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Ocean Yearbook 25: 171–204


1. S.E. Gass and J.H.M. Willison, “An assessment of the distribution of deep-sea corals in Atlantic Canada by using both scientifi c and local forms of knowledge,” in Cold water corals and ecosystems, ed. A. Freiwald and J.M. Roberts (Berlin: Springer, 2005), 223–245; A.S.M. Vanderlaan and C.T. Taggart, “Vessel collisions with whales: the probability of lethal injury based on vessel speed,” Marine Mammal Science 23 (2007): 144–156.

2. K.C.T. Zwanenburg, D. Bowen, A. Bundy, K. Frank, K. Drinkwater, R. O’Boyle, D. Sameoto and M. Sinclair, “Decadal changes in the Scotian Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem,” in Large Marine Ecosystems of the North Atlantic, ed. K. Sherman and H. R. Skjoldal (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001): 105–150.

3. Vanderlaan and Taggart, n. 1 above.

Environment and Coastal Management

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean: A Case Study in the Scotian Shelf RegionElizabeth H. Shadwick and Helmuth Thomas

Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


The Atlantic Coast of Canada hosts rugged beaches, picturesque fi shing villages, and rich maritime history. This region is also home to an area called the Scotian Shelf, a 700-km long section of the continental shelf off Nova Scotia. Bounded by the Laurentian Channel to the northeast and by the Northeast Channel and the Gulf of Maine to the southwest, it varies in width from 120 to 240 km covering roughly 120,000 km2 with an average depth of 90 m (Fig. 1). The Scotian Shelf, along with the Grand Banks, is one of the most heavily utilized fi shing areas in the Canadian Atlantic region. The region also hosts the Gully Marine Protected Area and is home to several species of marine mammals and deep-sea corals that are threatened by the commercial fi shing industry.1 The major commercial fi sh species are demersal groundfi sh, including cod, had-dock, pollock, halibut, and various species of fl atfi sh; the principal pelagic fi sh species (by biomass) on the continental shelf are herring, mackerel, bluefi n tuna, and capelin.2 The Scotian Shelf contains critical habitat for the endangered North Atlantic right whale, with some 30 percent of the remaining popula-tion occupying a feeding area in Roseway Basin and the adjacent Bay of Fundy.3 The northern bottlenose whale is found offshore in the deep waters along the shelf edge, particularly in the Gully region east of Sable Island, where a unique,

172 Environment and Coastal Management

4. S.K. Hooker, H. Whitehead, S. Gowans and R.W. Baird, “Fluctuations in distribution and patterns of individual range use of northern bottlenose whales,” Marine Ecology Progress Series 225 (2002): 287–297.

5. W.D. Bowen, J. McMillan and R. Mohn, “Sustained exponential population growth of grey seals at Sable Island, Nova Scotia,” ICES Journal of Marine Science 60 (2003): 1265–1274.

6. R.G.B. Brown, “Oceanographic factors as determinants of the winter range of the dovekie (alle alle) off Atlantic Canada,” Colonial Waterbirds 11 (1988): 176–180.

7. A.V. Borges, B. Delille and M. Frankignoulle, “Budgeting sources and sinks of CO

2 in the coastal ocean: diversity of ecosystems counts,” Geophysical Research Letters

non-migratory population of individuals feeds on abundant squid.4 In the Northwest Atlantic, the major breeding colonies of gray seals are located on the sea ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and on Sable Island, with smaller colonies along the Eastern Shore of Nova Scotia and Cape Breton.5 The Nova Scotian coast is an important migratory staging area for waterfowl and shorebirds, while offshore waters host wintering dovekies, murres, shearwaters, and common eiders.6 Furthermore, a wide range of economically important shellfi sh species are found here, many with important spawning and nursery grounds in the region. The source of food to these marine mammals, fi sh and sea birds comes from the lower trophic levels, comprised of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Photosynthesis by phytoplankton fi xes inorganic carbon, or carbon dioxide (CO

2), using energy from sunlight. These plants are grazed by zooplankton,

which are in turn eaten by fi sh and whales, and thus the carbon fi xed by phyto-plankton makes its way into the food web. Despite their moderate surface areas, coastal seas and continental margins such as the Scotian Shelf play a crucial role in the global ocean carbon cycle due to their high ecosystem activity7 as detailed in the following sections.

FIG. 1.—The Scotian Shelf and the larger geographic setting (A) and a schematic representation of the dominant, long-term mean circulation in the region (B). The thick purple arrow represents schematically the Labrador Current, and

orange arrow represents schematically the Gulf Stream, the infl uence of which is primarily offshore.

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 173

32 (2005): L14601; W.-J. Cai, M. Dai and Y. Wang, “Air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide in ocean margins: A province-based synthesis,” Geophysical Research Letters 56 (2006): 578–590.

8. J.C. Orr et al., “Anthropogenic ocean acidifi cation over the twenty-fi rst cen-tury and its impact on calcifying organisms,” Nature 437 (2005): 681–696; S.C. Doney, “Dangers of ocean acidifi cation,” Scientifi c American 294 (2006): 58–65; J.A. Kleypas, R.A. Feely, V.J. Fabry, C. Langdon, C. L. Sabine and L.L. Robbins, “Impacts of Ocean Acidifi cation on Coral Reefs and other Marine Calcifi ers: A Guide for Future Research,” Report on a workshop held 18–20 April, 2005, St. Petersburg, FL, USA, (2006), available online: <http://isse.ucar/edu/fl orida>.

9. H. Thomas, A.E.F. Prowe, S. van Heuven, Y. Bozec, H.J.W. de Baar, L.-S. Schiettecatte, K. Suykens, M. Kone, A.V. Borges, I.D. Lima and S.C. Doney, “Rapid decline of the CO

2 buffering capacity in the North Sea and implications for the

North Atlantic Ocean,” Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21 (2007): GB4001.10. For example, J.H. Ryther and W.M. Dunstan, “Nitrogen, phosphorus, and

eutrophication in the coastal marine environment,” Science 171 (1971): 1008–1013.11. J.N. Galloway, F.J. Dentener, D.G. Capone, E.W. Boyer, R.W. Howarth,

S.P. Seitzinger, G.P. Asner, C.C. Cleveland, P.A. Green and E.A. Holland et al., “Nitrogen cycles: past, present and future,” Biogeochemistry 70 (2004): 153–226; S.C. Doney, N. Mahowald, I. Lima, R.A. Feely, F.T. Mackenzie, J.-F. Lamarque and P.J. Rasch, “Impact of anthropogenic atmospheric nitrogen and sulfur deposition on ocean acidifi cation and the inorganic carbon system,” PNAS 104 (2007): 14,580–14,585; H. Thomas, D. Unger, J. Zhang, K.-K. Liu and E.H. Shadwick, “Biogeochemical cycling in semi-enclosed marine system and continental margins,” in Watersheds, Bays, and Bounded Seas, eds. E.R. Urban Jr., B. Sundby, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli and J.M. Melillo (Washington: Island Press, 2009), 169–190; A.V. Borges and N. Gypens, “Carbonate chemistry in the coastal zone responds more strongly to eutrophication than to ocean acidifi cation,” Limnology and Oceanography 55 (2010): 346–353.

Acidifi cation of the oceans through uptake of anthropogenic CO2 has

become an active area of research over the last few years.8 International activi-ties are being initiated in response to the unprecedented threat of ocean acidifi -cation to marine ecosystems at the global scale. Continuing acidifi cation of the oceans has irreversibly been triggered by the increasing concentration of atmos-pheric CO

2, and mitigation measures are presently lacking. It has been shown

that the vulnerability of North Atlantic Ocean waters to acidifi cation increases in shallow and high latitude regions, primarily as a function of decreasing tem-perature and chemical composition.9 The Canadian Atlantic coast is thus par-ticularly vulnerable to the effects of acidifi cation as a high-latitude, shallow-shelf sea, infl uenced by Arctic and sub-Arctic waters. Eutrophication is defi ned as an increase of primary production in an ecosystem, as a result of an increased availability of nutrients. Eutrophication is often the result of pollution from sewage or agricultural fertilizers, which increase the concentrations of nitrate and phosphate, and may negatively impact the marine ecosystem by deplet-ing oxygen and lowering water quality.10 Increased nutrient input from land via rivers, groundwater or the atmosphere, plays a further role in affecting coastal waters both by potentially altering ecosystem structure and by infl uenc-ing the pH.11 Ocean acidifi cation most directly impacts organisms that form

174 Environment and Coastal Management

12. For example, U. Riebesell, I. Zondervan, B. Rost, P.D. Tortell, R.E. Zeebe and F.M.M. More, “Reduced calcifi cation of marine plankton in response to increased atmospheric CO

2,” Nature 407 (2000): 364–367; B. Delille, J. Harlay, I. Zondervan,

S. Jacquet, L. Chou, R. Wollast, R.G.J. Bellerby, M. Frankignoulle, A.V. Borges, U. Riebesell and J.-P. Gattuso, “Response of primary production and calcifi cation to changes of pCO

2 during experimental blooms of coccolithophorid Emiliania Hyxley,”

Global Biogeochemical Cycles 19 (2005); F. Gazeau, C. Quiblier, J.M. Jansen, J.-P. Gattuso, J.J. Middelburg, and C.H.R. Heip, “Impact of elevated CO

2 on shellfi sh calcifi cation,”

Geophysical Research Letters 34, 7 (2007), L07603.13. Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture, “Growing our Future: Long-term

Planning for Aquatic Farming in Nova Scotia,” 2009, available online: < sh/aquaculture>.

