castro, gene edrick bastketball

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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The game basketball started with a peach basket, and eventually became an instant hit for people at that time. Dr. James Naismith discovered the game in 1891 and it led him to recognition in sports history. Dr. Luther Gullick, a P.E professor from YMCA Springfield, Massachusets, was very eager to come up with a new game with team game format similar to other ball games.

At that time Naismith was his best students in class who was eventually assigned to come up with a new brand of game which requires a number of participants. Pressured to beat the deadline, he hang two peach baskets at both ends of the court designed with a hoop and a volleyball.

The objective of the game was to shoot the ball from the hoop; the team with the most number of shot made wins the game. After the demonstration, the game was an instant hit. However, problems were encountered on how to improve the game.

Facilities and Equipments

Ring & Backboard



Sando or Jersey and Shorts




Is defined as the continuous tapping of the ball with your hands or palm towards the floor with full control and follow-through.

High Bounce

The high dribble is used when you are trying to move the ball up the court very quickly.

Change of Pace

A change of pace dribble is used to cause your defender to lose his balance as you move the ball forward with a high dribble.


If your defender is making a strong attempt to prevent you from going right or left, using a crossover dribble can be effective.

Between the Legs

Take a deep step forward with your left foot and flick the ball through your legs to your left hand. Keep your body low as you move forward to your left.

Behind the Back

Place your hand on the side of the ball. Step forward with your left foot while simultaneously wrapping the ball behind your back, across the back of your thighs, and flick the ball toward your left hand.



Is defined as throwing of the ball towards the team-mate using different types of pass in a correct stance and position

Types of PassChest

Pass-Is a pass executed with hands holding the ball at chest level; firm and tight grasp on the ball; feet apart, shoulder width and slightly bent knees.

Bounce Pass

-Is a pass executed with hands holding the ball at waist level; firm and tight grasp on the ball; ball is facing downward on the floor feet apart, shoulder width and slightly bent knees.

Over head Pass

-Is a pass executed with two hands holding the ball on the top of the head; firm and tight grasp on the ball; ball is facing upward; feet together, shoulder width and slightly bent knees.

Baseball Pass

-Is a pass executed with one hand holding the ball on the top of the head either left or right side; firm and tight grasp on the ball; ball is facing upward; feet together, shoulder width and slightly bent knees.



- Is defined as the act of throwing or putting the ball inside the goal or the rim. It is also known as converting the shots, or sports announcers call it putting garbage into gold.

Jump Shot

The jump shot is a staple of basketball. You take a jump shot by resting the ball on the fingertips of your shooting-side hand,

Lay - Up

The lay-up is an effective way to shoot the ball when you're close to the hoop. Players shoot most lay-ups with one hand, bouncing the ball off the the square painted on the backboard and into the basket.

Hook Shot

Taller players use the hook shot to take advantage of their height. Though somewhat of a lost art form, the hook shot remains a dangerous weapon when done with quick movement and accurate aim.

Dunk Shot

Many basketball fans consider the dunk to be the most exciting play in basketball. To dunk the ball, you leap high into the air and slam the ball directly into the goal.


The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.

The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands, but never with the fist.

A player cannot run with the ball. The player must dribble the ball.

No shouldering, holding, pushing, striking or tripping in any way of an opponent.

The side making the most goals in that time shall be declared the winner.  

The End

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