case study research by maureann o keefe

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Qualitative research denies positivist claim that there is one objective truth to be uncovered through process of research (Cohen et al)

Meaning is found through engaging with realities in our world (Crotty)

Case studies used in large number of social science research theses/dissertations


Because you want to investigate a certain phenomena (learning situation, technology for learning) with a certain group of people/person

The case = the people/person

Allows for explorationTakes a holistic view of a situationAccessibility/convenience (situations

where sampling can be difficult)Flexible

Watch can be huge/unwieldy......

Case study is among 5 approaches to qualitative enquiry (Creswell)

Seminal researchers: YIN, STAKECohen et al also present case study

Yin more structured approach to research than Stake

Stake interpretative, brings his own outlook *Slightly different approaches among Yin/Stake to structuring of

case, but all have similarities , find which model fits your research

Case is within bounded environment Multiple forms data collection Validity checking

Single organisation - school: what is happening with a particular tool/strategy

A particular community - rural village ongoing issue/dispute

On a particular group ......... Issue to a group An individual - career criminal - examination

designed to understand motivations of a career criminal

A decision – merging to 2 schools, why was decision taken, how was it implemented , what was outcome

An event – an election campaign

(Henn et al)

“A case study is an empirical study that investigates a contemporary phenomenon in depth and with its real-life context” (Yin, 2009, p18)

Case is a bounded system, i.e. learning situation/group = case (Stake)

Cases are units of investigation ..individuals..communities..groups (Henn et al)

(A case can be a group of students, a group of teachers, 1 teacher, 1 student)

Develop holistic and meaningful characteristics of real life event

Investigate: Small group behaviour Managerial cycles Neighbourhood change School performance

(Yin 2009)

Stake does not see the case study as a method, but suggests that mixed methods inform the case

Case is not the method, It is the object of study (Stake, 1995) (ie the group or the individual)

Read case study examplesWhat is the case?What is the research question? Single or multiple case? How was data collected? ...........................................

No minimum size for case study (can be 1 person to lots of people!)

Sometimes research is small Much of action research is case


(Henn et al: research can be small)

Case study is not sampling, can’t understand other cases from it

Often only weak generalisations made (however sometimes generalisations inevitable)

Lack of rigour can be problematic Sometimes too long, massive

unreadable documents!

Qualitative - emphasis on interpretation

All researchers are influenced by their experience (Stake)

For assertions we draw on understandings deep within us

Good case study is reflective , patient, willing to see other views...triangulation

Research comes from looking for a problem Identify a case study Identify an issue in the case study

How can we better understand the case – this needs to overarching approach for the case

What is your suggested case?

(sometimes it is easier to define what your case is not!)

Case – Issue –Data – Analysis – Assertion This could lead to thinking that data

could solve an issue, not really Assertion really initiates further


Rigorous methodological approach Thorough literature review Posing research questions Explicit procedures of doing research Acknowledge strengths/ limitations

of case study research (Yin)

6 common sources evidence Documents, archival records, interviews,

direct observation, participant observation, physical artefacts, video...

Need to master different data collection procedures (Yin)

Main methods Observation Interview Document review

Survey Focus groups (Stake not a fan!

Prefers interviews)

1. Use multiple sources of evidence Triangulation

2. Create a case study database Keep your data organised

3. Maintain chain of evidence Clear line of discovery, time line,

transparent processes to outside reader of case study

(Yin 2009)

What kind of validity are you aiming for?

How can you say something is valid? Case study – no right or wrong

(Cohen et al)Confirmed by multiple

sources/participant evidence Evidence is: trustworthy, credible,


How is your interpretation valid? Researchers role is to interpret

events Interpretation is subjective

In methodology acknowledge that a limitation of case study research is that it is Interpretative and subject to researcher

How do you analyse data generated? What does data tell you? Stake, Yin: strategies Read your data Perform categorical aggregation

(Stake) Find instances of themes, subthemes,

major themes Perform constant comparison

Reading your data and trying to find contradictory evidence

Member-checking, Keeps validity Redundancy, question is asked in

various ways Effort to assure that right information

and interpretation obtained Does phenomenon remain the same

at other times? (Case study can be informed from

quantitative or qualitative data alone)

Cases using multiple sources of evidence rated more highly (Yin)

Validity Researcher gains more skills in data

collection techniques

Takes more time (more expense) Greater expertise in data collection

techniques, more work needed

How will you perform triangulation?

Weak generalisations made (however sometimes generalisations inevitable)

Petite generalisations (Stake)

Stake: ‘ethical side of case studies is mainly a privacy business’

Don’t invite over exposure- (falling cup of coffee story!)

Anonymity of participants

Are there other ethical issues?

‘The Quintain’ – issue common across all multiple case studies

Multiple case studies don't have to be comparative

[Stake - example of education (pre-school) case studies across Europe]

Sometimes intent of multiple case study is to seek generalisability – however generalisability is weak with any case study

May/may not be in final reportOnce off unusual event (unplanned

data that occurs from a particular event) Telephone interview... General chat

Stake recommends vignettes A brief description/story Episode to illustrate an aspect of the

case Gives audience a story that they

recognise Dialogic, experiential We should not have too much of

contrast between case study and vignette

Know your audience – who are your audience?

What will audience look for?Multiple types of audience need

multiple types written report (Yin)1st write-up MSc2nd write-up more journal focussed

Design for audience – readers of your proposed journal

MSc – important to know style/formatting of your chosen journal

Word limit, referencing styles, Structure – abstract, introduction, methodology, findings from data, conclusions, further work....

ALT-J (Research in Learning Technology) style:

You cannot begin writing early enough

After literature review Draft the bibliography/references Draft the methodology (how data will be


Writing means rewriting! (Yin)

The case study must Be significant Be complete Consider alternative perspectives Display sufficient evidence Be composed in engaging manner

Cohen, Manion, Morrison (2007) Research methods in education London; New York: Routledge.

Creswell, J.W. (2007) Qualitative inquiry and research design : choosing among five approaches. Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2007.

Crotty, M (1998) The foundations of social research : meaning and perspective in the research process London: SAGE.

Henn, M; Foard, N; Weinstein, M (2010) A Critical Introduction to Social Research 2nd Ed SAGE Publications Ltd.

Stake, R.E. (1995) The art of case study research, Thousand Oaks, Calif.; London: Sage.

Yin, R.K. (2009) Case study research : design and methods, Thousand Oaks, Calif. Sage Publications.

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