canadian institute of public health inspectors l’institut ...€¦ · • national annual general...

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Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


CIPHI Alberta Branch Annual Report April 2017


President’s Message ....................................................................................................................... 2

Treasurer’s Report (Unaudited, 2016) ........................................................................................... 4

Auditor Letter .............................................................................................................................. 6

CIPHI National Annual Education Conference Treasurer’s Report ............................................. 8

Zone Reports: ............................................................................................................................... 10

Federal Zone .............................................................................................................................. 10

North Zone ................................................................................................................................. 12

Edmonton Zone ......................................................................................................................... 13

Central Zone .............................................................................................................................. 27

Calgary Zone .............................................................................................................................. 29

South Zone ................................................................................................................................. 37

Committee Reports: ..................................................................................................................... 40

Board of Certification ................................................................................................................ 40

Newsletter Committee .............................................................................................................. 45

Website Committee ................................................................................................................... 46

Council of Professional Experience (CoPE) ................................................................................ 48

Appendices ................................................................................................................................... 50

Appendix A (Contact Information) ............................................................................................ 50

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


President’s Message

I'm excited to be submitting my second and last President's Report. 2016 has been an exciting year for me as Branch President. In this edition, you will see reports from our committee chairs, Zone Councilors and also a report on the 2016 Annual Educational Conference (AEC) in Edmonton. National Initiatives In February, I attended the national meetings in Halifax, NS. The National Executive Council met to discuss and advance National initiatives such as partnerships, bylaw revisions, revenue streams, mandatory membership, Member Service Centre, and member communication. Keep an eye out in your email inbox for communication from CIPHI National with updates on: • Passed Motions • Revised Code of Ethics, member disciplinary procedures • 2017 AEC in Richmond, BC • National Annual General Meeting • Changes to student membership • Online Courses Mandatory Membership This year's round of candidates receiving their certification will be the first group to require membership in order to retain the CPHI(C) designation. As part of membership, participation and completion of the Continuing Professional Competencies (CPC) Program will be required. The institute is moving towards a future in which an individual holding CPHI(C) will not only have the training to be a health inspector but will also have the continued education that is required to adapt to ever changing demands for the public health workforce. In time, the profile of the CPHI(C) designation as seen across Canada and beyond will be raised exponentially and I am excited to see that future. Web Store Late last year, we issued coupon codes to all regular, retired and life members to use at our newly created online, print-on-demand web store. The goal was three-fold: 1) Increase branding of our Branch; 2) appreciation for membership and support toward CIPHI AB; and 3) give our members the freedom to choose their gift while not committing the Branch to unused merchandise. This web store will continue to be available in the near future for all your CIPHI AB branded merchandise needs.

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Educational Support The 2016 AEC in Edmonton was an enormous success. We had three full days of education with multiple streams of content as well as fun social events. There was an overwhelming amount of positive feedback that was received. I have no doubt that this feedback will be put into good use for upcoming AEC and Branch workshops. Thank you to the entire organization team for making it happen. Special thanks also goes to the conference chairs, Jason MacDonald and Phi Phan for being the driving force leading many members of the committee who put in long hard hours of work over the course of over two years. As you might remember, during the 2016 AGM we committed to supporting the members in attending the AEC. This year's fall workshop in Fort McMurray will be no different. The Branch Executive will continue to work to ensure our members are supported in attending future conferences and workshops. Finally, my term as Branch President will conclude at this upcoming AGM in May. I've had a blast in various roles within CIPHI and will continue to play a role as Past President. Respectfully Submitted, Thomas Cheung, CPHI(C) CIPHI Alberta Branch President

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Treasurer’s Report (Unaudited, 2016)

JANUARY 1, 2016 – DECEMBER 31, 2016

General Account Balance as of January 1, 2016 $54,559.22

2016 Revenues

Membership Dues $12,916.45

Branch Workshop Income (Previous Year 2015) $33,947.63

Other Revenue $1,256.73

Total 2015 Revenues $48,120.81

2016 Expenditures

Communications Consulting Fees $315.00

Teleconferencing Services $67.84

Office Supplies $211.27

Postal/Courier $199.71

Donations $4,125.00

Honoraria $560.41

Executive Members Benefits $2,215.68

Point-of-Sale Service Fees $2,135.09

Liability/Officer Insurance $672.34

Rental Space for Storage $1,102.24

National Executive Council Meetings $2,002.81

Branch Executive Meetings $1,660.70

Branch General Meetings $50.14

Board of Certification Meetings $1,902.82

Annual Educational Conference Activities (2016) $4,680.42

Membership Gifts $6,425.00

Awards $861.00

Education Policy Recipients $8,925.59

Misc. Expenses $120.49

Total 2016 Expenditures $37,316.25

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Branch General Account Balance December 31, 2016 (Ledger) $65,363.78

Branch General Account Balance December 31, 2016 (Bank)


Outstanding Cheques to be Deposited: Cheque 1282 Cheque 1312 Cheque 1326 Cheque 1336 Cheque 1359 Total Outstanding Cheques to be Deposited


