capitals radio program - chronicling america...for the shorter and more irish name of “pat.” he...

Post on 04-Feb-2021






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  • -Many Stars Started at Pasadena

    Playhouse Is Famed As Stepping Stone To the Screen

    By the Associated Press. PASADENA, CALIF.

    The “Little Theater” that has graduated upward of a score of its players into stardom on the stage and screen, launches its fifth annual midsummer drama festival this week.

    Eight plays of Maxwell Anderson, •elected by the author as represent- ing the greatest diversity of his work, are to be presented in the Pasadena Community Playhouse between June 26 and August 19. Last year seven plays of George Bernard Shaw comprised the mid- •ummer festival program.

    Founded 22 years ago in an old burlesque theater, the Plavhouse with its school of the theater now occupies its own $600,000 six-story plant. The main auditorium seats 832 spectators.

    Players who have used the Play- house as a stepping stone to screen prominence include Victor Jory, Gloria Stuart, Randolph Scott, Douglass Montgomery, Robert Tay- lor, Tyrone Power, Karen Morely, Robert Young. Anne Shirley, Stuart Irwin, Michael Whalen and Helen Mack.

    “Bob Young is typical,” said Gil- mor Briwn, organizer and supervis- ing director of the Playhouse. "For two years he worked as a board marker in a local brokerage house, attending rehearsals and appearing in plays meanwhile. Finally his em- ployers suggested he choose between the brokerage business and the stage. He quit his job'and gradu- ated into the movies.

    Robert Preston, Wayne Morris, John Carradine and Richard Carl- son, among the younger screen players, all started their acting careers on the Playhouse stage in Shakespearean roles. This theater, by the way, is the only one in the United States where all 37 plays of Shakespeare have been produced,"

    To the Playhouse stage come am- bitious amateurs, students of its own school of the theater and other drama schools, retired troupers who feel the pull of the footlights and motion picture players who wish to renew the audience contact and hear the applause they miss on the movie sets.

    None of them receives any pay, and none pays for the privilege of appearing. Naturally, the Play- house is a favorite resort for talent scouts from Hollywood and the legi- timate theater.

    “Paul Muni used the Playhouse stage to escape from the roles in which he was being typed as ‘a second Lon Chaney,’ Brown re- called. “He appeared here in 1930 in one play, ‘The Man Saul.’ which afterward went on to New York. The result on his later career is obvious.”

    Not only players, but plays have received their starts toward success on the Playhouse stage. It has pre- sented 62 world premieres during its history.

    S. R. Buchman’s “The Man Saul" was one of them. Others were Eu- gene O'Neills “Lazarus Laughed.” Booth Tarkington's "The Plutocrat,” Sophie Kerr's “A Plain Man and His Wife.” which became “Big Hearted Herbert" on Broadway; Bella and Sam Spewacks "Spring Song" and James Warwick's “Smoke Screen*" called “Blind Alley” on the New York stage.

    Seventeen American premieres Included Noel Coward's “Cavalcade,” the Cgpeks’ “The Makropoulos Se- cret" and Elmer Rice's “Not for Children.”

    A play founded on a novel by a Los Angeles newspaper columnist, Lee Shipper, "The Great American Family.” recently set a six-week at- tendance record of 30.000 for the Playhouse. It has been sold for New York production.

    Fiddle Among Fiddles Was This One, Surely

    With well over a hundred violins on the set and available, a single fiddle stopped production for nearly an hour on Samuel Goldwyn's "They Shall Have Music.” which stars Jascha Heifetz, world renowned vio- linist. While Andrea Leeds and Joel McCrea cooled their heels in waiting, frontic prop men tried to locate a $3,500 instrument which somehow had strayed in among the "break- away” prop fiddles which this morn- ing were being used.

    Horrified least the valuable violin be used by mistage as one to be de- liberately smashed, Paul Widlicska, head propmaker and creator of the breakaway fiddles, was called to look over his handiwork and separate the one grain of wheat from among the chaff.

    Glamour Girls Jane Bryan and Anita Louise

    have been cast in important roles in “These Glamour Girls,” with Lew Ayres and Lana Turner. New addi- tions to the cast also include Don Castle. Jack Carleton, Owen Davis, jr.; Peter Hayes, son of Actress Grace Hayes: Sumner Getchell and Dennie Moore. They join previously announced players, Tom Brown, Marsha Hunt. Richard Carlson, Ann Rutherford and Mary Beth Hughes In this collegiate story,

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    He Never Ran 90 Yards And Pat O’Brien Claims Those Other Yarns Are Untrue, Too


    By Carlisle Jones. HOLLYWOOD.

