case report disseminated bcg: complications of...

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Case ReportDisseminated BCG: Complications of Intravesical BladderCancer Treatment

Uyen To, Joyce Kim, and David Chia

Yale School of Medicine, 333 Cedar Street, New Haven, CT 06510, USA

Correspondence should be addressed to Uyen To;

Received 27 March 2014; Accepted 4 June 2014; Published 12 June 2014

Academic Editor: Maxwell V. Meng

Copyright © 2014 Uyen To et al.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, whichpermits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) has been established as an effective treatment of superficial bladder cancer (Parker andKommu, 2013). However, major side effects, including pneumonitis, sepsis, and even death, may occur in<5% of patients (Gonzalezet al., 2003). Here we present a case of severe disseminated Mycobacterium bovis following intravesical BCG administration. Ourpatient is a 76-year-old gentlemanwith newly diagnosed superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder who recently receivedhis first intravesical BCG treatment. He initially presented with hemoptysis and was found to have extensive patchy infiltratesbilaterally. He was treated for pneumonia with antibiotics and then with steroids for hypersensitivity pneumonitis but continued todeteriorate. Due to the temporal proximity of his exposure to BCG, we administered treatment for presumed disseminated BCGinfection with rifampin, isoniazid, and ethambutol. Within a 48-hour period, the patient improved dramatically. The reportedcases of infection from intravesical BCG illustrate an insidious onset with initial symptoms of low-grade fevers and cystitis butmay progress to pneumonitis. If the symptoms persist for more than 7 days or if there is clinical deterioration, RIPE therapy (withrifampin, isoniazid, pyridoxine, and ethambutol) and a fluoroquinolone should be administered for a 6–9-month course along withsteroids for 4–6 weeks (Naudziunas et al., 2012).

1. Introduction

Intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) has been estab-lished as an effective alternative to standard chemother-apeutic regimens for the treatment of superficial bladdercancer [1]. BCG is a live-attenuated strain of Mycobacteriumbovis, which induces a cell-mediated immune response,triggering an attack againstmalignant cells [2].This approachis effective, with 60–70% of patients achieving remission.However, approximately 30–80% of patients can experiencerecurrence within 5–10 years after treatment [3, 4]. Overall,the treatment is well tolerated. When side effects do occur,they are generally mild, including fever, nausea, hematuria,and dysuria. However, in <5% of patients, intravesical BCGadministration can result in severe complications, includingpneumonitis, hepatitis, sepsis, and even death [3]. Here wepresent a case of severe disseminated Mycobacterium bovisfollowing intravesical BCG administration and discuss theclinical risk factors and relevant treatment options for thisrare adverse event.

2. Case History

Our patient is a 76-year-old gentleman with a past historysignificant for remote lung cancer status after left posteriorlower lobectomy, prostate cancer status after prostatectomy,atrial fibrillation on anticoagulation and tachy-brady syn-drome status after pacemaker placement, stroke with residualweakness, and newly diagnosed superficial transitional cellcarcinoma of the bladder who recently received his firstintravesical BCG treatment. He initially presented to ourhospital with a complaint of hemoptysis.The patient reportedthat over the last two days he developed a productive coughwith yellow sputum. On the day of admission, he noticedstreaks of blood within the mucus itself, prompting hispresentation to the emergency department.

On review of systems, he denied any fevers, chills, weightloss, night sweats, substernal chest pain, shortness of breath,nausea, vomiting, dysuria, hematuria, recent urinary tractinfection, urinary catheterization, hematochezia, melena,recent travel, or sick contacts. His medications were notable

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for warfarin and amiodarone for atrial fibrillation. His socialhistory was notable for a 30-pack-year smoking history andexposure to asbestos during his previous employment as aconstruction worker.

In the emergency department, his initial vital signsincluded a temperature of 97.8, heart rate of 77, blood pressureof 145/69, and oxygen saturation of 92% on 5 liters of oxygenvia nasal cannula. On physical exam, he was a well-appearingman in no acute distress. He had no lymphadenopathy. Hisheart exam was only notable for an irregularly irregularrhythm. His lung exam was significant for right lower lungrales, but no wheezing or rhonchi. His abdomen was benign,skin was absent of any lesions, and extremities were notablefor clubbing. Initial laboratory testingwas unremarkable witha normal complete blood count (WBC 8.3) and normal com-prehensive metabolic panel. A chest X-ray showed extensiveinfiltrates throughout both lungs. Given his hemoptysis andhypoxia, a CT scan of the chest was obtained to evaluatepulmonary embolism, which revealed extensive patchy infil-trates throughout the right lung and left lower lung base,without evidence of pulmonary embolism. Blood, urine, andsputum cultureswere obtained and hewas empirically treatedwith vancomycin and ampicillin/sulbactam.

Within 48 hours of hospitalization, his hypoxia pro-gressed to the point of requiring 100% oxygen via non-rebreather. He subsequently completed a seven-day courseof ceftriaxone and doxycycline for presumed communityacquired pneumonia with no improvement of his symptoms.Given his clinical deterioration, despite appropriate antibiotictreatment, his warfarin was held due to concern for possiblediffuse alveolar hemorrhage, amiodarone was discontinuedfor concern of amiodarone induced pulmonary toxicity, andhigh dose IV steroids were initiated for possible hypersen-sitivity pneumonitis. Additional fungal and AFB cultureswere also obtained. All cultures returned negative, exceptfor sputum and urine AFB cultures. These were positive forMycobacterium avium intracellulare, which were determinedby the infectious disease service to be contaminants.

