careers education education...

Post on 26-Jun-2020






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Press Release

Borough’s young people get a taste of working life

Students from Eastbury Community School recently

ventured out into the working world as they took on

a two-week work experience placement.

Nearly 300 Year 10 pupils took part in the work

experience programme which saw them going to a

number of different industries ranging from:

administration, education, construction, legal,

banking, pharmaceutical, property, accountancy,

retail and manufacturing.

David Dickson, Executive Headteacher of Eastbury

Community School said: “We are really proud of the

Year 10s and it is great to hear their stories and what

they learnt. It will hopefully help them in the next

transition of Year 11 and GCSE exams.

“We are grateful to the employers within the

borough and beyond for giving our young people

the opportunity to understand what it is like in a

working environment.”

The students really enjoyed their experience and the

large majority received exceptional feedback from

their employers with some even saying that they

would take them back once they are old enough.

Blina Isufi worked as a pharmacy assistant at

Supercare Pharmacy who said: ‘Blina is doing so well

that we would like to offer her a part time job when

she is old enough. We are happy to support further

students on work experience later this year.’

Hafsa Bashardost took up a role as general assistant

in Margaret Hodge MP Constituency Office and they

said: ‘When she is

work ready we

will be in touch,

she was


Councillor Evelyn


Cabinet Member

for Educational Attainment and School Improvement

said: “Work experience is an invaluable opportunity

for young people. I am glad to see that they have

done themselves, and us, proud and worked hard

while under employment at their companies.

“I would like to say a huge thank you to the

employers for taking our young people on and

giving them an experience that they will hopefully

use in later life.”

Sam Hodges, Campaigns Officer, Policy and



Welcome to the final edition of

the Eastbury careers education

newsletter for 2018-2019.

Let’s take a closer look at what

our amazing students have

been involved in this term .


38% of you said you did

work experience in an

area associated with a

future career.

83% of you believe that

work experience is

essential in helping me

for the future.

84% of you enjoyed

your work placement.



On Tuesday 30th April, Michael and 15 students in

year 9 attended the Humanutopia event at Robert

Clack School. Business in the Community together

with Ford Foundation brought together 80 young

people to take part in a day of interactive and

engaging activities to help them realise their

potential. Hosted by Humanutopia, a dynamic event

company that delivers inspiring school workshops -

Bridging the Gap to Success - targeted pupils that

would benefit from additional extra support to

improve their confidence, raise their aspirations and

develop their soft skills. The event will opened their

eyes to the world of work and career possibilities,

whilst helping pupils understand the importance of

individual qualities, as well as formal qualifications.

They will have the power and potential to build their

own successful future.

‘The event was great, it was great to meet so many

businesses and speak to professionals from different

industries’ – Akiljo Balliu, Year 9


‘I just wanted to draw your attention to some of our

amazing yr12s, we had 6 New Views scripts submitted

to the National Theatre; Rawdah Uddin has been

long-listed and Abu Siddique given a special

commendation. The other submissions were from

Fatima Khan, Ayaan Abdullahi, Arjeta Kastrati and

Areeba Zahid and reaching submission in itself is a

huge achievement.

On top of this, the last three girls listed have also

taken part in the Young Reporter project. Over the

year they have submitted 8 news articles to an online

newspaper, meeting demanding deadlines and

completing the work entirely self-sufficiently. I cannot

emphasise enough how impressed I am with their

dedication, commitment and organisation and what

a huge accomplishment it is. They will each receive

a letter of commendation from the organisers

Newsquest and Arjeta and Ayaan have entered their

work for competition too.

If you see any of these students please congratulate

them and acknowledge their hard work, I will be

organising rewards of some sort in due course.’

Report from Mrs Eustace, Head of English


On Tuesday 7th May, 22 students in year 11 attended

an apprenticeship workshop delivered by Derrick

Otchere from Education and Employers. The session

was very engaging and informative and helped year

11s with thinking about an apprenticeship at the end

of this year or after their A levels.

‘It was good to find out more on the find an

apprenticeship website and I now know that I want

to do a construction or plumbing apprenticeship’ –

Alkan Evren, Year 11

‘The websites really helped, and the session was fun’

– Lillie Enever, Year 11


Mr Gander has now

implemented the ‘Ambitions’

group. Eight students from

years 7 and 8 meet

fortnightly to discuss whole

school issues and how we

can develop the careers

provision in the school. The

feedback and student voice

aspect has been

exceptional so far. Ahmed

and Khadijah in year 7

presented back to their form

class on Labour Market

Information. They were





From May until July, Abbie Bailey, Daniel Dosti,

Princess Adeosun, Abdulnasir Mohammed and

Kawing Hau visited the school to assist in PE, drama,

maths and science lessons, as well as run speed

networking sessions with students.