$35.87 $200.00 $200.00



Branch General Account Balance (Ledger) - Outstanding Cheques to be Deposited


Branch Scholarship Account Balance December 31, 2016 $22,640.21

Investment Group Balance December 31, 2016 $122,799.55

Total Branch Assets as of December 31, 2016 $210,803.54

Respectfully submitted, Danny Thepsouvanh, CPHI(C) Alberta Branch Treasurer

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Auditor Letter

April 12th, 2017 Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors – Alberta Branch Attention: Mr. Danny Thepsouvanh, Treasurer Box 1674 Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0

Dear Mr. Danny Thepsouvanh, RE: Independent Auditor’s Report

Audit of Financial Records for CIPHI - Alberta Branch January 01, 2016 to December 31, 2016

We have audited the accompanying Financial Statement of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors – Alberta Branch and the related statements of income, retained earnings, and cash flows for the year that covered the period from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016. We performed the audit on April 11th, 2017 with the purpose of establishing the completeness and evidence of financial transaction documents that form the basis of operation of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors – Alberta Branch. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors – Alberta Branch. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We determined that all debits were properly supported by invoices and cheques and were properly applied to the respective accounts. As well, we determined that all credit receipts were recorded correctly as to account and amount and were deposited promptly. As for the values recorded by December 31st, 2016 in the ledger book and those recorded in the other bank statements, we confirmed that these are identical. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. We found the records to be adequately organized and comprehensive, and we commend Mr. Thepsouvanh’s dedication and quality performance in his position as Treasurer.

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


While this is not a professional audit, in our opinion, the audited financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors – Alberta Branch as of December 31, 2016. This letter is thus submitted to the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors – Alberta Branch membership and executive for review. Respectfully submitted, Leah Danyluk, CPHI(C) & Ludmilla Rodríguez, CPHI(C) Members in Good Standing

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


CIPHI National Annual Education Conference Treasurer’s Report

Hosted by the CIPHI Alberta Branch SEPTEMBER 26-28, 2016 EDMONTON, ALBERTA

CIPHI AEC 2016 Revenues

Delegate Registrations $118,221.77

Sponsors & Exhibitors $88,376.05

Silent Auction/Speaker Gifts Donations* $2,700.00

Other Conference Contributions* $4,609.35

AB Ag - Growing Forward 2 Grant* $69,966.00

Misc.* $0.02

Cost Recovery from National $12,257.67

Total CIPHI AEC 2016 Revenues $296,130.86

Total GST Received on Revenues (5%) $10,071.69**

*GST Exempt Revenues **After Adjustment

CIPHI AEC 2016 Expenditures

Speakers and Presenters $6,676.66

Keynote Speakers $13,534.55

App/Website/Logo Design $5,974.00

Social $14,426.64

Food and Venue $148,469.70

Technical Tours $2,993.41

Supplies $752.49

Sponsorship Committee Activities (Corporate Membership for Sponsors) $3,633.27

Promotional Items $7,328.21

Silent Auction $1,113.09

Photography $750.00

Bank Service Charges $44.83

Refunds $2,255.05

Credit Card Transaction Fees $1,521.48

Clinica Verde Donation $2,723.73

Total CIPHI AEC 2016 Expenditures $212,197.11

Total GST Paid on Expenditures (5%) $9,522.88

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Bank Account Balance $74,410.87

GST Summary

GST Collected on Sales $10,071.69

GST Paid on Purchases $9,522.88

Net Liability to be paid to CIPHI National $548.81

Bank Account Balance $74,410.87

Less GST Liability $548.81

Net Profit after GST Paid $73,862.06

Bank Proceeds Payout Details

Alberta Branch Portion $36,931.03

CIPHI National Portion $36,931.03

GST Liability to be paid to National $548.81

Total $74,410.87

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Zone Reports:

Federal Zone

I would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the activities and accomplishments that have recently occurred within the Federal Zone: 2016 Advocacy Award – CIPHI Alberta: Congratulations to Amy Forward, FNIHB, on winning last year’s advocacy award for her work in public health data management.

Members Update: Welcome to new Federal Zone members Dominique Joseph, Imtiaz Ahmed, Brenda Ntiamoah and Chantale Wilson who have joined Health Canada, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch and will be based out of the Edmonton Office! Baby News: Congratulations to Angella, EHO (FNIHB) and James Dahl on the birth of their baby boy, Elroy Isaac on May 11, 2016; Wojciech (PHAC) and Tamara Drobina on the birth of their daughter Anna Marie on June 28, 2016; and Amanda, EHO (FNIHB) and Ryan Robitaille on the birth of their daughter, Hazel Anne on August 3,2016. Welcome Back: Stephanie Amoah, EHO (FNIHB) and Andrea Germann EHO (FNIHB) returned in November 2016 and January 2017 respectively from maternity leave. Respectfully Submitted,

