can anything good come out of utica, mississippi?

Post on 29-Nov-2014



News & Politics



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John 1:46 - - And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see. About seven (7) years ago, this is a question that a Pastor presented to ME (so WHO is ME – KEEP READING ) regarding a town (Utica) that in my youth seemed like it would thrive; however, since leaving home and returning, I now see the DILAPIDATED conditions of a town that I believe WILL RISE to the occasion and its PURPOSE! So when this question was presented to me, of course I just smiled/laughed within because while I did NOT know the MAGNITUDE in which God would use me; all I knew was to be OBEDIENT and God would move on His People’s behalf! Knowing WHO The ENEMY/ADVERSARY Is and WHERE The Enemy/Adversary Is HIDING Is KEY/VITAL To SUCCESSFUL MISSIONS! I share the following information in hopes that it does not fall on deaf ears and blind eyes to those who are SPIRITUALLY deaf and blind!



John 1:46 - - And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.

About seven (7) years ago, this is a question that a Pastor presented to ME (so WHO is ME? – KEEP READING ) regarding a town (Utica) that in my youth seemed like it would thrive; however, since leaving home and returning, I now see the DILAPIDATED conditions of a town that I believe WILL RISE to the occasion and its PURPOSE! So when this question was presented to me, of course I just smiled/laughed within because while I did NOT know the MAGNITUDE in which God would use me; all I knew was to be OBEDIENT and God would move on His People’s behalf! Knowing WHO The ENEMY/ADVERSARY Is and WHERE The Enemy/Adversary Is HIDING Is KEY/VITAL To SUCCESSFUL MISSIONS! I share the following information in hopes that it does not fall on deaf ears and blind eyes to those who are SPIRITUALLY deaf and blind!

10/02/14 Telephone Job Interview With John Kitchens:

For a Legal position with a Law Firm by the name of KITCHENS LAW FIRM in Crystal Springs, Mississippi. The following is a screenshot from my cell phone of John Kitchens’ phone call to me.

This conversation ended with setting up an appointment to meet for 2:00 p.m. on Friday, October 3, 2014, with his brothers who are Partners in this FAMILY Law Firm regarding employment.

10/03/14 Telephone Call (about 9:44 am.) From John Kitchens:

CANCELING the 2:00 p.m. Job Interview and advising:

He had checked out my BLOG.

There is a Conflict-Of-Interest.

He is FRIENDS with Law Firms/Attorneys (as Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, Butler Snow OMara Stevens & Cannada, Judge Barnes and others) featured in my BLOG!

Based on this information, Kitchens Law

Firm was NOT interested in interviewing me any further and neither considering me for the job – i.e. which from my understanding was needing to be filled IMMEDIATELY. So from the feedback I received on Thursday, October 2, 2014, I gather they were looking to have the position filled by Monday (10/06/14), with me being the choice UNTIL finding out WHO I am!

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Based on the information John Kitchens provided me regarding checking out my BLOG, of course, I went and generated a REPORT to provide me with information he may have viewed based on the DATE and information he provided. The following is information it appears that John Kitchens was interested in. NOTE the TIMES!

Then AFTER our telephone conversation, it appears that John Kitchens and/or someone at the Law Firm wanted to see more information in the BLOGS posted in my Forum.

With Butler Snow OMara Stevens & Cannada and Judge Barnes being his friend, it appears that John Kitchens was interested in seeing the information regarding my EMPLOYMENT with Mitchell McNutt & Sams – the Law Firm that I was employed at and has RETAINED Butler Snow as Legal Counsel. A legal matter in which they are taking a SHELLACKING!

Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz is Legal Counsel to United States of America’s President Barack Obama.

I PERSONALLY know Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz because they are Legal Counsel for ENTERGY in a legal matter involving me!

Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz is also ASSOCIATED with the Ku Klux Klan! Such a CLOSE RELATIONSHIP that is made known PUBLICLY in my BLOGS!

Look HOW UNIFIED they are? Look HOW they SHARE COMMON Interests

in DESTROYING AFRICAN-American LIVES! So these are John Kitchens’ FRIENDS! I don’t believe it takes a ROCKET SCIENTIST to figure out that with these being FRIENDS of Mr. Kitchens and his finding OUT who I am, that he and his brothers most likely may be KU KLUX KLAN Members as well! So who do you think told him about me that led him to my BLOG(S)? They have their NETWORKS!

