canterbury tales prologue questions

Post on 13-Apr-2015






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Canterbury Tales Prologue Questions


Name________________________________________________ Date __________________________Score_________

Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales “Prologue” - Answer the following questions using the reading from the Prologue.

(1) According to the narrative, what type of martyr is buried at Canterbury?

(2) What 'part' is the narrator also going to play this season?

(3) The narrator says that there will be 'this many' pilgrims this season. (Number)

(4) The mission of the pilgrims is to do what?

(5) The narrator describes this holy group of pilgrims as 'this kind' of troop.

(6) At what time of day will the pilgrims be leaving, according to the narrator?

(7) Who is the narrator briefly going to introduce us to?

(8) Who does the narrator introduce first?

(9) Besides 'truth' and 'honor' what else did this knight fight for?

(10) What three-word phrase describes how much the knight has traveled in his quest?

(11) What 'kind' of work has the knight done against the heathen Turk?

(12) Even though he is known as a ferocious fighter, the knight was also 'courteous' and what?

(13) He was a true knight who never uttered this type of word.

(14) What relation was the squire to the Knight?

(15) What word does the narrator use to show the squire is single and not married.

(16) Besides having been at war in Flanders, where else did the boy get a chance to 'try' his sword?

(17) What kind of dresser was this squire?

(18) What was it that most 'absorbed him quite'?

(19) What was the squire's job at dinner time?

(20) What was the color of the Yeoman’s clothing?

(21) What did the Yeoman’s sheaf hold?

(22) Why does the narrator think the Yeoman is an outdoors person?

(23) What was 'slung' across the shoulder of the Yeoman?

(24) Who was traveling with the Nun (Prioress)?

(25) What language did the Nun (Prioress) speak?

(26) The narrator jokingly says the Nun (Prioress) has good manners because she did not spill what on her vest?

(27) The Nun (Prioress) seemed to be imitating which ladies?

(28) The Nun (Prioress) became quite disturbed when one of these died.

(29) What was the phrase printed on her brooch?

(30) What does the Monk 'run' for his superiors?

(31) According to the narrator, this Monk should have been a what?

(32) The old rules for being a monk were much too what for this monk?

(33) The Monk was fun-loving and did not care what the 'Bible' or this man said.

(34) He might not be much of a monk, but he was a gallant what?

(35) The Monk liked to eat and especially liked one of 'these,' served as a roast.

(36) What was it that the jolly Friar collected?

(37) This Friar 'hobnobbed' with whom?

(38) The Friar earned money by listening to 'these' from the rich women and landowners.

(39) The Friar found it 'sweet' and 'easy' to do what?

(40) The 'clink of silver' showed true what?

(41) Musically, the Friar could play guitar and also do what?

(42) The Friar evidently drank at many of these, by the happy look on the owners' faces.

(43) The Friar liked hanging out with the rich and would make it a point not to be seen with these people.

(44) What did the wealthy Merchant have on his face?

(45) What was always on the Merchant's mind?

(46) Even though he seemed wealthy the Merchant had 'these.'

(47) The Cleric studied at which school?


(48) What seems to be one of the Cleric's favorite colors?

(49) On what does the Cleric prefer to spend his money?

(50) What is one of the two things he would 'gladly' do?

(51) What kind of 'trades' did all of these men practice?

(52) Since they were all good eaters, the word 'portly' probably means what?

(53) The Guildsmen not only have property, they also have what?

(54) What was the handicap that this Woman from Bath had?

(55) From 'what' does she make 'good cloth'?

(56) What color were her bright stockings?

(57) How many husbands did the Woman from Bath have?

(58) What was one of the 'other' holy places she visited?

(59) What kind of smile did she have?

(60) What did she know more of than 'other folks'?

(61) What was the Doctor an expert on?

(62) Besides medicine, what else did he consult to determine the illnesses of his patients?

(63) Whom did the Doctor work with?

(64) The Doctor only ate what was good for what?

(65) What is it that brought the Doctor gold?

(66) The Doctor, like the alchemist, searched for 'this' all his life.

(67) The only wealth the Parson had was 'thought' and what?

(68) The Parson was patient and did not curse his what?

(69) To the Parson, it is more blessed to give than to what?

(70) How did the Parson often get across his territory to the sick and needy?

(71) The Parson used himself as this to enforce what he taught.

(72) This honest and loyal Parson stayed where, 'to save his flock'?

(73) When the Parson reproached a sinner, he did it how?

(74) The Plowman, a good worker, has set his heart on 'this.'

(75) How did the Plowman pay his duties to the church?

(76) Whose estate did the Reeve manage?

(77) The Manciple saw to clothes and food for whom?

(78) Who is the Mother of the Clergy?

(79) What word does the narrator use to describe the 'big brawny' Miller?

(80) The Miller was originally a what?

(81) What is it about the Miller that 'gaped wide'?

(82) Whom did the Miller rob when they brought him grain?

(83) What instrument did the Miller play?

(84) Where was the inn where the pilgrims would spend the night before their journey?

(85) What did the Host of the inn hate most?

(86) What did the Host hope for the pilgrimage?

(87) The Host plans to have the pilgrims entertained on their journey by having each one do what?

(88) What was going to be the prize for the best storyteller?

(89) The Host says that if the rest did not have any objections, he would accompany them to Canterbury as a what?

(90) It is from these made up stories that come the what?

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