    Pat O'Brien didn't run 90 yards to a touchdown for Marquette against Notre Dame and he has never said that he did. In recent years he has said, very vehemently, that he did not. But

    it makes no difference. The story goes on and on. It appears year after year with new elaborations.

    Neither is it true that Pat had the skin of his tattooed chest removed and made into a lampshade. The*--- actor has become a little bitter about that story. His chest was never tattooed and neither has any other part of his epidermis been so decorated.

    He -was baptized “William Patrick O'Brien." He dropped the William for the shorter and more Irish name of “Pat.” He has not kissed the Blarney Stone. He has never been closer to Ireland, in fact, than New York City.

    He came to Hollywood to play the wrong role in a comedy of er- rors that started his career off in great style. He is sentimental, gen- erous and sometimes swears mag- nificently. Horse racing and hand- ball are two of his favorite sports. He was stranded once on the road— in Peoria. He almost starved in a hall bedroom—in New York.

    Pat has played more newspaper roles in pictures than any other actor, but he never has been a re- porter or a city editor. His fans are his favorite authors. He be- lieves a periscope is of more value than a horoscope. He believes in banshees.

    He nas worked steadily and 1 alrlv hard—for an actor—during the 10 years he has been in Hollywood and he has saved enough money to snap his fingers at the wolf at his door. He claims he didn't know Atlantis was lost. He always thought it was in Georgia!

    Pat takes his tie off first when he gets ready for bed. He misses trains and likes to swim nude. He says he wears rubber heels only "in intimate scenes" and he sleeps “in character."

    He can pick out a tune on the

    Mary Morris Cast In Korda Film

    Mary Morris, the young actress who made her featured screen debut in “Prison Without Bars,” has been awarded a leading role in Alexan- der Korda’s new Technicolor pro- duction, “Thief of Bagdad.” Miss Morris joins the cast which already includes Conrad Veidt. Sabu, June- Duprez, John Justin and Rex In- gram.

    “Thief of Bagdad" is being direct- ed by Ludwig Berger.

    (Continued From First Page.)

    cannot double for these dummies, since they might be injured in the make-believe conflict.

    This practice has been the cus- tom since Griffith made “The Birth of a Nation.” Recently the Screen Actors' Guild was able to convince the producers they should hire ex- tras—one for each dummy for each day. The theory seems to be that the dummies were keeping the ex- tras out of work.

    The extras stand by, wonder about tomorrow's bread and butter, collect their checks, go yawkingly home- ward at the end of the dreadfully weary day. Glamour Girls Treated Not Too Kindly.

    “These Glamour Girls” will not treat too kindly the New York va- riety who inspired Jane Hall's story.

    In this picture, now under way, there are seven, gills; six are debs, the kind who in real life cop so much picture and society space, and the seventh is glamorous, too. But she’s (Lana Turner) only a taxi dancer. She is the only one who doesn't turn phony when faced with a real problem.

    Sylvan Simon, who is directing, says his picture is not an expose of the young society crowd—"unless Jane Hall knows what she's talking about.”

    She does. She gave up the glam- our business to write books and scenarios about it.

    Again Hedy Lamarr Gets Her Man.

    Something new in the compara- tively uneventful screen life of Hedy Lamarr came up the other day: She had to shoot a man, same being Joseph Schildkraut. It was pretty emotional stuff; the- director, in a dozen rehearsals, stirred Hedy into a fine state of repressed excitement.

    Hedy walked into the artificial garden, surprised Schildkraut, told him she was going to "keel” him. Then she whipped out the gun, fired point-blank.

    After it was all over, the dark- eyed one commented:

    “It was a funny feeling, shooting a man, even with a blank cart- ridge.”

    zither and he is a softie for a “touch.” He has neither brothers nor sisters and was once a thor- oughly spoiled child. He has two children of his own and is a fairly successful disciplinarian. He didn't finish college and believes he is better off now than if he had grad- uated. He likes people, is at his best in a crowd and can make an excellent impromptu speech.

    Spencer Tracy, Frank McHugh, James Cagney and Bob Armstrong are his close friends. He financed his wife’s' hat shop, but he didn't wait on the customers. He sings a bad bass in the shower bath and if he ever finds the chap who puts the pins in new shirts he says he will be charged with murder.

    Otherwise he is as normal as any man who has never made a touch- down against Notre Dame. 1

    Capitals Radio Program _«_ JUNE 25 AND 26, 1939.