He remained oxygen dependent on a nonrebreatherdespite high dose steroids. Given no perceived benefit of thistreatment, the steroids were gradually tapered off, withoutanyworsening of his clinical condition. In order to ascertain adefinitive diagnosis and to evaluate the possibility of dissem-inated BCG infection, a video-assisted thoracoscopic lungbiopsy was performed. Pathologic exam revealed chroniclung fibrosis with evidence of ossification. These findingsdid not explain his acute hypoxic respiratory failure. Due tothe temporal proximity of his exposure to BCG and failureof all other therapies, we initiated empiric treatment fordisseminated BCGwith rifampin, isoniazid, and ethambutol.Within a 48-hour period, the patient’s oxygenation improveddramatically. Subsequently, he was discharged home on2 liters/min of oxygen to complete a 9-month course oftreatment.

3. Discussion

Since the first study published by Morales et al., BCG intrav-esical installation has emerged as an effective treatment for

nonmuscle invasive bladder carcinoma [3].Though generallywell tolerated, our case illustrates that devastating side effectsmay occur.

The pathophysiology of disseminated BCG in this settingis still unclear [2]. In an intact immune system, macrophagesin the bladder take up the mycobacterial antigen and presentit to T helper cells, which then triggers a cascade of inter-actions between MHC I, lymphocyte function antigen I, IL-1, IL-2, CD-28, and CD-80. This leads to a hypersensitivityreaction within the mucosal surface of the bladder thatgives BCG its antitumor effect [2, 5]. Theoretically, thosewho lack cellular immunity cannot mount this response,thereby allowing Mycobacterium bovis to disseminate [5].Alternatively in immunocompetent hosts, dissemination ofthe pathogen likely occurs secondary to trauma or inflamma-tion permitting the organism to enter the bloodstream [5].

In order to prevent complications of intravesical BCG,patients who are pregnant or immunosuppressed should notreceive the treatment [6]. Since BCG is a live-attenuatedstrain of Mycobacterium bovis, intravesical treatment andvaccinations should both be avoided in this population [2].Of note, pediatric cases of disseminated infection have beenreported after administration of the BCGvaccination in thosewith congenital immunodeficiencies [7].

In addition, patients with active systemic or urinarytract infections, gross hematuria, recent bladder biopsy,transurethral resection of prostate (TURP), or traumaticcatheterization should have their instillation deferred until asafer time [6].

Infection from intravesical BCG generally follows aninsidious course, with presenting symptoms occurringbetween one week and several months after exposure [6].Initially, these symptoms may include low-grade fevers,chills, malaise, weight loss, arthralgias, nausea, vomiting,pneumonitis, hepatitis, and lower urinary tract symptoms.Later complications may include localized disease in thegenitourinary tract (including testicular mass or prostatitis),osteomyelitis,mycotic aortic aneurysm, and cytopenias [8, 9].Aftermultiple installations of intravesicular BCG, granulomaformation may also occur [6]. Unfortunately, differentiatingdisseminated infection from hypersensitivity reactions canbe difficult, given significant overlap in symptomology [5].Rarely have fulminant cases occurring within 12 hours ofinstillation been reported. These are often associated withhigh fevers (>39∘C) suggestive of a rapidly progressing infec-tion and portend dismal outcomes with a 50% mortality [6].

A review of our patient’s case revealed no specific riskfactors that would predispose him to disseminated BCG,including immunosuppression, recent urinary tract infec-tion, or hematuria. However, his presentation exemplifiedthe difficulty of diagnosing disseminated BCG, including theinsidious nature of the disease and the nonspecific symptomsof chills, malaise, and low-grade fevers. This presentationdemonstrates the critical importance of maintaining a highlevel of suspicion for disseminated BCG, as early diagnosisand treatment are imperative for preventing morbidity andmortality.

In terms of management, patients undergoing BCGinstallation who develop low-grade fevers and symptoms of

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cystitis should be hospitalized and closely monitored [5].If symptoms are mild, treatment with antibiotics to coverGram-negative organisms can be administered while thepatient is observed [2, 5]. If symptoms are more severe,empiric isoniazid may be initiated. If symptoms persist formore than 7 days, or if there is evidence of clinical deteri-oration, RIPE therapy (rifampin, isoniazid, pyridoxine, andethambutol) and a fluoroquinolone should be administeredfor a 6–9-month course with steroids for 4–6 weeks in orderto definitively treat disseminated BCG infection [5].

Currently, there is no reliable laboratory test availableto confirm the diagnosis of disseminated BCG infection.Although the yield is low, blood and urine AFB culturesshould be obtained [2]. Tissue biopsy and culture shouldbe performed to evaluate noncaseating granuloma formationand presence ofMycobacterium bovis, respectively [2]. How-ever, tissue cultures also have low yield, with prior studiesdemonstrating positive results in only 30% of cases [2]. Asa result, a high clinical suspicion is critical in order to preventdelays in treatment initiation [6].

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interestsregarding the publication of this paper.


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