In the Mitchell McNutt & Sams BLOG, the following picture may be found! As you can see, Judge Donna Barnes and Paula Graves Ardelean (of the Butler Snow O’Mara Stevens & Cannada) Law Firm is featured.

Now I believe that the reason WHY BLACK-Americans and AFRICAN-Americans (there is a DIFFERENCE between these two groups of people) is because of HOUSE Negroes (as Judge Henry T. Wingate and Magistrate Linda Randle Anderson) that are in positions for purposes of IMPLEMENTING what are known as the WILLIE LYNCH and JIM CROW practices; however, BLACK-Americans are IGNORANT of the practices of the House Negroes because they are COLOR-STRUCK – i.e. in other words, as long as they can see some dark/brown color in your skin, they will think that people in such positions mean them well (when they may NOT!). Like Civil Rights Leader Malcolm X, I am DISLIKED because I have NO RESPECT of persons and believe in EXPOSING RACISM for what it is and EXPOSING WHO the PERPETRATORS are regardless of the color of their skin. When NATIONS of people are being held back, BEATEN and OPPRESSED, then it is IMPORTANT to EXPOSE and let the PUBLIC/WORLD see WHO these OPPRESSERS are! When one allows HOUSE NEGROES to hide because of the COLOR of their SKIN or because they are RELATED to them, then, I believe, they are a PARTY TO these House Negroes and are just as GUILTY in ALLOWING SLAVEMASTERS to CONTINUE to BURDEN and OPPRESS People-Of-Color – i.e. MAINLY the Black-American and African-American Nations! Civil Rights Leader and Activist Malcolm X made it KNOWN that the Ku Klux Klan was TAKING OFF the Hoods and REPLACING them with BUSINESS SUITS and ROBES. He also ANNOUNCED the RESPONSIBILITY of REMOVING these Hoods if the United States of America’s Government FAILS to do so! Of course, Malcolm X was NOT afraid to CONFRONT the Ku Klux Klan!

Here we are approximately 50 YEARS later, and provisions

have been made to EXPOSE and share with the PUBLIC/WORLD where the Ku Klux Klan’s Members are in the United States of America’s Government and BLACK-Americans are merely sitting around looking STUPID and BRAINWASHED because of the following 21st Century FALSE WILLIE LYNCH Civil Rights Leaders:

Yes, with the work and the EXPOSURE being done BEHIND the SCENES to bring about the FREEDOM of a BRAINWASHED Nation, our SUCCESS has brought about the REMOVAL of TWO (2) of the WILLIE LYNCH Civil Rights Leaders (Benjamin Jealous and Eric Holder) with ONE more (President Barack Obama) to go. If we want to STOP the WRONGFUL Incarceration of the Black-American and African-American Males as well as our YOUTH being GUNNED DOWN in the Streets as if they were ANIMALS by Police Officers – i.e. please don’t go there regarding the Black-On-Black Crimes because it appears these practices are also RIGHT OUT OF THE WILLIE LYNCH PLAYBOOK – then it is about UNITY and NOT DIVISION!

Trayvon Martin

(BRUTALLY/FATALLY Shot on or about 02/26/12, by a WANNA BE Police Officer – George Zimmerman)

Jonathan Ferrell (BRUTALLY/FATALLY Shot 10 Times

on or about 09/14/13 by a Police Officer – Randall Kerrick)

Do people simply look the other way because they say it

WASN’T their child?

In 2014, HOW is it that approximately 99% of the United States of America

SENATE is White and approximately 95% of the United States of America’s


How is it that in 2014, that ONE PRIVATE Law Firm as Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz has been ALLOWED to MONOPOLIZE the Government and CONTROL everything such as:

(1) United States of America’s EXECUTIVE Branch, LEGISLATIVE Branch and JUDICIAL Branch

(2) FEDERAL Reserve, Banks and/or the FINANCIAL



(4) LABOR/JOB Market (5) INSURANCE Market (6) REAL ESTATE Market. . . .

In other words, in being SUCCESSFUL in the IMPLEMENTATION of the Willie Lynch Practices and Jim Crow Laws. . . .Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz has GONE about PROFITING and BUILDING their EMPIRE at the EXPENSE of DESTROYING the Black-American and African-American Nations!


