campfire news august 2015 edition

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Featured Story:

“I had two daughters that

did not know me at all. I

knew I needed help!”

Ryan, Student at

Wheeler Mission’s Training Center at

Camp Hunt

In This Issue

Passing the Baton:

Welcome Tom!

Director’s Corner:

Dwayne Shares His

Training Center


God Changes Lives:

Ryan’s Story

The Story Continues…

How Can I Help?

Recent Training Center Graduates at their Commencement Ceremony!

College Credit Given!

Welcome to our second edition of the Campfire Newsletter! Below

we have a picture of our recent Training Center graduates. One of

the exciting purposes of the Training Center is that as our stu-

dent’s grow in their knowledge of God’s Word and their relation-

ship with Him, they can also earn 30 college credits toward a

Bachelor’s degree at Crossroads Bible College in Indianapolis,

Indiana when they complete their Servant Leadership Training

Program with an Advanced Certification in Theology and Biblical

Counseling. Our goal is to see all of our student’s equipped for

lasting success and to be contributors in the name of Christ!

A Newsletter from the Wheeler Mission Training Center at Camp Hunt—Bloomington, Indiana August 2015 #2

Passing the Baton: Welcome Tom! By: Preston Rogers & Josh Callahan

In 2007, Mike Wathen, along with his wife Rhonda, felt God’s call to come to

Camp Hunt. Mike helped lead our work crews and the “Helping Hands” ministry. In

2008, Mike wanted to see Camp Hunt grow and earn revenue for the ministry.

Hebron Hardwoods was born. In 2013, the name changed to Wheeler Mission

Pallets & Industry. Today, this industry has been a part of Wheeler Mission for

seven years. As Mike looked toward retirement, he prayed for the right person to

come along and take his place. We welcome Tom Porterfield to our Training Cen-

ter staff as the new General Manager of Wheeler Mission Pallets & Industry.

Tom learned of this ministry during a random search for pallet shops in the area.

He was working in Louisville, Kentucky and needed a pallet supplier. At first, he

was unsure of coming out here, but Tom said that “God was really pushing me this

way.” Tom later said that he knew he was meant to be here as soon as he pulled

into our parking lot. That was March of 2014. Much relationship building took place

between now and then and over much prayer on our part and his, Tom was of-

fered the General Manager position.

Tom knew his working here would require a lifestyle change for him and his wife,

Starla, but Tom said that “I knew God would take care of it.” Tom fit in right away

and it is evident that he had a heart for this ministry and the students here. What

Tom hopes to accomplish is to continue the work that Mike started, which was to

make the pallet shop a value adding part of this ministry to help sustain the work

that goes on here at the Wheeler Mission Training Center at Camp Hunt.

We are grateful for the work Mike has poured into this ministry and we are excited

that he will be staying with us to help consult in his “semi-retirement.” We are ex-

cited for Tom and how God will use him in his new role here at Wheeler Mission

Pallets & Industry!

Director’s Corner: By: Dwayne Gordon, Director of the Wheeler

Mission Training Center at Camp Hunt

Ever wonder if the ground that you’re standing on

is Holy?

I have found it interesting that when trying to

raise money to further our ministry, we’re apt to

list the ministries’ accomplishments. We may

even be required to do so if we’re applying for a

grant. What are your success rates? How many

people have you served? How many meals were


So we’re busy trying to answer those questions

and figure out how to gain awareness and sup-

port for the ministry—then something happens

and we’re reminded that we’re on Holy ground.

This happened just last night…

Our staff members have been meeting over at my

house on Wednesday nights for fellowship and

what we call “screened porch devotionals.” One

of our students, who is getting ready to graduate

from Servant Leadership Training, came to pre-

sent his final exam piece on “The Lord’s Supper.”

This guy, mind you, came to us from prison and

was about as hard hearted as can be. If he

looked at you in an alley, you'd run. His humble

presentation in the Lord’s presence, and the fel-

lowship and communion that followed, reminded

us to “Do this in remembrance of me.” I felt God

saying to my heart “Glorify Me, not your success

rates or your numbers. Look at the changed life

of this graduate who is now heading off to Bible

College and to fatherhood…you’re standing on

Holy Ground.” Thank you, Lord!