Kyle Wonsiak, CPHI(C) Federal Zone Councilor

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Arctic Zone

Arctic Zone has had another year of new and exciting challenges. In the Northwest Territories, there is a growing focus on the agriculture sector. This is new to the territory and has come with a suite of questions. Among them: What is the role of the public health inspector? Growing food comes with concerns about food safety issues; this summer will likely be a busy one for the NWT. Arctic Zone welcomes Shawn Hardy! Shawn is the newest – and currently only – Environmental Health Officer in the Inuvik two-person office. He has already had to deal with incidences involving potential exposure to rabies and botulism. With his positive attitude and wealth of knowledge, Shawn has already proven himself a valuable member of the NWT Environmental Health team. And yes, to my legions of fans, it’s true – I am leaving Arctic Zone. I have had fun these past few years getting to know the rest of the crew on the Alberta Branch Executive; they are a highly motivated bunch that volunteers countless hours to make this organization everything it can be. I will be moving to New Brunswick – just for a change of scenery – but hope to return to the north eventually. Respectfully Submitted, Jeremy Roberts, CPHI(C) Arctic Zone Councilor

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


North Zone Zone News NZ will be hosting the annual CIPHI AB Fall Workshop on Sept 21, and 22, 2017 in Fort McMurray. An ad was in the Spring Alberta Branch News. Info will also be posted on the CIPHI AB Event page. We will be launching a workshop app where you will be able to go for information and to register. Anyone wanting more information can contact either of the workshop chairs: Roxanne Draudson - Norma Bruins - North zone will be having their first (hopefully annual) camping trip June 16-18 in Athabasca. Staffing Changes Ann Hoang has taken a position in Slave Lake. Mallory Hamid has returned to Slave Lake from maternity leave. Staff Announcements Gordon Corcoran retired after 36 years of dedicated service on January 13, 2017. Marilyn Dahlgren has also retired after 36 years of dedicated service on March 31, 2017. Marilyn wishes farewell to all those she has worked with and is excited to start the new chapter of her life, first mission- kill the alarm clock! Adrea Simmons welcomed the new addition to her family. David Grant was born July 10, 2016 at 7lbs 1 oz. Respectfully Submitted, Adrea Simmons, CPHI(C) North Zone Councilor

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Edmonton Zone

I’m excited to submit another zone report, so many great and exciting events have happened since the last AGM. New Arrivals Here are the new additions to the Edmonton Zone.... so cute!

Zakaria, Hassan March 30, 2016 7.38lbs Farhan and Ifrah Hassan

Alexander Michael Young May 3, 2016 7lbs 10 oz 20 inches Sarah and Matt Young

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Nathaniel Anu Nkemamin June 17, 2016 7.03lbs Francis Nkemamin Ndemafia and Marie-Noel Morfaw * Bolded indicates CIPHI member

Beckett Daniel Stephen June 20, 2016 7lbs 3 oz Sarah and Dan Stephen

Jess-Ryan Ayalefac August 14, 2016 7.35 lbs Damien and Lilian Ayalefac

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Oliver Law August 25, 2016, 6lbs 5 ounces Ambrose Law and Lauren Nguyen

Kyron Morrison September 23, 2016 8lb 6oz and 20 inches. Christina and Deryk Morrison

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Archer Joy MacDonald January 21, 2017 8lbs 11ounces Jason and Heather MacDonald

Edison Russell Tang March 16, 2017 7lbs 10oz. Chai and Editha Tang

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Retirement Update

Steven Knebel graduated from the British Columbia Institute of Technology with a diploma in Public Health Inspection in 1976. He began his career as a health inspector that same year with the Edmonton Health Department, and worked in the Edmonton area through its several board, unit, region and zone variations until his retirement in 2016. During the course of his 40-year career, Steve moved into the position of Environmental Health Officer II as a Food Program coordinator in 2000, providing food-related technical support and assisting in the development of health standards and guidelines. It is without a doubt that Steve is an avid and seasoned golfer, as he has won the Alberta Branch Golf Tournament numerous times. Steve is currently enjoying retirement with his family, along with his beautiful wife Cindy, who had retired from an administrative position in Alberta Health Services not long ago in 2015 Submitted by Ken Dong

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Awards and Achievements 2016 CIPHI Life Member Award

Nelson Fok won the 2016 CIPHI Life Member Award at the 2016 CIPHI AEC held in Edmonton. This prestigious award was given to Nelson because of his great contribution towards our profession throughout his distinguished career. His award presentation took place during the President's Banquet. He was deservingly greeted by a standing ovation of colleagues from coast to coast. Congratulations Nelson! Environmental Health Foundation's Dr. R. Neil Lowry Award

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Cheryl Galbraith won the Environmental Health Foundation's Dr. R. Neil Lowry Award. Cheryl is the team lead for the Edmonton Rural group at Alberta Health Services. She previously held a profession within the Provincial Science Team as a recreational water specialist and the lead for the blue green algae program. She was recognized for her outstanding contributions to advance safer and healthier recreational water in the community. Congratulations Cheryl! Merry Turtiak wins an Honouring You Award with Alberta Health

Merry (center) with her team members at the GoA. Congratulations to Merry Turtiak, Director of Environmental Public Health Science in the Public Health and Compliance Division at Alberta Health in being awarded the Honouring YOU Individual Award. The award goes to the employee who has demonstrated the Alberta Public Service values, exemplary leadership practices and has had a positive impact on the people within the organization. In the nomination, Merry was recognized for her uncompromising professionalism and expert knowledge on issues of substantial importance to Albertans. Her skills and abilities were put on full display in leading her team in the response to the Fort McMurray Wildfires. Merry’s co-workers, along with the Deputy Minister, specifically noted that Albertans are very lucky to have someone of her caliber and constitution working on their behalf. Congratulations Merry! Submitted by Jason MacDonald