calcium carbonate (CaCO3) shells and skeletons, because acidity increases the

solubility of CaCO3.12 These organisms include phytoplankton such as coccol-

ithophores, zooplankton such as pteropods and foraminifera, sea urchins, mol-lusks and corals. Since CaCO

3 shells and skeletons are naturally more soluble at

lower temperature and higher pressure, high latitude and deep-water ecosystems are more vulnerable to the added stress of ocean acidifi cation. Furthermore, early life stages often carry thinner, more fragile shells, potentially making them more vulnerable to changing environmental conditions. Many calcifying organ-isms play a crucial role in the marine food web and are thus directly relevant to the human food supply. These organisms may themselves be commercially exploitable, as in the case of oysters, mussels and scallops, or support other com-mercially exploitable species by serving as prey or habitat. Shellfi sh aquaculture continues to grow in Nova Scotia.13

Here we report fi ndings from the very fi rst detailed study of the inorganic carbon cycle on the Scotian Shelf. Our study adds to the understanding of the carbon system in Canadian coastal waters. An understanding of the coastal ocean response to both natural and human-induced forcing is essential to the assessment of prospects and risks to fi sheries and aquaculture in our maritime regions. There is a general global consensus that the “business as usual” treat-ment of anthropogenic CO

2 emissions through the burning of fossil fuels should

be exchanged for strategies that reduce societal dependence on CO2 to mitigate

and manage future environmental impacts. However, in order to assess the effec-tiveness of any current or future mitigation strategy, accurate quantifi cation of CO

2 emissions and their environmental impacts must be made to ensure that the

reductions of CO2 emissions are actually met. Assessing the impact of anthro-

pogenic change is complicated by the lack of baseline studies in many regions. Coastal ocean regions are particularly poorly studied compared to their open ocean counterparts, despite their importance to society through fi sheries and aquaculture. Pristine ocean conditions no longer exist; coastal environments have long been subjected to human activities through sewage treatment and the use of fertilizer and other pollutants. It is therefore diffi cult to assess rela-tively short-term impacts on systems that have been under the infl uence of

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 175

14. A.W. King, L. Dilling, G.P. Zimmerman, D.M. Fairman, R.A. Houghton, G. Marland, A.Z. Rose and T.J. Wilbanks, “What is the carbon cycle and why care?,” in The First State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR): The North American Carbon Budget and Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle, U.S. Climate Change Science Program (Washington D.C., 2007): 15–20; C.D. Keeling and T.P. Whorf, “Atmospheric CO

2 records from sites

in the SIO sampling network,” in Trends: A compendium of data on global change, Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (Oak Ridge, Tenn.: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2009).

15. N. Gruber, P. Friedlingstein, C. B. Field, R. Valentini, M. Heimann, J. D. Richey, P. Romero Lankao, E.-D. Schulze and C.-T. A. Chen, “The vulnerability of the carbon cycle in the 21st century: An assessment of carbon-climate-human interactions,”

anthropogenic forcing for centuries. However, over the last decade, it has become clear that sustained time-series observations are essential to understanding natu-ral and anthropogenic changes in the global carbon cycle on land, in the ocean, and in the atmosphere. Model simulations validated with high quality observa-tional data can improve our understanding of complex systems and their response to environmental change. Canada’s oceans are a valuable living and non-living resource providing food, power, transport, and security as well as rec-reation to our society. Measures to monitor the ocean’s response to change will help to inform policy aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change and developing strategies to sustainably manage Canada’s marine resources.


The carbon cycle is governed by many different biological, chemical and physi-cal processes, which transfer carbon between the major storage pools called res-ervoirs. The global carbon cycle comprises four major carbon reservoirs: the atmosphere, the terrestrial biosphere (including plants, trees, soils and frozen soils or permafrost), the oceans, and the underlying sediments (including fossil fuel deposits and carbonate rocks). The global carbon budget is a balance of the exchanges of carbon that take place between these reservoirs over various time scales. In pre-industrial times, the global carbon cycle was in roughly steady state with fl uxes into and out of the carbon reservoirs in balance. The release of CO


into the atmosphere by the combustion of fossil fuels has increased pre-industrial concentrations from roughly 280 ppm to present-day levels of nearly 390 ppm.14 Over only decades, the combustion of fossil fuels released quantities of carbon to the atmosphere that accumulated in the sedimentary reservoirs over millions of years. The conversion of tropical forest to agricultural land and cement pro-duction release additional CO

2 to the atmosphere. The anthropogenic release of

CO2 is currently larger than can be balanced by natural biological and geologi-

cal removal processes which act over much longer timescales.The oceans act as a signifi cant reservoir for inorganic carbon, containing 50

times more CO2 than the atmosphere.15 Roughly half of the anthropogenic CO


176 Environment and Coastal Management

in The global carbon cycle: integrating humans, climate, and the natural world, ed. C.B. Field and M.R. Raupach (Washington: SCOPE, 2004), 45–77; King et al., n. 14 above.

16. C.L. Sabine, R.A. Feely, N. Gruber, R.M. Key, K. Lee, J.L. Bullister, R. Wanninkhof, C.S. Wong, D.W.R. Wallace, B. Tilbrook, F.J. Millero, T.-H. Peng, A. Kozyr, T. Ono and A.F. Rios, “The oceanic sink for anthropogenic CO

2,” Science 305

(2004): 367–371; Gruber, n. 15 above.17. N. Gruber and J.L. Sarmiento, “Large-scale biogeochemical-physical interac-

tions in elemental cycles,” in The Sea, ed. A.R. Robinson, J.J. McCarthy and B.J. Rothschild (New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2002), 337–400.

18. J.J. Walsh, “Importance of continental margins in the marine biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen,” Nature 350 (1991): 753–755; A.J. Andersson and F.T. Mackenzie, “Shallow-water oceans: a source or a sink of atmospheric CO

2,” Frontiers

in Ecology and the Environment 2 (2004): 348–353.19. H. Thomas, L.-S. Schiettecatte, K. Suykens, Y.J.M. Koné, E.H. Shadwick,

A.E.F. Prowe, Y. Bozec, H.J.W. de Baar and A.V. Borges, “Enhanced ocean carbon storage from anaerobic alkalinity generation in coastal sediments,” Biogeosciences 6 (2009): 267–274.

20. Walsh, n. 18 above; J.P. Gattuso, M. Frankignoulle and R. Wollast, “Carbon and carbonate metabolism in coastal aquatic ecosystems,” Annual Reviews of Ecological Systems 29 (1998): 405–434.

21. S. Tsunogai, S. Watanabe and T. Sato, “Is there a ‘continental shelf pump’ for the absorption of atmospheric CO

2?,” Tellus 51 (1999): 701–712; H. Thomas, Y. Bozec,

K. Elkalay and H.J.W. de Baar, “Enhanced Open Ocean Storage of CO2 from Shelf

Sea Pumping,” Science 304 (2004): 1005–1008; Y. Bozec, H. Thomas, K. Elkalay and H.J.W. de Baar, “The continental shelf pump for CO

2 in the North Sea – evidence from

summer observation,” Marine Chemistry 93 (2005): 131–147.22. K. Fennel and J. Wilkin, “Quantifying biological carbon export for the north-

west North Atlantic continental shelves,” Geophysical Research Letters 36 (2009): L18605.

emitted to the atmosphere is taken up by the ocean.16 Phytoplankton convert CO

2 to particulate organic carbon (POC), a portion of which settles out of the

surface layer, and is therefore removed from the atmosphere by a combination of biological and physical processes.17 Coastal seas and continental margins play an important role in the global carbon cycle by linking the terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric reservoirs.18 Compared to the open ocean, the proximity of the surface sediments to the air-sea interface, in both space and time, is enhanced in the coastal ocean.19 Although the coastal ocean represents only 8 percent of the total ocean surface area, roughly one-fi fth to one-third of the global marine primary production takes place in these seas.20 Furthermore, the coastal ocean plays a prominent role in the absorption of atmospheric CO

2, potentially trans-

ferring it to the deep ocean via the continental shelf pump—a mechanism that feeds cold, dense, carbon-rich waters from the shelf region to the sub-surface waters of the adjacent deep ocean where they are sequestered from the atmos-phere.21 However, a recent modeling study suggests that the continental shelf pump mechanism, which has the potential to transport dissolved carbon off the continental shelf, does not operate on the Scotian Shelf.22 Vertical sinking of organic material is insuffi cient for carbon export since the respiratory products

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 177

23. See section “Seasonal variations in DIC and pCO2.”

24. R. Najjar, D.E. Butman, W.-J. Cai, M.A.M. Friedrichs, K.D. Kroeger, A. Mannino, P.A. Raymond, J. Salisbury, D.C. Vandemark and P. Vlahos, “Carbon budget for the continental shelf of the eastern United States: A preliminary synthesis,” Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry News 3 (2010): 1–4.

25. For example, T.-H. Peng, J.-J. Hung, R. Wanninkhof and F.J. Millero, “Carbon budget in the East China Sea in spring,” Tellus 51 (1999): 531–540; H. Thomas and B. Schneider, “The seasonal cycle of carbon dioxide in Baltic Sea surface waters,” Journal of Marine Systems 22 (1999): 53–67; M. Frankignoulle and A.V. Borges, “European conti-nental shelf as a signifi cant sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide,” Global Biogeochemical Cycles 15 (2001): 569–576; W.-J. Cai, Z.A. Wang and Y. Wang, “The role of marsh-dominated heterotrophic continental margins in transport of CO

2 between the

atmosphere, the land-sea interface and the ocean,” Geophysical Research Letters 30, 16 (2003): 1849; H. Thomas, Y. Bozec, K. Elkalay, H.J.W. de Baar, A.V. Borges and L.-S. Schiettecatte, “Controls of the surface water partial pressure of CO

2 in the North

Sea,” Biogeosciences 2 (2005): 323–334; Y. Bozec, H. Thomas, L.-S. Schiettecatte, A.V. Borges, K. Elkalay, H.J.W. de Baar, “Assessment of the processes controlling seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic carbon in the North Sea”, Limnology and Oceanography 51 (2006): 2746–2762.