Abbie Bailey, Alumni, Trainee Teacher

‘It was a pleasure. It was nice

seeing my old teachers and just

seeing how happy they were for

me and how proud they was that I

was once sitting in their classes and

the role model I’ve become. It

really impressed me how switched

on the kids were about their futures

and how they were going to go

about pursuing their dreams. They

will all definitely make history and

all end up as role models if they

carry the same ambition

throughout their lives. Really shows

how great careers advice is instilled

into the kids and how far the school

has improved since I was there.

Mr Gander you’re doing a great

job! Hope to come back soon.’

Abdulnasir Mohammed, Alumni,

Aircraft Engineer

‘The talk was great, he talked about his experiences from school to

work and that he dealt with many failures along the way which

made him stronger. He taught me to do something I enjoy and that

the school will teach you to work hard and steer you in the right

direction’. – Raphael Iheh, year 9

Kawing Hau, Alumni, Civil Service



‘Everything went smoothly for

our trip to LSE on 10th June,

apart from the pretty

horrendous rain. The students

seemed to enjoy the session

and several afterwards spoke

about specific courses they

would like to do, and that they

appreciated the opportunity.

The organisers were impressed

with the amount of information

that students knew already as


Thanks for the opportunity to

take them. It’s a great

experience for them I think at

that age between year 7 and


Mr L Andrews, MFL Teacher




14 year 10s attended a careers fair at

Guildhall Art Gallery in London to speak to

many different experts from different

industries. The event was very well

organised and the students took lots of

goodies from employers and another great

opportunity to network.


Mr Owen took a group of year 11 students to the

London Gilding Club in June. Unfortunately, this

was cancelled last year due to the bad weather

but we did not want to let the kids down so we

booked this after their exams and the students

got to experience something that is only

awarded to our school in Essex. This normally

costs £150, but as we have forged excellent

networking relationships with the Livery Links, the

students were able to glide FREE.

‘It was an incredible experience and one that the students enjoyed immensely. A huge thanks must

go to Mr Gander for organising!’ – Mr Owen

Please see a video that Mr Owen put together from his GoPro.


On Thursday 20th June,

18 career professionals

from the borough met

to discuss the


available to young

people in the

borough. These

meetings are crucial in

planning next steps

and developing

strategies to ensure all

young people in

Barking and

Dagenham develop

their understanding of

all careers and

consider a wide range

of pathways.


On Wednesday 26th June, students took part in the trading game at Nomura bank to see who

could make the most profit. They learnt how different variables could affect their decisions and the

cost of their shares in a chocolate business. They also had a tour of building - roof garden, gym,

offices auditorium, followed by Q & A bingo to help with asking staff about their jobs, and career

roots/roles etc.


‘We learnt about trading and

about on different careers. I would

like to do work experience here.’

– Geneveive Asante, Year 9

‘We asked the adults about their

jobs, the day taught me to follow

my dreams’

– Iris Borges, Year 9

On Thursday 27th June, Google business

volunteers and Business in the Community

teamed up to deliver a Mock Assessment Centre

to year 9s. Googlers assessed students skills in

small groups when given a few scenarios to see

how they used skills like communication,

listening, problem solving and leadership. After a

slow start the group really got into the swing of

things and came up with some excellent ideas

as well as developing some of the soft skills

needed for the work place in the future.



‘What a fantastic bunch of

students. The kids come up

with some excellent ideas on

the shipwrecked task. I want to

come back and work with your

young people again and help

develop their confidence.’

Emma Orr, Global Strategic

Partnerships Lead, Google

‘The Google session was really

good, good to have

ambassadors in to help us with

the mock assessment centre, I

think they were impressed with

me as I kept contributing and

answering questions really


Michael Adeleye, Year 9



On Tuesday 2nd July, 20 year 7 students from

Eastbury and 120 year 8 & 9s from 6 borough

schools took part in a speed networking event in

the main hall to find out a little more about

apprenticeships. A big thank you to Dan Nicholls

from the Network Department for attending and

sharing his experiences with students.