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Congratulations to the following 2016 CIPHI AB Awards winners Court Case Award: Lena Parker

Long-Term Service Award: Dennis Chu

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Volunteer Work

Public Health Beyond Borders Lena Parker with many other members successfully organized a silent auction at the 2016 CIPHI AEC in Edmonton, Alberta. All proceeds from the silent auction and book sales were collected and donated to Clinica Verde on behalf of the CIPHI members and families who travelled to Nicaragua in February 2017. The group visited Clinica Verde to see firsthand how the Clinic operates and where donation funds go.

LtoR: Lena Parker, Stephanie Bodnar and Susana Roqara at the silent auction table

Silent auction table with Public Health Beyond Borders swag with Taste for Charity Cookbooks.

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Future change-maker, Karis Parker, showing off her swag and supporting the Public Health Beyond Borders Initiative. CIPHI members were very fortunate to have Susan Dix Lyons attend the 2016 CIPHI AEC as a keynote speaker. Susan spoke about the Science of Compassion and demonstrated how showing dignity and respect transforms lives of impoverished Nicaraguan people. Special thanks to Michael Sidra for making the connection with this organization.

LtoR: Jason MacDonald, Susan Dix-Lyons, Rebecca Johnson, Lena Parker and Michael Sidra Submitted by Lena Parker

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Nicaragua Trip In February 2017, a group of 12 CIPHI AB members and their spouses took a 9 day volunteer trip to Nicaragua. They worked with an organization called El Porvenir to build a handwashing station at a primary school in the rural community of El Palo. The work of El Porvenir parallels with the work of PHIs. Their initiatives include: improving drinking water quality, education on safe drinking water and hand washing, building hand wash stations in schools, garbage bins, latrines, etc. Overall, improve the living standards of Nicaraguans.

Hand washing station constructed by CIPHI AB members

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


CIPHI AB members hard at work!! Clockwise from left: Rebecca Johnson, Susana Roqara, Meaghen Allen and Stephanie Bodnar

While in Nicaragua the group had the opportunity to visit Clinica Verde, a non-profit health clinic that CIPHI members have been supporting for several years.

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Welcome back! Sylvia Wager, Lena Parker, Mystique Phan and Sarah Young all have returned from their maternity leave. Sharon Regimbald has returned from her secondment at the GoA.

CIPHI AB members in front of Clinica Verde

CIPHI Alberta donor recognition brick in the front walkway of the clinic.

Submitted by Stephanie Bodnar and Susana Roqara

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


New Staff Kate Alexander has joined the Edmonton AHS EPH rural team. Kate is based out of the Leduc office. Kevin Jeroncic has joined the Edmonton AHS EPH built team as the new Aquatic Facilities Coordinator. Deryka Akkaya, Dermian Ayalefac, Farhan Hassan, Erica Keays, and Jannie Szeto and have joined Edmonton AHS EPH as casual help. Respectfully Submitted, Christina Ngo, CPHI(C) Edmonton Zone Councilor Athena Morrison

October 27, 2014, 6lbs 14oz Christina and Deryk

Arabella Minh Thu Thi Phan May 27, 2015, 9lbs, 14oz, Mystique and Phi

Gavin Kan February 3, 2015, 7lbs, 14oz, Corey and Sunny

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Central Zone

Central Zone’s Student Update Sini George is now covering maternity leave in Grande Prairie. Liam Randall has moved on to Timmins Ontario. Thomas Ma and Balraj Deol are studying hard for their BOC’s. Christopher Myuan. To our recent students, we wish you all the best. Staffing Updates Linda Duong is now working out of the Westskiwin Community Health Centre (CHC). Amber Keus is now working out of the Camrose CHC. Kate Alexander has moved on to different challenges with Edmonton Zone. Nicole McIntyre is now working out of the Rocky Mountain House CHC. Kelly Bauer has moved from the Rocky Office and is now working out of the Olds CHC. Brenda Ntiamoah has moved on and is working with First Nations and Inuit Health. Jennifer Guth is now working in both Ponoka and Drayton Valley CHC. Jamie Carbert is working out of the Camrose CHC. Zaheen Nanji will be back to work shortly at the Ponoka CHC. We missed you and welcome back. Zone Baby News Michael and Alison Lambert have had a new edition to the family. Seth lambert, born Nov 19 2016 can be seen with big sisters Georgia and Chantal. Seth looks just like his Dad.

Manny and Anisa welcome baby Sami. Sami was born on Oct 4, 2016. Sami came early but oh has he grown.

