case study for business environment-unit 01

Post on 05-Nov-2015






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Case Study


  • Sustainable developmentThe latter part of the twentieth century saw an increasing concern for the environment.

    The concept of sustainable development (asdefined by the World Commission on

    Environment and Development in 1987) is:development that meets the needs of the

    present generation without compromisingthe ability of future generations to

    meet their own needs.

    There are many views aboutthe nature of sustainability. Inits simplest form it is aboutensuring a better quality oflife for everyone, now andfor future generations. Toachieve this, sustainabledevelopment is concernedwith achieving economicgrowth alongside the pro-tection of the environmentand also at the same timemaking sure that theseeconomic and environmen-

    tal benefits are available toeveryone. These three aspects

    - economic, environmentaland social form the basis of

    the sustainabledevelopment


    Rio and afterBy the early 1990s there was consider-able pressure for governments to createagreements concerning the environ-ment and its protection.

    In 1992 the United Nations Conferenceon Environmental and Development(UNCED) was held in Rio de Janeiro.The main outcome of the conferencewas Agenda 21, which marked animportant landmark in the sustainabledevelopment fight, and inter countryco-operation.

    Agenda 21 was the main documentsigned at the conference. It was over 800pages long, and represented a newglobal commitment to sustainable devel-opment. It was not a legally binding document, but was devised as a workingplan which countries would follow.The conference marked the start ofglobal co-operation, which was neededto deal with the many issues, includingconcern for the environment.

    The sustainable business

    The concept and support for, sustainabledevelopment is growing. Many businesseshave integrated a strategy of sustainability(taking into account its 3 main aspects -economic, environment, social). It makesgood business sense for companies to beenvironmentally friendly as improved

    efficiency in manufacturing in turn leadsto a more efficient use of naturalresources. Operating efficiently translatesto competitive advantage for business andsupports the economic pillar of sustain-ability as well. Therefore, all aspects ofsustainability are seen as complementary,and mutually interdependent.Agenda 21 states that responsible businesses should play a major role inimproving the efficiency of resourceuse. This can result in minimisingwaste and protecting human health andenvironmental quality.

    For a business to be environmentallysustainable, the company must start bybecoming environmentally aware fromthe inside. The whole ethics and cul-ture of the organisation must reflectthose of sustainable development. Thisincludes what the company does, howit treats its workers, how it deals withother organisations, how the managersact and what messages these actionssend out. Sustainable Development isan integrated approach including eco-nomic, environmental and socialaspects. Therefore all three are to beput at complementary levels of priorityeach considering effects of the othercomponents.

    Agenda 21 lays out a seven point plan forbusinesses to start changing values andperceptions. It states that they should:

    develop policies that support operations and products that havelower environmental impacts

    ensure responsible and ethicalmanagement of products andprocesses from the point of view ofhealth, safety and the environment

    make environmentally sound technologies available to affiliatesin developing countries withoutprohibitive charges

    encourage overseas affiliates tomodify procedures in order to reflectlocal ecological conditions and shareinformation with Governments

    create partnerships to help people in smaller companies learn business skills

    establish national councils for sustainable development, both inthe formal business communityand in the informal sector, whichincludes small scale businesses

    increase research and development of environmentally sound technologies and environmentalmanagement systems.

    Nestl as a sustainable business

    As the worlds largest food company,Nestl S.A. is dedicated to providingconsumers with the best food through-out their lives. The primary role of theCompany is the transformation of nat-ural resources into finished productsthat meet consumers expectations forsafety, quality, convenience and value.

    Naturally, Nestl is committed to sus-tainable development and environmentallysound business practices. The key driversfor Nestls worldwide environmentalapproach are:

    total compliance with all laws and regulations in all countrieswhere it operates

    that Nestl seeks to provide aleadership role - to establish thebenchmark for good business practice

    by committing resources, bothhuman and financial, to secureenvironmental targets, including:

    employing new technologies andprocesses

    measuring the costs and benefits to the business of its activities

    ensuring employees are aware ofbest practice.

    To be effective a programme of environmental improvement must besupported by practical managementsystems.

    Nestls worldwide approach, therefore,has been to:

    set targets for environmentalimprovements

    monitor progress

    audit results

    review targets.

    Doing Better by the Environment


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    THE TIMES 100 Edition 6

    INTRODUCTIONThe environment is a key subject that affects us all.

    Protection of the environment and the move towardssustainable development remains a responsibility

    that must be shared between the public, govern-ments and the private sector.

    This case study examines the background tosustainable development, the environment

    and its protection. It also looks at howNestl S.A., the worlds leading food

    company, developed a policy and currentbusiness practices that reduce thecompanys effect on the environment.

    Following years of work on environmentalissues dating back to the 30s, in 1996 theNestl Environmental ManagementSystem (NEMS) was introduced whichconsolidates all environmentalmeasures taken by the NestlGroup. NEMS is now used to

    ensure continuous improvementin Nestls environmental

    performance coveringall its business


  • Progress to date - Anexample from Nestl UKIn the UK a series of surveys at allNestl UK locations formed the basisfor a programme of continuousimprovement. Action plans weredeveloped for each Nestl UK site,including capital expenditure plans forenvironmental protection.

    Nestls EnvironmentalManagement System

    (NEMS)NEMS is an organisational tool at theheart of Nestle's programme for theenvironment, and sets the frameworkfor all measures applied.

    The NEMS objectives include:To provide a systematic approachthat ensures compliance with Nestlsenvironmental policy, relevant lawsand Nestls operational standards.To ensure the continuous improve-ment of Nestls environmentalperformance, e.g. through the conservation of natural resourcesand the minimisation of waste.To achieve compatibility with inter-national voluntary standards onenvironmental management systems.

