cardiac output/o2 sats...cardiac diagnostic tests 1. electrocardiogram (ecg/ekg) 2. stress test (...

Post on 09-Jun-2020






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Cardiac Diagnostics


25) Research the educational requirements, certification, and licensures for cardiovascular technologist, diagnostic vascular technologist, electrocardiogram technician, telemetry technician, cardiac sonographers, and other related cardiovascular careers. Compare and contrast the educational requirements of each.

26. Investigate cardiac diagnostic procedures both in-hospital and out-patient and identify the equipment required for these services.


Differentiate the eight common

cardiac diagnostic procedures

Compare/contrast various cardiac


Cardiac Diagnostic Tests

1. Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG)

2. Stress test ( also called treadmill or exercise ECG)

3. Holter monitor

4. Cardiac catheterization (also called coronary angiogram).

5. Echocardiogram (also known as echo)

6. Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE)

7. Positron emission tomography (PET) scan

8. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heart

Diagnostic Tests

Electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG). This test records the electrical activity of the

heart, shows abnormal rhythms (arrhythmias), and can sometimes detect

heart muscle damage.

Stress test ( also called treadmill or exercise ECG). This test is done to monitor

the heart while you walk on a treadmill or pedal a stationary bike. Your

doctor also monitors your breathing and blood pressure.

used to detect coronary artery disease, or to determine safe levels of

exercise after a heart attack or heart surgery.

This test can also be done using special medicines that stress the heart in

a similar manner as exercise does.

EKG (12 minutes)

Stress Test

Diagnostic Tests

Holter monitor. For this test, you wear a small, portable, battery-powered ECG machine to record heartbeats over a period of 24 to 48 hours during normal activities. At the end of the time period, you will return the monitor to the doctor's office so it can be read and evaluated.

Cardiac catheterization (also called coronary angiogram). For this test, your doctor guides a small catheter (hollow tube) through the large artery in your upper leg, or sometimes your wrist or arm, into your heart.

Dye is given through the catheter, and moving X-ray pictures are made as the dye travels through your heart.

This comprehensive test shows: narrowing in the arteries, heart chamber size, how well your heart pumps, and how well the valves open and close, as well as a measurement of the pressures within the heart chambers and arteries.

Holter Monitor

Cardiac Cath (16 minutes)

Diagnostic Tests

Echocardiogram (also known as echo). An echo is a noninvasive test that

uses sound waves to evaluate your heart's chambers and valves, as well

as its pumping function. The echo sound waves create an image on the

monitor as an ultrasound probe is passed across the skin over your heart.

Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE). In this test, you will swallow a

small probe, about the size of a little finger. The probe passes down the

esophagus nearer to the heart. It allows a closer look at the heart's

structure and function. It also shows any abnormal tissue around your

heart valves, if blood is leaking backward through a valve, and if blood

clots are present in your heart chambers.



Diagnostic Tests

Positron emission tomography (PET) scan. This is a nuclear scan that gives information about the flow of blood through the coronary arteries to the heart muscle

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heart. This procedure uses a combination of large magnets, radiofrequencies, and a computer to make detailed images of organs and structures in your body.

evaluate the heart valves and major vessels, detect coronary artery disease, and the extent of damage it has caused

evaluate congenital defects, and detect the presence of tumors or other abnormalities.

do this test before other procedures such as angioplasty or stenting of the coronary arteries and heart or vascular surgery:




1. This test records the electrical activity of the heart, shows abnormal rhythms (arrhythmias), and can sometimes detect heart muscle damage.

2. This test is done to monitor the heart while you walk on a treadmill or pedal a stationary bike.

3. A noninvasive test that uses sound waves to evaluate your heart's chambers and valves, as well as its pumping function.

4. You swallow a small probe in this test that goes down the esophagus nearer to the heart. It allows a closer look at the heart's structure and function.

5. This is a nuclear scan test that gives information about the flow of blood through the coronary arteries to the heart muscle.

6. This procedure uses a combination of large magnets, radiofrequencies, and a computer to make detailed images of organs and structures in your body

Research Cardiac Careers

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