canadian expeditionary force world war one (1914-1918)

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Canadian Expeditionary Force

World War One (1914-1918)

The Call to War After giving an

ultimatum to Germany, Britain declares war on August 4, 1914

Canada follows suit as a member of the British empire


Canada only had 3100 permanent troops in 1914.

Began looking for 20000 volunteers on August 8.

40000 volunteered and the Minister of Militia refused to enroll more recruits for 1st contingent.

Minister of Militia and Defence Sir Sam Hughes

(1853-1921)President of Dominion Rifle

Association Recommended Ross

Rifle for Cdn. Militia Mobilized 1st Cdn.


Ross Rifle

Issued to all recruits More suited to

hunting and target practice

Tended to jam in mud and when used with British ammunition

Training Camp

Valcartier, Quebec 16 miles West of Quebec City One day march to transports Housed 32000 recruits

Valcartier, Quebec

Bathing at Valcartier

Kitchen Facilities

Valcartier Training Camp

Canadian Navy transport Left Valcartier for

Quebec on foot—September 23

32 ship convoy left Gaspe on October 3, 1914

H.M.S. Olympic Arrived in

Plymouth on October 14

War Measures Act August 22, 1914 Gave government right to do any

deemed necessary “for the security, defence, peace, order and welfare of Canada”

Government had control of the economy and the transportation, and production of goods

Required registration of all immigrants of “enemy nationality”

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