cardiogenic shockdefinition • cardiogenic shock (cs) is a clinical condition of inadequate...

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Cardiogenic Shock

Michael Liston M.D.

Definition• Cardiogenic shock (CS) is a clinical

condition of inadequate tissue(end

organ) perfusion due to cardiac


• Hypotension (SBP < 80-90 mmHg) or

MAP 30 mmHg below baseline

• Reduced cardiac index(<1.8 L/min

per m2) <2.0-2.2 L/min per m2 with


• Adequate or elevated filling pressures

Differentiating types of


• Etiology PCWP CO SVR SVO2

Hypovolemic v v ^ v

Cardiogenic ^ v ^ v

Septic v or = ^ v ^


• Occurs in 5-8% of STEMI and 2.5% of


• 40,000-50,000 cases annually in the



• Current registries suggest a mortality

rate of about 50%

• Historically rates quoted as high as


• With early revascularization, newer

modalities and aggressive treatment

rates improving

Mortality Risks• Older age

• Female sex

• Anterior wall STEMI

• Hypertension

• Type II Diabetes

• Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease

• Prior STEMI or Angina

• STEMI with new LBBB

• History of Heart Failure


• Acute myocardial infarction with left

ventricular failure (or rv failure)

• Acute mitral regurgitation

• Ventricular septal or free wall rupture

• Any other cause of acute right or left

ventricular dysfunction

other etiologies• Severe valvular heart disease (AS, AI, MS or MR)

• Post cardiotomy

• Acute fulminant myocarditis

• End stage cardiomyopathy

• Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with severe LVOT


• Aortic dissection with acute severe AI or Tamponade

• Pulmonary Embolus

• Incessant refractory or prolonged tachyarrhythmias

• post cardiac arrest

Cardiogenic Shock

Who is at risk?• Older age

• Female sex

• Anterior wall STEMI

• Hypertension

• Type II Diabetes

• Multivessel Coronary Artery Disease

• Prior STEMI or Angina

• STEMI with new LBBB

• History of Heart Failure

Signs and Symptoms

• Hypotension

• Absence of hypovolemia

• Tachycardia

• Clinical signs of poor perfusion (ie

oliguria, cyanosis, cool extremities,

altered mentation)

Physical Exam• Skin- Ashen or cyanotic and cool,


• Peripheral pulses rapid and faint,


• JVD, Rales, Edema may be present

• Heart sounds distant, S3 or S4

• Pulse pressure low

• Decrease CO, Increased SVR,

Decreased SvO2

Figure 1. Current concept of CS pathophysiology.

Reynolds H R , and Hochman J S Circulation. 2008;117:686-697

Copyright © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Hypoperfusion• Increased catecholamine

-peripheral arterial constriction

-maintain perfusion to vital organs

• Vasopressin and Angiotensin II levels

increase -increases coronary and peripheral perfusion

-cost of increased LV afterload leading to further LV


• Activation of neurohormonal cascade -promotes salt and water retention

-improving perfusion at the cost of worsening

pulmonary edema

• Reflex mechanisms to increase SVR not

fully effective

What about RV dysfunction?

• 5% of CS cases from MI

• Typically pts have High RVEDP >


• Limited LV filling

decreased cardiac output (preload)

ventricular interdependance

think pericardium and intraventricular septum

• Treatment is to assure adequate right

sided filling pressure and adequate LV


More on CS due to RV dysfunction..

• Increases in RVEDP lead to RV dilation,

septum bulging into LV, increases LA

pressure and impaired LV systolic function

• Low RVEDP will affect LV preload and CO

• Optimal RVEDP range 10-15 mmHg

• Hemodynamic monitoring likely to be


• Mortality risk for CS due to primary RV

dysfunction nearly as high as LV dysfunction

• Early Revascularization carries same

survival benefits

IatrogenicAre we contributing?