26. Borges et al., n. 7 above; Cai et al., n. 7 above; C.-T.A. Chen and A. Borges, “Reconciling opposing views on carbon cycling in the coastal ocean: Continental shelves as sinks and near-shore ecosystems as sources of atmospheric CO

2,” Deep-Sea Research II

56 (8–10), (2009): 578–590.27. For details of the AZMP, see: <


of this material are re-exposed to the surface under conditions of deep winter mixing, which will be discussed in more detail.23

Roughly 50 percent of the global population lives within 100 km of the shore; the North American Atlantic coast is heavily populated and thus directly impacted by anthropogenic activity.24 Before reliable assessment of the vulnera-bility of coastal systems to climate change can be made, present-day carbon stocks must be quantifi ed, and natural variability understood. Carbon fl uxes have been investigated in several coastal ocean and continental shelf regions in the last few years.25 However, these environments exhibit strong spatial and tem-poral heterogeneity, and integrative global assessments26 have not yet achieved high fi delity. The research presented here refl ects the state of knowledge of the CO

2 system in the Scotian Shelf region.


The discrete chemical and hydrographic data presented in the following sec-tions were collected during April and September 2008 cruises of the Canadian Coast Guard Ship Hudson as part of the Atlantic Zone Monitoring Program (AZMP),27 implemented in 1998 by the Canadian Department of Fisheries and

178 Environment and Coastal Management

28. For a detailed description of the analytical methods for the determination of DIC and TA, see K.M. Johnson, K.D. Wills, D.B. Butler, W.K. Johnson and C.S. Wong, “Coulometric total carbon dioxide analysis for marine studies: Maximizing the perform-ance of an automated gas extraction system and coulometric detector,” Marine Chemisry 44 (1993): 167–188.

29. We used the dissociation constants of Mehrbach et al., refi t by Dickson and Millero. See C. Mehrbach, C.H. Culberson, J.E. Hawley and R.M. Pytkowicz, “Measurement of the apparent dissociation constant of carbonic acid in seawater at atmospheric pressure,” Limnology and Oceanography 18 (1973): 897–907; A.G. Dickson and F.J. Millero, “A comparison of the equilibrium constants for the dissociation of carbonic acid in seawater media,” Deep-Sea Research I 34 (1987): 1733–1743. For the pCO

2, pH

and Ωar computations the CO2SYS program was used, see E. Lewis and D.W.R. Wallace,

“Program developed for CO2 systems calculations,” Carbon Dioxide Information

Analysis Center (CDIAC) Report 105, 1998.

Oceans (DFO). The primary goal of the AZMP is the maintenance of a long-term, relatively high temporal resolution, observational program in the Canadian Northwestern Atlantic Ocean. Approximately 350 seawater samples were collected on each cruise along four primary transect lines covering the Scotian Shelf regions. Samples were taken from the entire water column with higher vertical resolution within the euphotic zone. Seawater samples were tapped from 20-litre Niskin bottles mounted on a General Oceanic 24-bottle rosette fi t-ted with a conductivity, temperature and depth sensor (CTD, SeaBird) such that all chemical data are associated with high precision in-situ temperature, salinity and oxygen data.

With respect to the CO2 system in seawater, there are four measureable

parameters: the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO

2), dissolved inorganic carbon

(DIC), total alkalinity (TA), and pH. With measurements of any two of these parameters, the other two measureable parameters can be computed. Following seawater collection, measurements of DIC and TA were made by coulomet-ric and potentiometric titration, respectively, using a Versatile Instrument for the Determination of Total Alkalinity (VINDTA 3C, Marianda).28 Routine analysis of Certifi ed Reference Materials (provided by A.G. Dickson, Scripps Institution of Oceanography) ensured that the uncertainty of the DIC and TA measurements was less than 2 and 3 μmol/kg, respectively. Following the determination of DIC and TA, a computation of pH and aragonite saturation state (Ω

ar) was computed using the standard set of carbonate system


In addition to discrete samples of DIC and TA, continuous measurements of pCO

2 from an autonomous moored CARIOCA buoy are presented. The

CARIOCA buoy was moored at station ‘Halifax Line 2’, hereafter HL2, (44.3° N and 63.3° W) from April to December, 2007; January to July, 2008; and October, 2009 to February 2010. The CARIOCA buoy makes hourly mea-surements of sea-surface temperature (SST), sea-surface salinity, chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration, and pCO

2. The pCO

2 measurements were made by an

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 179

30. See N.R. Bates, L. Samuels and L. Merlivat, “Biogeochemical and physical factors infl uencing seawater fCO

2 and air-sea CO

2 exchange on the Bermuda coral

reef,” Limnology and Oceanography 46 (2001): 833–846 for a description of the method used to measure pCO


31. J.W. Loder, G. Han, C.G. Hannah, D.A. Greenberg and P.C. Smith, “Hydrography and baroclinic circulation in the Scotian Shelf region: Winter versus summer,” Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54 (1997): 40–56.

32. M. Meybeck, H.H. Dürr, S. Roussennac and W. Ludwig, “Regional seas and their interception of riverine fl uxes to oceans,” Marine Chemistry 10 (2007): 301–325.

33. A Sverdrup (Sv) is a unit of measure of volume transport equivalent to 106 cubic meters per second. The global input of rivers to the ocean is roughly equal to 1 Sv; J.W. Loder, C.G. Hannah, B.D. Petrie and E.A. Gonzalez, “Hydrographic transport variability on the Halifax section,” Journal of Geophysical Research 108 (2003): 8003, doi:10.1029/2001JC001267.

34. J.W. Loder, C.K. Ross and P.C. Smith, “A space and time-scale characteriza-tion of circulation and mixing over a submarine bank with application to the Northwestern Atlantic continental shelf,” Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 45 (1988): 1860–1885; C.G. Hannah, J.A. Shore, J.W. Loder and C.E. Naimie, “Seasonal circula-tion on the western and central Scotian Shelf,” Journal of Physical Oceanography 31 (2001): 591–615.

35. B. Petrie, B.J. Topliss and D.G. Wright, “Coastal upwelling and eddy develop-ment off Nova Scotia,” Journal of Geophysical Research 29 (1987): 12,979–12,991; Loder et al., n. 31 above; B.J.W. Greenan, B.D. Petrie, W.G. Harrison and N.S. Oakey, “Are the spring and fall blooms on the Scotian Shelf related to short-term physical events?,” Continental Shelf Research 24 (2004): 603–625.

automated spectrophotometer technique.30 Atmospheric CO2 and wind speed

data presented were measured at the Sable Island Meteorological Station (43.9° N and 60.3° W) and were provided by Environment Canada.


The Scotian Shelf is uniquely located at the junction of the North Atlantic sub-polar and sub-tropical gyres, downstream of the St. Lawrence River system.31 The Scotian Shelf is considered an open continental shelf, or regional sea, system, as opposed to closed system as in the case of the Arctic Archipelago.32 The shelf-scale circulation is dominated by the Nova Scotia Current, which fl ows to the southwest roughly parallel to the coast, and an extension of the Labrador Current, fl owing in the same direction, along the shelf edge (Fig. 1). Water trans-port by the Nova Scotian Current varies seasonally in strength reaching peak values of roughly 2 Sverdrups (Sv) in winter and spring, with a summer mini-mum of 0.4 Sv.33 Smaller scale circulation features are generated by topographic steering around submarine banks, (i.e., Browns Bank, Sable Island Bank, and Georges Bank), and cross-shelf channels.34 Tidal forcing and episodic wind-driven upwelling also infl uence the region;35 the former will be discussed in more detail in the next section.

180 Environment and Coastal Management

36. Id.; H.B. Hachey, “The effect of a storm on an inshore area with markedly stratifi ed waters,” Journal of the Biological Board of Canada 1 (1935): 227–237.

37. B.D. Petrie, “Current Response at the Shelf Break to Transient Wind Forcing,” Journal of Geophysical Research 88 (1983): 9567–9578.

38. Id.39. S. Donohue, “A numerical model of an upwelling event off the coast of Nova

Scotia,” (M.Sc. Thesis, Royal Military College of Canada, 2000).40. Petrie et al., n. 35 above; Greenan et al., n. 35 above.41. J.U. Umoh and K.R. Thompson, “Surface heat fl ux, horizontal advection, and

the seasonal evolution of water temperature on the Scotian Shelf,” Journal of Geophysical Research 99 (1994): 20,403–20,416; Loder et al., n. 31 above.

