carbon budget and accounting - edmonton€¦ · a s p a r t of th e u p d a te to e d m on ton ’...

Post on 14-Oct-2020






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CARBON BUDGET AND ACCOUNTING BRIEF *Informed by the “Carbon Budget” document prepared for the City of Edmonton by the Sustainable 

Solutions Group. 

Issue Identification What is Edmonton’s carbon budget, and how can the integration of this budget and a carbon accounting process contribute to the city’s progress reducing greenhouse gas emissions? Introduction In 2017, C40 Cities published a report in which they assessed the contribution of the C40 cities to 1

the COP21 Paris Agreement’s aspirations of limiting climate change to 1.5 and 2 degrees 

respectively. Specific GHG emissions reduction trajectories were identified for each of the C40 cities, 

as well as potential actions to achieve those trajectories. Since then, the same methodology has 

been used to calculate carbon budgets for other cities. These city-specific carbon budgets are an 

effective way of communicating the urgency of the required emission reductions.  

Once the urgency of the need is realized, cities need tools that allow them to incorporate GHG 

emissions implications into their administrative decision-making. One such tool is a carbon 

accounting framework. This framework allows administrators to estimate the GHG emissions 

associated with their projects, and to provide that information to decision-makers. This will ensure 

that the decision-makers are aware that approving projects that increase emissions will mean they 

must deduct those emissions from the city’s carbon budget. 

1 C40. “deadline-2020.” C40 Cities. (accessed November 4, 2019).  

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As part of the update to Edmonton’s Community Energy Transition Strategy [the Strategy], City 

Council has directed administration to: 

“bring back a revised Community Energy Transition Strategy that... aligns the emissions targets and 

actions with the local carbon budget for City Council’s approval. This is to include… implementation 

of a carbon accounting system for municipal operating and capital budgeting decisions and 


This paper presents Edmonton’s carbon budget, explains how it was calculated, and outlines how 

aligning the Strategy with it and implementing a carbon accounting system can contribute to the 

city’s progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  

Analysis History 

“Greenhouse gases” (GHGs) is the name given to a number of gases which, when released into the 

atmosphere, trap heat and cause the average temperature on earth to rise. As increasing quantities 

of greenhouse gases are released from anthropogenic sources, sinks such as forests and oceans are 

able to absorb some of these emissions. However due to the significant amounts of GHGs released 

primarily from the combustion of coal, oil and gas in recent decades, the overall concentration of 

these gases in the atmosphere has also increased significantly. This in turn has trapped more heat 

within earth’s atmosphere which is causing average temperatures to rise significantly.  

The figure below illustrates how dramatically atmospheric GHG concentrations have increased since 

coal, oil and gas became the fuels driving an increasingly industrialized world beginning in 

approximately 1870. 

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Figure 1: World-wide CO2 emissions by fuel type over time  2


Global Carbon Budgets 

In order to prevent dangerous levels of climate change, scientists working through the 

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have identified that humanity needs to restrict global 

warming due to GHG emissions to less than 2℃. They have further quantified that this translates to 

emitting no more than approximately 2,900 Gtonnes of GHGs. This is effectively the earth’s total 

global <2℃ carbon budget. Between 1870 and 2011, it is estimated that humanity emitted about 

1,900 Gtonnes of GHGs, leaving the world a remaining budget of approximately 1,000 Gtonnes from 

2011 on. Restricting temperature increase to a maximum of 1.5℃ results in an even smaller global 3

budget of 400 Gtonnes.  4

2 Ritchie, Hannah and Roser, Max. CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Our World in Data. Accessed November 4, 2019. 3 Allen, M. R., Barros, V. R., Broome, J., Cramer, W., Christ, R., Church, J. A., ... & Edenhofer, O. (2014). IPCC fifth assessment synthesis report-climate change 2014 synthesis report. 4 Carbon Brief. “Analysis: Only five years left before 1.5C carbon budget is blown. Retrieved from:

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Figure 2: Global carbon budgets for different temperature limits and degrees of certainty. 

C40 Cities Approach to Creating City Carbon Budgets 

C40 Cities used a three step approach to identify carbon budgets for its member cities: 

1. Determine the global carbon budgets for safe levels of warming of below 1.5 and 2 degrees as of 


C40 Cities used the global carbon budgets with a 66% chance of limiting global temperature 

rises to 1.5 and 2 degrees respectively. Data from IPCC was used to estimate that these 

global carbon budgets were 387 and 1,037 Gtonnes of CO2e respectively. 

2. Identify an approach to allocate a fair portion of this budget to the C40 cities. 

Allocating a portion of the global carbon budgets to the C40 Cities was based on an 

approach called “Convergence and Contraction”. This was considered a fair approach 

because it takes into account responsibility, capacity and equality.  

Using Convergence and Contraction, cities were assigned to one of four groups depending 

on whether they have high or low emissions, and high or low GDP. Those with high 

emissions and high GDP are required to reduce their emissions fastest while cities with low 

emissions and low GDP are permitted to increase their emissions slightly before ultimately 

reducing them. All cities are required to converge on a per capita emissions rate of 3.2 

tonnes per person by 2030, and then to decrease until 2050 when the per capita emissions 

rate for all cities would need to reach 0 tonnes per person.  

