carn, corp clipart mnemonics cara

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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For Mr. Leslie's classss.


Carn, Corp Clipart Mnemonics

By: Cara Blevins

Carn, Corp - Body

Carnival – an organized program of entertainment or exhibition

These pictures represent carnival because these are carnivals, and they are organized programs of entertainment.

Carnelian – a red or reddish variety of chalcedony, used in jewelry

These pictures represent carnelian because that’s the type of red stone that’s used in the jewel.

Carnage – the slaughter of a great number of people, as in battle; butchery; massacre.

These pictures represent carnage because they are pictures of wars, and when you are in a war a lot of people die.

Carnation – pink; light red.

These pictures represent carnation because the flower is a pink or a light reddish color, which is carnation.

Carnivore – an animal that eats flesh

These pictures represents carnivore because all these animals eat flesh and meat.

Corpse – a dead body, usually of a human being

This picture represents corpse because there‘s a dead person. I was uncomfortable putting a real corpse. So, I just put a cartoon person.

Corporal – of the human body; bodily; physical

This picture represents corporal because it is a body, and the definition is body.

Corpulent – large or bulky of body; portly; stout; fat

These pictures represent corpulent because all the cats are fat, and corpulent means fat.

Corpuscle – an unattached cell, esp. of a kind that floats freely, as a blood or lymph cell

This picture represents corpuscle because this is an actual corpuscle cell.

Corsage – a small bouquet worn at the waist, on the shoulder, on the wrist, etc., by a woman

These pictures represent corsage because these are the corsages that they are talking about, these are small bouquets you wear on your wrists.

Corset – a close-fitting undergarment, stiffened with whalebone or similar material and often

capable of being tightened by lacing, enclosing the trunk

This picture represents corset because this is a close-fitting undergarment and it is stiffened by whalebone

Esprit de Corps – a sense of unity and of common interests and responsibilities, of a group of persons

associated by task, cause, enterprise, etc.

These pictures represent esprit de corps because teachers all have the same common interest, which is to learn.

Incorporate – to form into a legal corporation

This picture represents incorporate because lawyer type people form legal corporations.

Reincarnation – rebirth of the soul in a new body

This picture represents reincarnation because this reminds me of Antony’s grandma turned into cat because of its reincarnation.

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