42. Umoh and Thomspon, n. 41 above.

Coastal and Shelf-Edge Upwelling

A persistent alongshore wind with the coast on the left (looking downwind) in the northern hemisphere will result in an offshore fl ow in the surface waters, which is compensated by a shoreward fl ow of deeper waters, which are upwelled to the surface. Coastal upwelling and the associated favorable wind conditions on the Scotian Shelf have long been recognized.36 Strong winds of speeds greater than 10 m/s, blowing to the northeast, and persisting for several days force relatively cold, saline water toward the surface, displacing the warmer, fresher water off-shore.37 Upwelling events have frequently been observed in the region in win-ter,38 and modeling studies have reproduced these observed events.39 Furthermore, these events may play a role in initiating and sustaining the spring phytoplankton bloom by displacing nutrient-depleted surface water and bring nutrient-rich waters up to the surface.40

Temperature and Salinity

The seasonal cycle in surface water temperature on the Scotian Shelf has an annual range of nearly 20 °C, (from an annual minimum of 0 °C to a maximum of 18 °C to 20 °C), which is among the largest in the world.41 The seasonal vari-ation in surface temperature is primarily due to surface heat fl uxes.42 The mean temperature in the upper 10 m of the water column in early April, refl ecting winter and spring conditions, and in September, refl ecting summer and autumn conditions, are shown in Fig. 2. In the spring, the advection of sub-zero waters from Cabot Strait (to the north) infl uences surface water temperature, which is nearly homogeneous on the shelf. The southwestern outfl ow from Cabot Strait can also be identifi ed as the major source of fresh water to the region. The salin-ity increases further offshore due to the northward transport of warm, saline, Gulf Stream waters (Fig. 1). In autumn, the surface temperature is warmest in the central Scotian Shelf and increases with distance from shore. The waters in

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 181

Cabot Strait remain relatively cool. The peak in river discharge from the St. Lawrence is delivered to the Scotian Shelf between June and October; surface salinity is typically decreased by 1 part, from roughly 30.5 to 29.5 parts per thou-sand, as a result of this input.43

43. Loder et al., n. 31 above.

FIG. 2.—Mean temperature in the upper 10 meters of the water column on the Scotian Shelf in: (A) March, (B) June, (C) September, and (D) December. The solid line in (A) indicates the transect referred to as the ‘Halifax Line’. The section plots shown subsequent fi gures were generated from samples

collected along this transect. Y. Geshelin, J. Sheng and R.J. Greatbatch, “Monthly mean climatologies of temperature and salinity in the western

North Atlantic,” Can. Tech. Rep. Hydrogr. Ocean. Sci. 153 (1999).

182 Environment and Coastal Management

44. Air temperature data is from the Sable Island Meteorological Station for the period from 1971 to 2000, available online: <http://www.climate.weatheroffi>.

45. For example, H.B. Bigelow, “Physical oceanography of the Gulf of Maine,” Bulletin of U.S. Bureau of Fisheries 640 (1927): 511–1027; H.B. Hachey, “The waters of the Scotian Shelf,” Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 5 (1942): 377–397; D.C. Chapman and R.C. Beardsley, “On the origin of the shelf water in the middle Atlantic bight,” Journal of Physical Oceanography 19 (1989): 384–391; J.W. Loder, B. Petrie and G. Gawarkiewicz, “The coastal ocean off northeastern North America: A large-scale view,” in The Sea, The Global Coastal Ocean: Regional Studies and Syntheses, ed. A.R. Robinson and K.H. Brink (New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1998), 105–133.

46. R.W. Houghton and R.G. Fairbanks, “Water sources for Georges Bank,” Deep-Sea Res. II 48 (2001): 95–114; S. Khatiwala, R.G. Fairbanks, and R. Houghton, “Freshwater sources to the coastal ocean off northeastern North America: evidence from H


216O,” Journal of Geophysical Research 104 (1999): 18,241–18,255.

Winter Convection

The minimum sea-surface temperature on the Scotian Shelf ranges between 1 °C and 2 °C (Fig. 2). The minimum winter air temperature over the Scotian Shelf is much colder,44 with temperatures ranging from −20 °C to −5 °C. The surface of the ocean therefore loses heat to the atmosphere when the air temperature is less than the sea-surface temperature. The loss of heat causes the surface waters to become colder, and denser. These dense waters will sink and be replaced by warmer waters from below. The process, called convective mixing, can also occur due to surface evaporation that leaves behind salty, dense waters that will sink below the underlying fresher water. Convection occurs in the win-ter season on the Scotian Shelf. In this region, wind speed exerts some control over the depth of convective mixing; an increase in wind strength removes more heat from the surface waters and deepens the extent of the convection. The impact of winter convection can be seen in the increase in the depth of penetra-tion of relatively warm waters (down to 50 meters) in the autumn and winter (Fig. 3 and 4). The impact of winter convection on the seasonal cycle of CO

2 on

the Scotian Shelf will be discussed in more detail.

Water Mass Composition

The origin and composition of water masses along the northeastern North American coast are well known.45 As many as eight distinct water masses have been identifi ed on the Scotian Shelf on the basis of oxygen isotope and salinity data.46 For simplicity, the water column in the region can be characterized by a two-layer system in winter when relatively fresh shelf water overlies more saline slope-derived water, and a three-layer system in summer with the development

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 183

47. Loder et al., n. 31 above.48. F.M.M. Morel and J.G. Hering, Principles and Applications of Aquatic Chemistry

(New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1993).

FIG. 3.—Sections of temperature and salinity based on discrete data collected in April and September 2008, along the Halifax Line transect (shown in Fig. 2A).

In winter the water column can be described by a simple two-layer system (A and B), while in summer surface warming causes a three-layer system to

develop (C and D). The boundaries between water masses are shown schematically by the black dashed lines, however in the real ocean setting these

boundaries need not lie along a constant depth.

of a warm, shallow surface layer overlying the two-layer system.47 Sections of temperature and salinity in early spring (April) and late summer (September) are shown in Fig. 3. In early spring (and winter), the upper 60 meters of the water column are well mixed and dominated by cold, relatively fresh water originating in the Gulf of St. Lawrence; underlying this is warmer, more saline, slope water (Fig. 3 and 4). In summer and autumn the water column is strongly stratifi ed. The near-surface waters warm to greater than 16 °C forming a shal-low surface layer, with the shelf water comprising a cold intermediate layer. The warmer, more saline slope water is present beneath the intermediate layer (Fig. 3 C, D and 4). In all seasons, the freshest waters are found near the sur-face and the coast, and the more saline slope waters found at depth and further offshore.

Most of the total alkalinity (TA) in seawater originates from the river input due to the weathering of (predominately carbonate) rocks on land.48

184 Environment and Coastal Management

FIG. 4.—A climatology of (A) temperature, (B) salinity, (C) nitrate, and (D) chlorophyll-a concentration on the Scotian Shelf, based on historical archives

from the Bedford Institute of Oceanography. This climatology demonstrates the coincidence of spring bloom and the nutrient depletion of the upper part of

the water column in this area of the continental shelf. Figure redrawn from Shadwick et al., (2010) with permission from Elsevier.

The absolute value of TA in a given volume of seawater in the ocean therefore largely corresponds to the salinity of that water. There is a strong linear relation-ship between TA and salinity (Fig. 5A) on the Scotian Shelf. This would suggest a two end-member system in the region, with a less saline water mass from the Gulf of St. Lawrence mixing with a more saline, Gulf Stream infl uenced, water mass from the open ocean further offshore. There is a seasonal signal in this two end-member mixing relationship evident in the change in the slope and inter-cept of the linear fi t to the TA and salinity data. This seasonality is investigated further by the application of oxygen isotope (δ18O) data.

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 185

FIG. 5.—(A) The relationship between total alkalinity (TA) and salinity on the Scotian Shelf based on discrete data collected in April (blue x) and September

(open circles) 2008. The linear best-fi t lines for spring (n=419, r2=0.97, p<0.001) and autumn (n=384, r2=0.91, p<0.001) are also given. (B)

The relationship between δ18O and salinity on the Scotian Shelf in spring (blue x) and autumn (open circles). A schematic representation of water

mass composition on the Scotian Shelf is shown in the bottom right corner. At surface and intermediate depths SLEW and LShW mix, largely in the Gulf

of St. Lawrence. Labrador Slope water is modifi ed by mixing with warm, saline Gulf Stream infl uenced water to form WSW, which occupies the lower water

column in the region. Seasonality in the contribution of SLEW refl ects formation of sea ice in the St. Lawrence estuary.

186 Environment and Coastal Management

49. Khatiwala et al., n. 46 above.50. Id.51. D.A. Siegel, S.C. Doney and J.A. Yoder, “The North Atlantic spring phyto-

plankton bloom and Sverdrup’s critical depth hypothesis,” Science 296 (2002): 730–733.

There are few conservative water mass tracers that can be used in the ocean, and the oxygen isotope δ18O of seawater is among them. Furthermore, this parameter allows fresh water from different sources (rivers, sea ice, and pre-cipitation) to be distinguished. The relationship between δ18O and salinity in the Scotian Shelf region is given in Fig. 5B. We identify three source waters on the Scotian Shelf: (1) Warm Slope Water (WSW) is Labrador Slope water modifi ed by mixing with warm saline waters of Gulf Stream origin; (2) Labrador Shelf water (LShW) enters the Gulf of St. Lawrence, via the inner branch of the Labrador Current, at intermediate depth through the Strait of Belle Isle;49 and (3) St. Lawrence Estuary Water (SLEW) which is strongly infl uenced by fresh water fl owing out of the St. Lawrence River. The composition of the water in the Scotian Shelf region is a mixture of these three source waters (SLEW, LShW and WSW) with the magnitude of the contribution from SLEW varying season-ally (Fig. 5B), changing the slope of the relationship between TA and salinity in the region (Fig. 5A). In September, the Scotian Shelf receives the maximum discharge from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the contribution from SLEW is also at a maximum. In contrast, in April the Scotian Shelf receives a much smaller contribution from SLEW due to the formation of sea ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in winter, and is more strongly infl uenced by LShW at this time (Fig. 5B). A typical value of glacial melt-water and Arctic river water in the Labrador Sea is δ18O = −21‰.50 The black dashed line in Fig. 5B represents the mixing between WSW and Arctic river waters. The LShW falls to the right of this mixing line due to the infl uence of brine rejection during sea-ice formation, which increases salinity without changing the δ18O. Thus, while there is information to be gained from the relationship between TA and salinity on the Scotian Shelf, a more sensitive parameter is needed for a full description of the water masses in this region.