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Figure 3: Emissions Reduction Trajectories using Convergence and Contraction  5

A carbon budget was then calculated for each C40 city using the following formula: 

a) Multiply the city’s forecast 2030 population by 3.2 tonnes to determine the city’s 

maximum, total GHG emissions in 2030. 

b) Document the city’s maximum, total GHG emissions in 2050 as 0. 

c) Document the city’s actual, total GHG emissions in 2016. 

d) Place the values for all three of these dates on a graph where the X-axis represents 

time and the Y-axis represents the city’s total GHG emissions. 

e) Connect the 2016 total emissions point to the 2030 total emissions point using a 

curve. Do the same to connect the 2030 to the 2050 total emissions point. 

f) Calculate the area under the resulting line. This is the city’s carbon budget from 2016 

to 2050. (Note that all cities must continue to emit 0 greenhouse gases after 2050.) 

3. Calculate the total C40 carbon budget using the approach in step 2 and compare it to the global 

carbon budget identified in step 1 to ensure that it is realistic relative to current patterns. 

The process described above resulted in the C40 Cities being granted a total of 22 Gtonnes 

of CO2e (or 6% of the remaining global budget). In 2016, the C40 Cities emitted a total of 2.4 

Gtonnes of CO2e, or 5% of the total global emissions (47 Gtonnes of CO2e) for that year. 

5 Deadline 2020. Deadline 2020 - How cities will get the job done. C40 Cities. Accessed November 4, 2019.

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These proportions are similar, suggesting that assigning this portion of the total remaining 

global carbon budget to C40 cities will not be unreasonable. 

Edmonton’s Carbon Budget 

A carbon budget for Edmonton was developed using a similar approach to that used for the C40 

Cities. Employing a 1.5℃ global budget with 50% probability, the 2030 target of 3.2 tonnes per 

person and the 2050 target of 0 tonnes per person, a logistic function was used to extrapolate per 

capita GHG emissions for the period between 2019 and 2030, and the period 2031 to the end of 

2050. Future population projections were then multiplied against the per capita GHG emissions 

factor to generate total GHG emissions year over year.   6

The resulting trajectory indicates that the total carbon budget between the beginning of 2019 and 

the end of 2050 for the City of Edmonton is 155 Mtonnes. This means that for Edmonton to align 

with the Paris Accord and with the Edmonton Declaration, it cannot emit more than 155 Mtonnes of 

emissions before 2050. 


Figure 4: The City of Edmonton’s Historical Emissions and Trajectory to stay within a 1.5℃ Carbon Budget 

6 Sustainability Solutions Group. “City of Edmonton Community Energy Transition Strategy Update: Carbon Budget”. April 24, 2018. 

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Year  Population  Required Maximum Emissions to stay within 1.5℃ Carbon Budget (tonnes CO2e) 

2020  1,000,000  18,000,000 

2030  1,167,000  3,734,000 

2040  1,308,000  800,000 

2050  1,504,800  100,000 

 Table 1: Summary Required Emissions Trajectory 



Since 2005, Edmonton’s total community GHG emissions have ranged from approximately 18 to 20 

Mtonnes per year, with the current trend being just slightly down. In fact, if the trajectory is 

projected out, the city will still be emitting more than 18 Mtonnes per year in 2050. If Edmonton 

continues on this trajectory, the city will exhaust its carbon budget of 155 Mtonnes in 2028. 


Figure 6: Edmonton’s Historical Emissions and Trajectory 

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On a per capita basis, Edmonton’s historical emissions have been decreasing more notably. 

However, in 2018, Edmonton’s emissions were 19.11 tonnes per person. To stay within its carbon 

budget, this will need to drop to 3.2 by 2030, and to 0 by 2050. To accomplish this, per capita 

emission rates need to fall faster, particularly in the next 10 years. 


Figure 6: Edmonton’s Historical Per Capita Emissions and Required Trajectory to stay within a 1.5 Degree Carbon Budget  


Carbon Accounting Framework 

In order to reduce emissions this dramatically, the City of Edmonton needs to begin considering the 

implications of each of its decisions on the city’s remaining carbon budget. Any project, strategy or 

initiative that will result in an increase in emissions - whether in the short or long-term - must be 

recognized as using up some of the remaining carbon budget. Those who make the decision as to 

whether or not a project is approved must have a clear understanding of the emission implications, 

much as they need to understand the financial costs of a project relative to a financial budget.  

For this to be possible, city administration needs what is called a “carbon accounting framework”. 

This is a set of tools that will provide city staff with the ability to:  

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● Estimate GHG emissions or reductions that will result from proposed projects, programs, 

initiatives or operating processes; 

● Do so using consistent formulas, factors and assumptions that are aligned with international 

best practices; and  

● Incorporate these estimates into initial proposals and ongoing status reporting, and project 

completion reports for projects in the city. 

Conclusion Adding a carbon budget into the City of Edmonton’s greenhouse gas reduction targets is an effective 

way of communicating the urgent need to reduce emissions. With a carbon budget superimposed 

over a city’s projected emissions, the impact of delaying reductions in emissions becomes very clear. 

This makes a carbon budget a useful tool for encouraging municipal governments, which are often 

more agile in deploying programs than other levels of government, to act quickly. 

Edmonton’s carbon budget between 2019 and 2050 is 155 Mtonnes. If the city continues to operate 

as it does currently, this budget will be exhausted in 2028. In order to make the reductions required 

to stay within this budget, a carbon accounting framework must be developed. This framework will 

allow administration and City Council to understand the emissions “costs” associated with any 

project all the way through the project’s lifecycle. Based on this understanding, projects that are 

approved will need to have their GHG emissions entered against the carbon budget. In this way, the 

city should be constantly aware of how their decisions are reducing or increasing their carbon 

budget. This knowledge will provide city staff with the knowledge they require to ensure they 

become and remain aligned with the Paris Accord and the Edmonton Declaration.  

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