    11:00 a.m.—WMAL. Maurice Baron conducts the Radio City Music Hall Orchestra, and Baritone Robert Weede and Pianist Hen- rietta Schumann are soloists. 'Ada‘rl0’ Lekeu

    Orchestra Firat movement. "Concerto in A Minor" Grieg Mme. Schumann. Romance in C" ....... Sibelius

    ... .. Orchestra. Prayer Unterm ever-Baron _

    and Pirate Treasure" Brown-Baron

    _ Mr Weede. Serenade Tschaikowsky "Forget-Me-Not"

    *nd -' Herbert 1.00—WJSV. The part played by the Federal

    Government in the Nation's industrial life is subject of Democracy in Action program.

    Today's High Lights (All Times P.M. Unless Indicated.)

    1:30—WRC. EDUARD BENES. former Presi- dent of Czecho-Slovakia, participates in the University of Chicago Round Table discussion of "Questions on Democracy."

    2:00—WJSV. Howard Barlow conducts the Columbia Broadcasting Symphony. "Oboe Concerto"_ _Handel

    Mitchell Miller, oboeist. “Les Eolides" Franck ‘Symphony No. ft in D’’ Mendelssohn

    “Suite from Harpsichord Work**’ Couperin 3:30—WRC. The World Is Yours offers a

    dramatization entitled "The Miracle of Paper.”

    6:00—WJSV. “The American Way in Pre- paredness" is the subject of a People's Platform discussion.

    6:30—WMAL. Radio Guild presents a drama based on the life of Robert Herrick, Brit- ish poet.

    7:00—WJSV. The new Ellery Queen mystery show has as guests Princess Alexandra Kropotkin, Composer Deems Taylor, Au- thor-Poet Galett Burgess, Producer- Actor Ed Gardner.

    7:00—WMAL. Erich Leinsdorf conducts the N. B. C. Symphony Orchestra. "Suita In D Major" Bach

    Symphony No. 3fi in C Major" Mozart "Selections from "A Midsummer

    NiKht s Dream"_ Mendelssohn

    __TODAY'S PROGRAM. A.M^WMAL, 630^WRC7950kTTWQLrU30k. WJSV, 1,460k.

    8:00 Coast to Coast i Back the Clock Funny Papers Elder Mictiaux 15 Tom Terriss f:*P

    " "

    Crawford Caravan W. P. A. Concert _1 _ News JulJetins_"


    9:00 Diversion Bible High Lights Church of the Air iChurch of the Air 9:15 " I " j " " ! •' " 9:30 Russian ^Melodies Barry McKinley Dixie Harmonies Christian Science *‘”1_”_The Kidoodlers_Musical Potpourri News Bulletins

    10:00'News—Songs News—Music Cantor Shapiro News and Rhythm 30:15 Neighbor Nell Music Workshop i i " 10:30 Southernaires ,J. M. Oyanguren Art Brown, records Bowes Family

    JO-45 __"_Story-Book_” "_j " "_ 11:00 Music Hall Logan Musicale Art Brown, records Bowes Family 11:15 " " " j J]:*P To Be Announced Presbyterian Program Let's Go West '';45 I " " " " i Tabernacle Choir

    P.M. | 12:00 Waterloo Junction Music for Moderns Presbyterian Program Church of the Air 12:15; " News Bulletins i " " 12:30 Cloutier's Orch. Incidentally ; Walkathon Clyde Barry

    J2:45 Zionist Program_I _"_I " I Baptist Convention 1:00 Varieties At Aunt Fanny's (Author, Author! Democracy in Action 1:15 I " 1:30 To Be Announced Round Table, talks Freudberg's Orch. Sunday Players 1:451 " _I_''_Popular Mpdley_" _ 2:00|Three Cheers Sing Sunday Drivers Sunday Afternoon C. B. S. Symphony 2:151 Bookman's Notebook 2:30 Festival of Music Name the Place Concert Program

