cardiac diet for a lifestyle of heart-healthy meals

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Cardiac Diet for a Lifestyle of Heart-Healthy Meals


Cardiac Diet for a Lifestyle of Heart-Healthy Meals

Following a healthy heart-smart Cardiac Diet plan is one of your greatest weapons in the fight against heart disease. If you already suffer from heart disease or if you are at risk for developing heart problems then the foods and liquids you consume each day play an important part in the health of your heart.

What is the 3-Day Cardiac Diet?

The Cardiac diet is about eating fresh, healthy foods and drinking fluids that are not loaded with sugar, chemicals or alcohol that will harm your heart. If you are headed for heart surgery your physician may put you on a 3-Day Cardiac Diet. The purpose of the 3-Day Cardiac Diet is to help the heart patient drop some weight quickly to prepare for surgery.

The 3-Day Diet is not a diet you should follow for more than three days. It is basically drinking tea or coffee with a sweetener for breakfast accompanied by low-fat cheese, an apple and five saltine crackers. Lunch is again the tea or coffee with sweetener, a piece of dry toast with a boiled egg. Then for dinner a cup each of cauliflower, carrots and tuna that is packed in water with one cup of melon and one half cup of vanilla ice cream that is low-fat. This is an extremely low calorie diet menu that needs to be accompanied by four 8oz glasses of water. What happens is these foods will cause water loss and some muscle loss because there are not enough calories to sustain a healthy body. It is purely for a quick weight loss before surgery and not intended for any sustained period of time.

Lifestyle Cardiac Eating Plan:

Eating a long term heart-healthy diet plan is about eating a variety of heart-smart foods prepared in a healthy way. Choosing good foods with low-sodium and low-fat/cholesterol with sufficient amounts of lean protein to make well balanced and delicious heart friendly meals is about making a few simple changes in the way you eat. This is not that difficult to learn and can be a very easy lifestyle that will protect your heart for years to come.

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© Healthy Diet Menus For You, LLC 2011

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