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Thor Hameister and Meagan Martyna are expecting in May. Jason Lee and Shirley Ma are expecting this June. Congratulations on the future addition to your respective families. In closing, EPH from the Central Zone will be holding their 10th annual staff campout. Golfing, a potluck supper and other activities will make this a weekend to remember. A group site will be reserved, with spots available. Respectfully submitted, Scott Budgell, CPHI(C) Central Zone Councilor

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Calgary Zone

Hi everyone! Hailing from the comfort of my home as grandma babysits the little one (finally giving me some time to sit and write this down), I give you my Spring 2017 Calgary Zone Report. This will be an interesting report from me, considering I actually haven’t been working in my zone since I began mat leave in August. I hope to deliver yet another exhilarating summary of the goings on in Alberta’s largest urban jungle. Please enjoy a few highlights of the many investigations conducted in our zone. Inspections and Investigations -Built Inspectors began teaching courses at local esthetics school on the health requirements for various personal services. This was a pilot program in hopes of ensuring greater compliance from salon operators as they move into the beauty service industry. -Illegal tattoo operator Marty Sheppard, operating out of his home, was closed soon after a media release was issued in light of a separate closure where critical instruments were being reprocessed. It was then he understood why he wasn’t getting any phone calls! -EPH was invited to accompany a member of the AHS Emergency Disaster Management team to participate in CEMA's spring exercise at the Emergency Operations Centre in Calgary, providing feedback and developing the scope of EPH’s involvement during emergency and disaster events. -This exercise was ominously followed by the Fort McMurray fires, where the disease control team DCT investigated Norovirus-like outbreaks that occurred at three of the four evacuation centres (university dorms) set up in Calgary for Fort McMurray residents. Enhanced cleaning and disinfection was put into place at the Calgary centres as the evacuees started arriving in early May, due to many of the residents having spent time in the Evacuee Centres in Edmonton where an outbreak of GI symptoms had been declared. EPH health inspectors and IPC were both involved in providing many instructions to CEMA, the evacuation centres and AHS staff onsite. -In order to support the North Zone, several EPH members assisted in the emergency. Lynne Navratil took a number of shifts as incident commander in the IMT structure. Sarah Nunn & Daria Romanish worked as Planning chief for a number of shifts for the IMT structure. Front line staff were deployed to Fort McMurray to assist in person included Sylvia Loo, Jonathan Leong, Ryan Lau, Kim Nguyen, Darcy Chrisp, Patricia Vernon, Sylvia Loo, Heidi Ho, Al Kettler, Valerey Davidson, Kim Nguyen, Erin McKenna & Teni Zetlian. -Two properties in Calgary have been deemed unfit for human habitation following information received from Calgary Police Services that powdered fentanyl was suspected to be found in both properties. One was discovered in June, and the other in July.

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


-In August 2016, there was a chlorine gas leak from the mechanical room at the Coast Plaza Hotel. Coast Plaza contacted the Calgary Fire Department and the whole building was evacuated to prevent patrons being exposed to chlorine gas that was seeping through the elevator air shaft. No one was using the pool at the time of the incident. Public Health Inspector Heidi Ho conducted an on-site inspection on September 1st. While onsite Heidi spoke with the pool operator and the director of operations. The pool operator speculated that the chlorine gas release was the result of a staff member improperly mixing chemicals. The staff member mixing chemicals was sent to the hospital for treatment as they inhaled chlorine gas vapours. -Rocky's Sausage Haus was inspected in October 2016 regarding meat products with mould growing on them. A thorough and likely disturbing investigation followed promptly, and inspectors were challenged with a difficult and uncooperative operator. -An anonymous complaint was received in July that Inga Khat, owner of a facility named Black and Bold Lashes, was offering eyelash extensions and microblading services out of her home without a business license or health approval. AHS and the City of Calgary set up an investigation and the facility was closed in August. In September, another EHO received an anonymous complaint that Inga was still operating, and a joint investigation with the City of Calgary proved this to be true again. Due to Inga being in contravention of an active Closure Order, a QBO was granted to AHS. But wait, there’s more! A third complaint was received in October for Inga operating out of a new location. The facility was inspected in November, a Closure Order was issued again, and the QBO is still underway. Outbreaks -Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak was associated with a Turkish festival, where thirteen cases (eight laboratory confirmed and five probable cases) of Salmonella thyphimurium were reported and followed up by DCT in August. -In September 2016, an E. coli O157:H7 cluster illness was investigated associated with beef from private slaughter who was providing beef to group of private customers. The meat was transported back to Calgary and distributed to the families involved in the cow/beef share initiative. The process did not appear to be particularly hygienic to say the least as some of the meat samples collected by district inspectors had grass attached to it. -Disease Control Team Investigators investigated a suspect foodborne illness complaint that lead to the discovery of an outbreak of Clostridium perfringens associated with a funeral service gathering. Events -Slide the City: Giant waterslide set up in the heart of the hip Kensington community in Calgary, attracting thousands of slip n’ slide enthusiasts.

