campus life

Post on 11-May-2015






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A study on Campus or college life and how we can handle different situations


What constitute Campus life?

Top 10 things student enjoy in campus

Top 10 issues facing campus life

Substance abuse

Addicted to Alcohols and Drugs, cigarette,paan,

Biblical Solution

● Instruction from Bible– Abstain from being drunkard:

● 1 Corinthians 5:11, 1 Corinthians 6:10, Isaiah 5:11, Galatians 5:21 , Ephesians 5:18, Proverbs 20:1

– Be Self controlled● 1 Peter 4:7

– Set Example● 1 Timothy 4:12

– Bible helps to overcome substance abuse● Romans 12:1,2; 1 Corinthians 6:19,20

Bible helps to overcome substance abuse

● If you have used drugs or even are addicted, you can be forgiven and change your habits.

● You can be free from the chains and guilt of drug abuse. You must trust Jesus and let Him change your life.

● John 8:32 - You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

● John 8:36 “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

● 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - The church in Corinth contained drunkards who had been washed, cleansed, and justified from their sins by Jesus.

● 1 Corinthians 10:13 “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.”

● Hebrews 5:9; 7:25 - Jesus is the author of eternal salvation, able to save to the uttermost those who turn to Him in obedience.

● Matthew 11:28-30 - Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.

Media Misuse

Watching Pornography * Addicted to social networks

* Wasting a lot of time with gadgets.

Is Pornography a sin?

● The three main categories of sin are the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). Pornography definitely causes us to lust after flesh, and it is undeniably a lust of the eyes.

● Pornography definitely does not qualify as one of the things we are to think about, according to Philippians 4:8.

● Pornography is addictive (1 Corinthians 6:12; 2 Peter 2:19)

● Pornography is destructive (Proverbs 6:25-28; Ezekiel 20:30; Ephesians 4:19).

● Lusting after other people in our minds, which is the essence of pornography, is offensive to God (Matthew 5:28).

Why porn is so compelling?

The thirsts we have when unfulfilled takes us to pornography. Making a list of thirst of one’s soul helps one to understand what triggers one to pornography. Some of the thirsts may be :

● • Attention—I long for people to like me. I long for your embrace.

● • Affection—I long to be enjoyed. I long to be delighted in. I long for you to take pleasure in who I am.

● • Affirmation—I long to know I have what it takes. I long for your blessing.

● • Acceptance—I long to belong. I long to be desired.

● • Satisfaction—I long for fullness. I long for well-being.

● Significance—I long for impact. I long for meaning. I long to be powerful.

● • Security—I long to know I will be okay.

Ref : Surfing for God, Michael John Cusick, Thomas Nelson publication

Lust is also the outcome of our disordered desires or

failures or brokenness we encountered.

Especially irritation, loneliness, reminiscence of the deception you encountered, failed love

relationship, etc can lead you to pornography.

Ref : Surfing for God, Michael John Cusick, Thomas Nelson publication

How to overcome Pornography

Have exclusive fasting and prayer continuously to come out of this evil.

● Delete all porn material you have in any form (book, cd, search history, etc).

● Identify your triggers (some brokenness, unfulfilled desire or some affection) which lead you to pornography. Having identified your triggers try to find what other way can these needs be met.

● Identify some of the circumstances that lead you to pornography. One example may be seeing an attractive wall poster.

● Do not browse when you are alone or in your private room. Have limited data pack. Write the objectives and work to do with a time limit before sitting to browse. Do not delete search history.

● If needed install softwares that filters porn. K9 security is one good software to filter porn. You can also use accountability software covenant eyes. Both have powerful free versions as well.

Ref : Surfing for God, Michael John Cusick, Thomas Nelson publication

Social networking

● Facebook induced stress?● The I element in social Networking● Is is necessary to share everything with the world?● Is it really needed to be online 24 X 7

LAN Games ????

Counter Strike, DOTA, FIFA, NFS, AOE, Street Fighter

Tips for using media in general

Garbage in = Garbage out

Need to see through the eyes not with the eyes/ears. (Master’s Eyes) Phi.2:5

Renew mind through His word. Ps. 119:9,11, Ro. 12:23; Eph.5:26 4:23

Thinking process must be wholesome Philip.4:8

See, listen to materials which builds up maturing Christian.

Ask this question= Would Jesus see/hear such programs or articles?

Relationship Problem

Relationship with opposite sex

Divine Plan: Healthy relation of men and women may be so enriching that one can say that

this is one of the most wonderful divine thoughts of God.

Attraction is natural: Now, when your minds and hearts are awakened in attraction to the

opposite sex, what does it signal? It means- it is now time to prepare for manhood and


Healthy relationship: (do it for the glory of God) You can sense the presence of God in

everything you do, whether you eat or drink, whether you study, whether you talk with your

friends, whether you go shopping, everything you do as a child of God, everything is precious

for God. (think what Jesus will do in my place)

Primary priority is study: The Bible says a man must leave and not a boy or an adolescent.

It’s about a man. We must realize that apart from God, we are in a company of Satan in


Ref: Relations in our Life by Mr. Varughese Thomas , Alld DTC Apr 2-5, 2010

Premarital sex, etc

Pre Marital sex relationship.

Clearly forbidden by God.

Deut. 22:13-21; Deut. 22:28-29; Prov. 5:15-23; Gen. 39:9; 1 Cor. 7:9; 2 Tim. 2:22; 1 Cor. 6:9; Matt.15:19

Live in relationship & homosexuality – against God ordained marriage

Ref: Relations in our Life by Mr. Varughese Thomas , Alld DTC Apr 2-5, 2010

Premarital sex, etc

Pre Marital sex relationship.