‘I’ve had a number of very positive messages

about the event yesterday but thought the one

below summed them all up and wanted to share

it with you. In addition one of the speakers, Dan

( an ex Jo Richardson student), attended a

similar one off event as a Y9 pupil that I arranged

for schools in conjunction with the newly-formed

National Apprenticeship Service about seven

years ago. He told me this is why he became at

IT apprentice at Eastbury.’ – Rosalind Hall, Head

of Careers and Higher Education, BDSIP

On Wednesday 3rd July, a group of year 9

and 10 students visited ROOFF Construction

Ltd in Barking to find out a little more on

construction projects in the area and

develop their knowledge on the

construction industry. Thank you to

Construction Youth Trust for organising the


‘We met a few professionals from the

industry and they told us about the different

careers in construction. I really enjoyed

visiting a site as this is something we don’t

normally get the chance to do’ –

Rafael Gasanov – Year 10


SITE YEAR 9 & 10


Year 10 Business and Statistics students took part in

a budgeting workshop run by HSBC volunteers on

Wednesday 3rd July. In groups, they had to write

down the ‘wants’ and ‘needs’ on a budget of

£1500 a month. The students did exceptionally well

throughout and Pete and Jenny from HSBC said’

‘the group contributed well, some great

suggestions put forward and their level of

knowledge was good on terms like gross pay, net

pay and credit report’.

‘The workshop was very good. The group work on

net pay and budgeting on £1500 month has really

helped me think of what is a ‘want’ and what is a

‘need’ when I go into work. It made me appreciate

more of what my parents and family do and how

they provide and save money for us’. –

Jed Nzayadio, Year 10

UEL ASPIRE WORKSHOP YEAR 9 On Friday 5th July UEL student ambassadors

delivered a drama performance on being

aspirational and also got students involved in an

interactive group session on developing skills like

communication, team work, problem solving,

leadership and listening.

‘I liked the workshop today, it got me thinking

about university and being better in school to

get the best grades to open more possibilities’.

Ismail Ahmed, Year 9

CAREERS IN CYBER-SECURITY Cyber Security involves protecting and

recovering networks, devices, and programs

from any type of cyberattack which could


Attacks on confidentiality and personal

data such as Phishing attacks

Attacks on integrity such as advanced

persistent threats (APTs) where the

attack will remain in an organisation’s

systems for a prolonged period.

Attacks on availability such as malware

that will demand a ransom in return for


According to CW Jobs in April 2019, average

yearly wages for Cyber Security

professionals are £72,500.

Reed note that Cyber Security roles are amongst

the highest paying jobs in tech.

Salaries range from around £20,000 for entry-

level Cyber Security Consultants, through

to well over £100,000 for Security Directors at the

top tech companies.

What careers exist in Cyber Security and

what do they involve?

Cyber Technologists

Cyber Risk Analysts

Cyber Intrusion Analysts

How to get into Cyber Security


Let’s be clear, there are Cyber Security

Apprenticeships covered by these three Cyber

Security Apprenticeship standards:

Level 4 Cyber Security Technologist (which

covers Cyber Technology and Cyber Risk


Level 6 Cyber Security Technical

Professional (Integrated Degree)

Level 4 Cyber Intrusion Analyst

However, there is a problem, there just aren’t

that many of them. Searching on Find an

Apprenticeship on 16 April 2019 across England

I found:

12 Level 4 Cyber Security Apprenticeships,

all of which were following the

Security Technologist Apprenticeship


1 Level 6 Apprenticeship.

Level 6 Degree Apprenticeships do exist, one

famous one is the Cyberfirst Degree

Apprenticeship with GCHQ. But you need to do

your research as to when applications open

and close. By comparison when I searched

Level 3 ICT Apprenticeships, many of which

were Infrastructure Technician, there were 1097


The cold reality, is that starting on a Level 3

Infrastructure Technician Apprenticeship, which

means you will understand the wider IT

technology landscape and do some

introductory cyber security issues, is often an

excellent way of getting your foot in the door

and starting on the ladder to a professional

cyber security career.

In contrast to the number of Cyber-Security

apprenticeship vacancies in the whole of

England, Just IT Training (one of London’s

largest IT apprenticeship providers) is

currently training 336 Level 3 Infrastructure

Technician Apprentices and currently has 41

live Level 3 Infrastructure Technician

apprenticeship vacancies. “Do the math” as

the Americans say.


If you go to WHICH? University and search using

the term Cyber, 46 results will come

up. But how do you know which is the right

course for you? The National Cyber

Security Centre recognises that this is a problem

and has certified a number of

degrees. They believe NCSC-certified degrees

will help:

Universities to attract high quality students

from around the world

Employers to recruit skilled staff and

develop the cyber skills of existing


Prospective students to make better

informed choices when looking for a

highly valued qualification

The list of accredited degrees at both

undergraduate and postgraduate level are on

the NCSC website.

