#carodiario - studiomarangoni.it · annessi cutanei ghiandola sebacea epidermide strato cameo bulbo...

Post on 23-Feb-2019






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Skin has always been one of the weak points of my body.For many months I suffered from a persistent and annoying itch that forced me to several medical visits. They call generically hives. I went from some doctors in hospitals and medical offices, and I underwent several medical tests, still without success, without a healing epilogue. In this work, born from the strong need to exorcise my frustration, I’m trying to leave a trace of the memory of those days, as on a diary, telling the places I’m visiting in my inner wandering, my life in these days, attempting to preserve the mark of what I’m feeling.This is an on going project, and it will be concluded on the day that I will be healed.

Beatrice Bruni#carodiario 2016

1 Usate garze imbevute d’acqua fresca. Se coprite la zona colpita con bende e garze riuscirete a lenire il dolore e a evitare di grattarvi.

2 Fate il bagno nell’acqua fresca. Per alleviare il prurito aggiungete all’acqua del bagno del bicarbonato di sodio, della farina d’avena o dell’avena colloidale, una farina d’avena macinata molto fine, fatta apposta per essere diluita nella vasca da bagno (Aveeno ed altri prodotti).

3 Indossate abiti di cotone, larghi e lisci. Evitate i vestiti ruvidi, stretti, che punzecchiano la pelle o sono fatti di lana. In questo modo riuscirete a diminuire o a non avvertire l’irritazione.

Beatrice Bruni 2016


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