Biological Production

The North Atlantic spring phytoplankton bloom is an annually occurring, widespread biological event. As the days lengthen in the northern hemisphere spring, the increased availability of light and nutrients, which have accumu-lated over the winter, fuel the growth of phytoplankton in the surface ocean. This bloom begins north of the Sargasso Sea and moves northward through the Atlantic into the North Sea constituting a signifi cant sink for atmos-pheric CO

2.51 The magnitude, timing, and extent of this bloom vary from year

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 187

52. For example, B.J.W. Greenan, B.D. Petrie, W.G. Harrison and P.M. Strain, “The onset and evolution of a spring bloom on the Scotian Shelf,” Limnology and Oceanography 53 (2008): 1759–1775.

53. D.A. Kiefer, “Fluorescence properties of natural phytoplankton populations,” Marine Biology 22 (1973): 263–269; P. Falkowski and D.A. Kiefer, “Chlorophyll a fl uores-cence in phytoplankton: relationship to photosynthesis and biomass,” Journal of Plankton Research 7 (1985): 715–731.

54. L. Mousseau, L. Legendre and L. Fortier, “Dynamics of size-fractionated phy-toplankton and trophic pathways on the Scotian Shelf and at the shelf break,” Aquatic Microbial Ecology 10 (1996): 149–163.

55. E.H. Shadwick, H. Thomas, K. Azetsu-Scott, B.J.W. Greenan, E. Head and E. Horne, “Seasonal variability of dissolved inorganic carbon and surface water pCO2 in the Scotian Shelf region of the Northwestern Atlantic,” Marine Chemistry (2010) doi: 10.1016/j.marchem.2010.11.004

56. R.O. Fournier, J. Marra, R. Bohrer and M. Van Det, “Plankton dynamics and nutrient enrichment of the Scotian Shelf,” Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 34 (1977): 1004–1018.

57. E.L. Mills and R.O. Fournier, “Fish production and the marine ecosystem on the Scotian Shelf, eastern Canada,” Marine Biology 54 (1979): 101–108, Mousseau et al., n. 54 above.

58. R.W. Eppley, “Autotrophic production of particulate matter,” in Analysis of Marine Ecosystems, ed. A.R. Longhurst, (New York: Academic Press, 1981), 343–361.

59. Shadwick et al., n. 55 above.

to year.52 Chlorophyll-a fl uorescence is often used as a proxy for phytoplankton biomass (Fig. 4).53 During the spring bloom on the Scotian Shelf, which occurs with remarkable annual consistency near the fi rst week of April, chloro-phyll-a concentration increases nearly tenfold in a matter of days. This rapid increase in phytoplankton biomass utilizes the nutrients, which have accumu-lated in the subsurface as result of organic matter remineralization, or respira-tion, and are brought up to the surface. The spring bloom is dominated by large phytoplankton size-classes and is terminated by the exhaustion of nitrate and silicate.54 The phytoplankton community on the Scotian Shelf is mainly com-prised of diatom species, providing the main food source to bottom-dwelling fi lter feeders. On the Scotian Shelf the spring bloom is the dominant control on phytoplankton biomass, though the more moderate summer production also plays a role.55 The spring bloom accounts for roughly one-third of the total annual primary production on the Scotian Shelf,56 estimates of which range from 60 to 130 g C/m2/yr.(57) It represents the dominant source of primary pro-ductivity, setting the upper limit on organic matter export, production of higher trophic levels, and supply to benthic communities.58 During the remainder of the year surface nitrate concentrations remain fairly low (Fig. 4) and smaller-sized phytoplankton dominate. Local vertical mixing, or upwelling, may re-sup-ply nutrients to the surface layer in summer, and production continues through October.59

188 Environment and Coastal Management

60. D.W.J. Thompson and J.M. Wallace, “The Arctic Oscillation signature in the wintertime geopotential height and temperature fi elds,” Geophysical Research Letters 25 (1998): 1297–1300; D.W.J. Thompson and J.M. Wallace, “Regional climate impacts of the northern hemisphere annular mode,” Science 293 (2001): 85–89.

61. J.W. Hurrell, “Decadal trends in the North Atlantic Oscillation: Regional temperatures and precipitation,” Science 269 (1995): 676–679; R. Dickson, J. Lazier, J. Meincke, P. Rhines and J. Swift, “Long-term coordinated changes in the convective activity of the North Atlantic,” Progress in Oceanography 38 (1996): 241–295.

62. Id.63. B. Dickson, “From the Labrador Sea to global change,” Nature 386 (1997):

649–650; R.G. Curry, M.S. McCartney and T.M. Joyce, “Oceanic transport of sub-polar climate signals to mid-depth subtropical waters,” Nature 388 (1998): 575–577.

64. B. Petrie, “Does the North Atlantic Oscillation affect hydrographic properties on the Canadian Atlantic continental shelf ?,” Atmosphere-Ocean 45 (2007): 141–151.

65. E.H. Shadwick, H. Thomas, A. Comeau, S.E. Craig, C.W. Hunt and J.E. Salisbury, “Air-Sea CO2 fl uxes on the Scotian Shelf: seasonal to multi-annual variability,” Biogeo sciences 7 (2010): 3851–3867.

The North Atlantic Oscillation

The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a northern hemisphere atmospheric climate mode related to the difference in sea-level pressure (SLP) between the Icelandic Low and the Azores High.60 The relative strengths and positions of these two systems vary from year to year, controlling the strength and position of the prevailing westerly winds. A large SLP difference between the two locations corresponds to a positive NAO index, a small SLP difference to a negative NAO index. The NAO is an index of the dominant atmospheric forcing over the North Atlantic Ocean infl uencing air temperature, wind, and precipitation. During positive phases of the NAO, the prevailing westerly winds become more intense and the North Atlantic storm track shifts to the north. This northward shift results in warmer, milder conditions over the western North Atlantic Ocean and along the east coast of North America and in northern Europe, and colder, stormier conditions over Greenland.61 During negative phases of the NAO the situation is reversed; the westerly winds diminish in intensity and the storm track is shifted to the south. This results in colder, stormier conditions in the western North Atlantic and over the eastern North American coast, warmer milder con-ditions over Greenland, and colder, drier conditions in northern Europe.62

The NAO also impacts the circulation patterns of the North Atlantic Ocean. In negative phases of the NAO convection in the Labrador Sea becomes shal-lower, and volume transport by the Labrador Current increases. In contrast, during positive phases of the NAO, convection in the Labrador Sea is deeper and more intense, and transport by the shallow Labrador Current is decreased.63 It has been shown that the NAO can infl uence hydrographic properties on the northeastern Atlantic continental shelf.64 During periods of negative NAO index, relatively cold, fresh conditions are seen on the eastern Scotian Shelf and in the Gulf of St. Lawrence due to the increased transport of Labrador slope water to the region.65 Over the last decade, the NAO index has generally been

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 189

66. See subsection below “Interannual variability.”67. A.C. Redfi eld, B.H. Ketchum and F.A. Richards, “The infl uence of organisms

on the composition of sea-water,” in The Composition of Seawater. Comparative and Descriptive Oceanography. The Sea: Ideas and Observations on Progress in the Study of the Seas, ed. M.N. Hill (New York: Interscience Publishers, 1963), 26–77.

68. For example, J.C. Goldman and P.G. Brewer, “Effect of nitrogen source and growth rate on phytoplankton-mediated changes in alkalinity,” Limnology and Oceanography 25 (1980): 352–357.

69. R.E. Zeebe and D. Wolf-Gladrow, CO2 in Seawater: Equilibrium, Kinetics, Isotopes

(Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001).

negative or near-neutral; the impact on the carbon system on the Scotian Shelf as a potential consequence of the NAO will be discussed in more detail.66


It is useful to describe processes affecting the carbonate system in seawater with respect to the associated changes in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and TA, which are shown schematically in Fig. 6. With respect to the inorganic car-bon system, photosynthesis and aerobic respiration are the dominant bio logical processes. Photosynthesis by algae can be described by the following equation:

106CO2 + 122H

2O + 16HNO

3 + H


4 → [(CH







+ 138O2. (1)

Photosynthesis produces, on average, organic matter with carbon and nutri-ents in Redfi eld ratio,67 i.e., C:N:P = 106:16:1. Photosynthesis therefore reduces DIC, as 106 moles of CO

2 per mole of phosphate (H


4) are consumed in

the production of organic matter. There is a modest increase in TA (16 moles) by photosynthesis due to the consumption of nitrate (NO

3−).68 Respiration con-

verts organic matter to inorganic carbon (and nutrients), and DIC is increased, with a corresponding modest decrease in TA. The formation of calcium carbon-ate (CaCO

3) reduces both DIC and TA in the ratio of 1:2, while dissolution

has the inverse effect. The uptake of atmospheric CO2 increases DIC, but

TA remains unchanged since the charge balance in the system has not been affected. Similarly, the out-gassing of CO

2 from the ocean decreases DIC

without changing TA.69

As discussed above, the formation and dissolution of calcium carbonate (CaCO

3) play an important role in the inorganic carbon system in seawater.