Training Center Students Making Pallets!

Mike passes the “pallet” to Tom as the new General Manager of Wheeler Mission Pallets & Industry!

God Changes


One of the services at

the Training Center is our

Family Advocacy and

Counseling Service. Stu-

dents and their families

can meet with our Family

Counselor to learn God’s

plan for their relation-

ships. In partnership with

a student’s local church

or a local church that a

student will be entering

into, our Family Advoca-

cy & Counseling Services

hope to provide opportu-

nities where students and

their families can engage

the reconciliation process

while a student is at the

Training Center.

The philosophy of our

Family Advocacy &

Counseling Service is to

provide students and

their families with biblical

instruction where families

will benefit from God’s

healing of relationships.

We teach that families

function best when they

follow the sound, biblical

principles of God’s Word

as the supreme authority

in life.

Meet Ryan, Intern at Wheeler Mission’s Training Center, and his daughter, Luna!

Ryan’s Story By: Preston Rogers, Servant Leader in Training Internship Graduate

We have a lot of guys here that are learning how to be fathers for the very first time

in their lives. Sometimes, it’s with children that are still very young and sometimes

it’s with children that have already grown up and started lives of their own. Ryan is

one of those guys. Ryan came to our Addiction Recovery program last fall and

knew nothing about being a father. Ryan said that “my life was a wreck and I had

two daughters that did not know me at all. I knew I needed help!” His youngest

daughter, Adrea was eight months old the first time he saw her, which was when he

was released from prison. His oldest daughter, Luna hadn’t seen her father for

three years prior to him coming to the Wheeler Mission Training Center.

Ryan came into the program as a broken man and knew that he needed God’s

help. His prayers through the Wheeler Mission Addiction Recovery Program was

that his children were safe and that he would one day regain the privilege of being

an active father in his children’s lives. During his time in the program, Ryan was

able to visit Luna on our campus over the weekends. Ryan met with our Family

Counselor, Larry, who helped him as he began to discover God’s plan for being a

father. After Ryan graduated and started his internship in our Servant Leadership

Training program, Luna lived with Ryan on campus for her summer break from

school. Luna has been a big blessing to him and everyone at the Training Center.

Luna has finally been able to have her earthly father back in her life. Ryan’s young-

est daughter, Adrea, is staying with Ryan’s parents and has visited as well. Please

keep Ryan and his family lifted in prayer as God restores him and his family!

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you! If you,

or someone you know is in need of help

with addictions or other life dominating

issues, or if you would like to volunteer,

or partner with us financially, please

contact us!

Wheeler Mission Training Center at

Camp Hunt

7790 N. Fish Rd.

Bloomington, IN 47408

(812) 332-2452

(Camp Hunt Office)

(317) 636-2720

(Program Intake Office, Jed Baker)

Visit us on the web at

The Story Continues… Over the past month, we have had 4 students graduate our Addiction Re-

covery Program with one of them entering our ministry internship! We also

had one student complete their ministry internship in Servant Leadership

Training. We are excited for what God has in store for these men! To date,

this brings the total number of people who have completed our programs at

the Training Center to 278! Thank you for being a part of the work that God

is doing here through your prayers and financial support!

How Can I Help? We have plans made to build a new multi-purpose building that will house

our counseling offices, dining facilities, and recreational areas. Exercise is

an important part of recovery and unfortunately our residents are limited

during the winter months. We are excited about this much needed facility

and how it will impact the program. We need your help! We are in the pro-

cess of raising $800,000. If God puts it on your heart, would you consider

helping us by donating to and praying for this cause? Please mark your do-

nations by writing “Multi-Purpose Building” in the memo line of your check.

We would also welcome any help with finding potential donors, developing

fund raising ideas, and expanding our network. Thank you!

Wheeler Mission Training Center at Camp Hunt

7790 N. Fish Rd.

Bloomington, IN 47408


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