case study based questions 10th maths probability

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Case study based questions10th Maths

ProbabilityPassage - 1 5 Marks

Ross went to a magic show with his parents. The magician wanted to show a trick of cards, he called Ross and showed him that the deck is divided into 4 suits of 13 cards each, clubs and spades are of black colour, while hearts and diamonds are of red colour. He then asked Ross to pick a card for him. On the baisi of above information, answer the following questions.

Q 1. What is the probability that Ross draws a red card?

21x 2x 23x 24x

Q . What is the probability that the card Ross draws is not black?

21x 2x

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23x 24x

Q 3. What is the probability that Ross draws a red hearts card?

21x 2x 23x 24x

Q 4. What is the probability that Ross draws a black spades card?

21x 2x 23x 24x

Q 5. What is the probability that the card drawn is neither hearts nor clubs?

21x 2x 23x 24x

Passage - 2 6 Marks

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Monica, a class 10 student was studying the concept of probability. She was trying to ejplain the deck of cards to her li9le brother, she told him, it consists of 5 cards which are divided into 4 suits of 13 cards each spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs. Clubs and spades are of black colour, while hearts and diamonds are of red colour. The cards in each suit are ace, king, queen, 8ack, 10, 7, 6, K, , 5, 4, 3 and . Jings, queens and 8acks are called face cards. She then asks her brother to randomly draw a card from a well shuNed deck of cards. On the basis of above information, answer the following questions.

Q 1. What is the probability that the card drawn is a face card?

21x 2x 23x 24x

Q . What is the probability that the card drawn is not a face card?

21x 2x 23x 24x

Q 3. What is the probability that the card drawn is an ace?

21x 2x 23x 24x

Q 4. What is the probability that the card drawn is not an ace?

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21x 2x 23x 24x

Q 5. What is the probability that the card drawn is a red face card?

21x 2x 23x 24x

Q . What is the probability that the card drawn is a black face card?

21x 2x 23x 24x

Passage - 3 6 Marks

=anice, a class 10 student was studying the concept of probability. She saw her father playing cards one day and asked him to ejplain it to her. He told her, it consists of 5 cards which are divided into 4 suits of 13 cards each spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs. Clubs and spades are of black colour, while hearts and diamonds are of red colour. The cards in each suit are ace, king, queen,

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8ack, 10, 7, 6, K, , 5, 4, 3 and . Jings, queens and 8acks are called face cards. She then randomly draws a card from a well shuNed deck of cards. On the basis of above information, answer the following questions.

Q 1. What is the probability that the card drawn is a red king?

21x 2x 23x 24x Uone of these

Q . What is the probability that the card drawn is a black 8ack?

21x 2x 23x 24x Uone of these

Q 3. What is the probability that the card drawn is a queen?

21x 2x 23x 24x Uone of these

Q 4. What is the probability that the card drawn is a red ace?

21x 2x 23x 24x Uone of these

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Q 5. What is the probability that the card drawn is a black ace?

21x 2x 23x 24x Uone of these

Q . What is the probability that the card drawn is either a 8ack or an ace?

21x 2x 23x 24x Uone of these

Passage - 4 5 Marks

Two playets, Phoebe and Rachel, play a badminton match. The coach told on the basis of previous observations that the winning probability of Phoebe is 0.K. The probability of Rachel winning the match is not known.

Q 1. What is the probability of Rachel winning the match?

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21x 0.K 2x 0.33 23x 1 24x 0

Q . Sum of all probabilities is equal to ............

21x 0.K 2x 0.33 23x 1 24x 0

Q 3. Probability of an events lies between ....... and ........ .

21x 0 and 1 2x 1 and 23x 3 and 4 24x Uone of these

Q 4. Probability of an event A


Q 5. How to calculate the probability of compliment of an event?

21x 1 - Probability of the event 2x 1 + Probability of the event 23x + Probability of the event 24x -1 + Probability of the event

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Passage - 5 4 Marks

There are 0 students in Class of a school of whom 45 are girls and 15 are boys. The class teacher has to select one student as a monitor. She writes the name of each student on a separate card, the cards being identical. Then she puts cards in a bag and stirs them thoroughly. She then draws one card from the bag.

Q 1. What is the probability that the name wri9en on the card is the name of a girl?

21x 2x 23x 0 24x Uone of these

Q . What is the probability that the name wri9en on the card is the name of a boy?

21x 2x 23x 0 24x Uone of these

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Q 3. What is the probability that the name wri9en on the card is not the name of a girl?

21x 2x 23x 1 24x Uone of these

Q 4. What is the probability that the name wri9en on the card is not the name of a boy?

21x 2x 23x 1 24x Uone of these

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