A determining factor with respect to the formation and dissolution of CaCO3 is

the calcium carbonate saturation state of seawater. The CaCO3 saturation state,

Ω, is expressed as:

Ω = [Ca2+] [CO32−] / K

sp* (2)

190 Environment and Coastal Management

70. Id.71. Id.72. See section below on “Ocean Acidifi cation.”73. R.F. Weiss, “Carbon dioxide in water and seawater: The solubility of a non-

ideal gas,” Marine Chemistry 2 (1974): 203–215.

where [Ca2+] and [CO32−] are the concentrations of Ca2+ and CO

32− in seawa-

ter, respectively, and K*sp is the stoichiometric solubility product at in-situ

temperature, salinity, and pressure.70 Due to the quasi-conservative behavior of calcium in the ocean, variations in [Ca2+] are relatively small and closely related to changes in salinity;71 the CaCO

3 saturation state is therefore more strongly

infl uenced by the carbonate ion concentration, which will be discussed in more detail.72 Values of Ω > 1 correspond to supersaturation, permitting formation of CaCO

3 and values of Ω < 1 correspond to undersaturation, permitting dissolu-

tion of CaCO3.

The concentration of CO2 is related to the partial pressure (pCO

2) by

Henry’s Law:

[CO2] = α pCO

2, (3)

where α is the Henry constant, or coeffi cient of solubility,73 which depends mainly on temperature, and to a lesser degree on salinity. Water tempera-ture exerts a strong control on pCO

2 (Fig. 7), and the relationship between

CaCO3 Dissolution

CO2 Out-gassing

CaCO3 Formation

CO2 Invasion





DIC [mmol kg–1]


al A




ol k

g–1 ]

FIG. 6.—The effect of various processes on DIC and TA. The solid diagonal lines indicate levels of constant dissolved CO2, increasing from the top left

to the bottom right. The invasion/release of CO2 increases/decreases the concentration of DIC, while TA remains unchanged. Photosynthesis/respiration

and the formation/dissolution of CaCO3 will alter the concentrations of CO2, DIC, and TA.

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 191

74. T. Takahashi, S.C. Sutherland, C. Sweeney, A. Poisson, N. Metzl, B. Tillbrook, N. Bates, R. Wanninkhof, R.A. Feely, C. Sabine, J. Olafsson and Y. Nojiri, “Global air-sea CO

2 fl ux based on climatological surface ocean pCO

2, and seasonal biological and

temperature effects,” Deep-Sea Res. II 49 (2002): 1601–1622.

the two variables is well understood. For a 1 °C change in temperature we expect a 4 percent change in pCO

2.74 In other words, for 1 °C of warming, at a mean

pCO2 of 400 µatm, we expect an increase in of 16 µatm. An exchange of CO


between the atmosphere and the ocean occurs when there is a gradient in CO

2 across the air-sea interface. The mass transfer of CO

2 is largely driven by

the concentration difference between the atmosphere and the sea surface, and the turbulence at the air-sea interface. The air-sea exchange of CO

2 is computed

using the following equation:


= k α ΔpCO2 (4)

where FCO2

(mol/m2/s) is the air-sea CO2 fl ux, k (m/s) is the gas transfer velocity

parameterized as a function of wind speed, α (mol/atm/m3) is the coeffi cient of

FIG. 7.—Values of surface water pCO2, from CARIOCA measurements at station HL2, are normalized to a constant, annual mean surface temperature (Tmean = 7.0° C), and plotted versus their observed temperature. Seasons are

distinguished by color. The dominant mechanisms acting in each of the seasons are shown schematically by the black arrow. Inset: surface pCO2 is plotted

against in-situ temperature, with seasons distinguished by color. Figure follows Shadwick et al., (2010).

192 Environment and Coastal Management

75. R. Wanninkhof, “Relationships between wind speed and gas exchange over the ocean,” Journal of Geophysical Research 97 (1992): 7373–7382; see also “Data and Methods.”

76. Takahashi et al., n. 74 above.

solubility, and ΔpCO2 is the gradient of pCO

2 between the sea surface and the

atmosphere (i.e., ΔpCO2 = pCO

2sea – pCO

2air). The gas transfer velocity was

computed with the formulation of Wanninkhof for short-term winds and hourly wind speeds measured at the Sable Island Meteorological Station.75

Seasonal Variations in DIC and pCO2

During the winter, the surface waters of the Scotian Shelf are quite cold (near 0° C), and the partial pressure of CO

2 (pCO

2) is relatively constant and super-

saturated with respect to atmospheric CO2 with values of roughly 420 µatm

(Fig. 7). The surface DIC concentration is at its maximum in winter due in part to respiration of organic matter, but mainly due to the delivery of carbon-rich water from below (Fig. 8). In winter, the mixed-layer deepens due to wind forc-ing, and waters with higher concentrations of inorganic carbon and nutrients are delivered to the surface layer. With the onset of the spring bloom, the surface waters of the Scotian Shelf rapidly become undersaturated with respect to atmospheric CO

2. In 2008, the surface pCO

2 decreased from 430 µatm to 250

µatm over a period of nine days (Fig. 9). There is a corresponding decrease in DIC in the surface layer between winter and spring due to the uptake of inor-ganic carbon to fuel the phytoplankton bloom. Heterotrophic organisms graze much of the algae produced by the bloom. However, some of the organic matter produced at the surface will accumulate, become heavy, and sink out of the sur-face layer. The remineralization (or respiration) of the organic matter exported to the subsurface layer increases the concentration of DIC in this layer. The strength of the bloom is largely determined by the winter pre-conditioning of the system. Strong winter winds and a deep mixed-layer supply more inorganic nutrients to fuel the spring bloom than a shallower, more poorly mixed water column. The spring bloom occurs when the water is still near the minimum winter temperature (Fig. 7) allowing the competing effects of thermodynamics (warming increases pCO

2) and biology (photosynthesis decreases pCO

2) to be

distinguished. The effect of temperature on pCO2 is well understood, and an

empirical correction to remove the effect of temperature has been defi ned:76


mean) = pCO


mean – T

obs))] (4)

where Tmean

is the annual mean sea-surface temperature, and ‘obs’ refers to the observed, or in-situ temperature and pCO

2(obs) the in-situ pCO

2. The

correction of pCO2 to the annual mean temperature allows the effects of

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 193

FIG. 8.—Sections of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) concentration along the Halifax Line transect (shown in Fig. 2A) based on

discrete data collected in (A and C) April and (B and D) September 2008.

FIG. 9.—Hourly surface water pCO2 measured by the CARIOCA at station HL2 from 2007 to 2010. The annual cycle is driven by the spring phytoplankton

bloom, the summer warming of the surface waters, and the late summer biological production, and shows very little interannual variability over

the measurement period.

194 Environment and Coastal Management

77. Shadwick et al., n. 55 above.

non-temperature dependent processes to be clearly seen. In other words, by removing the effect of temperature from pCO

2, the dominant mechanisms such

as photosynthesis or entrainment, acting, for example, over a particular season, may emerge. The temperature corrected pCO

2 is plotted against in-situ tem-

perature, with the seasons distinguished by color, in Fig. 7. It can clearly be seen that the spring bloom occurs at the annual temperature minimum and results in a large reduction of pCO

2. The decay of this bloom is coincident with the warm-

ing of the surface waters in late spring, and the pCO2(T

mean) increases as photo-

synthesis ceases and respiration dominates in the surface waters. Over the summer, while the waters warm, pCO


mean) continues to decrease indicating

the uptake of CO2 by biological processes outside of the dominant spring bloom

period. Vertical export of this material fuels the respiration in the subsurface and increases the subsurface DIC concentration between spring and summer (Fig. 10). This late summer production reduces the temperature-corrected pCO


by almost 100 µatm, making a signifi cant contribution to the annual biological production in the region.77 In autumn, the surface waters cool and there is an increase in pCO


mean) when the surface waters are dominated by respiration of

the organic matter supplied by the late summer production. In autumn, surface DIC concentrations are at the annual minimum due partly to the uptake of CO


by biological processes through the spring and summer, but also as a result of

FIG. 10.—Seasonal profi les of DIC at station HL2 in 2008.

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 195

78. See Equation 4.79. Environment Canada, available online: <http://climate.weatheroffi>.

dilution of DIC due to the delivery of fresher water from the Gulf St. Lawrence. The autumn subsurface DIC concentration corresponds to the annual maxi-mum due to the remineralization of the accumulated organic matter produced in the surface layer over the spring and summer. Most of this respired material remains in the subsurface through the summer and early autumn because of the relatively strong stratifi cation over this period, which inhibits vertical mixing (Fig. 4). Later in autumn, the frequency and magnitude of storms in the region is increased, breaking down the surface stratifi cation and allowing the carbon-rich subsurface waters to be entrained into the surface layer. In winter, convec-tion also forces DIC-rich water from the subsurface into the surface layer. The autumn and winter values of pCO


mean) are enhanced by roughly 100 µatm,

due to the combined effects of respiration and mixing, while over the same period the water temperature decreases to the annual minimum.

Air-Sea CO2 Fluxes

As discussed in the preceding section, the transfer of CO2 from the atmos-

phere to the ocean is largely controlled by the gradient in CO2 concentration

between the two reservoirs (ΔpCO2) and the turbulence at the air-sea interface.78

The turbulence refl ects the sea-state, and wind speed, both in-situ, and in the preceding days and hours, and swell, and breaking waves may also contribute. In general, however, wind speed exerts the primary control on sea-state and turbu-lence. The annual cycle of integrated monthly wind speed measured at the Sable Island Meteorological Station79 and the annual cycle of monthly air-sea CO


fl uxes measured at station HL2, roughly 30 km offshore from Halifax, are given in Fig. 11. There is a correlation between wind speed and (the magnitude of the) air-sea CO

2 fl ux. In winter, the waters are supersaturated with respect to atmos-

pheric CO2, thus the ΔpCO

2 is positive, and there is an outgassing of CO

2 to the

atmosphere. Over the same period the region experiences high winds which enhance the outgassing of CO

2. In contrast, in April the spring bloom draws

down DIC, and the surface waters are undersaturated with respect to the atmos-phere (i.e., ΔpCO

2 < 0). The wind speed is still relatively high in early spring,

and there is a strong uptake of CO2 by the ocean. The much smaller uptake

observed in May is primarily due to the decrease in ΔpCO2 by the decay of the

spring bloom and to a reduction in wind speed (Fig. 11). Over the summer, the winds are much weaker, and although the surface waters are supersaturated with respect to atmospheric CO

2 from June onward, the outgassing is modest com-

pared to the winter season. The magnitude of the fl ux increases from October due to both the increase in wind speed and the positive evolution of ΔpCO


196 Environment and Coastal Management

80. S.V. Smith and J.T. Hollibaugh, “Coastal metabolism and the ocean organic carbon balance,” Reviews of Geophysics 31 (1993): 75–89.

