrome population from birth to adulthood. Includes DVDs, workbook, and CEU packet. Approvedfor both ASHA and AOTA CEUs (0.6 CEUs, self-study). # 6000116 purchasE $295.00

28 2929Educational SEminarS

Customer Service 888.529.2879 2928

mEET our insTrucTors

Lori Overland, MS, CCC-SLP, C/NDT

lori ovErland, ms, ccc-slp, c/ndT specialized for over 32 years in dealing with the unique needs of infants, toddlers, pre-schoolers and school-aged children with oral placement, feeding and speech disorders. She received an award from the Connecticut Down Syndrome Association for her work within this population. In addition to her private practice, Lori is a member of the TalkTools® speakers bureau. Her classes, “Feeding Therapy: A Sensory-Motor Approach” and “Developing Oral-Motor Feeding Skills in the Down Syndrome Population” are approved for ASHA and AOTA CEUs. She holds degrees from Hofstra University and Adelphi University and has her neurodevelopmental certification.

Louisa Wong, Cy

louisa wong, cy has more than 18 years of experience specializing in working withyoung children with language learning disorders and difficulties. She has her BSc. Speech & HearingSciences degree from the University of Hong Kong, she is a member of the Hong Kong SpeechTherapists’ Association. Louisa owns Hong Kong Progess Speech Therapy Centre Co LTD, is a Level 6 TalkTools® trained therapist and a member of the TalkTools® speakers bureau.

Renee Roy Hill, MS, CCC-SLP

rEnEE roy hill, ms, ccc-slp has provided therapeutic assessments and program planning for adults and children with oral placement, feeding and motor speech deficits for over 12 years. She is the owner of Crossroads Therapy Clinic in New Braunfels, TX and a member of the TalkTools® speaker bureau. Renee has been an invited speaker for ASHA state conventions and has received specialized training in speech/oral-motor/feeding therapy, Apraxia, Sensory Processing Defecit, Hanen Courses, NDT training, TAMO therapy and PROMPT.

Monica Purdy,MA, CCC-SLP

monica purdy, ma, ccc-slp has more than 12 years of professional experience specializing in helping children with special needs to communicate. She is Clinical Director of Kids Abilities Pediatric Therapy Clinic in Indianapolis, IN and PROMPT and SOS trained, familiar with sign language, and well-versed in the use of augmentative devices. Monica is a member of the TalkTools® speaker bureau and has been invited to speak at numerous conventions and seminars across the United States and Internationally. She is a graduate of Ball State University.

Robyn Merkel-Walsh, MA, CCC-SLP

robyn mErkEl-walsh, ma, ccc-slp specialized for over 19 years in Oral Placement and myofunctional disorders in children. She is employed by the Ridgefield Board of Education, runs a private practice in Ridgefield, NJ and is a member of the TalkTools® speakers bureau. She teaches ASHA approved Autism and Tongue Thrust classes and has been invited to speak on Oral-Motor disorders by the New Milford Board of Education, The Apraxia Network, AAPPSPA and the MOSAIC Foundation. Robyn has received specialized training in Oral Placement Disorders, feeding, apraxia, Applied Behavioral Analysis, autism, cranio-facial anomalies, Beckman Techniques and PROMPT.

Whitney Pimentel, MA, CCC-SLP

whiTnEy pimEnTEl, ma, ccc-slp is a Speech-Language Pathologist that specializes in Oral Placement, Feeding & Speech Therapy for clients of all ages and ability levels. She has over 15 years of experience treating children 0-18 years old with a wide range of developmental disabilities. Whitney is a Level 5 Certified TalkTools® Therapist, PROMPT trained, and has attended numerous trainings in feeding and speech and language therapy. She has a private practice in the East Valley of Phoenix, AZ, and Park City, UT. Whitney also lectures and provides evaluations and travel clinics for TalkTools®.

Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, MS, CCC-SLP

sara rosEnfEld-Johnson, ms, ccc-slp is an internationally known speaker on the subject of Oral Placement Therapy. She specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of muscle-based disorders as related to speech clarity and feeding issues. In 1995, Sara founded TalkTools® as a speakers bureau and source for oral placement education and tools. She has held seminars throughout the United States, as well as many locations in Canada, Europe, Australia and Asia. Over the past 40 years, she has worked in public schools, hospitals, private practice and child development programs.

In addition to her clinical commitments, Ms. Rosenfeld-Johnson is the author of Oral Placement Therapy for Speech Clarity and Feeding, Assessment and Treatment of the Jaw, Oral Placement Therapy for /s/ and /z/, and other educational materials.

Jennifer Jones, PhD, CCC-SLP, BRS-S

JEnnifEr lynn JonEs, phd, ccc-slp, brs-s is a Board Recognized Specialistin Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Deaf Educationand Elementary Education from Converse College and completed her Masters in Speech Pathology(M.S.P.) and her Ph.D. in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology from the University of SouthCarolina. Dr. Jones taught Adult and Pediatric Dysphagia in the Department of CommunicationSciences and Disorders at the University of South Carolina for 6 years. She is a currently a memberof the TalkTools® speakers bureau teaching Pediatric and Adult Dysphagia classes. She also lectures at local and state conferences on the subject of Dysphagia.

Customer Service 888.529.2879

inTErEsTEd in hosTing onE of ThEsE coursEs? Email

for dETails abouT how you can bring TalkTools® Training righT To your doorsTEp!

whaT pasT aTTEndEEs arE saying abouT TalkTools workshops:

“Informative, insightful, & helpful content with knowledgeable presenters”“Great to see theory in action, providing real strategies”“Helpful for me to expand the care I provide my clients”


opT accEssoriEsworkshops2014

livE workshop schEdulE can bE found

oral phasE fEEding and spEEch for TEEns and adulTs: advancEd TEchniquEs using TacTilE ThErapy0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs

adulT dysphagia: inTErprETing ThE mbss and planning TrEaTmEnT0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs

pEdiaTric dysphagia: inTErprETing ThE mbss and planning TrEaTmEnT0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs

nEw classEs

foundaTions in fEEding and spEEch ThErapy: pracTical soluTions for challEnging diagnosEs and bEhaviors

1.2 asha/aoTa crEdiTs

a ThrEE-parT TrEaTmEnT plan for oral placEmEnT ThErapy

1.2 asha/aoTa crEdiTs

fEEding ThErapy: a sEnsory-moTor approach

1.2 asha/aoTa crEdiTs

oral placEmEnT ThErapy:

assEssmEnT and program plan dEvElopmEnT

1.2 asha/aoTa crEdiTs

oral placEmEnT ThErapy for spEEch clariTy and fEEding skill dEvElopmEnT

0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs

a sEnsory-moTor approach To apraxia of spEEch and rElaTEd moTor spEEch disordErs

0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs

solving ThE puzzlE of auTism: using TacTilE ThErapy TEchniquEs

0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs

dEvEloping oral-moTor and fEEding skills in ThE down syndromE populaTion

0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs

oral placEmEnT ThErapy: whaT a parEnT can do

0.3 asha/aoTa crEdiTs

oral placEmEnT ThErapy: clinical implicaTions for TonguE ThrusT and lisps

0.6 asha/aoTa crEdiTs


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