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


-Seeing the success at Calgary's "Slide the City" event, WinSport at Canada Olympic Park planned to follow suit and offer a "Pride Slide" event to kick off the Calgary Pride Parade on Labour Day weekend. They changed the event name to "The Plunge" to make it more family friendly and hope to have it as a permanent attraction at the park in future years. Recommendations for the event included clearly marked signage (for bathrooms, showers and safety rules), a barrier placed around the water hydrant lines to prevent patrons from accessing them, multiple staff members at the end of the pool to help patrons out of the slide, a barrier placed at the end of the slide to prevent patrons from staying/playing in the pooled water, 2 sump pumps installed at the end of the slide to pump out any pooling water, and an emergency cart placed on both ends of the slide which included a first aid kit and chemicals in the event of a fecal accident. All recommendations provided by the EHO were followed. -Alberta Bound Tattoo & Arts Festival: 407 tattoo artists from all over the world attended the show and all of the artists used single use disposable items they either brought in themselves or obtained from the show organizer. Some of the challenges encountered during the show were artists not bagging their machines and using products that did not have product safety information. In an effort to ensure that product safety requirements are satisfied in the future, contact with the manufacturer providing products for the show has been established. This will ensure that the product manufacturer is aware of EPH requirements and will be in full compliance at the 2017 Tattoo and Arts Festival. Staff Meetings -Aboriginal Awareness and Sensitivity Workshop 2016: A half day of education was provided to EPH staff where participants were provided with a brief history and cultural information, followed by group activities to demonstrate hardships and issues faced by First Nations. A barbecue followed where supervisors cooked up a storm for EPH staff. -Staff Engagement 2016: On the 19th & 20th of September, Calgary Zone hosted a staff engagement session with Mark Fehr (Executive Director) and Kathryn Koliaska (Provincial MOH). The theme over the two days was innovation and leadership. Various off site visits to were arranged to demonstrate how Calgary Zone is leading innovation. The first visit was to a campground in Calgary’s rural area to show the difference that the vulnerable well assessment has made with a more practical approach to water treatment. The second visit was to a Calgary company that builds food trucks that are distributed across the country, which displayed the impact that the Calgary zone has made ensuring standards are met and food safety is maintained. The second day began with a site tour demonstrating a playground inspection and use of the triax machine that measures fall surfacing impact, something that Calgary Zone has lead provincially. The remainder of the day was spent as a full EPH team engagement with fun interactive games incorporating forward thinking topics such as priority setting and social

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


media. The staff within EPH had been engaged prior to the meeting, and some of the feedback was displayed for Mark and Kathryn’s information. Staff Announcements We have had quite a few significant changes over the few months! -Congratulations to me, Sarah Yusuf Bawa, who is a proud new mommy of a very spirited baby boy. My darling Aydin Ibrahim Bawa was born on August 14, 2016 weighing 6 lbs 9 oz. -Congratulations to Karen Clarke who is a proud new mommy of a bouncing baby boy. Gabriel Keith Clarke, the handsome master of chill, was born on September 5, 2016 weighing 7 lbs 11 oz. -Congratulations to George Johnson who is expecting baby #2! -Congratulations to Heidi Ho for being the successful candidate for the Public Health Inspector II position for Medical Facilities Investigations. -Congratulations to Carol Brittain for being the successful candidate for the Public Health Inspector II position for Land Use. Send over your skivvies! EPH in Calgary Zone currently have a drive underwear … I mean under way for helping local shelter residents and organizations provide undergarments to those in need. Sarah Nunn and Nadine Newman assisted in fashioning a giant pair of undies where folks can drop off donations, which in itself can rock your boxers. Thanks to everyone who have already donated so far! Sorry I could not include all of the zone’s highlights and investigations… there is simply so much happening! Please enjoy the pictures below my signoff, and I wish you all a wonderful spring season. Respectfully Submitted, Sarah Yusuf-Bawa, CPHI(C) Calgary Zone Councilor

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Aydin Ibrahim Bawa

Gabriel Keith Clarke

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

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Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


South Zone

It’s amazing how quickly time can pass! We have very exciting news from the past year to report. South Zone had one of the most exciting years in recent memory. With the retirement of Brian Dalshaug in spring 2016, South Zone welcomed Pam Hodgkinson as the new Director of Environmental Public Health in June 2016. With Pam’s drive, determination and unworldly multitasking abilities, South Zone is ready to lead the way in professionalism, collaboration and innovation. Outside of work, Pam loves all things sports and being physically active. She routinely pounds out several half or full marathons every season as well as team trail running in ultramarathons like Sinister 7. Pam loves playing organized sports like squash, basketball, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee and slow pitch as well as volunteering at youth track meets and Special Olympics. Family is very important to Pam and she loves hanging out with her nephews and nieces (fur and human) whenever she can. She can also be found, from time to time, pulling calves, feeding cows and doing general farm work on the ranch where she grew up in central Alberta.

Caption: Pam Hodgkinson (3rd from Left at the finishing line with teammates at the 2015 Sinister 7

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Congratulations to Kelsie Dale who was the successful Candidate in the EHO III CDC coordinator position in South Zone. Congratulations to Brittany Dulle. Brittany has accepted the position of Temporary Full time PHI/EHO I, commencing early April 2017 until April 2018.