For example this Cyber-Security Degree at

Warwick University definitely does seem to

be making a real attempt to have course

content that is industry relevant.

A common question that will often be asked of

a university course in Cyber-Security is

“will it get me into Cyber Security?”

You do need to be aware of comments like

this, “Cyber security is changing so quickly,

the academic world is years behind. The best

way to learn cyber-security is to get in

the game.


as SOON as




‘You are never too old to set

another goal or to dream a

new dream.’

C.S. Lewis, Writer

‘If I cannot do great things, I

can do small things in a great


Martin Luther King Jr, Activist

‘Giving up does not always

mean you’re weak’.

Taylor Swift, Singer


Aerospace Engineer - MOD


Export Manager - AI Maya International


IT Advisory - EY


Product Manager - PSA Peugeot Citroen/

Calex UK


Network Engineer - Spire Europe Limited


Reward Manager - Reed Smith



Eastbury are looking for former students who can

inspire and advise current pupils. If you are a former

student, please sign up to our alumni community by

following the simple steps below:

Go to

Scroll to the ‘Join Us’ section

Click ‘Former Student’




I left Barking Abbey School and went onto complete a degree

in English and Media at Goldsmiths University. I worked two

different part time jobs during sixth form and university; working

in retail at House of Fraser and as a waitress. I then got a job as

a Learning Support Assistant at Valentines High School for one

year which helped me experience working within a school

before deciding to become a teacher.

I joined Eastbury as a Newly Qualified Teacher in 2012 after

completing my PGCE at Goldsmiths University and later went

onto the do a Masters in Teaching part-time at UCL whilst I was

teaching here.

Ms Ark

Energy Consultant We can’t survive on fossil fuel


Medical Mentor Who will look after patients after


Teachers There’s still a shortage. Who will

inspire the next generation?

Data Managers To make sense of the big data

Robotic Engineers Who will control AI?

Accountants They will take care of the taxes

Drone Operators In such demand at the moment

and we need people to fly them,

legally of course.

Sales Account Managers Supply and demand



Barking and Dagenham has an estimated total

population of 210,711 (June, 2017)

Manufacturing in the borough accounts for 16%

of jobs compared to the London average of 4%

In the three months to January 2019 there were

4.7 million Londoners in work, up 84,000 on the

previous year

There will be 2 new over ground train stations at

the new Barking Riverside regeneration project

The value of the creative industries sector is

£101.5bn (DCMS, 2017)


Industry Snapshot

Creative Arts & Design

What creative industries can I work


Employment opportunities can be grouped into:

advertising and marketing





film, TV, video, radio and photography

IT, software and computer services


museums, galleries and libraries

music, performing and visual arts.

Areas of design include:










Working in the sector, you'll have the opportunity

to pursue practical roles such as an artist, actor

or interior designer, or administrative or

managerial jobs such as an arts administrator or

museum curator.

There is an increasing overlap with the media

and information technology sectors in relation to

the use of digital technology to produce and

deliver creative content. This is noticeable in roles

such as web design, animation and game


For examples of job roles in this sector, see

creative jobs.

While the majority of companies may be small,

the sector also has large well-established

organisations that recruit graduates. Examples


Advertising - AMV BBDO, Grey London, Leo

Burnett, McCann

Cultural heritage - English Heritage, National

Trust, National Museum Wales, Victoria and

Albert Museum, National Galleries of


Design -

Jaguar Land

Rover, Harrods,



Fashion -

Arcadia, ASOS,

Burberry, John

Lewis, Marks &

Spencer, Next

Film/TV - Ealing

Studios, Endemol Shine UK, Pinewood

Studios, Sony Pictures, ITV, BBC, Channel 4

Music - Opera North, Sony Music UK,

Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group

Publishing - Bloomsbury, HarperCollins UK,

Oxford University Press, Penguin Random


For jobs in the creative industries speculative

applications can be particularly useful as many

graduate positions are never formally advertised.

Creativepool is a valuable networking resource

for companies and individuals.

Many design opportunities are to be found in

design consultancies or advertising agencies.

The Directory of Design Consultants is a useful

resource to locate consultancies.

Self-employment is also a viable option in a

sector where competition for jobs and graduate

scheme places is high, as is freelancing.

What's it like working in the sector?

