can dogs eat yogurt? - surprising discovery

Post on 08-May-2015






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If you want to know the answer to this question before giving your dog some yogurt, then you will be fascinated to know that yogurt is one of those safe foods you can give your dog. However, like most human foods you feed your dog, it is important that you are careful of the type of yogurt you give your pooch. Really want to know more about if dogs can eat yogurt then go ahead and visit


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt - Surprising Discovery

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Can Dogs Eat Yogurt - Surprising Discovery

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If you want to know the answer to this question before giving your dog some yogurt, then you will be fascinated to know that yogurt is one of those safe foods you can give your dog.

However, like most human foods you feed your dog, it is important that you are careful of the type of yogurt you give your pooch.

As it is always the case, anything that has too much sugar isn't recommended for dogs.


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt - Surprising Discovery

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Also, cheap flavored yogurt contains great amounts of unhealthy preservatives and artificial sweeteners you should never feed your dog. If you worry about your dog's weight, you should stick to giving him low-fat yogurt. It is also wise to moderate the amount your pooch can eat.

There are some benefits of feeding your dog with it. It is an excellent source of protein and calcium for your dog.


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt - Surprising Discovery

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In fact, it is completely fine to give your dog with live active bacteria. This is very common on probiotic that you and your pet can enjoy. The bacteria present in them can be highly beneficial to your health. In addition, the live active bacteria can help in creating lactase.

You probably have heard that most dogs are lactose intolerance. Lactase is essentially the enzyme which helps the stomach in absorbing lactose.


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt - Surprising Discovery

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So by consuming yogurt containing live active bacteria, your dog can absorb better lactose that it contains.

Moreover, the culturing process which takes place in creating yogurt means that milk sugar lactose has been broken down into galactose and glucose already. These are sugars that are absorbed easily by the lactose intolerant.


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt - Surprising Discovery

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The active ingredients found in yogurt were also found to soothe tummy upset in sick dogs. But never feed your dog excess amounts of yogurt because instead of helping them, it would only make them ill.

Another benefit your dog can get out of eating yogurt is it can help in increasing the absorption of B-vitamins and calcium. Some studies show that bacterial cultures in yogurt stimulate white blood cells which help fight infection.


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt - Surprising Discovery

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This is linked to yogurt giving anti-tumor effects.

There are some precautions every dog owner should know first before feeding dogs with yogurt. You should only give low fat, plain yogurt to avoid unnecessary intake of sugar. Although dogs can eat yogurt, it is important to keep in mind that it should be given in moderation because if your dog has eaten more than they should, it may lead to problems like diarrhea.


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt - Surprising Discovery

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If you want to feed your dog with cottage cheese, always prefer the low sodium or low fat type. You can occasionally give this treat to your dog because they were also found to have good effects to health.

Cottage cheese is a rich source of nutrients such as vitamins, protein, phosphorus and calcium. Always ask your vet first if it is your first time to feed your dog with human food. It is always better to be safe than sorry.


Can Dogs Eat Yogurt - Surprising Discovery

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Really want to know more about if dogs can eat yogurt then go ahead and visit Petfoodia

Can Dogs Eat Yogurt - Surprising Discovery

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