    To build mutual trust with consumers, governmental authorities and business partners.

    NEMS is being implemented through-out Nestl S.A.s entire operation.

    Ways in which Nestl is doing betterby the environment

    Nestl UKs commitment to sustain-able business practice is illustrated by

    two business examples of areas whereimprovements are being made:

    PackagingPackaging is essential to maintain thehigh quality of the products. Nestlcontinuously reviews packaging and,where possible, reduces the amountused. This results in saving on materi-als such as glass and plastics. Nestl isalso playing its part in meeting nation-al targets for the recovery and recyclingof packaging waste.

    Nestl has established a set of criteriafor evaluating packaging. These are:

    Is the packaging appropriate for the product?

    Is the size of pack justified?Are there any unnecessary components within the pack?

    Could any of the components be reduced in weight or thickness?

    Could the manufacture and construction of the outer packaging be made simpler?

    Is the material re-usable or recyclable?

    Between 1991 and 2000 Nestl UK hasbeen able to reduce its consumption ofmaterials by up to 10%.

    Major achievements in this area included:

    Removal of the inner plastic sleevefrom Kit Kat Bumper packs saving160 tonnes of plastic per year.

    A reduction in the thickness of200g Nescaf jars saving 1041tonnes of glass per year.

    A reduction in thickness of basematerial for chilled dessert pots

    saving 150 tonnes of plastic over a two year period.

    Energy management

    As an integrated part of its environ-mental policy, Nestl UK is committedto responsible energy management andseeks to use energy as efficiently aspossible. This is done to:

    improve cost-effectiveness, produc-tivity and working conditions

    prolong the useful life of fossil fuels

    avoid unnecessary expenditure

    prevent related emissions to theenvironment.

    This involves seeking to buy fuels attheir most economic cost and then touse them as efficiently as possible. Italso means a reduction in pollution,and less dependence on non-renewableresources. In the short-term thisinvolves gaining better control overenergy consumption. Different opera-tions are measured to determine energyusage. Nestl is investing in energysaving measures as well as staff that areproperly informed.

    Carbon dioxide is the most significantof the greenhouse gases believed to beresponsible for the effects of GlobalWarming. The Kyoto Conference onClimate Change (1999) has meant thatthe UK and many other Governmentshave entered into a legally bindingagreement to reduce greenhouse gases.In addition, the Government has set aunilateral target of 20% reduction ofcarbon dioxide by 2010 from 1990levels.

    This is a summary of the steps taken byNestl UK since 1994 to reduce green-house gas emissions:

    the replacement of a coal-firedsteam raising plant with a gas-firedcombined heat and power plant at York, saving 45,000 tonnes ofCO2 per year

    similar changes at Dalston - saving 24,000 tonnes

    Ashbourne - saving 9,000 tonnes

    Fawdon - saving 12,500 tonnes.

    All figures shown relate to savingsmade per year.

    As a company which producesfrozen, chilled and otherperishable foods, refrig-eration is essential tomany parts ofNestls productionand distribution sys-tems. Nestl is pro-gressively cuttingrefrigerants tha ta re potentiallyharmful to the envi-ronment. In the late1980s a survey indi-cated that up to 10%of refrigerants used bythe company in the UKwere CFCs. The decisionwas made to phase out CFCsin all but small, hermeticallysealed systems and today this pro-gramme is complete.

    Nestl Policy and the EnvironmentProtection Act all forbid the deliberatedischarge of refrigerants into theatmosphere. Where refrigerant has tobe removed from a system and cannotbe immediately reused, it is recoveredand sent for recycling or disposal bysuitably qualified companies.

    Audit: Listing and measuring results,in order to check on performance.

    Continuous improvement: Based on the Japanese notion of Kaizen ofcontinually seeking small incrementalsteps to improve products, processesand ways of working.

    Culture: The typical pattern or wayof doing things in an organisation.

    Drivers: The underlying forces thatprompt and lead change.

    Environment Protection Act: UKlegislation creating series of require-ments on business to operate in sustainable ways.

    Ethics: Sets of moral principles/beliefs.

    Practical management systems:Systems which are designed to putmanagement decisions into action.

    Strategic commitment: Organisationwide commitment involving all theparts of organisational policy andpractice.

    Sustainable development:Development in living standards and improvements in the quality of life of people as a whole (ratherthan just for specific individuals) over a period of time.

    THE TIMES 100 Edition 6 The Times Newspaper Limited and MBA Publishing Ltd 2000. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of information, neither the publisher nor the clients can be held responsible for errors of omission or commission.

    3 Give one other example ofhow Nestl has developedbusiness practice in linewith Agenda 21s sevenpoint plan for business.

    4 Why is it important fororganisations like Nestlto show leadership indeveloping sustainablebusiness practice?

    5 What further stepscould Nestl take in contributing to sustainability?

    2 Why are InternationalTreaties like Rio andKyoto important inencouraging sustainablebusiness practice?

    1 How can the removal ofthe inner plastic sleevefrom Kit Kat Bumperpacks be seen as a movetowards sustainability?


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    ConclusionWorld governments are increasinglyrealising their responsibility to developand implement shared solutions toglobal environmental issues. At thesame time responsible businesses likeNestl S.A. are taking on a leadershiprole. This should drive forward changesin policy and practice which will helpus all to enjoy a sustainable future.

    Removal of inner plastic sleeves from Kit-Katbumper packs saves 160 tonnes of plastic per annum.

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