81. Id.; Gattuso, n. 20; H. Thomas, Y. Bozec, H.J.W. de Baar, K. Elkalay, M. Frankignoulle, L.-S. Schiettecatte, G. Kattner and A.V. Borges, “The Carbon Budget of the North Sea,” Biogeosciences 2 (2005): 87–96.

from the intrusion of CO2-rich waters from the subsurface and the cessation of

biological production in the surface layer.


Trophic Status and Atmospheric CO2

Oceanic metabolism is an important concept in defi ning particular regions of the ocean as potential sinks for atmospheric CO

2.80 The metabolism, or trophic

status, of a marine system, or region, is often described with respect to the pro-duction or consumption of organic matter.81 Systems are defi ned as autotrophic if there is a net production of organic matter and a net depletion of inorganic carbon and nutrients, or, in other words, if gross primary production exceeds respiration. These systems may potentially export this excess organic carbon.

FIG. 11.—The annual cycle of monthly wind speed (m/s) (line) measured at the Sable Island Meteorological Station, and the air-sea CO2

fl ux (mol C/m2/month) (bars) for the year 2008 at station HL2.

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 197

82. Thomas et al., n. 81 above.83. Id.84. H.J. Lenhart, J. Pätsch, W. Kühn, A. Moll and T. Pohlmann, “Investigation on

the trophic state of the North Sea for three years (1994–1996) simulated with the ecosys-tem model ERSEM – the role of a sharp NAOI decline,” Biogeosciences Discuss. 1 (2004): 725–753; Thomas et al., n. 81 above.

85. Frankignoulle and Borges, n. 25 above.86. Thomas and Schneider, n. 25 above.87. Shadwick, n. 55 above.88. Id.

The reverse situation defi nes heterotrophic systems; in this case there is a net consumption of organic matter and a net production, or release, of inorganic carbon and nutrients with respiration dominating gross primary production. Ideally, the atmosphere fuels the CO

2 demand of autotrophic systems with rivers

also potentially acting as sources of inorganic carbon.82 Depending on the initial ΔpCO

2 state of these systems, they may exhibit enhanced CO

2 uptake

(pCO2ocean < pCO

2atm), or diminished outgassing of CO

2 to the atmosphere

(pCO2ocean > pCO

2atm). Heterotrophic systems require a source of organic car-

bon to fuel respiration, and in supersaturated conditions will exhibit enhanced outgassing of CO

2 to the atmosphere, while in undersaturated waters CO


uptake will be reduced.83 Therefore, autotrophic systems, though production exceeds respiration, do not necessarily act as sinks for atmospheric CO

2, and

respiration-dominated heterotrophic systems do not necessarily release CO2 to

the atmosphere. The initial conditions of the system, with respect to surface pCO

2, condition this uptake/release. The North Sea, for example, is an overall

heterotrophic system that acts as a sink for atmospheric CO2 over the annual

scale.84 A more general classifi cation would be seasonally stratifi ed systems such as the Bay of Biscay,85 or permanently stratifi ed systems such as the Baltic Sea.86 The opposite situation, autotrophic systems acting as sources for atmospheric CO

2, is often found in upwelling systems where the intrusion of DIC-rich sub-

surface water into the surface layer maintains CO2 supersaturation despite the

large production (and export) of organic matter in these systems. The Scotian Shelf acts as an upwelling system in this respect. There is a signifi cant produc-tion of organic matter during the spring bloom and also throughout the sum-mer, and the surface waters are found to be autotrophic.87 However, the combined effect of summer warming and the injection of high-carbon subsurface water through wind-driven vertical mixing or upwelling in autumn and winter, main-tains high surface pCO

2, and the region therefore acts as a net source of CO

2 to

the atmosphere.88

Interannual Variability

Spatial and temporal variability in the coastal ocean is generally much higher than in the open ocean. Interannual variability in the timing, duration, and

198 Environment and Coastal Management

89. Greenan et al., n. 52 above.90. Shadwick et al., n. 65 above.91. The SST data was acquired form the Pathfi nder AVHRR equal-area 9-kn

best-SST data product or a 2° by 2° box in the central Scotian Shelf.92. Shadwick et al., n. 65 above.93. Petrie, n. 64 above.

spatial extent of the spring bloom on the Scotian Shelf has been recorded.89 The effects of this variability extend beyond the bloom period and will certainly infl uence the CO

2 system in this region.90 Highly temporally resolved measure-

ments from a single location, roughly 30 km offshore from Halifax (Fig. 1 and 9) indicate that the annual cycle of pCO

2 follows the same general trend over the

observation period with the spring bloom (Fig. 9), the summer warming, and the autumn and winter mixing dominating. However, observations from 2010 indicate that the spring bloom occurred nearly 3 weeks earlier than in 2007 and 2008. Furthermore, the sea-surface temperature was nearly 3 °C warmer at the beginning of April in 2010 compared to both 2007 and 2008. The full water column sampling of DIC and TA collected on consecutive April and September cruises show the same general patterns. The impact of photosynthe-sis, the delivery of the fresh water from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and seasonal warming/cooling, can be seen in the surface waters, while the build up of DIC refl ects the corresponding biological activity in the subsurface (Fig. 8). However, both the pCO

2 and the DIC and TA measurements are based on the years 2006

through 2008, and the time-series is likely not long enough for a signifi cant trend to emerge. Interannual variability on the Scotian Shelf is therefore inves-tigated using ten years of sea-surface temperature data obtained by remote sensing.91

Monthly sea-surface temperature (SST) anomaly for the central Scotian Shelf from 1999 to 2008 is plotted in Fig. 12. The mean seasonal cycle of SST was computed using the mean value for each month over the ten-year period (i.e., mean of all January values, mean of all February values, etc.). The SST anomaly is defi ned as the deviation from the mean seasonal cycle. The SST anomaly indicates a cooling of 0.13 °C per year, or 1.3 °C over the decade.92 As discussed in a previous section, this cooling may be associated with the enhanced delivery of cold water from the Labrador Sea to the Scotian Shelf and may refl ect the local expression of the NAO.93 Since temperature exerts a strong con-trol on surface water pCO

2, and consequently ΔpCO

2, this decadal trend towards

colder water will have consequences for the inorganic carbon system and air-sea CO

2 fl uxes on the Scotian Shelf. A cooling of 1.3 °C over ten years would result

in a decrease in ΔpCO2 of roughly 22 µatm over the same period, using the

4 percent change in pCO2 for a 1 °C change in temperature, and a mean value

of pCO2 = 420 µatm. This decrease in ΔpCO

2, on the order of 20 µatm

over the decade, has a non-negligible (weakening) effect on the outgassing of CO

2 to the atmosphere, driving the system towards uptake. It has been

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 199

94. M. Previdi, K. Fennel, J. Wilkin and D. Haidvogel, “Interannual variability in atmospheric CO

2 uptake on the northeast U.S. continental shelf,” Journal of Geophysical

Research 114 (2009): G04003.95. Shadwick et al., n. 65 above.96. Sabine et al., n. 16 above.97. K. Caldeira and M.E. Wickett, “Oceanography: Anthropogenic carbon and

ocean pH,” Nature 425 (2003): 365, Orr et al., n. 8 above.98. O. Hoegh-Guldberg et al., “Coral Reefs under Rapid Climate Change and

Ocean Acidifi cation,” Science 318 (2007): 1737–1742.99. Caldeira and Wickett, n. 97 above.

suggested, based on the results of a modeling study in the region,94 that interan-nual variability in air-sea CO

2 fl ux on the eastern North American continental

shelf is due in part to NAO forcing. Warming between (low NAO) 1985 and (high NAO) 1990 has been proposed as the cause of weaker CO

2 uptake in the

Gulf of Maine; this interpretation is in agreement with our fi nding that the dec-adal cooling on the Scotian Shelf has driven the system towards stronger uptake.95

Ocean Acidifi cation

As described briefl y above, the rise in atmospheric CO2 due to fossil fuel emis-

sions is partially offset by the oceans’ uptake of CO2.96 As CO

2 dissolves in sea-

water, the pH is reduced, making the water more acidic; this process has recently been coined ‘ocean acidifi cation’.97 During the 20th century increasing concen-trations of atmospheric CO

2 have decreased the surface ocean pH by 0.1 units.98

To the best of our knowledge, the ocean has never experienced such a rapid acidifi cation.99 Should CO

2 concentration continue to rise, by the end of this

FIG. 12.—Monthly sea-surface temperature anomaly for the central Scotian Shelf from 1999 to 2008.

200 Environment and Coastal Management

100. P.N. Pearson and M.R. Palmer, “Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations over the past 60 million years,” Nature 406 (2000): 695–699.

101. Hoegh-Guldberg, see n. 98 above.102. J.A. Kleypas and C. Langdon, “Coral reefs and changing seawater chemis-

try,” in Coral Reefs and Climate Change: Science and Management, ed. J.T. Phinney, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, J. Kleypas, W. Skirving and A. Strong, AGU Monograph Series, Coastal and Estuarine Studies 61 (2006): 73–110.