Caption: Inspectors in the Medicine Hat office (back left to right: Ken Longmore, Wayne Quan, Pam Hodgkinson, Ken Ast, Subhendra Dharampaul, Darrell Prokopishin, Syed Naqvi, Evelien Meyer, Front Left to right: Kelsie Dale, Todd Baxter, Brittany Dulle). Congratulations to South Zone Practicum student Amrutha Kabala for passing her BOC and all the best with her shiny new job in Ottawa. Congratulations to Mark Albiez for his exceptional degree of fortitude, professionalism and advocacy when dealing with substandard rental housing affecting recent Syrian and Bhutanese refugees. South Zone Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Carrie Kollias submitted a commendation of Mark’s effort thanking him for his professionalism and outstanding persistence when dealing with difficult landlords.

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Respectfully Submitted, Mike Swystun, CPHI(C) Assistant South Zone Councilor

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CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Committee Reports:

Board of Certification The BOC has had another busy year of maintaining its core business and making key improvements in its practices. The BOC continues to work on the review of its instructional objectives, a review of assessment methods and the development of an international candidates bridging program. We saw Tony Thepsouvanh take on his new role as Chair of the BOC as of January 1, 2017, while Garth Gosselin moved into the role of past-chair. We have also welcomed Gus Skinner, the New Brunswick representative to the BOC this March. The BOC held successful mentor and examiner training workshops at the Annual Educational Conference in Edmonton this past September. We also offered a general presentation to update the membership regarding general BOC business and projects. Cape Breton University received their school review in March of 2017. Other upcoming reviews scheduled for this year include First Nations University of Canada and Concordia University of Edmonton. Scheduled approval reviews include the Canadian Forces Health Services Training Centre (CFHSTC) and University of Montreal. Lake Superior State University did not maintain their accreditation with the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors and were removed from the list of approved schools as of this year. Also, please find attached the exam statistics from the Spring 2016 exam. For more information regarding the BOC please visit our website at Respectfully Submitted, Keara Shaw, CPHI(C) Alberta Representative to the BOC

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


April 27, 2016 Exam Stats

Province Total #

Candidates #

Certified %


# Candidates

Sat Orals

# Passed Oral

Oral Pass Rate

# Candidates Submitted


# Passed Reports

Report Pass Rate

# Repeat Candidates

# Repeat Pass

Repeat Pass Rate

Alberta 16 10 63% 14 11 79% 15 10 67% 4 2 50%

British Columbia 16 10 63% 14 9 64% 11 10 91% 13 8 62%

Manitoba 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A

New Brunswick 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A

Newfoundland 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A

Nova Scotia 1 1 100% 1 1 100% 0 0 N/A 1 1 100%

Ontario 23 18 78% 22 19 86% 6 4 67% 18 15 83%

Saskatchewan 2 2 100% 2 2 100% 2 2 100% 0 0 N/A

TOTAL 58 41 71% 53 42 79% 34 26 76% 36 26 72%

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


October 26, 2016 Exam Stats

Province Total #

Candidates # Certified

% Certified

# Candidates

Sat Orals

# Passed Oral

Oral Pass Rate

# Candidates Submitted


# Passed Reports

Report Pass Rate

# Repeat Candidates

# Repeat Pass

Repeat Pass Rate

Alberta 12 4 33% 11 5 45% 11 7 64% 3 0 0%

British Columbia 19 11 58% 18 11 61% 17 14 82% 4 1 25%

Manitoba 3 1 33% 3 2 67% 3 1 33% 0 0 0%

New Brunswick 1 0 0% 1 0 0% 1 1 100% 0 0 0%

Newfoundland 2 2 100% 2 2 100% 2 2 100% 0 0 0%

Nova Scotia 4 3 75% 4 3 75% 4 4 100% 0 0 0%

Ontario 57 32 56% 55 34 62% 56 46 82% 4 1 25%

Saskatchewan 1 1 100% 1 1 100% 1 1 100% 0 0 0%

TOTAL 99 54 55% 95 58 61% 95 76 80% 11 2 18%

*NOTE: There were 5 appeals received and none were upheld.

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Membership Committee

Greetings from the Membership Committee! We are pleased to provide you with an updated report on the current Alberta Branch Membership lists. The following is the most recent information available on our Alberta Branch members as of March 20th, 2017 as acquired from the National MSC website.

2016 2017

Regular (active) 297 290

Life Members 2 3

Honorary members 5 5

Student (active) 37 30

International (active) 0 0

Fraternal (active) 2 2

Retired (active) 7 4

Total 350 334

As can be seen, our overall numbers have dropped from last year, though I suspect this may be partly due to a few Regular Members having not paid their dues as of yet. If any zone councilors wish to know who has not yet paid for their 2016 membership please check the membership list posted on the CIPHI website at Lists are sorted by province and then alphabetically. In February of 2017, congratulatory letters were sent out to the successful BOC candidates from the Fall 2016 exam sitting welcoming them to the Alberta Branch. Welcome letters are also sent to CIPHI members who have recently moved to the province. If anyone is aware of out-of-branch CIPHI members who have recently moved to our area, please let the committee know so that they can be welcomed. Again, we request that all members log onto the MSC website to update their contact information so that milestones can be celebrated and information from the Executive can be sent out as needed. If members find errors with their contact information that they cannot correct, it is requested that they please contact their zone councilor or the membership committee for assistance.