• Beta Blockers, Ace Inhibitors, MSo4decrease bp, slow heart rate and decrease in cardiac

contractility may cause CS in certain High Risk


• Diuretics

-in some patients pulmonary edema due to

decreased LV compliance and net redistribution of

intravascular volume to the lungs

-further decline in circulating intravascular volume

with diuretic use could lead to hypotension and shock

- (lv compliance first to go in MI)

-Treat with low dose diuretics, nitrates, seated

position to reduce preload

• Excess volume loading in RV infarct (Swan-Ganz ?)

Figure 3. Iatrogenic shock.

Reynolds H R , and Hochman J S Circulation. 2008;117:686-697

Copyright © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Systemic inflammatory


• Inappropriate vasodilation

• impaired perfusion of GI tract

• Transmigration of bacteria

• Sepsis

• Risk for SIRS increases with duration

of shock

Initial Treatment and

Evaluation• EKG, ABG, Lytes, CBC, Troponin

• Urgent Transthoracic Echocardiogram

• ABC’s

• Circulation

Treat arrhythmias

Art Line

Urinary Catheter

Central venous (Swan-Ganz) catheter

Treatment cont.

• Aspirin and Heparin

• Dual antiplatelet therapy for PCI(not before)

• Maintain SaO2 and pH

• Aggressive insulin tx forhyperglycemia

• Low threshold for mech ventilation

(PEEP reduces preload and afterload) & (reduces work of



Hemodynamic Monitoring• Swan-Ganz (PA catheter)

-monitor cardiac output

-monitor filling pressures (pap, pcw,



• ECHO Assessment

-Estimated peak pap

-Estimate pcw (MV early diastolic deceleraton time)

(<140 msec = pcwp > 20 mmHg)

-onetime or intermittent-

Pharmacologic Support• Norepinephrine (Levophed)

• Dopamine

• Dobutamine (Dobutrex)

• Phenylephrine

• Isoproterenol (Isuprel)

• IV Fluids

• Avoid negative inotropes and


(use lowest doses possible)

Receptor Activity• Alpha-1 receptor

smooth muscle contraction


increased SVR

• Beta-1

Increased heart rate

increased myocardial contractility

• Beta-2

Smooth muscle relaxation

Decreased SVR

• Dopamine

Vasodilation (low dose)

Increased cardiac output

Vasoconstriction (high dose)

Vasoactive medication• Vasopressors always required

-use lowest doses possible

-higher doses associated with poorer survival

• Inotropes treat for contractile failure

-increases myocardial atp ues

-increases myocardial oxygen demand

-Dobutamine may be useful if bp adequate

• AHA recommends norepinephrine first

-8-12 mcg/min and titrate

• Dopamine has inotropic properties

• Isoproterenol to treat shock due to bradycardia

• Phenylephrine to increase afterload in hocm or certain

cases of Tako-Tsubo


-improve coronary and peripheral perfusion

-initiate as quickly as possible

-higher rates of survival in high use centers

• Newer devices-LV, RV or BiV assist devices

-impella, tandem heart, extracorporeal life

support (ecls)

-Trials have shown hemodynamic

improvement but no survival benefit thus far

Mechanical Support

IABP Shock II Trial• 600 patients all treated with ERV and

optimal medical therapy then

randomized to IABP(300) or no


• Morality rate at 30 days

39.7% IABP and 41.3% no IABP


• 86.6% placed after PCI

• 10% of no IABP group crossed over

(AHA Class IIa recommendation)

Danish Cardiogenic Shock

Trial (DanShock)

• Conventional therapy vs Impella


• began enrollment in 2012


• Percutaneous coronary intervention


• Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting


• Thrombolysis for patients not

receiving pci or cabg

Shock Trial(Should we emergently revascularize Occluded Coronary arteries for shock)

• 302 patients randomized to either

emergency revascularization (erv) or

initial medical stabilization (ims)

• ERV- revascularization (PCI or

CABG) within 6 hours of


• IMS- could undergo delayed

revascularization a minimum of 54

hours post randomization

Shock Trail

• Primary cause of Cardiogenic Shock

74.5% left ventricular failure

8.3% severe mitral insufficiency

4.6% ventricular septal rupture

3.4% isolated right ventricular


1.7% tamponade or cardiac rupture

8% other causes

Figure 5. Long-term follow-up of the SHOCK trial cohort.55 Early revascularization (ERV) is associated with sustained benefit.