103. Sabine et al., n. 16 above.104. Petrie et al., n. 35 above.

century, changes in surface ocean pH that are greater in magnitude and also faster than those experienced during the transitions from glacial to interglacial periods may occur.100 The reaction between CO

2 and DIC in seawater reduces the avail-

ability of carbonate ions; coincident with the 0.1 unit decrease in pH is a deple-tion of seawater carbonate (CO

32−) concentrations by roughly 30 µmol/kg.101

Acidifi cation will directly impact a wide range of marine organisms that build shells from calcium carbonate, from planktonic coccolithophores, to mollusks, to shallow-water and deep-sea corals. Aragonite is the dominant crystalline form of calcium carbonate deposited in the skeletons of deep-sea corals. Experimental studies have shown that increasing seawater CO

2 decreases coral calcifi cation

and growth by the inhibition of aragonite formation as carbonate ion concentrations decrease.102 A change in carbonate ion concentration results in a proportional change in the aragonite saturation state (Ω

ar) such that as

ocean acidifi cation continues, surface ocean Ωar values will decline. In regions

where Ωar > 1.0, the formation of skeletons and shells is possible. Conversely,

if Ωar < 1.0, the water is corrosive and the dissolution of aragonite shells can

occur.The average surface ocean pH is roughly 8.1; on the Scotian Shelf the sur-

face values are slightly above this global mean. The seasonal profi les of Ωar do

not indicate widespread conditions of undersaturation, however, the saturation state is relatively low in this region (Fig. 13). As in the case of pCO

2 and DIC, the

limited time-series of data presented here does not allow a longer-term trend to be distinguished. The decadal decrease in SST and corresponding decrease in ΔpCO

2 drives the system on the Scotian Shelf towards greater uptake of CO


and consequently lower pH, adding complexity to any observed trend in acidifi -cation in this region. In April, the surface water pH and Ω

ar are relatively high

due to the uptake of CO2 by photosynthesis. However, at a depth of 150 to 200

m in April, Ωar approaches undersaturation in the relatively high pCO

2 near-

shore waters (Fig. 13). Although much of the acidic character of these subsur-face waters is the natural result of seasonal respiration at intermediate depth, the ocean, and the North Atlantic in particular, continues to accumulate anthropo-genic CO

2.103 Upwelling is a common physical feature on the Scotian Shelf.104

This process brings high-carbon, low Ωar waters to the surface and exposes

coastal organisms living on or near the seafl oor to less saturated waters. Using the annual average sea-surface temperature (SST

avg = 7°C), sea-surface salinity

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 201


. 13




of p


2, p










e tr


ct i

n A


l (t

op p


s) a







m p


s) 2





es a

re c



d f




e m







d T


202 Environment and Coastal Management

105. IPCC Synthesis Report, “Climate Change 2001: A contribution of working groups I, II and III to the 3rd Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,” ed. R.T. Watson and the Core Writing Team (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001).

106. R.A. Feely, C.L. Sabine, J.M. Hernandez-Ayon, D. Ianson, B. Hales, “Evidence for Upwelling of Corrosive “Acidifi ed” Water onto the Continental Shelf,” Science 320 (2008): 1490–1492.

107. H. Thomas, A.E.F. Prowe, I.D. Lima, S.C. Doney, R. Wanninkhof, R.J. Greatbatch, U. Schuster and A. Corbiere, “Changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation infl uence CO

2 uptake in the North Atlantic Ocean over the past 2 decades,” Global

Biogeochemical Cycles 22 (2008): GB4027, doi:10.1029/2007GB003167.108. A.V. Borges, B. Tilbrook, N. Metzl, A. Lenton, and B. Delille, “Inter-annual

variability of the carbon dioxide ocean sink south of Tasmania,” Biogeosciences 5 (2008): 141–155.


= 30.9), surface TA (TAavg

= 2150 µmol/kg), surface DIC (DICavg

= 1950 µmol/kg), and surface pCO

2 (pCO

2(avg) = 420 µatm), the average annual

surface aragonite saturation state is Ωar = 1.48. If we assume that the surface

waters of the Scotian Shelf equilibrate with the atmosphere with respect to the concentration of CO

2, the aragonite saturation state in the surface waters will

reach aragonite undersaturation when the atmospheric concentration of CO2

rises above 675 µatm, or 1.7 times the current level of 390 µatm. According to the model estimates of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), under a variety of emission strategies, atmospheric emissions will reach 675 µatm between 2080 and 2100.105

It has been suggested that upwelling could potentially magnify the effects of acidifi cation.106 However, we might consider this point from the opposite side: waters from the deep ocean are presently (naturally) acidifi ed due to the rem-ineralization of organic matter, which produces CO

2 and lowers pH. These

waters could be considered the least vulnerable to the effects of acidifi cation since their natural range of pH is low. On the other hand, coastal ecosystems in areas which do not experience episodic upwelling, and areas infl uenced by rivers could be considered most vulnerable due to the direct infl uence of atmospheric CO

2, potentially shifting these systems toward undersaturation with respect to

carbonate minerals. This is in contrast to upwelling waters, which already reveal undersaturation (i.e., Ω

ar < 1). Further complicating the understanding of the

role of ocean acidifi cation is the role of natural variability occurring over multi-annual time scales. For example, the North Atlantic Ocean sink for CO

2 has

weakened over the last decade; this change in CO2 uptake, and consequently in

surface ocean pH, has been linked to the large scale atmospheric and ocean forc-ing related to the NAO.107 Similarly, the wind-driven upwelling in the Southern Ocean, which brings CO

2-rich waters to the surface and results in a fl ux of CO


to the atmosphere, is infl uenced by multi-annual variability related to the Southern Annular Mode, and some regions are found to act as CO

2 sinks,

decreasing the surface pH, during weak wind regimes.108 Thus, the vulnerability

Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean 203

109. Meybeck et al., n. 32 above.110. Borges and Gypens, n. 11 above.111. “Half of fi sh consumed globally is now raised on farms, study fi nds,” Science

Daily Sept. 8, 2009 <>.

of a particular ocean system to increased absorption of CO2, and consequently

lower pH, will strongly depend not only on the present-day CO2 uptake (or

release) and the anthropogenic increases in atmospheric CO2, but also on the

processes controlling natural variability, which can be signifi cant. These proc-esses may be particularly important in the coastal zone since it is infl uenced not only by the atmosphere, but also by rivers, sediments, and the adjacent open ocean depending on the timescale of interest.109 In some coastal systems the effects of eutrophication may be more signifi cant than those related to ocean acidifi cation.110 The need to identify small changes in a spatially and temporally variable system highlights the importance of understanding the baseline condi-tions in coastal systems such that trends due to anthropogenic forcing may be understood over all relevant timescales.


The coastal ocean is vulnerable to anthropogenic activities occurring on land and in the atmosphere since it receives fresh water, nutrient and sedimentary inputs from the coast. These coastal regions play an important role in the absorp-tion of atmospheric CO

2, as well as supplying essential food for human con-

sumption. The work presented here provides a baseline assessment of the CO2

system in the Scotian Shelf region and a quantifi cation of the drivers of seasonal and interannual variability. This region is strongly infl uenced by atmospheric forcing through the North Atlantic Oscillation and exhibits signifi cant interan-nual variability as a result. This natural variability has the potential to mask anthropogenic effects such as the longer-term trend of declining pH as a result of increased uptake of atmospheric CO

2. This research highlights the necessity

of long-term monitoring programs to assess the current state of our oceans and predict their response to change.

The global realization that societal dependence on fossil fuels has a pro-found infl uence on the health of our planet is leading to advancements in our understanding of natural systems and their vulnerability to change. The ocean is warming and becoming more acidic as a direct consequence of increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO

2. The ramifi cations of ocean acidifi cation

are of clear relevance to the commercial fi shing industry in Atlantic Canada, which has experienced major declines in the recent decades. Shellfi sh aquacul-ture and fi sheries are important commercial industries in Nova Scotia; commer-cial aquaculture supplies nearly half of all the fi sh and shellfi sh consumed globally by humans, and increases in this proportion are projected.111 Mitigation

204 Environment and Coastal Management

measures to lessen the impact of the irreversible acidifi cation of the global ocean are presently lacking. Canada has one of the largest coastlines in the world. There is an opportunity for Canada to lead global efforts to adapt to climate change by implementing policies that promote the sustainable use of our ocean resources. The collapse of the Atlantic cod fi shery through mismanagement of this living resource need not be a precedent for Canadian fi sheries and oceans policy. The challenge presented by climate change and ocean acidifi cation can be met with innovation, adaptation, and policies aimed at a future in which human impact on the environment is reduced.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Shadwick, E.H., and Thomas, H. (2011). Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean: A Case Study in the Scotian Shelf Region,in Ocean Year Book, 25, A. Chircop, S. Coffen-Smout, and M. McConnell, M. (eds.), Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden/Boston, 171-204.

Fig. 5

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Fig. 4

Shadwick, E.H., and Thomas, H. (2011). Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean: A Case Study in the Scotian Shelf Region,in Ocean Year Book, 25, A. Chircop, S. Coffen-Smout, and M. McConnell, M. (eds.), Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden/Boston, 171-204.

Fig. 13

Shadwick, E.H., and Thomas, H. (2011). Carbon Dioxide in the Coastal Ocean: A Case Study in the Scotian Shelf Region,in Ocean Year Book, 25, A. Chircop, S. Coffen-Smout, and M. McConnell, M. (eds.), Martinus Nijhoff, Leiden/Boston, 171-204.

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