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CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact myself or Greg Ward and we will do our best to assist. Respectfully yours, Respectfully yours, Erin Teare, CPHI(C) Membership Committee Chair

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Newsletter Committee What’s the same?

Membership has remained consistent from last year: Lance Honish, Phi Phan, Wojciech Drobina, Laurie-Anne Pilsworth and myself.

Tony Thespousvanh continues to provide us with our outstanding photographic content for the educational events each year.

Nelson Fok also continues to provide his editorial submissions for his reoccurring feature segment “What Would Nelson Fok Do?”

What’s New?

Geoff Tomko will be providing the ABN with some historical stories/photos from the branch archives starting the Fall 2017. We are very excited to start this reoccurring feature in our coming editions to explore the history of our profession/members.

We will be running as special edition this summer, highlighting the Fort McMurray Fire of 2016. We encourage those that were personally affected or were part of the deployment/relief efforts to assist in all levels of the emergency response across the province to share your stories and photos with us.

I have a new last name. Don’t worry if you can’t pronounce it…. Thank you everyone for your ongoing submissions, support and feedback. We endeavor to provide you quality content to showcase our first-class membership. Finally, please do take the time to read our latest publication. Respectfully submitted, Pamela Kutuadu (Stewart), CPHI(C) Newsletter Committee Chair

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Website Committee

The website has not undergone any major updates since the last General Meeting. The current

website has been in place for several years now and the Branch is looking at hiring a

professional web developer to create a website that’s more up-to-date.

I have included some basic statistics about the website.

Year to date website traffic:

* Note: only the columns for “Unique visitors” and “Number of visits” contain

useful information. Data included up to March 27, 2017.

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


The top countries that visited the website include (in order):

Canada (11021 hits)

United States (2047 hits)

Germany (1073 hits)

The top countries that used the most bandwidth (i.e. downloaded the largest volume of

information (in order):

Canada (3.82 GB)

Germany (1.27 GB)

United States (867.46 GB)

The most downloaded documents (in order):

Dell Taylor Memorial Educational Fund

The Blue Book

2015 CIPHI AGM Annual Report

Respectfully submitted, Jeremy Vaughan, CPHI(C) Website Committee Chair

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Council of Professional Experience (CoPE)

The committee worked hard this year to make improvements to the Professional Development program for our members. Improvements include:

Adding the ability to receive Professional Development hours for all self-assessments (not

just the initial self-assessment available on the MSC), learning plans and reflection on

action. This makes CIPHI’s PD program more encompassing of personal learning through

reflection and planning. Details to be provided in the spring!

Clarifying the scope of mentoring and job shadowing and crediting appropriate PD hours

for each. Details coming later this year!

Simplifying the Organizational Application for Approval of Professional Development Hours,

making it faster to fill out and email.

Updating the Request for Special Consideration to Reduce PD Requirements so that it can

be filled out and uploaded directly to the Member Service Centre, no signature required.

Creating a communication plan so that members stay up to date with improvements and

changes to the program.

What we are doing now:

- The committee continues to work with the National Executive Council to ensure that both a

fair auditing system and remediation model are in place as 2017 marks the beginning of

mandatory membership for all new CIPHI certificate holders.

- Yearly audits of members are currently taking place. 10% of members are randomly

audited each year. The audits ensure that the minimum number of PD hours is being

achieved, required information on PD events being claimed is available and that claims

meet the standards and align with the categories outlined in the PD Model. Watch your

email for a potential audit report. If you have any questions or concerns about your audit,

please contact:

I invite all members to review the Continuing Professional Competencies materials on

under the Info Centre tab or feel free to contact me directly at

Respectfully Submitted,

Jenny Brown, CIPHI (C)

Alberta Representative to the Council of Professional Experience

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0


Visit to:

- log your PD hours - find a list of approved PD activities under

the Library tab - find the PD model under the Library tab - complete a self-assessment and learning

plan and earn up to 5 PD hours for it

- retrieve your Member Service Centre username and/or password

- find application to add learning event to CoPE’s master list, making it simple for attendees to claim PD hours for the event

Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors L’Institut canadien des inspecteurs en santé publique

CIPHI Alberta PO Box 1674

Drumheller AB T0J 0Y0



Appendix A (Contact Information) Association Executive

Thomas Cheung President

Evelien Meyer President Elect

Jason MacDonald Past President

Danny Thepsouvanh Treasurer

Karah Harvey Secretary

Executive Board

Kyle Wonsiak Federal Zone Councilor

Jeremy Roberts Arctic Zone Councilor

Adrea Simmons North Zone Councilor

Christina Ngo Edmonton Zone Councilor

Scott Budgell Central Zone Councilor

Sarah Yusuf Bawa Calgary Zone Councilor

Geoffrey Tomko South Zone Councilor

Committee Chairs, Representatives, Coordinators

Keara Shaw Alberta Representative to the Board of Certification (BOC)

Kelly Bauer Alberta BOC Exam Coordinator

Erin Teare Membership Committee Chair

Pamela Stewart Newsletter Committee Chair

Jeremy Vaughan Website Committee Chair

Jenny Brown Alberta Representative to the Council of Professional Experience (COPE)

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