Graduates entering the creative arts and design

sector can expect:

the need to demonstrate a practical

creative talent or to show a passion for art,

design, music or other creative pursuits

to spend time practicing and honing their

craft. This is particularly true for actors,

dancers and musicians.

to need to be independent, proactive and


a higher than average likelihood of being

self-employed or freelance, or of working on

short-term contracts

the majority of work to be project-based

and deadline-driven

lower salaries, an unsteady income and a

lack of job security when you first start out in

the industry. The financial rewards of

working in the creative industries can be

great, but you’ll need to build your

reputation and expertise

working environments to range from offices

and art/design/film/photography studios to

theatres, museums and music venues

working hours to vary enormously, from

regular office hours to working evenings and

weekends, and the flexibility of choosing

your hours as a freelancer

to have to keep up to date with industry

developments. The creative industries are

rapidly expanding and you'll need to keep

pace with the changes, especially if you're

freelance or self-employed

to travel and work away from home

depending on your role. Actors and

musicians may need to tour nationally or

internationally, and those working in the

film/TV or fashion industries may need to visit

foreign countries for shows or shoots.

Opportunities to work abroad are plentiful. Alternative creative careers

Arts administrator

Ceramics designer

Fine artist

Furniture conservator/restorer

Furniture designer

Glass blower/designer

Medical illustrator

Museum/gallery curator

Music therapist

Press photographer


Product designer

Production designer, theatre/television/film

Theatre manager

Web designer

Music degrees

There's a range of undergraduate courses on

offer at universities across the UK. For example,

you can study for a Bachelor of Music (BMus) at

the University of Bristol, University of York and the

Royal Academy of Music to name just a

selection of institutions. Undergraduate-level

music degrees can also be studied in:


digital music

live events production

popular music performance

media and communication (music


music business

music journalism

music management

music production

music technology

musical theatre


sound engineering

sound technology

stage management.

Discover what you can do with a music degree.

When it comes to choosing where to study it's

useful to know which music colleges and

universities regularly feature in university rankings

and subject league tables. Popular institutions

for studying music include:

Durham University

Guildhall School of Music and Drama

Royal Academy of Music

Teeside University

The University of Edinburgh

University of Birmingham

University of Bristol

University of Cambridge

University of Glasgow

University of Manchester

University of Nottingham

University of Surrey.

Music Jobs

Here are some of the music jobs you can do.

A&R manager - You'll be responsible for finding

fresh talent, signing them up to record labels

and overseeing the completion of recordings.

You'll help new artists develop and grow and to

do this you'll need a solid understanding of the

music scene and strong business skills.

Concert promoter - You'll need a love of live

music and excellent communication skills to

make it as a concert promoter. It's your job to

spread the word about live music events and

ensure that this results in strong ticket sales. You'll

liaise with agents/artist managers, recording

artists and club/concert venues. You'll book

shows, publicise events to local/national media

and set up advertising and email campaigns.

Music journalist - Exceptional writing skills and an

interest in all things music is a must for a career

as a music journalist. You'll report on music

industry news, interview artists and musicians,

review albums and concerts and provide

critique for a variety of print and digital media.

Music producer - Producers write, arrange,

produce and record songs for artists or for their

own personal projects. Hours can be long and

you'll spend the majority of your time in a studio

setting. You'll collaborate with recording artists,

recording/sound engineers, session musicians

and singers, as well as A&R managers and

record company executives.

You could also become a:

background singer


booking agent



event manager

instrument technician

live sound technician

music PR

music teacher

music therapist

musical director


radio producer

recording engineer



tour manager.

To find out more, Source - https://




Mr Gander is pleased to

announce that we have

received FREE funding for the

second year to deliver the

enabling enterprise programme

in school. Mr Gander and Miss

Deighton will be presenting to all

staff on INSET day in September

to embed the skills in form time

and develop young people’s

Future Talent Live

Eastbury have signed up to Future

Talent live to look at fantastic

case studies in schools from

around the country. This looks at

the research into LMI and what

young people need to consider

when thinking about their next

steps. Mr Gander will be picking

out some key data and case

studies from other schools and

sharing this in future newsletters.


For all of the latest videos and vlogs of apprenticeships


On a personal note, I would like to wish Asjad and Jang the best of luck at QMUL and UCL University

(grades depending). I was fortunate enough to teach both of these exceptional students for 5

years and we feel proud as a school of the incredible journey that they and the other year 13s have

been on, and we wish them all the best in the next transition of higher education, apprenticeships

or employment. We look forward to welcoming our alumni back in years to come when you can

inspire the next generation workforce.

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