can drinking coffee be bad for your health?

Post on 25-May-2015






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Even though coffee can be dangerous for your health, you can easily reduce your risks of developing a health condition by drinking reasonable amounts of coffee. Exercising regularly and making good nutritional choices will also lower your risks of developing health issues.



Do you drink coffee on a daily basis? If yes, you should know that caffeine can have a negative impact on your health. Studies have shown that drinking reasonable amounts of coffee is healthy but drinking caffeinated beverages in excess can cause a number of health problems.

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Caffeine can significantly increase your blood pressure. Drinking high quantities of caffeine on a daily basis can lead to heart disease and make you more likely to suffer from a heart attack. If you know you are at risk for heart problems, you should reduce the amount of caffeine you expose your system to.More info on:

Caffeine can also cause hair loss. There are many other factors for hair loss, such as high stress levels or an unhealthy diet. You should not worry about hair loss unless you notice that you hair is thinning or if there is a history of baldness in your family.

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Coffee is not good for your complexion. Caffeine can actually cause breakouts if you are prone to getting acne. Caffeine also keeps your skin from having a natural glow. If you are not happy with your complexion, you should look into reducing the amount of coffee you drink. More info on:

Dark coffee does not contain nutrients or calories. However, adding sugar or cream to your coffee can be dangerous for your health. Reasonable amounts of cream or sugar should not be an issue but it is very easy to order a rich caffeinated drink without realizing how much fat or sugar it contains.

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There are many benefits to drinking coffee on a daily basis. Studies have shown that drinking coffee in moderation could reduce your risks of developing liver disease and liver cancer, Parkinson's, type 2 diabetes and even reduce your risk of depression. More info on:

Even though coffee can be dangerous for your health, you can easily reduce your risks of developing a health condition by drinking reasonable amounts of coffee. Exercising regularly and making good nutritional choices will also lower your risks of developing health issues.

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