Reynolds H R , and Hochman J S Circulation. 2008;117:686-697

Copyright © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shock Trial

• 13% increased 1 year survival with

early revascularization (nnt = 8)

• 37% of early revascularizaton pts had


• Rate of CABG in community < 10%

• 87% of pts in Shock Trial had

multivessel disease

Quality of Lifeas assesed by NYHA functional class

• Revascularized -75.9% NYHA class 1-11 2

weeks post DC

• Control group -62.5% NYHA class 1-11 2

weeks post DC

• 55% of those class 111-1V pts at 2 weeks

that survived to 1 year improved to NYHA

class 1-11

Figure 6. Functional status in the SHOCK trial.60 The majority of patients who survived 2 weeks after discharge had good functional status (and quality of life) at that time point.

Reynolds H R , and Hochman J S Circulation. 2008;117:686-697

Copyright © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Figure 4. Algorithm for revascularization strategy in cardiogenic shock, from ACC/AHA guidelines.42,44 Whether shock onset occurs early or late after MI, rapid IABP placement and

angiography are recommended.

Reynolds H R , and Hochman J S Circulation. 2008;117:686-697

Copyright © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Mechanical Complications

• Ventricular septal, free wall or papillary

muscle rupture (12% of CS cases)

• Ventricular septal rupture mortality 87%

• Women and elderly at higher risk

• Acute MR from papillary or chordal rupture,

or LV dilation and failure of leaflets to coapt


• Papillary muscle rupture more common with

inferior MI

• Timely repair critical for survival

Special conditions• LVOT obstruction/HOCM

-No diuretic

-No Inotropes

-Use Beta Blocker

-Use pure alpha agonist (phenylephrine)

increases afterload, increases cavity size, decreases


• Tako-Tsubo

-may see lvot obstuction


-alpha agonist

-No beta blocker

-if no LVOT obstruction could use inotropes

AHA Guidelines• Class I

1. Early revascularization (PCI or CABG)

2. Fibrinolysis in candidates unsuitable for

ERV with no contraindications

• Class IIa

1. Use of IABP can be useful in patients

with CS who don’t quickly stabilize with

pharmacologic therapy

• Class IIb

Alternative LV assist device may be

considered in patients with refractory CS

• Reduce Cardiogenic Shock cases

Early recognition of the signs/sxs of MI

Early repurfusion < 2 hours ffrom sx onset

• CS is treatable with a chance for full


• Early REVASCULARIZATION can improve

short and long term survival and can result in

excellent quality of life

• Aggressive early care even in highly

unstable patients


Figure 2. Range of LVEF in studies of heart failure and in the SHOCK trial.

Reynolds H R , and Hochman J S Circulation. 2008;117:686-697

Copyright © American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

Class I Recommendations for ICD Defibrillators

The Class I recommendations for ICD defibrillators1-3 are listed below. ICD therapy is indicated in patients:*

Level of Evidence – A

• With LVEF ≤ 35% due to prior MI who are at least 40 days post-MI and are in NYHA Functional Class II or III

• With LV dysfunction due to prior MI who are at least 40 days post-MI, have an LVEF ≤ 30%, and are in NYHA Functional Class 1

• Who are survivors of sudden cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation (VF) after evaluation to define the cause of the event and to exclude any completely reversible


Level of Evidence – B

• With nonischemic DCM who have an LVEF ≤ 35% and who are in NYHA Functional Class II or III

• With nonsustained ventricular tachycardia (VT) due to prior MI, LVEF < 40%, and inducible ventricular fibrillation or sustained ventricular tachycardia at electrophysiological


• With structural heart disease and spontaneous sustained VT, whether hemodynamically stable or unstable

• With syncope of undetermined origin with clinically relevant, hemodynamically significant sustained VT or VF induced at electrophysiological study

* Assuming patients are on chronic, optimal medical therapy and have a reasonable expectation of survival with good functional status for > 1 year.

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