WHAT is the LIKELIHOOD of Employment Agency(s) contacting me in regards to a CARLYLE GROUP Affiliate (ABB – in Crystal Springs, Mississippi) Employment Agency(s) regarding a JOB OPPORTUNITY?

Well, this happened as recent as about September 25, 2014! Of course, realizing that I have been BLACKLISTED/BLACKBALLED in the ATTACKS on my LIVELIHOOD – i.e. to see that I have NO means of income, job, bank account(s), etc. – I decided to look up the PHONE NUMBERS appearing in my Cell Phone as well as provided to me in emails and I was able to CONNECT ABB to the Carlyle Group. So of course, I did NOT return a response to the emails when I SAW FOR MYSELF the connections to the CARLYLE GROUP!

So suppose if I hadn’t done research on the CARLYLE GROUP, I probably

would have gotten into this TRAP unaware they most likely are seeking my life! (Posted: 10/29/12) (Posted: 02/22/12) (Posted 02/22/12) See one becomes a PROBLEM to the Ku Klux Klan and the United States of America’s Government when FOREIGN/INTERNATIONAL Government Leaders/Citizens/Media are INTERESTED in what is being shared by this 21st Century CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVIST. The United States of America THOUGHT that their problems were solved when it appears they PLANNED and ORCHESTRATED the KILLINGS/MURDERS of prominent Civil Rights Leaders and Activists as Medgar Evers, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.

Data for September 8, 2014 thru about October 6, 2014

Top Slideshare Presentation Interests

So they come AFTER my Bank Account(s) not thinking I would have enough sense to request documents and READ the FINE PRINT! This is when I found out that they came after my Bank Account(s) for CHILD SUPPORT – i.e. when I have NEVER been married, NEVER

birthed a child(ren), NEVER adopted a child(ren). Look at the DATE (07/17/10) when the FIRST attack occurred. This attack came approximately FOUR (4) Days AFTER my email to United States of America President Barack Obama

entitled, “U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: THE DOWNFALL/DOOM OF THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION - Corruption/Conspiracy/Cover-Up/Criminal Acts Made Public." Where all I was, was a MESSENGER! Nevertheless, this is how I was RETALIATED against! President Obama and Baker Donelson just NEVER expected me to go PUBLIC with this information. Yes, J.P. Morgan Chase Bank is a CLIENT of Baker Donelson as well as BANKER for President Barack and Michelle Obama!

If you may recall, this was also about the time United States of America’s President Barack Obama and the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) as well as the Department of Agriculture WENT AFTER Shirley Sherrod! So much for ADVANCEMENT – more like REGRESSION!

Oh, with the HOUSE NEGROES on board, they were UNIFIED in their attacks on Shirley Sherrod as well!


put out by the Republic of Africa during the Civil Rights Movement Era; HOW is it

that in 2014, you have the United States of America’s

Government BOLDLY ATTACKING my Livelihood. Not only that HOW UNITED the United States of America’s KU KLUX KLAN Members are to see that:

(1) I do NOT have a Source of Income.

(2) I do NOT have a Residence.

(3) I do NOT have a Job.

(4) I do NOT have a Bank Account.

while Klan Members and their family (husband, wife and children)


In other words, the United States of America’s Government Regime SEEKS to DESTROY those WHO are EDUCATED and KNOWLEDGEABLE of their

EVIL/WICKED devices to RETURN Black-Americans/ African-Americans BACK TO SLAVERY/CHAINS! The EXPOSURE of such an EVIL/WICK plot appears cost former United States of America’s President John F. Kennedy his LIFE after PROMISING to EXPOSE them!

I don’t believe the 2012 remark (to put BLACKS back in chains) by Vice President Joseph Biden was a mistake. Under a DESPOTISM Government Regime, SLAVERY, OPPRESSION. . . . is a COMMON PRACTICE undertaken by the RICH/WEALTHY!

So, I (Vogel Denise Newsome) close with the QUESTION I opened with:


John 1:46 - - And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.


A Soldier On The Battlefield For Jesus Christ, Vogel Denise Newsome P.O. Box 31265 Jackson, MS 39286 (601) 885-8145

P.S. The United States of America’s Government has come AFTER TWO Websites; however, we have a THIRD one at as well as a Forum at that appears is used by the FOREIGN/INTERNATIONAL Communities that may not be able to access the website!

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