Clearly forbidden by God.

Deut. 22:13-21; Deut. 22:28-29; Prov. 5:15-23; Gen. 39:9; 1 Cor. 7:9; 2 Tim. 2:22; 1 Cor. 6:9; Matt.15:19

Live in relationship & homosexuality – against God ordained marriage

Ref: Relations in our Life by Mr. Varughese Thomas , Alld DTC Apr 2-5, 2010

Victory in the area of Sex

Through renewal of the mind by filling it with God's truths about sexuality. We need reprogramming! Rom. 12:2 Moral commitment : That means reserving sex for marriage only. Such a

commitment can close the door to unwanted sexual temptations. When we don't interpret the presence of the opposite sex as a sexual opportunity, it frees us to relate to them without sexual overtones. Joseph won the victory while tempted because he saw it as sin against God (Gen. 39:9).

Sex has its rightful place only in marriage according to God's design, and that too in the context of married love. People are persons to love, not sex objects to be used. Love is the primary assignment for us. And only in the fulfillment of married love is sex going to be satisfying and edifying.

Yield to the Power of the Holy Spirit. He is the source of our power over sin. He produces self-control and the power to love. Love alone can conquer lust.

Run from temptation 2Tim.2:22Guard your mind Pr.4:23 (MIND = the sexual organ)Change your thinking process. Phili,4:8Remember your body = temple of the Holy Spirit 1 Cor. 3:16,17; 6:19

Ref: Relations in our Life by Mr. Varughese Thomas , Alld DTC Apr 2-5, 2010

Tips for building up relationship

● Discuss about your struggle with the seniors (Talk to your Paul/ spiritual leader.)

● Avoid physical touch!● Talk in open area to avoid temptation.● Men! Do not play with the emotions of girls.● Broader understanding of relationships ● Sets model on relationships.● Forgives and seek forgiveness.● Promotes healing in all kinds of relationships.

Ref: Relations in our Life by Mr. Varughese Thomas , Alld DTC Apr 2-5, 2010

Ragging & Eve Teasing

● Demeaning act. ● Man and women (senior or junior) created in God's

image– Genesis 1:27

● Matthew 7:12– So whatever you wish that others would do to you,

do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets

● John 15:17 – Love one another

Why students Follow Their Peers

● Desire to be popular and to be accepted by peers.● Need to talk with someone who “understands” or

who will make them feel loved or needed.● Lack of self-confidence.● Feelings of insecurity.

+ve impact from peers

Pro. 27:17 says: “By iron, iron itself is sharpened. So one man sharpens the face of another.”

● Fellowship with other student can ‘sharpen’ your personality and make you a better person – if those peers have mature, healthy attitudes.

Dealing with Peer Pressure

● Develop a thinking ability – with thinking ability you don’t have to lean upon inexperienced peers for direction. At the same time, you are not to be over self-confident and ignore the opinions of others. (Pro. 14:16). He or She is willing to “listen to counsel and accept discipline” so as to “become wise” – Pro. 19:20.

● Don’t be surprised, though, if you are disliked or even ridiculed for using your thinking faculties. But really, who has more strength, those who give in to their passions and emotions or those who can say no to improper desires? (Pro. 16:32)

Escaping the snare

● Choose your friends carefully! (Pro. 13:20). Associate with those who have Christian values and standards.

● Be skilled and competent. This can help reduce peer pressure. Become skilled in what you do at school and at home. When you are good at what you do, you then do not have to depend on peer approval for good self image.

● Maintaining a proper relationship with God. This is the most important factor. A relationship with God can strengthen you to stand up to your peers. Through active studying of God’s Word, prayer and fellowship with Christians.

Time management

Time Management

● Time once spent can not be brought back● Don't steal other's time● Time management can be defined as managing your time

according to your priority; we are steward of our time● If you don’t manage your time, you may destroy or bury

some part of your life, time management gives great effectiveness in achieving our task, if we mange our time properly we can get whatever we want to have.


● Have goals● Being strategic● Be proactive/ plan ahead● Differentiate between Urgent, non urgent,

unimportant and important

Ref: Ms. Sangil, Varanasi –DTC 2011

Finance & resource management

● We are stewards of our resources - Luke 16:1-13● God fulfills our needs – Phil 4:19● Bible generally advises against borrowing. Proverbs

6:1-5; 20:16; 22:7, 26-27● Provide to dear ones and ones in need – I Tim 5:8● Give tithe and offering● Budget. Prov 23:23, 24:3,4



Fashion fever

Changing bikes,gadgets,etc

students who cant afford such things feels isolated among other classmates n feel uncomfortable attend classes

Never ending desire to have more

Worth in products

Consumerism – What to do?

● Differentiate between need and want● Be content – Hebrews 13:5● Simple life style teaching by Jesus and apostles● Our worth from our identity with God and not

through the products we have

Pressure and stress

Parental pressure

Academic stress

having to take responsibility of our own (loan, etc)

unhealthy competition

career indecision,

Lack of skill



● Relationship with God through daily meditation● Sharing with friends and elders● Being available to give company for students● Understanding the providence of God deeply● Taking counseling if needed● Playing well and maintaining good health

Academic life Problems

cheating in exam

Plagiarism in projects, assignments

partiality from lecturers

Bunking class

● do what is right in the eyes of everyone – Romans 12: 17

● "You shall not steal" (Deuteronomy 5:19). And cheating is stealing—usually, it's stealing someone else's work.

● "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord. … It is the Lord Christ you are serving" (Colossians 3:23-24).


Thank you

Prepared byBenalin (Vimal)

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