    _2:45: " " | " | " 3:00 Sundoy Vespers j liTBriggsville News Bulletins Without Music 3:15 " Rangers Serenade Music of Masters 3:30 Tapestry Musicale World Is Yours Haven of Rest On W. P. A. Cuts 3:451 •" ”_1 '' " '' " St. Louis Blues 4:00 H. R. Baukhage Rhythm Makers Musical Program WorldToday 4:15 Jimmy Dorsey's Orchf Hall of Fun " " " 4:30 Spelling Bee Red Norvo's Orch. Ben Bornie 4:45 N. Y. Fair Program i '' " " " 5:00 Tropical Moods Catholic Hour Swing High Cancer Institute 5:15 Grenadiers Band " " Rhythm Rhapsody " 5:30 Paul Laval's Orch. Grouch Club Walkathon Hollywood Pgm. 3:45 _" _Tea Dansant" _ 6:00 Star Sports Review Jack Benny, variety Bill McCune's Orch. People's Platform 6:15 Popular Classics 6:30 Radio Guild Drama Band Wagon Design for Melody Musical Playhouse 6:45 ”" "_ " '• " 3:00 N. B. C. Orchestra Charlie McCarthy American Forum Ellery Queen 7:15 " " " " 7:30 " " m m « » »» n 7**45 " " " " 00 ~ or •:M Playhouse, drama Merry-Go-Round Revival Meeting Summer Hour I*|5 " " 11 »» « rr r» 8:30 Walter Winchell j Familiar Music " 8:45 Irene Rich, dfama I " •• » 9:00 Ferde Grofe's Orch. The Circle, variety Good Will Court Playhouse, drama 9:15 -has. Barnet’s Orch. " " " " » 9:30 Cheerio " " " " H. V. Kaltenborn 0:45__" " " Capitol Opinions

    10:00 News—Refugee Pgm. Old Refrains American Wildlife Nows—Music J0:15 Refugee Program Stamp Romances Music—Scores 10:30 Vincent Lopez's Orch. Glenn Miller's Orch. Nows Bulletins What Price America 10:45 " "_ ”_Music Album ”_ 11:00 Glenn Carow, piano Sports—Music Jan Garber's Orth From Brazil 11:15 Music You Desire Isham Jones' Orch. " " " 11:30! " Henry Busso's Orch. Teagarden's Orch. Arch Bleyor’s Orth. H:45 w « »* « »r M 12:00 Sign Off Tign Off Jimmy Dorsey’s Orch. Weather 12:15 " Sign Off (12:02) 12:301 Red Norvo’s Orch. 12:451 v

    1:00* j Lonely Hour, 'Til 2 |


    A.M.| WMAL, 630k. | WRC, 950k. | WOLTUSOk. | WJSV, 1,460k. 6:00 Gordon Hittenmark Arthur Godfrey 6:30 Today's Prelude " Art Brown " J;45 " " " " .... pw .. 7:00 Today's Prelude Gordon Hittenmark Art Brown Arthur Godfrey 7:15 Prelude—News " *' | " " " " 7:30 Lee Everett " " News—Art Brown 7:45; " "_" "_jArt Brown_" "__ 1:00 Lee Everett News—Hittenmark Art Brown News—Godfrey •:15 " " Gordon Hittenmark \ " Arthur Godfrey 8:30 Earl Godwin, news " " News—Art Brown Magic Carpet l:45!Breakfast Club Gospel Singer Art Brown iBachelor's Children 9:00 Over Paradise Central City, serial Art Brown Kitty-KellTT^erial 9:15 Josh Higgins, serial Other Wife, serial Piano Lessons Myrt and Marge 9:30 Jack Berch Sings Plain Bill, serial Melody Strings Hilltop House, serial 9:45 i I. Miller's Orch. Woman in White I News—Calendar iStepmother, serial

    10:00 Mary Marlin, serial David Harum, serial Morning Concert iln Hollywood 10:15 Vic and Sade, serial Lorenzo Jones, serial Traffic Court Scattergood Baines 10:30 Fran Allison Sings Widow Brown, serial Keep Fit to Music Big Sister, serial 10:45 Jack Foy, songs_Road et Life, serial ■ Musical Potpourri Real Lrfe Stories 11:00iDorothy Dreslin Romanelli s Orch. Musical Potpourri Mary M. McBride 11:15 Kidoodlers, music O'Neills, serial The Swingsters Nancy James, serial 11:30 Farm and Home Hour Mary Mason > The Joyce Trio Helen Trent, serial 11:45 " I " " 1 " iGal Sunday, serial

    P.M.J 12:00 Farm and Home Hour News—Music iThe Happy Gang Goldbergs^ serial 12:15 " Devotions Hews—Music Life's Beautiful 12:30 Peables in Charge Tex Walker, songs Walkathon Road of Life, serial

    J2:45 News—Music_Words and Music Vaughn De Leath Day Is Ours, serial 1:00{Reading Adventure Betty and Bob Fred Nagel s Orch. District Reporter 1:15 " " Grimm's Daughter Sports Page Dr. Susan, serial 1:30. Manhattan Melodies Valiant Lady, serial

    " "

    {Your Family, serial 1:

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